Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Monster Hunter Rise? If so I'm hesitant to purchase the upcoming DLC, I know whinging about "I don't wanna pay $ for extra mechanics & monsters" is a little silly but I don't want to have to pay for mechanics that should already be in the damn game.

DLC for G-Rank is a good thing though, because the MH team has never thought that G-Rank should be in the base game. Starting all the way back in 2005 they have been releasing the G-Rank expansions as completely separate games, full retail price, which continued until Iceborne. If they continued the trend then Sunbreak would be a separate game for full price. I guess some might prefer it that way, since skipping the base game and just buying the G-Rank version saves more money than base+DLC, but the release model they had before was always something I saw the community complain about so they "fixed" it.

Word Count: 781 (+4 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 92/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

The Ace Cadet had three arrows held against the bowstring, intending to go right into a Triple Volley while he had the opportunity. He took a steadying breath as the frontliners approached the Orphan and as the guardian slowly turned to face them, casting it's eyes on Link. It was tall, gaunt, and it's front looked pretty much as one might expect after staring at it's back. As it moved the sickly moonlight caught on the sharp end of... whatever it had in it's hand, making it particularly dangerous looking as well. The Cadet took a steadying breath and pulled back on the drawstring, about to loose the arrows.

The volume and viciousness of the Orphan's scream surprised the monster hunter. He could only imagine how it must have felt to get a front row seat to it. The shock affected his aim, sending his shot a little off course and only one of the three arrows making contact. No time to mourn the waste however, 'cause the thing was already on the move - and quickly, too. It took a lot of concentration and effort to try and hit this thing as it bounced around swinging it's weapon. He especially had to take care not to hit his allies, when dealing with the relatively small target. Still he stuck with it though. Nock, aim, shoot.

An issue became immediately apparent to the Cadet, and he grit his teeth as he pulled another arrow back. The Orphan was shrugging off each of his hits, whenever he could actually land a shot, and they weren't even slowing it down! Instead Galeem's guardian simply ignored the arrows sticking out of it, as it's wild movement shook them out or broke them off. And these arrows were meant for monsters, each several feet long. It just went to show that the Orphan was just as much a monster as any they'd faced so far. Maybe even more so.

"Okay, new plan," the hunter said to himself, quickly weighing his options. He could stay in the back line doing what little fire support he could and try some arrow coatings on this thing, or he could swap to one of his swords and get in there. Having Blazermate's little target painted on the Orphan was nice and all, but if he couldn't hit it then it might as well not even be there. So which option would give him the best chance to actually deal some damage?

He watched his friends get tossed about, his heart leaping into his throat whenever one took a particularly nasty hit. Then he watched them get exploded with whatever the Orphan had just ripped off of it's weapon.

Alright screw it, I'm going in.

It worked out, sort of, as Bowser had left a gap in the front line that the Cadet could slot himself into. He tucked the bow away fast, fingers brushing against a piece of equipment he'd all but forgotten about after the time attack tussle.

It was big, it was goofy as all hell, but it was perfect.

The Cadet ran down the beach until he was in range of the Orphan of Kos, intending to utilize his Punishing Draw and rip the Sharq Attaq's teeth into the monster. Instead he forced to draw into a guard as the Orphan spotted the approach and lashed out wildly. It slammed it's weapon down once, twice, thrice before it set it's sights on the other melee fighters once more. Despite it's appearance, the shield was deceptively sturdy. It was made to withstand the claws and teeth of giant monsters after all. Even so there were deep gashes in it. But it held, and the fact that it did emboldened the Cadet. As soon as the Orphan turned it's blade away from him, the Cadet thrust the mouth of his own weapon up and out, catching the Orphan in the shoulder before sliding off and into it's fleshless jaw for all the good that did. He wondered if he could lock it down while playing defense, if even for a moment to give the others some breathing room. Guess we'll find out!

