Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Here is an official welcome!
I'm sure plenty of RPs would love to have you. Although group RPs usually have something going on, I think 1x1 is the most consistently popular section. Anyway, have fun!!

"Hmmm, I'm not so sure..." No, Inti still thought it couldn't be a student. He didn't see how it was possible to disguise big Egoist features like that. He turned to Ryuuko, curious. "How easy do you think it would be to disguise your horns and tail?"

The story and discussion went on. Honestly Inti still couldn't understand Jeanne's motivation despite her trying to explain her actions. On a fundamental level he supposed it made sense... maybe. He couldn't even begin to imagine how he would act in a similar situation. He could count the amount of times he'd seen a gun, or even a photo of a gun, on one hand. And yet Jeanne seemed blasé to the experience of being shot at. Well, at least it meant she was calm enough to tell them all the details - including the approximate location. He waited for her to elaborate, but all she did was mention a vague "that point" and look out the window-- oh. A smoke signal. "Did... you blow something else up?"

He didn't really expect an answer. Instead he prepared to set off. Naturally that seemed like the next step for the group. They'd heard Jeanne's story, and now it was investigation time. Ah, Inti hoped it would be exciting. Franz was already ahead of them too, based on what Nazca told them when her bird flew back to her and alighted.

"Oh, yes! Addresses." Despite all the excitement last night, he had made sure to memorize where his dorm was. Inti rattled the address off to Nazca with bright eyes and a brighter smile. "I'll gladly borrow one of your birds too! I'll just let Kalil know we'll have a little clockwork visitor."

He certainly hoped that Nazca would lend him one of her contraptions, they seemed so interesting and useful. If his roommate's name had any meaning for Nazca, Inti didn't notice. Instead he turned his attention to the next table, though not for very long.

"Good morning ladies," he greeted Hana and Valeriya. While the girls chatted, Inti stood up from the table. He glanced out of the window at the smoke that signaled his destination. To his fellow "Jeanne Defenders" he said, "If we're splitting up then I'll get a head start on the scene with the gunman. Let me know if you find anything about the bat-guy!"

With a polite wave to everyone he made his way to the door. 'One hundred and twenty two meters southwest of that point.'

Word Count: 783 (+4 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 102/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

The Koopa Troop's plan worked. Faced with a brigade of Bowsers, the Orphan got dogpiled and disappeared under the combined weight of the multiple Koopa Kings. Though successful, such a plan wasn't without consequence - and the Orphan's retaliation was swift and powerful. An explosion forced the Koopas off of it, destroying the mimics and sending the real deal flying. The familiar squeak of wooden wheels signaled the arrival of the felynes before Bowser even hit the ground, and the sight of them filled the Ace Cadet and the rest of the Seekers with a strong duo of emotion. On the hand, Bowser would be alright. He was being patched up and carted back to safety right that very second. On the other, that was their last palico save. No more cats would be coming to rescue them. Now it was do or die, for real.

The Orphan emerged from the chaos looking more formidable, it's body and blade growing larger and something like wings floating around it's back. Don't start flying, the Cadet silently pleaded with it. It was already so fast and mobile, if it suddenly started to fly things would get much worse. They'd soon find out that it didn't need the power of flight to make the situation worse though - it let out a deafening roar and summoning a bolt of lightning down from above. Electricity started to roll in waves across the beach, with a few smaller lightning bolts striking the area. The bolts he was confident enough to deal with, but the waves were another story. He sought higher ground so as not to be electrocuted, finding one of Kamek's clones offering a leg up. He probably should have taken it, but that wasn't even Kamek herself, just a magic copy, so he turned away and fired the clutch claw at an outcrop of dark rocks in the other direction.

He'd made it out of the way of the electricity and the lightning, but didn't have much time for anything else. From his new spot he got harrowing view of the Orphan moving in on Nadia, and the feral getting quite the shock - then, the worst scenario all too soon. Delsin had jumped in to save her, but ended up torn to pieces. Gone.

The Cadet's heart was thumping wildly in his chest. Where he'd ended up was away from the rest of the heroes, close enough to see what was going on but too far to be able to help in a pinch. He watched Geralt and Sakura continue their melee onslaught, Blazermate fly up to heal the princess, and poor Nadia paralyzed on the ground. This wasn't a good spot, he needed to be closer to help stop the monster from killing anyone else. He was on the move as soon as the electricity stopped, though Kamek's shout that she could fix Delsin gave him momentary pause. That's right, something about raising the dead! He sure hope it worked, and to that end he changed course. He kept his distance but got to a slightly more strategic spot up on the rocks, one he could crouch on with little issue.

Set up took just a few hurried seconds, popping the coating out of the bow and scraping an arrow head across the stone to make sure it could spark. He was kind of relying on Rika and Jr's plan to buy that time. With most of the Seekers moving closer to the Orphan, there wouldn't be enough space for Kamek to do whatever she needed to do. Plus, Nadia was still right in harm's way. So, the Cadet's plan was simple - he'd just call it over to him. The hunter's mind was telling him this would drop their damage output, but if it kept them alive then it didn't matter. He was sure he could handle whatever was about to come his way. Probably... no, definitely!

