Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

25 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Word Count: 468 (+1 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 22/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon

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A gentleman, hm? Primrose returned Big Band's thanks with a small grin and a curtsy, then wasted no time putting her things in their proper place before moving on toward another dark, dingy set of stairs. Following the detective's lead they descended, with the sounds of battle growing louder and louder as they went. This was the right way, then. The duo had made good time, they might even have beat the rest of the group there. Primrose used the short trek to get the hang of another of her new spells, placing a hand over her wound and channeling magic through the pyromancy flame. The fire grew dim, and it's warmth gradually healed the cut. Though she thought that she might have a hard time with the spell, to the dancer's surprise it came fairly easily. She mused that the nature of the pyromancy flame was the reason, given that Primrose had a higher affinity to that kind of element than the Light-nature healing spells of her cleric friend.

The area had become brighter as they neared the end of the stairs, and once they went through the opening in the stone yet another bridge greeted them. Much more inviting, but that's wasn't saying much.

"That bad?" she said, peering over the side despite Band's words. "..."

Indeed, it was bottomless. Or it appeared so anyway.

Their destination was close by the sound of it. Their opposition was much closer.

Animated skeletons were enemies Primrose had plenty of experience with. There were all kinds of Bones that roamed caves and ruins in Orsterra, and they hardly proved a problem. She assumed the same applied to these walking bones, especially the ones that looked a bit sillier than the others. She smirked at Big Band, already conjuring a spell in her hand. "With pleasure."

This time she was back to her innate dark magic. The trusty Night Ode encircled the group of skeletons, magic bubbling beneath their feet. The quicker skeletons made it over the magic circle before it erupted, but those caught in the blast had their bones sent flying. It was a regular rain of calcium as bits and pieces of the skeletons flew out. Though many fell into the abyss, the bones that landed on the bridge pulled themselves together, some forming odd half-complete shapes that endeavored to attack Primrose and Big Band even if they had to crawl their way over. Primrose clicked her tongue, having hoped to get a few more of them in her blast.

She stepped back, making sure to keep some distance between herself and the bones on the off chance that any of them slipped by Band. Though she was already summoning another spell, she was ever ready to perform should her companion have need of a pick me up.
In Hello 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Guild! Hopefully you can find plenty of things to scratch the itch for you.
I've been playing Monster Hunter Stories 2. I loved the first game a ton, and I had fun with the demo for the second one so I picked it up naturally.

The gameplay is fun. Everything looks and sounds good. I'm still early on but my main gripe with it is every character constantly bringing up the player's grandfather. "Man he was the best at everything," "wow everyone loved him," "you know this reminds me of the time me and your grandpa did this exact same thing" - cue cutscene of my grandpa doing the same shit I literally just did in game. It's getting very tiring very fast, but at least running around having fun playing is nice. I have hopes for the story focusing less on my damn grandpa as I get further into it.

At least young grandpa in cutscenes looks cute as hell since they gave the model the same face features you give your own character
Hey there, welcome! I've seen a few Cyberpunk plots here and there, so you've got some company. Hope you have fun writing here!

HP: 860/860 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 710/710
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"Hack and slash" was not a genre Ames wanted to find herself in, so as before she stuck as close as possible to the rest of the group as they backtracked into the ruins. The inside wasn't quite as creepy as the pitch dark of the other cavern, but the myriad of corpses still made the Animist uneasy. Ames was never one of those zombie buffs, but since her class change her feelings toward the undead had really plummeted. So, when Raime had asked for tag-alongs Ames held both of her hands up in front of her chest and shook her head.

"Nope. You guys do your thing," she said to the Scout and Necromancer. She was fine just where she was, monitoring from a distance. She hoped Lugh was alright, though he looked unnaturally still. Ames stared at their missing friend, shifting from one foot to the other. "Just scream I guess if you get into trouble. But try not to get into trouble."

Word Count: 579 (+1 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 2/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

The Ace Cadet was completely, thoroughly, totally, absolutely and utterly confused. He was glad to hear that Mirage was okay, though he did a double take when the suit answered him as well. So, there were two Mirages now... sort of? Their Mirage, the original, had said he got a sick feeling and then the diving suit came to life. It definitely wasn't a ghost, but it was a copy or something like that. The logistics of such a thing went way over the little hunter's head, and he was at a loss for words as Mirage (our Mirage) went to confront the suit with the others.