He made one backhop, putting precious little distance between himself and the Orphan. He thrust the lance out to nick it again. Then he opened his mouth. "Alright ugly, you've got some moves, but we're still going to kick your Lunasstr—"

Honestly he couldn't tell if the Orphan could even understand what he was saying, but the heavy, hardened placenta came down on him all the same. He could forget about trying to counter it, he barely had time to block before the Orphan rounded on him.
Have you ever met more than one person on the internet on a very anonymous forum that shares the same state as you?

My man @Heat
three Wendigo


Robespierre had answered a question that Inti had not asked. Of course he knew why an Egoist, but he wanted to know why only? It didn't matter though, as that turned out not to be the case after all. Robespierre laid the responsibility on all of their shoulders. Franz and Inti, who were not Egoists. That lizard girl, and that soft spoken boy, who were. And the last volunteer, who Inti wasn't sure about. Inti smiled at the news. A group looking after Jeanne left her with little chance for rebellion, if she even chose to try in the first place. More importantly though, it would be really interesting getting know the others who spoke up in this situation. And with some work, maybe his name would start making it's way through the student body the way that the others' did. He heard so many whispered names as he had pushed through the crowd before finding himself in front of the captive Frenchwoman that he already knew who his fellow keepers were even before properly introduced.

Now he stood before Jeanne, and Franz who'd gotten to the front already, as the crowd began dispersing. The other three joined them soon after. Inti's eyes had followed Robespierre's back as the young man dismissed them and went on his way. Inti wondered where he was headed, but he supposed it could wait.

He swung himself to face the other four with a wide and open smile on his face. Famous he was not, but the Abya Yalan was clearly eager. "I guess we'll be working together," he said, "My name is Inti, it's nice to meet you all - and you again, Franz." Inti had clocked somewhere in the back of his brain that most people seemed to refer to each other by their surnames, the blood names, but it seemed strange to him - so he just repeated the first names back along with the introductions in order to commit them to memory.

"And you too," he told the young woman, the smile he leveled at Jeanne just as warm as the one he'd given the others.

Franz started to speak with their charge, and Inti backed away just slightly to give them space. But he listened.

"Innocence?" Inti questioned quietly with a tilt of his head. Was that what they were doing? Did defending her mean they had to believe that she was guiltless, or at least pretend to believe it? He could probably do that.

His gaze shifted to the blonde girl in front of him. She looked stern, not ashamed. He met Jeanne's eyes, and when he spoke next during a lull in conversation his tone was pure curiosity.

"So... why did you burn down the library?"

Word Count: 1048 (+6 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 88/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

Watching fusions happen was always interesting. It didn't seem like either Kamek or Blazermate had suddenly gained the ability to revive the dead unfortunately, but hopefully whatever they had gained was to their benefit. They were starting to look as mishmashed as the Koopa King though, but the Cadet tactfully did not comment on it. As for Nadia, now with just the one spirit fused to her she looked a lot more normal in comparison. The scars' color change made them look like fashion marks (though he hadn't minded them in the first place), and the swirl patterns on her skin really suited her - as did the longer hair.

He didn't tell her that she looked good like that because it wasn't the time or place, not really, but the dopey smile on his face he looked at her probably said as much.

The question about being paid he couldn't bear to answer though, given so far he'd yet to receive any money that wasn't donated by Princess Peach herself. He was happy to hear the answer though, grateful the princess would continue to fund their adventure.

With most of the spirits dealt with the Cadet made good on his offer and squeezed the crab monster spirits in his hands. The items formed against his waiting palms, the first what looked like a regular little carapaceon claw with the meat still inside it. Among the rot, decay, slugs, stench, damp, and general unpleasantness of the Carcass Isle, this little piece of food seemed like a miracle. Was he selfish if just ate it and didn't offer to share? Maybe, but his stomach was telling him not to worry about that right now and so he didn't. It was delicious.

