Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts


HP: 1887/1920 - MP: 1720/1920 - SP: 1471/1920
_________________ [X]
Ames' sprint slowed to a jog, and finally to a stop nearby where Pentozali's waters were beginning to dry up. Magpie's opponent had burst into pixels, and around them the other two players in the kannushi's party had as well. Pleased that everyone in her own party had survived, even if most of them were just barely hanging onto life, Ames let out a whoop and raised both fists into the air.

"Hey, we did it!" she said, clapping her hands a few times over her head. "And I really hope those were the kind of people we were after!"

It was hard to tell if the trio had been supply runners just from the items that dropped after their deaths. There was a lot of food, which seemed suspect because as far as Ames was aware they didn't need to actually eat. So maybe it was for the Rien troops. Or maybe they just liked the sensation of eating, which Ames definitely understood - after all since obtaining the Sweet Maid she'd enjoyed eating there as often as she could, even if it wasn't exactly michelin star quality. There were also quite a few weapons among their belongings, but that was a type of gamer too wasn't it? The hoarder. Unfortunately there was no kind of wooden mission tablet that Ames could find that spelled it out for them.

"What do you guys think?" she asked once everyone regrouped. If she was being optimistic, which she was, then she would just consider this a successful attack on the supply chain and think no more on it until the next one. But if her friends thought differently then maybe they needed a new strategy that wasn't "kill the first people we find."

Outside of battle their HP and the like was starting to recover, but three out of the five of them would probably appreciate a break all the same. "Y'know Bri and the inn aren't that far if we want a breather before someone comes and does to us what we did to those guys. I do still got plenty of MP for my healing ability if we need it though." She scratched the back of her head while mentioning the last bit. It was probably the hundredth time she'd considered going further into support and healing considering, well everything.
Cute avatar! Welcome!
Welcome to RPG! I don't think you'll have a problem finding something within those genres. Have fun!

HP: 1887/1920 - MP: 1720/1920 - SP: 1471/1920
_________________ [spreadsheet for most recent changes]
Ames was stunned. Literally, stunned, and unable to even brace herself for the blade that was about to pierce her throat. Honestly the red haired swordsman didn't expect any help from her allies, not even considering the fact that most of them were out of range they still didn't really have many strategies focused on teamwork. So the net suddenly yanking her out of the danger zone was a surprise. She stumbled backward briefly and came to her senses after the stun, her equipment blazing hotly as it absorbed some kind of flame effect. No time to even say 'thanks.'

C'mon Amelia, time to get back in the game! She thought to herself. Some shit was going on passed the samurai with the other members of both parties, but it wasn't like she could do much about it... oh wait, she had a healing ability. She hadn't gotten a chance to use it yet, but maybe now was the time. The rest of her teammates had picked up the slack while she was stunned, so might as well leave the "DPS" (she knew what that mean now!) to them. Just had to throw in some support while she was at it.

Leif had the lowest current HP out of everyone, but he was presently a wolf and locked into aerial combat. So next would be Magpie, and hopefully the brawler could last a bit longer until Ames got there. Ames moved to disengage the current opponent, sending Leif and the samurai off with two parting gifts.

"Honō!" The first was the fiery blossom that formed from the sleeve of her haori and burst in front of the samurai's face. The second, an apparition of Ames herself as she activated [Art of the Duo Self]. "Alag hona!"

The two Ames split up, the phantom soaring up to help Leif finish the samurai off, and the original sprinting across the battlefield towards Mags. With luck they wouldn't even need the healing, but best to prepare for it just in case.

It wasn't much of a head start, maybe a few minutes at most made just a little longer by Bang and the girls' more casual pace. During that few minutes Inti surveyed the scene. It looked almost disappointingly normal. He didn't know what he expected, considering they knew what had happened already: a man shot into the fog and missed every one. Now, there was a section of street wrapped in a little bit of tape watched over by a single officer. Inti smiled at the man, waved even, but it garnered no reaction. Must be very dedicated to his job.

Yup, everything in the area looked pretty combed over already. It was definitely the right place, he'd found that burning pile and followed Jeanne's direction from there. "Hm."

He wondered what kind of information they could find here. Perhaps the mysterious gunman would return, that was something people said, wasn't it? The guilty return to the scene of the crime, or something like that. As Inti stood pondering the situation, probably agitating the guard, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look, he found that the magnetic fields a ways off were... fluctuating a little. That was unusual.