On the plus side, the Cadet could grasp at least that the situation with Suit-Mirage didn't seem dangerous. He was a nice a guy. If they could convince him to help, he probably would. They had the sub in the water too, so now all they had to deal with was the mutated man lurking down there. With no plans to join the underwater expedition, Cadet was on the distraction team - and he turned quickly to Ms. Fortune when she proposed her plan.

"Yes!" the Cadet said, the word falling out of his mouth before Nadia even finished. Pretty much everything about the situation was making his head hurt, so he was eager to leave it behind, let the others sort things out. He went over to the door and waited on Nadia to join him, then they were off. It was a short trip from the command center to maintenance, then back out to the where the catwalks hung above open water. The Ace Cadet flashed Link, Frog, and Kamek a smile that said we have a plan before scrambling up after Nadia and taking one arm of the cutters in both of his hands.

"Okay! One, two..." they got through one chain, then another, and when the final was cut he watched the whole platform fall with loud splash. It was followed quickly by a grotesque monstrosity, erupting out of the water almost immediately after. They were right! That guy transformed!

The Cadet was leaning over the edge of the catwalk, it's railing creaking under his grip. His attention was fixed on where the monster had disappeared. It was about as large as a Gobul, but about three times as ugly. It was the closest thing to a proper monster he'd seen in a while - if only they weren't little kids right now he would be in the water handling it already! But they were, which was the whole point of the distraction plan.

He came away from the railing and turned to Nadia with wide eyes. "Talk about an eyeful, huh? But hey, your plan worked! Yeah, let's keep going!" The Cadet led the way to the next platform, knowing Nadia was right behind him, but they paused when Link called up to them. Ace Cadet looked to where the Hylian was pointing, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely, let's get this thing!"

The redhead took Nadia's hand and brought them both close to the platform Link had pointed out, on a route that seemed safe enough to cross. He looked down at the group, which was short one Kamek now that the Koopa retreated for a safer area.

"Be careful, it looks like a Leviathan-type. They can be tricky!" He called down to Link. Then he took up half of the cutters again and looked at his partner. "Ready?"

Word Count: 860 (+2 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 21/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon

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Well, wasn't that nice - a death room complete with pit, blades and spikes. Primrose sighed heavily through her nose and placed her hands on her hips while she studied the deadly space. Before this point, things had actually gone fairly smoothly. Big Band had proved himself capable and sturdy, it was easy to dance for the detective and let him take the lead in battle while conjuring a spell or two. Though she'd also believed that the stone door would open once they'd taken carry of the opposition, even getting trapped behind it wasn't disheartening because there was another exit.

...but that exit lead here, to their current predicament. Primrose's eyes flicked over to Band.

"There must be some way to stop the trap, a lever or some other mechanism," she said, although she didn't see any such device from where they stood. She reasoned that it must be on the other side, since it would be easy enough to have someone start the blades swinging again once their allies crossed over the bridge, or to stop it so they could return. She didn't suppose anyone would be kind enough to do that for her and Band, though.

Primrose knelt down, checking to see if there was room to crawl under the axes. Though there was no such luck of being able to go under, there was space between the axes, enough for someone to stand in. They were swinging in a rhythm too, if someone timed it right...

That 'someone' would have to be me, she thought. Like Band had said, there was no way he'd be able to get through. She doubted the space between the blades was even large enough for him. Primrose ran a hand through her hair once, twice, gathering the nerve to give it a go. She breathed in and out deeply, then shed her robe and bag, handing them to Big Band.

"I will go through," she told him, meeting his eye's with her own determined ones, "then I will see what I can do to get you across too."

She stepped up the bridge, close enough to feel the whoosh of air being pushed aside by the massive weapons swinging. For good measure she took a step back to preform the Panther Dance and give herself a little extra speed. Then, just after one of the massive axes went by, she held her breath and dashed forward.

A second passed the blades swung down again, but Primrose was unharmed. She was still in one piece, standing precariously in the space between their path. She let herself breathe out, and stayed put for long enough that the axes swung by a couple more times. Much too late to get cold feet now, she thought to herself. After judging the timing she dashed again, and again. She was making it through, the combo of speed and grace allowing her to slip by the danger - until the last axe. Maybe she'd waited too long between dashes and her bonus speed had run out, or maybe she'd gotten a little too comfortable with the timing and misjudged, but just went she thought she was in the clear Primrose felt a sharp sting of pain in her shoulder. Suddenly her feet weren't on the stone of the bridge, the only thing beneath them was air as the force of the axes' momentum swept the dancer away.