The other item was no edible, but it was familiar and the Cadet couldn't help but grin at the sight of it. He was either really lucky, or he had some kind of secret super power that manifested equipment from his home world. It was comforting to see, the same way that hyrdo mimic Gobul had been, strangely. The Cadet regarded the helm,

He tipped his head back and forth in thought for a few moments before he swapped it for the one he currently wore, trading Health Boost for Defense, and an offensive skill for a defensive one. If they were facing down a guardian it would be tough, and the Felynes were tied to him - so it was fortunate that he could get just a little but tougher to make sure he stuck around to save someone else without having to take a ride on the Palico express himself.

With Hatty dealing with the last humanoid the crew moved on, deeper in, into tunnels that grew even danker and darker than the ones they'd already traveled through. Then, light - luminescent plants and animals in the other pitch black underground cavern. Illuminated by the colorful neon glow were dozens, if not hundreds or more creatures prostrating on the ground, all facing the same direction. Some were familiar enemies, and others the kind Ace Cadet had never seen before, but they all were posed much the same.

"...ominous," the monster hunter muttered, eyeing the creatures suspiciously. None turned or so much as acknowledged the Seekers. He might have thought they were dead, save for the subtle rise and fall of their bodies as they breathed. The Cadet didn't say much more, getting a weird feeling as they continued on and content enough to listen to the weird pep talk Bowser was giving Rika up at the front of the group.

Eventually they all arrived at a dead end, but undeterred they pushed through the earth wall and arrived on yet another corpse strewn beach. By all accounts emerging onto a beach after going down a well into the island's underground shouldn't have been possible, as Nadia pointed out - but so many things over the last couple of days should have been impossible too. "Just chalk it up as another crazy, weird thing we gotta deal with," he said, shrugging one shoulder. It was his own way of trying to ease the tension, though it failed in this case. He was uneasy, as pretty much all of them were, and the tension only grew when one of the corpses started to move.

At first, the Cadet assumed that the huge pale beast was just feigning death, and was now getting ready to leap at them. His hand moved to the Nightsky Ripper, but the monster didn't get up. It's abdomen was moving, as if something was inside and pushing it's way out. At this point he was thoroughly confused. Was this not the guardian? Was it hiding in the deathly water just off shore waiting for it's moment, or... was it really this humanoid thing that had just crawled it's way out of the corpse?

He sucked in a breath, only releasing it after several of the others seemed to come to the conclusion that this thing was indeed Galeem's champion. It was weird, right? That Galeem would pick something unborn as a guardian? The thought that the thing (not a baby, the Cadet thought, mentally disagreeing with Sakura's words even if it had technically just been born) was as powerful as a black dragon seemed insane. But they were about to find out if it was true.

Cautiously the men started moving, the ladies staying put for now. A humanoid monster was not what the Cadet had expected, but he'd just have to adapt. He was good at that. Start with a supporting role, swap weapons and move in when he could, rinse and repeat. He drew the greatbow from his back, nocking a special arrow and then aiming up at the sky.

"Let's get this show on the road," he breathed, taking the chance to spread the Haste Rain over his allies while they were all still grouped together. It granted them speed, to get to those tactical positions Geralt mentioned, to give Link an easier time if the Hylian intended to go in now, and to all of them in general when that thing inevitably turned around and attacked. After that he nocked a few more arrows, taking aim at the orphan and waiting for his cue.
I kind of like the status bar when it's being used for it's actual purpose. You know, posting your current status. Maybe a small joke here and there. But the problem is people use it like a chatroom. Even when it doesn't devolve into fighting, people having a nice civil conversation on it defeats the point of the status bar and pushes actual statuses down. Also leads to people not checking it and thus missing news. I use the status bar to post if I'm gonna be away for a lil bit rather than making a ton of OOC posts, but that could be buried under other people using it as a chat.

I'm not sure if it's people used to forums having IRC, or people completely unused to forums and missing the discord at the top, but... It is what it is I guess. And I mean, I've definitely used it to reply to someone else's status once or twice so I'm not entirely blameless either lol.