His brows furrowed, and Inti looked between the small distortion and the roped off area. It was pretty far, so it couldn't be related. Or... maybe he should check it out, just in case. After all, if it was a clue and someone missed it, then it might be of help.

Just before Inti planned to move on again, Bang arrived - with those two girls from the restaurant, noticeably not Ryuuko or Nazca. That was alright, they'd planned to split up anyway. Inti quickly regrouped with them, offering a quick introduction before finding that they were talking about distracting the guard. He peeked at the man, who looked about the same as he did a few minutes ago.

"Good luck with your plan," Inti said, seeing Hana off as she made for the guard. As for the other two, Inti waved for their attention.

"I saw something over there - " he pointed away from the cordoned off area. "But I wasn't sure if it was related or not. I don't even know what it is, yet, just that there's some unusual waves. But I'm going to go see." He left them with a grin, the expression quickly becoming a trademark. "Who knows, maybe it will be a clue!"

Once again Inti split off from his fellow students. It was a little further than he'd first though, but after about fifty or so meters he made it to the "weird distortion." He crouched down, head titled curiously, and reached out to take the object in his hand. Before even getting close to it he could tell it was small and metallic. Now, raising it between to fingers and eyeing it closely he could tell exactly what it was.

A bullet. Just one, so far from the scene of the shooting. Was that... normal? Could a missed shot have flown so far? Inti had no idea. Hopefully once he got back to the others they might have some ideas.

Word Count: 667 (+4 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 112/80
Location: Edge of the Blue

The Ace Cadet waited only as long as it took Blazermate and Kamek to convene and heal Sakura before he broke away from his impromptu guard post. Though it had been hard to watch Sakura get beaten into the dirt, that kid was tough so he knew she would be fine after a pick me up. Now it was time to go back on the attack. Well, after one thing. The hunter put plenty of space between himself and the healers, adding his own little bump of health to the Seekers at large in the form of his last lifepowder. The spores spread out and did their job, giving that little extra bit of healing to the group and patching up the smaller injuries that had started to pile up. By the time the situation with Sakura was sorted and the Cadet was ready to move, Geralt had already pitched Nadia and the feral had stunned the Orphan with her explosive move - then came back together in one piece, thankfully.

The Cadet glanced at the Hat Kid ice sculpture. "Get ready, we're gonna charge," he told her, giving her the opportunity to take a breather before they moved in. It had been several grueling minutes with every wound an ally took seeming to stretch the time out, but the battle had to be nearing its end. Just so long as the Orphan didn't pull out another form change. "Eradicating fiends like that is the meaning of justice. Let's go!"

In the next moment the Cadet was running down the beach toward the surf with Hat Kid perched on his shoulder. Blazermate's beam attack went flying by and slammed right into Galeem's Guardian, but even that wasn't enough to stop the monster. Eager to get back into the fray directly the Cadet ran all the harder towards it, following the trail Link blazed. Rigging weapons primed he moved up, too far now to even attempt to help out Blazermate after the lightning dropped down on her. He'd just focus on putting in as much damage as possible so that they could put a stop to all this.

"Kid!" he said, signaling to the girl on his shoulder that they'd need her ice form again. Once she slotted herself into place the Cadet used the weapon as a spring to vault them over the shock waves, calling on a combination of his experience with the Great Sword and the Insect Glaive, plus the Ice Hat's own ability. It was effective, and once clear of that danger the duo landed on the water and rushed right towards a different kind.

"Heads up!" He skated forward on the water, adding his rigging's gunshots to the ones already boring into the Orphan. He came around from behind the Hylian, intending to follow up Link's uppercut with the lance turned ice hammer. Raising it over his head, the Cadet swiftly brought the weapon down on the Orphan's skull where Link had popped it up. The strike sent the monster crashing into the waves for a second, powerless to stop any of Geralt's slices, and then it was propelled back into the air again. The Orphan was already starting to regain it's bearings, raising it's blade to retaliate against the Seekers engaging it at that moment. It lashed out, attacking the three men indiscriminately. The Cadet was banking on his armor protecting him from a lethal hit, focusing on keeping the precious ice statue out of shattering range. At one point the Orphan screeched and aimed it's blade at one of the other's heads, and the Cadet rushed forward to use the body of the Sharq Attack to block the blow. The force of it took a huge chunk out of the frozen sharq and sent reverberations through the Cadet's arms but he held tight. With Hat Kid hanging in there he once again brought the weapon down on the Orphan, knowing that after that attack the lance wasn't much longer for this world. But they were so close. So close! They had to be!