"Someone grab Nadia and make sure she's okay!" He shouted at the others. Next he focused on the Orphan shooting one arrow at it's head along side another shout to get it's attention.

"Over here, crybaby!" Without pause he knelt on the rock, scraping one of the great arrow's heads on the surface until it sparked and just began to catch fire and nocking it in one motion. The Cadet didn't really fancy himself a gambler, but he was betting that it would head straight for him and that his aim was true enough to get one good shot before he had to rely on his dodging skills. He pulled the bow back hard and the arrow crackled like crazy, ready to be let loose and burn through it's target.

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 74/60 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 16/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 539 (+1 exp)(+8 Battle Reward)
Location: Sandswept Sky - (Inner) Split Mountain

With the danger passed, for now, the Seekers quickly got back to work getting the lift up and running. Diligently Primrose help to tend to the wounded, and then rested well within the brightest areas to regain her stamina. Her fellow Traveler stood as one pair of eyes keeping a look out for any other interruptions, shifting in place from time to time to stop from shivering in the cold.

Once their ride up to the top was ready, the two of them wasted no time piling in to the cart alongside the others. At least, the others that couldn't fly themselves - which surprisingly included Big Band.

Besides the sound of the clinking chain and the groan of the pulley, most of the ride up was quiet. It was a companionable silence, and no one seemed to mind when it was broken. Primrose nodded to Tora and Poppi.

"Well enough."

Primrose pulled the white scarf a little tighter around herself, half due to the cold and half to hide the little smirk Tora's comment brought to her face. She really was fine, memory of that ghoulish face lunging at her notwithstanding. Thankfully she hadn't been raked by the wendigo's claws, so her recovery had gone a lot more smoothly than the others. She counted them all lucky that they'd been able to tend to Yoshitsune and Laharl in time. Though Sora and Yoshitsune's departure ultimately lowered their collective battle power, at least they still had the reserve team ready to join them at the mountain's top.

The next person to break the silence was Midna, and Primrose nodded at her as well.

"It is as Poppi said earlier, their ghosts flew away. They didn't turn into a normal spirit orb."

"What about a 'spirit orb' is normal, exactly?" Therion couldn't help but chime in, meeting Primrose's eyes with a quirked brow.

"...I suppose 'common' would be a better word. You get used to it, and you'll learn more soon enough."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She ignored the last question, continuing the conversation about the wendigo. "Besides that, it seemed they were only truly defeated with fire."

Therion scoffed, crossing his arms under his shawl. Of course they were only weak to fire. Just their luck. To be fair they were in a frozen wasteland on the inside of a ice mountain, he guessed that pretty much everything here would have a weakness to fire... and he still couldn't use his magic to help out with that. The thief spent the rest of the ascent tucked into one corner of the cart, legs crossed at the ankle to match his arms. He observed the ragtag group, including the curious flyers, though his red-tinted eyes didn't dare look down over the side of the lift. Primrose understood the feeling. Even though this type of lift was much more in line with she and Therion's experiences in their own world, truth be told she would have preferred to ride inside of Alibaba again just for the security. But the claw gripped the cart tightly, and the chain looked strong, so they'd probably be alright. They just had to prepare for whatever the summit of the mountain had in store for them.

HP: 1920/1920 - MP: 1920/1920 - SP: 1555/1920
_________________ [spreadsheet for most recent changes]
"Yeah, I'm on it."

The pace of this mission was so fast that there wasn't even time to object if Ames had wanted to. Hopefully these people weren't on the Mora-Sho side, or innocent bystanders. Actually she thought she remembered something about fence sitters being in danger out here, so she tried not to feel too bad about it if that was the case. If something happens I'll just play the 'new player' card!

"Hup!" Ames released her grip on Leif and brought her feet up onto the seat of the bike. Now that the speed was cut way down she could actually maneuver, and she pushed herself into a leap from off the back of Arion. She sailed toward the samurai, drawing the hooked sword as she did.

Ames might still be a novice, but she was learning! Little by little. She could see that the samurai was using some kind of skill, one that looks magical in nature. Who knew what else she was capable of, so Ames' plan was to use up more of the opponent's MP and try and get a leg up on her as soon as possible.

[Power Attack] charged as Ames' sword slowly vanished in her hand, replaced with a ghostly imitation of it. [Art of the Pacifying Blade] targeted the samurai's MP reserves as the red haired warrior came down on the samurai. Ames just focused on the girl in front of her, not worrying about the other two they'd found her with. She kept up the offensive too, following up the Pacifying Blade by resummoning the sword to the corporeal world and slashing.
Hello, welcome to the guild!