I think a lot of people might tell you they actually like seeing the drama on it, though

A troll’s gonna troll, Bro. You remove the status bar, they’ll find other avenues for trolling, such as posting “venting” threads, are we going to remove the ability to post threads too?

What I personally wish is for people to stop feeding the troll and just ignore them. Your attention is exactly what they want.

Actually there have been vent threads in the past, but understandably they were locked after a certain point and I believe they aren't allowed anymore? Not entirely sure on that.

Edit; oh I forgot to add, as far as if I think it's hurting the community - I say no, because overall it does show that people are active on the site with just a quick glance and possibly lead to growing the community. Obviously you could check the actual RP sections and see that but for anyone just peeking in, the status bar is right there. But I definitely understand the concern when said people peek in and see an active mess lol, which leads back to your last point about moderation. It's tricky.

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 60/60 ------ Level: 1 - Total EXP: 12/10
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 1017 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Split Mountain

Therion just rolled his eyes and went back to focusing on getting across the ice bridge. Not long after the giant in the ice moved as they'd feared, however slightly. Instinctively Therion started to move away from it, which in this case was backward. Slowly he pushed back the way he'd come, stalling any behind him in the single file line. Ahead of him, the other Traveler was in the path of the giant's icy exhale. Primrose was light, and with nothing on her person that could fight against the wind she was in grave danger of being blown off the edge and into oblivion. Fortunately there was a spiritual ally that could help her though.

"Hippowdon!" the dancer cried, sinking into a crouch so that there was of her less surface area for the wind to push. The heavyweight Pokémon appeared on the bridge in front of her, and she hurriedly wrapped her arms around it's neck. "Pow! Pow!" She held on tightly, squeezing her eyes shut until the giant's breath died down. The striker's time ran out not a moment too soon, leaving Primrose thoroughly jostled but still on solid ground.

"Well," she said, puffing out a breath of her own. She stood up again to finish crossing the bridge, feeling curious eyes on her that she had no doubt belonged to her fellow Orsterran. She owed him many an explanation, but that would come later. Once off of the bridge she got sort of an explanation herself, listening in on Tora and Poppi explain their reasoning for why that giant couldn't be the monster they were looking for. Then, it was time to keep moving on.

Into a catacomb haunted by corpses and ice constructs.

In the narrow halls it was difficult to maneuver in order to counter attack, but as long as she had a little room Primrose could dance. She was a professional after all, and though she preferred plenty of space she could dance in place. Her dances empowered those around her with additional strength and defense so that the could deal with the draugr quickly. When she got the chance to throw fireballs at the ice warriors she did so, but most of her focus was on buffing her allies until they found a way out.

Therion had yet to show off his combat prowess during their mountain journey, and even in the catacombs he left that to the others. The first time one of the enemies' attacks went wide, shattering a vase and spilling gold coins out onto the catacombs' floor, well he busied himself with the collecting of treasure. It didn't seem like any of the heroes needed much help anyway, if they had it might have been a different story. As it was, Therion ducked behind corners and and allies alike, seeking an exit while scooping up any treasure he could find. There were coins all over the place, mostly gold but some bronze and silver as well, and of course various gem stones.

I trust they won't be missing these, he thought. Thankfully he hadn't run into the bane of thieves like Tora had, though he heard the Nopon's screech and paused what he was doing. Maybe it was time to check in. By the time he weaved his way over to rejoin the others, someone had spotted and exit. The Seekers hurried through it and they were on to the next section of the inner mountain.

The cavern was huge, and it's details were surprising. Primrose wondered how such a ship could even find itself here inside of the mountain. A curious side effect of Galeem's combining of the worlds, perhaps. Her eyes followed where Tora pointed out a dangling chain with some kind of attachment at the end. That old monk had mentioned they would need to repair the lift, but she hadn't thought it would be missing it's... everything.

