Avatar of Yankee


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23 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Welcome to the RPGuild! The fandoms you mentioned are some of the more popular here, so you're probably in good company. Enjoy your stay!

Word Count: 503 (1 exp)
Level: 2 - Total EXP: 26/20
Location: Sandswept Sky - Split Mountain

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●

Therion was confused, but confusion was not what showed on his face. Instead there was exasperation that threatened to grow into a quiet anger. He did not like being confused or made a fool of, and right now it felt like he was both. He had come all this way up a deadly mountain for his friend, because she'd asked him too and he had unknowingly ached for the companionship he'd come to know. But the group she traveled with was prone to spouting nonsense - nonsense that told Therion he was out of some loop. Normally he would fill in the gaps in knowledge himself with some eavesdropping, but right now they were thousands of feet in the air with a giant snake thing trying to kill them, and they were going on about setting it free or something! It irritated him, and something deep inside the thief urged him to go against his cautious nature and take this beast out whether the group at large wanted to or not. Attack first, ask questions later.

He struggled in Raz's psychic grasp until he broke free, whipping around to face the boy. Unbeknownst to Therion, Raz was one wrong move from ending up in a forced brawl with the white haired man, but as it was the psychonaut was faced with Therion's words and not his daggers.

"I don't know what your little secret club is going on about, but that thing was more than willing to try crush us just two seconds ago!" he said, gesturing aggressively to Phalanx. "And frankly, I'm not going to wait around for it's second pass."

"Therion," Primrose warned, her gaze shifting between the thief, Raz, the rest of the Seekers and up to sky where Midna and Sectonia had already flown off. Her dance had been completed, but she took no further action after Midna and Raz's words. She couldn't exactly disagree with what Raz said, and when put that way she even felt bad for the once-docile monster. But she recognized too late that her friend was still under the same curse that Phalanx was. Therion, the colors of his skin and clothes dulled and red light shining in his eye, shook his head.

"You guys really needed all the help you could get," he scoffed. Wanton violence was not something Therion partook in, and neither was petty revenge one something that was really just an animal, but under Galeem's influence he was provoked and compelled into seeing any fight through to the end, including with a giant flying snake. Especially if the Seekers were split over how to handle. With the glider prepped he would jump and let the wind take him into the sky, if no one stopped him before that. With Sectonia's slowing spell it would give him enough time to reach the monster, and with it's attention elsewhere he could suss out it's weak points to take it down. His sword was still in hand, ready to strike so long as he made it up there with no interruptions.

Word Count: 1028 (+2 exp)(+30 mission reward)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 72/90
Location: Edge of the Blue - Kanzuki Estate

For many hours the Ace Cadet was practically dead to the world. As soon as he had confirmed that the Felynes' charges and Shippy had made it back to Limsa safely his feet carried him up to the tavern room he'd stayed in last night. Exhaustion hit him so hard once he'd closed the door behind him that he could have fallen asleep in his armor right then. He barely shed the metal rigging and scale mail before throwing himself into the pillows face first. The bed creaked under his weight but held together. The Cadet hardly cared that the sea salt and residue still clung to him - most of it was on his armor anyway, and tonight so long as the bed would hold him without complaint then he would deal with it in the morning. His last conscious thoughts were of the part of their team that stayed behind, wondering if their search was fruitful and if they'd already returned. That, and of how much food he was going to treat himself to in the morning.
The sun had long since risen when the Cadet rolled out of bed. Literally, as when he shifted in sleep and the sunlight filtering in through the window shined on his face, the hunter turned his body until he'd flipped himself right off the mattress and onto the floor. It was another couple of seconds until he actually opened his eyes and sat up with a yawn. He pushed himself to his feet and threw open the window to find the city wide awake and bustling.

"How long was I asleep for?" he wondered aloud, poking his head out of the window and squinting up at the sky to judge the time. It looked late into the morning at least. Perfect time for brunch! He did some light stretching to get all the stiffness out of his muscles, but one thing stopped him from heading right out to get something to eat.

Oh my Wrog, I smell like a Congalala. Alright, first thing's first: get cleaned up. The room's shower and tub combo wasn't complicated, and he lugged his equipment under the spray of water before getting in it himself. Some serious scrubbing later and they were as good as new... sort of. There were scrapes and dents he'd yet to buff out, but at least neither he nor his armor smelled like death anymore. Washed and dried, the Cadet donned his usual ensemble of full Rathian minus the helm.