HP: 1920/1920 - MP: 1920/1920 - SP: 1920/1920
_________________ [spreadsheet for most recent changes]
"Did you just run over a fucking dog?" Ames asked once Leif stopped the bike, incredulous and dizzy from the ride. She shook her head, and then shook her limbs out to get some feeling back into them. The first question was rhetorical, the next was sarcastic. "Well what did you expect? You've got a motorcycle and we've got feet. Raime's the only one going hard on Agility too."

During their short break Ames took the time to look out over the scenery. Maybe it would have been better to do some shopping before heading right out into the wild for their mission. Some binoculars might help. As it was she didn't see anyone and anything that looked like it could be their target.

"Yeah, let's go back to the others. I wonder if there's some other way to track them though. Like maybe the couriers have some kind of identifier on them. A badge or a wood mission plate like we have, then you could use your nose on that."

Of course they'd have to find one first before seeing if that was the case or not. Ames cut a suspicious look at Leif when he mentioned finding something worthwhile. She tightened her grip on the mount, just in time as not a moment later they were blazing off again. If there was a next time she was giving the passenger seat to someone else.

Sitting cross legged on the cushion provided, Inti listened intently to the story Jeanne told. It was a quick story though, no superfluous details or meandering tangents at all. This Frenchwoman was the cool and efficient sort indeed. So there were three actors in this tale: a mysterious "devil"-like Egoist, and equally mysterious gunman, and Jeanne herself. Interesting! Inti wanted to get a look at this Egoist especially, though the mystery itself intrigued him as well. And so he listened, only picking at the food as he'd eaten just before. Most of it was good. One particular item had his face contorting in aversion.

Once Jeanne was finished and the members of her "Defense Team" had a few moments to digest her words, the topic they all started with was of course, that Egoist she mentioned.

"I don't remember anyone that looked like that on the ship, or in the hall yesterday," Inti told the group around a mouthful of rice. His memory was good, though by no means perfect, but he'd been making a habit of remembering every detail of, well, everything since leaving Tawantinsuyu. "So they might not be a student. But that leaves, what, a staff member? Or a..." He paused, struggling for the next word. "Stow-away?"

Ah, wait, there may be another option besides those two. "Or press. If they had a camera, then they are probably the same person that gave the picture to the newspaper that Maximilien mentioned. Unless there were more people involved?"

He looked at Jeanne then. She mentioned a possible third person after all, though she counted herself he didn't know. He also didn't know what it would mean if any of those options for the Egoist's identity were true. Though he would like to find out. Of course, none of this contradicted the fact the Jeanne burned the library down. Franz would have his work cut out for him.

Inti continued to ponder the situation. Bang's question was a good one, and he nodded his head along with it, eager for an answer.

Word Count: 540 (+4 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 98/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

The first swipe of the Orphan's weapon after it got it's bearings back, following a heavy spray of blood, had the Cadet dropping low with his shield pulled up in front of him. The shield took a heavy blow, but it successfully blocked the damage the monster would have done. It did not prevent getting doused with it's stinking ichor, but alas. The hunter came back up with a high thrust, and from then it was a quick and intense flurry of blows. The Orphan didn't flinch at all as it lashed out in every direction, slamming it's placenta into anyone unfortunate enough to be in range while the Seekers continued to pile on as much damage as they could.

The Orphan's retaliation was brutal. Even with the teeth of the lance stabbing and cutting into it, it's power and the size of it's weapon meant that it could catch people even accidentally. Such was the case now when it's horizontal slice caught on the edge of the Cadet's shield, but the length of the blade wrapped around to bite into the hunter's side. He pushed the weapon off and moved right into another attack, and then into a counter stance when he saw another wild swing heading his way. The blade might have taken his head off it not for the sturdier helmet. He took a hard hit, grit his teeth and then jabbed his own weapon into the Orphan's pallid flesh.

Then, in the midst of the give and take assault it's tantrum had it disengage entirely, leaping out of the circle of heroes and to the members of their group on the fringe of the battlefield. Some of the Seekers ran after it, but the Ace Cadet was not one of them. Even if he charged he probably wouldn't make it in time to help directly, but there was still something he could do to help indirectly.

He sheathed the lance, which basically just amounted to throwing it across his back. From where he was he could see the Orphan go after Junior and Rika, and take out Delsin in one swipe when the Conduit stepped in to protect them. So his first action was to take out a Lifepowder and throw it into the air where it could spread over the beach. It couldn't compare to the dedicated healers, but it would give the fighters a chunk of their health back and keep them out of the danger zone, for now.

Second, the weapons expert brought Gough's Greatbow back out. Fishing another item from his pouch, he fitted the Paralysis coating into the makeshift attachment on the weapon's limb and nocked an arrow. It would take time and multiple hits for the paralytic to take effect, assuming it would even be effective on the Orphan, but it wouldn't hurt to start the process just in case. Adjusting his arm to account for Link and Sakura closing in, he let one arrow fly before there was a sudden roar and increase to their ranks, clones of Bowser forming and charging right for the Orphan. A reposition and re-aim later and the Cadet could fit another arrow through the throng of them before they converged on the monster.
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