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 77/60 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 19/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 877 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Split Mountain

One step at a time.

The last leg of the journey almost seemed possible, at first. Filing in behind Big Band and moving forward like the world's slowest arrow, the Seekers pushed through the blizzard. Snow was piling up by the second, numbing their legs and slowing them down. Wind pushed against them and forced them to stop at times. But they persevered, little by little. Primrose held tight to the people clinging to each of her hands and focused on channeling the flame of Warmth through her palms and into theirs', staving off as much of the cold as she could. The summit was so close. If they could just bear the storm for a little longer, they could make it... there was no way that their journey to the top had been in vain as Laharl suggested before he split off. That just wouldn't do. All they had to do was keep walking forward.

Easier said than done.

It was getting harder and harder to progress, because somehow the mountain had more to throw at them. Earlier Therion had felt that the wind was so cold it was cutting his skin - now that actually was the case, it's speed and power tearing holes in his shawl, and Primrose's cloak. When her white scarf was ripped away from her neck she gasped, and immediately regretted it as the cold soaked into her throat. She clamped her mouth shut and stubbornly continued walking, practically dragging Therion with her. At some point the Seekers had to let go of their formation, but so long as they could hear Band's music over the din of the storm then they would be able to keep together. That was the hope at least. Only, the wind's roar had grown so loud that his notes barely carried, and the snow so heavy that visibility was nearly zero.

These conditions were on and off, but frequent enough that being lost on the mountain was a real possibility. The two that had gone on ahead were still nowhere to be seen, and they only had a couple minutes on the rest of the Seekers - and after a particularly harsh burst of wind when Primrose looked at the group, it seemed like it was missing a couple of members too. Confused, she swept the area with her eyes and spotted Panther, Skull, and Mona a little ways behind them.

Then another gust picked up the snow and colored everything white, forcing the Seekers to draw in on themselves for what little protection that offered, and when it died down again the three were no longer lagging behind but completely gone.

"Panther!?" Primrose made to move to where she'd last seen the Thieves, but she didn't get farther than a single step back. The hand in hers squeezed tightly, bringing a short lived relief that the dancer hadn't just been dragging around her friend's frozen corpse. It also stopped her in place, and when she followed the arm it was attached to up to Therion's face she met his cold eyes. He pulled her forward.

"What are you doing?" Primrose hissed at him, her voice stuttering from cold and barely rising above the wind. "They c-could die if we leave them."

"We will die if we waste t-time looking for them." As soon as the words left Therion's mouth he knew Primrose would be pissed at him. Sure enough he felt the heat of her stare even through the blizzard. He met her frustration with stubbornness, keeping their hands locked tightly together and pressing his lips into a thin line. He didn't know what most of these weirdos did to gain the dancer's favor, but she did always have a soft spot for those younger than her.

"They know where we're g-going. They'll either g-go up or back d-down," he said to reason with her. They really shouldn't be stopped here, the blizzard was too dangerous to stand around in. Right now more than anything Therion just wanted to get to the summit and then get off of this mountain as soon as possible. Primrose shared his sentiments there, but she still looked torn between continuing on and searching for the teens. She looked to the remaining Phantom Thieves, particularly at Necronomicon. Although Primrose probably would never be able to truly understand how the persona functioned, she knew at least that she had some way of tracking or sensing people.

"Alibaba?" She asked, no need to voice her question out loud to the spacecraft. She let Therion drag her forward to regroup with those remaining, hoping that Necronomicon had some kind of read on the missing Thieves. Maybe Panther and Skull were already calling out to let everyone know they were alright, but their voices were being drowned by the storm. The wind switched between smothering sounds and carrying them, cutting them up - shouting from further down the mountain could be heard, but the words were muddled by the blizzard. Primrose wondered if Laharl hadn't changed his mind again and was on his way up, maybe he would run into Panther and Skull in that case. Some wishful thinking passed through her mind that once the Guardian of this area was defeated the storm would subside and they'd be able to rescue anyone left stranded. Of course, that lead back to the mission at hand: they had to reach the summit first.
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