Just then there came a knock at the door. He opened it to find a maid on the other side, with a tray of breads, cheeses, fruits and various pastries. The Cadet's eyes were wide and his stomach growled something obscene. His gaze moved to the woman's amused face, his unspoken question easy to see.

"Complimentary room service," she said. Before she had the chance to say anything else the monster hunter lifted the tray from her hand, set it on a table, and happily dug into it. The spread was nice - not nearly enough to sate his appetite, but nice. The maid hadn't left yet, in fact she'd fished something from her apron pocket and patiently waited the minute it took for the Ace Cadet to consume everything on the platter. When he was finished he blinked at her curiously, and she handed him the item. It was a letter.

"Someone came by with instructions to give these to 'the Seekers of Light' that returned from the sea last night," she explained.

"Oh, thanks!" The Cadet opened the envelope and read the contents inside. Show of appreciation... invitation... sea-side estate... party... catering, lunch, bar, dinner?! Well with an offer like that, how could he refuse? If everyone else had gotten these letter too, some were probably already there! A grin found it's way onto his face and he looked up at the maid. "Would you happen to know the way to southern shoreline district?"

She gave him a thorough rundown of the path leading out of Limsa and to the resort areas, where further he might find the illustrious street fighter's abode. With that information in mind the Cadet was geared up and ready to go.

"Thanks again, miss. Guess I'll be heading out now. Might want to burn those sheets," he told the lady, who responded with a look of surprise and revulsion. "Not because of - no, see, I was kind of all covered in sand and blood and stuff when I went to bed - h-hey don't look at me like that! It's - ah never mind I'll just, I'll take care of it for you!" Eager to get out of the small hole he'd dug with his words the Cadet whisked the sheets off of the bed and crumpled them into a ball under his arm. He dashed out of the door the an apologetic smile aimed at the maid and made his way out of the Drowning Wench and into the city proper.
The Ace Cadet found his way to the beach, having disposed of the bed sheets somewhere along the way. As he expected there were already some of his friends enjoying the beach or in line for food. He did not hesitate to join them with plate in hand.

"Hey, good to sea you guys this morning - or uh, afternoon,", he greeted them all, aiming a wink at Ms. Fortune. It was then he noted her new look, as well as the other new looks among the Seekers. Some spirit fusions, and some wardrobe changes. He glanced down at himself. "Guess I'm overdressed for the beach, huh?" Yeah he probably should have made a stop somewhere first, but it wasn't like the city was that far away. Seeing everyone here now made yesterday seem like some awful nightmare, which was all the more reason to enjoy this respite. Courtesy of their host, who the Cadet turned his smile toward.

"What he said," the Cadet commented after Link's introduction. "Nice to meet you!" This lady looked the picture of wealth, even with her toned body. Between Karin and Peach, it was pretty great that they kept making friends with nice rich people.
Hello, and welcome! You'll never run out of fantasy RPs to peruse here. Good luck with your own projects and hopefully you have fun writing here!
Welcome to the site!

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 83/60 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 25/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Word Count: 766 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Split Mountain

Before any statue breaking was done, Jesse suggested that they hold on until they could consult with the other half of their group. "Prudent," Primrose commented with a nod of her head. If they operated under the assumption that freeing the bell's clapper was a dangerous move, then they should at least give the others a heads up first. Therion did not feel much better about the whole plan even with the delay. Beneath his shawl he crossed his arms, and in the one visible scarlet washed eye his misgivings about the situation were clear to see.

Well now that the ground team had decided on waiting to ring the bell, the next course of action would be getting into contact with those in the air. Primrose caught the end of her scarf between two fingers and rubbed it, considering if she should just go up there. Fortunately Alibaba descended instead, halting Ciella's firing and informing the Grimleal captain that those fighting the serpent had also come to the conclusion that the situation was off. A few minutes later and the entirety of the group of Seekers was reunited on the mountain. Once they landed, Primrose could see that some among those that had taken to the sky were tense. She wondered what had gone on up above, but instead of asking she chimed in after Robin to answer Tora's question.

"It is possible that ringing the bell will... conjure another enemy," she said for lack of better words. It was just speculation, but as long as the chance was there surely they could understand that they hadn't wanted to dump that on their companions without so much as a warning.