It wasn't the first time Primrose wished she could fly. She'd closed her eyes on reflex, trying to keep calm while she fell. She was surprising herself with how well she was faring, considering it didn't even feel like she was falling at all. Her eyes flew open, figuring that something was strange. She found herself floating in the air above the chasm, the scarf around her neck glowing brightly.

...what? The fabric had been so light she'd forgotten to take it off with her robe, but now she was thankful for it. She had enough sense to realize it was the scarf allowing her to stay there suspended above the pit. The markings on the scarf were gradually disappearing, but as soon as Primrose wrapped her head around the magic item she willed herself to fly back to the bridge. She landed just outside the spike ring, pressing a hand to her chest to slow the rapid beating of her heart.

After shaking off the fright of near death, Primrose noticed that there was something odd in the wall passed the spikes. A portion of stone subtly raised from the rest. She wasted no time in pressing the relief, shoving her good arm through while the other still bled from the shoulder wound. She would take care of that soon, test one of the new spells that'd come to her mind, but first thing's first.

With a rumble, the golden spikes retreated back into the wall that housed them and the swinging blades slowly stopped moving and froze near the ceiling. Primrose finally looked back at Big Band, beckoning him over to her. Though it hardly needed to be said, her expression suggested that the detective be quick about it.
Hi, welcome to the Guild! Hope you have fun!
Do you want to play with a group or just a single other partner? I would browse the "interest check" sections and see if anyone else's ideas call out to you, and then you can contact them to get something started.

HP: 760/860 - MP: 594/660 - SP: 638/710
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The last couple things the mud covered man said really put things into perspective. Yeah, Ames' party was comparatively low level and discombobulated, but there were a lot more of them and they'd attacked him first. Ames felt her face heat up in shame and her shoulders sagged. I guess that was pretty rude, yeah.

It felt like they'd been playing for a year already when it was really what - a couple days? One would think they wouldn't be "immersed" enough to make that mistake, but context clues to figure out who was a player and who wasn't were a lot harder to pick up on out in the field, or dens of pure unadulterated evil like this. The entire place still had her on edge, that much didn't change even when they'd managed to smooth things over with the guy. The guy who still didn't have a name, she should probably ask so she wouldn't have to keep mentally referring to him as "suspicious mud man," but it was a little late. Being on edge was a flimsy excuse for how things went down but at least things were settled now. Hopefully.

"I'm sorry too," Ames offered with a sigh. She summoned the shield that bounced off of Amulak's head back to her, extinguishing the flame and letting the part of soul that'd been in it return to her. She was already backing away slowly toward the cavern's exit. "This place is getting to me, I dunno how you guys can stand it!"

Word Count: 1265 (+3 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 19/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon

𝙱𝙿 ●●●
Special Guest Laharl @Dark Cloud

Though she was pleased that the two demons put their argument to the side, there was a tenseness hanging in the air that Primrose tried not to let get to her. Being tense was a detriment to dancers, after all. For the most part she was doing a good job. Though some in their group were all too eager to get moving, others appreciated her brief explanation and jumped at the chance for any new tools they could get. It was impressive how the people unfamiliar with the whole 'spirits' process just rolled with it. Jesse especially seemed to be taking everything in stride, even though Primrose hadn't gotten the chance to stop and try and explain more to her.

Primrose observed the spirit crushing with a raised eyebrow, as the Phantom Thieves took turns wearing the dubious looking... well, Primrose hesitated to call it either a hat or helmet. The thing was off-putting in an almost comical way, with it's needle-like teeth and huge lolling tongue. The results spoke for themselves though.

After Skull put on the strange headwear, Primrose glanced down at the two remaining spirits - make that one remaining, as Mao took the other just as she looked. She barely paid him attention as he talked with the spirit in his hand, instead studying the glowing sphere she held. It was a ghastly pale female demon, with dark claws and cloths covering parts of it's body. She shifted her eyes between the spirit and the other demon boy, looking at Laharl expectantly.

"AH!" upon stepping closer he yelped at the sight of the pale demoness, falling back slightly "YOU TRYING TO KILL ME OR SOMETHING?!" Laharl shook a fist at Primrose as he slowly got up, waving her away when she tried to help him "Of all the damn spirits you offer it had to be one without a flat chest!" dusting himself off as he complained Laharl made sure to stay far away from the spirit, before Primrose could even ask he put up a hand "Look I'm not sure why but women with large breasts...SCARE ME ALRIGHT THEY SCARE ME! HAPPY?!"