"It doesn't look very safe," she murmured, looking around for any other clues. She couldn't really imagine how they would secure a platform to it as Joker suggested, but alas - she recognized that her knowledge only went so far when it came to technology beyond her home world's, even with simple devices. "How do you suppose it works? I don't see a lever or a pulley."

While Primrose thought on the lift itself, Therion watched Raz volunteer to break the chain free of the ice and start climbing it.

"That kid is going to get himself killed."

Besides the one, Therion had no attachment to these people. It'd only been a couple hours at most since he met them. Still, he wasn't an asshole... okay maybe a little bit of one. He wasn't cruel though, and watching someone fall to an icy grave was pretty much at the bottom of the list of things he wanted to do today. There were also members of the group that could literally fly, so Therion didn't see the point to someone climbing up. The fact remained that Raz was making his way up the chain and to the frozen ship, and at the moment no one else was moving to go after him. So it was with a long suffering sigh that Therion ripped up a few scraps of fabric, tied them around his palms to protect his hands, and went after the psychic.

And hey, if they could spare time to check out the ship's interior like that girl suggested, all the better.

Back on the ground Primrose watched them go with an amused little smile. She tended to worry about the younger members of the Seekers, so it was reassuring to see someone else go with Raz, even if he was perfectly capable. That it was Therion in particular was the amusing part. The expression on her face began to fade as she turned her attention forward, heeding Alibaba's warning and keeping a look out for any monsters that might appear. She had conjured a small ball of flame in the cavern before this one, and it was still blazing hotly in her hand ready to sling.
@Dark Cloud It took me months to figure out what characters I wanted to play, thinking about their role or how they might work in the story plus the most important thing, if I could even convincingly pull off playing them haha.
Harriette Moore

∎̵͍̅͜∎̵̰̽̏͝∎̷̢̻̞̂∎̸̨̻̹̈∎̵̰͚̝͆∎̷̮̋̄̚ ̵͆ : ̷?̷ ̶?̷ ̷h̸o̴u̴r̸s̶
Though initially wary of the serpent-like thread, Harriette did spot the other humans they'd been separated from at the other end of it. Relief rushed in, quelling most other emotions in her body. She sighed, feeling all the energy slowly start to drain out of her now that her brain was no longer running on pure adrenaline after seeing something she deemed "safe." A couple of the others were wearing different clothes than they were before, so she guessed the same thing that had happened to her had happened to them as well.

Harriette's attention was drawn back to the thread itself, when the whispered voice of one "Spindle" starting coming out of it. She listened attentively to Spindle's plan. Jump... into the river...? Harriette glanced toward where she could hear the sound of water. She wasn't afraid of heights or anything, but the thought of leaping from a waterfall, who knew how high up, and trusting a river in this cursed place to lead them to safety was... frightening. Even though Spindle promised it wouldn't hurt, Harriette couldn't help but feel nervous. However, ultimately Spindle was right. Anywhere would be better than here.

Besides, there were much more frightening things in the world than high diving.

Harriette pushed herself to stand on shaky legs, wobbling at the explosion that came shortly after. And then, that horrible voice. Once more fear starting climbing it's way into her throat, but this time she wasn't paralyzed from it. Her hands curled into fists. Though invisible she could still feel Hester's presence, so... so shouldn't she face down that monster?

She wouldn't get the chance even if she'd finished gathering her courage, because all of a sudden shadows flooded the area and chaos boomed around them, as the "Warlords" as Spindle had called them began to fight each other. The warzone was dangerous, but it gave them cover too. Harriette looked over to the other group and spotted that police woman, Spindle, making a break for it. They had to follow, it was their best chance to get out alive.

Harriette turned to Jin and Alina, the two of them were in worse shape than she was. The red head forced her next words out quickly. "Can you two run? Or even walk? We have to get away, now!"

Harriette was exhausted from her awakening, but if either of them needed help she would try and drag them to safety if she had to. With some difficulty they could follow after Spindle and get to anywhere safer than here.
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