It might have been the wrong choice, or maybe the sky team would have come back down without slaying Phalanx even if they had freed the bell's clapper, but either way not taking care of the colossus was an oversight that quickly came back to bite them. All eyes turned upward as Poppi pointed out that the monster was coming right for them.

Swift in the sky the beast came down on them, bringing a burst of wind so strong it more than rivaled that of the blizzard raging below them. Primrose was quick to take shelter behind Braum's shield, and Therion scrambled to join her. They hunkered down, resisting the wind front. Even though it was just one of many times that day that they were threatened with being blown off a cliff, it was just as terrifying as the first time. It was a miracle that Braum's shield held up as much as it did, even as it's ice wall shattered apart the man did not let those he defended take any damage. Phalanx flew by and the Travelers regrouped.

Primrose went to kneel by Braum, doing her best to shove the heavy shield just enough out of the way to make sure he didn't have any life threatening injuries. Though unconscious he seemed fine for the moment. Cautiously she stood, watching the continue on.

"Decoy or not we have to kill this thing before it kills us," Therion said. He wasn't privy to the conversations the aerial group had on the colossus' back, he only knew that between that rabbit woman's arrows and whatever the other team was doing, it had seemed to be working. The thief drew his blade. Phalanx was low enough to ram them, so the rest of it's body as it snaked back up into the sky was just over head. Therion aimed his blade at the remaining gas sack, but he wasn't fast enough to pierce it before it passed by. The sword caught on the hard belly scares of the beast, it's momentum easily knocking Therion off his feet and into one of the stone statues surrounding the rim of the bell. The fragile chain the effigy was holding broke and slid into the darkness below, though Therion paid it little mind. He got back to his feet and prepared the glider to deal with the problem himself if need be.

On the slaying of Phalanx Primrose agreed with him. Hoping to catch any of the group before they took to the sky again, Primrose began to dance as soon as the wind died down enough for her to not lose her footing. With practice footwork and sensual twists the dance of Sealticge's Seduction was completed, once again empowering her enough to buff all of her allies in the area. With a few more turns the Lions Dance saw to it that their strength was increased.
𝔹order of 𝕃apseus and ℙachel

They had been trekking through the mountainous pass for a couple of hours at that point with not a sound passed between them, and then the quiet was broken by a low pitched and steady voice.

"It's just over the ridge, My Lady."

A nod of acknowledgement, and then silence settled over the group once more. "No less than five," were Melodia's conditions for the Pachel observation. Five they were, counting the stoic Lapsean Lord. A technicality, yes, but an operation like this was one she could have handled herself truth be told. Still, it was war, and though Rhythmia was confident she was not stupid. After briefing the Naval generals of the situation at hand she'd collected a few officers that caught her eye before beginning the journey to the border of Lapseus.

When they arrived at the precipice, the group set their equipment down and deposited themselves onto any stone seats they could find. Rhythmia knelt at the cliff and looked out over the land in front of them. It was a sweeping valley, and what lay in the shadow of Lapsean mountain was barren and dry. It wasn't until miles away from the penumbra that greenery began to grow, simple grasses that were eventually joined by flowers, bushes, and scrub the further one looked.

An older man with hair long grayed came to join her. He held a telescope to his eye and swept it across the fields. After a few moments he grunted. "Clear," he said. Rhythmia nodded.


"Ma'am~" came a tinny voice in reply. "Spies say Pachel ain't in no shape for fighting back. Wouldn't be nothing to torch the whole place and move in."

Rhythmia breathed out slowly through her nose. It was not the answer she wanted, but it was expected. The hatred of the South ran blood deep in Lapsean citizens. Though like any House there would be those in Pachel unwilling to fight and die in the coming conflict, and if they could avoid putting the entire population to death that would be ideal. Rhythmia's gaze shifted to the young man who'd moved beside her. He was pale and wiry, and the small grin that graced his face told her that he was one of the many that subscribed to the saying 'There are no innocent among the Mageborn.' That would prove as interesting as it was troublesome, she was sure.

"..." She said not a word, but the man's expression gradually changed into a more serious one as her gaze continued to focus on him. He coughed lightly into his hand before speaking again.

"There's two main contenders to take over ruling the House Pachel. Neither's much to worry about."

"Pachel's widow being one of them, yeah?" The gray haired man chimed in.