Needless to say Primrose was surprised. She'd known that Laharl had some kind of aversion but hadn't expected it to be to the well endowed. She blinked a few times, at a loss on what to say. He'd already spurned her help, and one look at the dancer's low cut top suggested that he was unlikely to accept any kind of console from her. At least, while she was dressed like this.

"Ah. Well." she started, trying to recover. She realized that the spirit was still held out in her hand a moment later, moving so that it was held behind her back before she went on, trying for a disarming smile. "That's... unexpected. My apologies, I didn't intend any harm."

He turned his back to Primrose with a little 'Hmph'' not giving her the time of day, but Laharl faltered as she apologized. Peeking back at the dancer with a sideways glance the demon sighed "No I... I know that. For what it's worth, your an... Exception." in truth he had grown attached to Primrose as she was the one person who seemed to treat him with an ounce of respect, it was annoying that she seemed to care so much at least from his perspective but deep down the impetuous boy respected and even admired her. Although he would die before he uttered such nonsense.

"Is that so?" she said, her smile growing marginally. If anything it was good to know her charm worked on even those repulsed by the female form. Though tempted to ruffle Laharl's hair she refrained, letting the prince have his space. "I'm flattered," she chuckled, "but I will keep that in mind. Otherwise what good is a team for if they don't cover each other?"

A small imperceptible smile tugged at the edges of his mouth as Laharl faced the dancer, taking a step towards her and giving her a sharp poke "D-Don't embarrass me okay," then he turned back to follow Mao and the others as they prepared to leave, hesitating a second to look back "Next time I'm going with you, okay? So don't..." he didn't finish simply faltering, but it was clear what he meant. Primrose nodded after him in understanding.

Left with the spirit, she decided to make use of it herself. She asked after the Symbol of Avarice and when it was passed in her waiting hands she couldn't help but grimace at it. May as well get this over with, she thought, putting the chest on her head and squeezing the spirit. As soon as she felt something manifest in her hands Primrose lifted the Symbol of Avarice off and returned it to it's owner (who was boasting about it and herself). Only after she let Panther heal her did Primrose look down at the item in her hand. It was a long, embroidered scarf. It was light and seemed to be floating gently as though blown by a breeze. It also thrummed with magic, though it's use wasn't immediately apparent to the dancer. She rubbed the fabric between her gloved fingers, then gently on the exposed skin of her upper arms. It's coarse, but weighs almost nothing. Interesting. Though it came from a demon's spirit the scarf didn't feel malevolent, so Primrose donned it. The tail end extended out from her hood and swayed there in the air behind her.

Once the spirits were settled, they moved on. Primrose was openly amused at the assignment discussion, with Joker and Fox trading them around like game pieces. She ended up going with Kan-Ra's group as she'd planned from the start so she with no complaints she went along with them once the Seekers split into their respective teams.

When they reached the temple, Primrose used the brief time that Kan-Ra was conferring with one of the Grimleal to catch her breath. Then, they wasted no time moving inside.

The interior of the temple housing "The Obelisk of Khamoon," as Kan-Ra had called it, was not unlike the catacombs under Sunshade. More well-preserved for certain, and it's patterns more intricate, but similar. Primrose didn't admire much of it, she kept her focus on sticking towards the center of their procession and moving on down the halls.

The amubush came when they reached an intersection, an explosion forcing them away from the ledge overlooking the obelisk itself and back into the branching hallway. Pressed into the center and surrounded, Primrose's mind raced even as her feet moved. She huddled between her companions, turning in a quick and efficient dance. While her performances were normally meant to be seen, this one was for herself. The Peacock Strut empowered her magic. With so many enemies it wouldn't be safe to just keep dancing - so she would have to help thin the Resistance's numbers a little before buffing her own group to finish them off.

"I'm with you," she said to Big Band, tapping her hand on his back. She'd been relying on his much larger frame to shield her while she finished up her dance, and now that it was done her eyes flashed, furthering strengthening her next spell with a Battle Point. Primrose ducked into a crouch and slammed her palm onto the stone floor, the space erupting with a surge of pitch dark flames. The fire traveled swiftly along the ground like a serpent, blazing the path ahead of Band's charge and headed right for the gun-wielding woman.
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