"Mhm~ the other's a family of arms dealers, more or less. There's a few others but from the information we got, none have as much support as those two."

"Hn. What else?" Rhythmia looked to the third of those she'd brought along, a tall woman with furry ears and horns that curled skyward on either side of her head. The Akeshan perked up and cleared her throat.

"Before us is The Valley of Rest. If we descend the mountain then we will, officially, be in Pachel. There are a few towns around there, and a fortress just beyond the Valley too. It's manned, but with their lord's death they haven't sent for reinforcements. Too preoccupied with fighting themselves than us I guess, like Vina said."

Rhythmia nodded. Everything they'd said was about as much as she expected. A little more reconnaissance was in order, but after that... well, one way or another they would take control of Pachel. She had a plan in mind, and a back-up, but it wouldn't come into fruition just yet.

She turned her gaze on the last of their group, a girl with a hood pulled over her head and a grim expression on her face. She did not hesitate to meet the eerie crimson glow of Rhythmia's bionic eye. For several moments neither of them said anything. The other three glanced between each other and the two women. Then the younger spoke, her voice rough, and young.

"What?" she asked. She had nothing to report, they both knew. Rhythmia's stare turned pointed.

"Your... strategy?" Rhythmia inquired, tilting her head just slightly. The girl sighed and closed her eyes. He brows pulled together and she frowned.

"Occupying the area will cut off Seler from the rest of the South. Once both Houses are dealt with it'd give you a useful foothold to help your... compatriots from." As she spoke her tone darkened with distaste, but she went on. "I would back the Lady Pachel. She would have the most support of her people I think, and be desperate enough to take Technologist help in keeping her seat in power."

She crossed her arms in front of her and cracked open one eye. Rhythmia stared at her in that uncomfortable way she often did. Then the Lapsean Lord nodded once.

"Good." She approved of that line of thinking. A half-smile almost formed on the girl's face. "But we won't... support Alana Pachel."


"Let the two... wear each other down. When one... triumphs, we will step in."

Behind them, the pale man snickered, "hopefully by force."

"Get... yourselves ready. We will move in... and learn more about... the situation... before we... take any action."

A trio of affirmative answers sounded. The group went about checking and collecting their equipment. Everything from weapons to bedrolls, prepared to spend a few nights in Pachel territory. With luck, what Rhythmia told them would turn out to be the case. Wasting energy and resources arguing against each other would leave the Southern House in such disarray that Lapseus could swoop in and force cooperation. Or failing that, just take over - whether going full scorched earth or not. However, there were few things that Rhythmia believed in less than 'luck.'

"Kenzie, take point... as we descend."

"Yes, Lady Rhythmia!" The Akeshan woman said, snapping to attention. The group of five would soon be on the move again. The hooded girl pressed her lips into a thin line and gripped her pack a little tighter.

ℕotoria (𝕃apseus)

"Oh oh oh... maybe you should rethink this, hm, doctor?"

A man, gangly and scruffy faced, paced up and down a a dingy alley way.

"It's been a few years, sure, but last time you were tossed out of the estate on your arse. Y'remember that?"

His bushy black hair was tied loosely behind his head, and an overstuffed bag was slung around his shoulder. His footsteps echoed loudly in the cramped space. Whenever she stepped through a puddle his face contorted in an odd expression, but he never went out of his way to avoid the shallow pools of water that dotted the cobblestone path. He was, also, completely alone.

"Buuuut you've really got something going for you now. Something interesting, very interesting, very useful..."

Every now and then he would stop his pacing and peek out of the alleyway, looking in the direction of one of the city's wharfs. He did it again now, breathing heavily. The one sided conversation he'd been having with himself out loud shifted internally. He might have already said too much. This was a coastal city in Lapseus - in other words, a complete hell hole where any man, woman, or child would stick you without so much as a second thought if you had something they needed. And he had something useful, but it was locked up in his brain. He'd really hate to be killed for something his murderer wouldn't even be able to get.

As for what the man needed, it was one of two things. Passage up the river to Gohetia where he'd bend his knee at the twin Lords' door, or a mage's body. Ideally both, if he could convince himself to get on with it. A few long minutes later and an ugly smile split the doctor's face. He reached around to pat himself on the back for a job well done, apparently satisfied with the outcome of the argument he was having inside his head. Straightening his back and passing a hand over his scalp, the man barred his teeth and scurried off toward the water to catch a ride.
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