Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

23 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts


Physical Description
She is short. She is skinny. Her hair and clothes are unkempt. Her personal style is made up of whatever she thinks looks cool when worn by celebrities and anime characters. Her skin is pallid and the dark bags under her eyes are always present. She looks less like a hero hopeful and more like a hikikomori. At least her glasses are always shiny and clean.

Personal History
Touko's backstory isn't very exciting. She grew up in the heart of Tokyo, surrounded by people and color and lights. Her mother passed away before she even got a chance to know her, but her father tried to make up for it by spoiling his daughter with anything she could ever want. He worked long hours, and while at home Touko was alone most of the time. She turned to media and the internet to fill the void of loneliness. Her quirk manifested early, and so she had always felt connected to her little blue screens. School was bearable until the start of junior high when childhood friendships became strained. Top of her classes, Touko was the victim of many a rumor stated she cheated her way there with her quirk. They were wrong of course, but Touko wasn't above getting the most out of her quirk anyway so she didn't bother to refute it. She became more of a loner during this time, but kept up her studies until she was accepted to Ishin Academy.

Character Arc
Touko doesn't know why she wants to be a hero. Hell I don't even know why she would want to be. Her main motivation was proving she could do what no one thought she could. Now that she's a part of Ishin's student body, she will have to really discover her heroic side. I'd also like for her to make some emotional connections with other characters, the kind where you would leap before looking in order to help them.

Quirk Description
Prepare to be amazed as Touko demonstrates her quirk: TECHNOVORE.
This quirk allows Touko to "consume" pieces of technology and manifest their uses as though they were inherent parts of her body. She does not literally eat the tech, instead they are pushed into her through her skin where they stay until she ejects them or they are forced out. At the moment she can only hold one piece of tech at a time - eating another will make the first one pop out.

She can use any piece of technology, primitive or modern, though not all are useful. If she consumes a lightbulb, she will be able to emit light. If she consumes a magnet, she can change or charge her own magnetic field. If she consumes a USB drive, she will be able to know it's contents even if encrypted as it will be part of herself. Technology like computers and cellphones that have too many functions cause her to become dizzy and nauseous, she won't be able to use them at her current level. Likewise if she eats something malfunctioning or infected with a computer virus, she will become ill with flu-like symptoms.

Level: 7 - Total EXP: 80/70 ------ Level: 4 - Total EXP: 33/40
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 870 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

Conversations went on. One half of the duo from Orsterra had largely dropped out of said conversations, doing his best to just rest. As always he kept an ear open for information, or a topic that would really catch his attention. The only one that did was Jesse's odd ramblings about free will, during which Therion not-so-subtly shifted farther away from her.

The other half of the duo was a little more involved. Primrose still sat with her legs drawn up and her head resting on her knees, though when Big Band stopped playing his music she turned her face towards the other Seekers. There were some good points brought up from Sectonia that the dancer agreed with. More firepower was sorely needed. And of course, some time to recuperate. Midna mentioned the possibility of flying to that airborne spa. If there were possible it would be great, but considering they'd been teleported there she wasn't sure where in the sky it could be. If it was really suspended over Al Mamoon, they might run into the same issue by flying into their airspace. Speaking of, the Grimleal captain Ciella made to leave them at that point. Despite their differences, Ciella had been a great help to them much to their surprise. Primrose nodded to the archer as she transformed and flew off. Indeed, with the Agito protecting Al Mamoon's skies it may be dangerous to even approach by air.

There was another matter that Midna mentioned, about returning to the mountain. "If you'd like some company, there are some things I would like to check into there as well," she told the imp. That monster's slide down the side of the mountain was sure to have crushed anything in it's path, and she wanted to see just what that was. If some of the structures were affected even a little, it would be good to help out the people that resided there. Plus it would give her some peace of mind just to confirm that little overlord had made it down alright.

It was inevitable that the small peace the Seeker's had while awaiting their transportation would come to an end. Poppi identified monsters making their way toward them. The description she gave included the massive fish-like creature that had chased them through the desert. Running for their lives on foot, again was not something that Primrose wanted to do. She untangled herself and stood, preparing for conflict. Therion had already taken to his feet at the first mention of danger, peering into the distance to try and spot the encroaching monsters.

The artificial blade had mentioned they would only have a couple of minutes. However, following a panic call to a moogle, their salvation ended up arriving just in time. The ship sped toward them, and four people descended from it in order to help them out. The foursome was strong too, as they quickly demonstrated. Now all they had to do was get up to the ship with those badges and leave.

Despite being recently freed, Therion was adapting quickly. A flying ship was impossible and insane, but how many other insane things had happened lately? A lot. And it included the fact that people were disappearing once they took one of the badges offered to them by the large man. Transported into the air ship, apparently. Taking it at face value, Therion wasted no time grabbing one for himself. In the blink of an eye he was gone.

Primrose was soon to leave, but figured that the least she could do was provide some support to the people protecting them. A dance of defense to help everyone that was holding off the monsters - after all the goal wasn't to slay them, merely keep them at bay until the Seekers were all safe on the ship. Once the defense buffs took effect, Primrose took a badge and was transported.

Soon enough everyone was safe and on board. A voice crackled to life and welcomed them all, as well as delivering news about stopping in a nearby town due to the ship needing some repair. The restriction mentioned was curious, but if it was really safe and secure as the voice said, then it would be worth it.

"Well," Primrose said, breathing in the cool air of the ship's interior. "I am going to look around and see if there is some kind of bathing area." The sooner, the better. Especially if this Gerudo Town was strict, it wouldn't do to show up filthy and risk a bad impression running them out of town.

She followed after Big Band, then ultimately headed in a different direction. The other Traveler was taking his time and looking around the areas before moving to the next one. "This'll take some getting used to," he mumbled. He'd love to catch a cat nap, but in such unfamiliar environment he couldn't see himself relaxing enough to actually sleep. Therion scrubbed a hand over his face, deciding that after inspecting the place that if he found a cot or even a comfortable chair he'd at the very least rest his eyes. And his brain. An overload of information was just asking for a headache.
Welcome! ( '_')7
Welcome! And congratulations! Hopefully you find what you're looking for here.
Welcome to the guild~! There is a TTRPG section if you like pairing stats and dice with your roleplay, otherwise you got the fairly active groups or 1-on-1 sections to choose from. Have fun writing!
Welcome the guild!
Lots of writing
Interacting With: N/A Location: Hall outside of Room C-103: Auditorium

The final bell of the day rang through the academy's halls. Some students started for home, others stayed behind for clubs. In years prior, Kennedy had belonged to the former group of students. Today, it was the latter.

The first meeting of the Mistralton Swannas, foremost battling team of Mistralton Senior Pokémon Academy, with an impressive win record of zero - and Kennedy planned to attend. Join up, even. He'd gathered his things and left the classroom with the sound of the bell, making a beeline to where he recalled the club directory board hanging in the school. Tracing the short list with his eyes, he found what he was looking for: Team Swanna's meeting place, Room C-103.

He started to make his way there, considering his strategy while he did so. Out of all the students and clubs at the academy, Kennedy thought that the official battle team would be his best bet to get to know his peers. Was it a bit late to start given this was his final year at the school? Yes, but as they say, 'better late than never.' He'd looked up the team's members, and if they were more or less the same as last year then they were all ambitious and outgoing. Hopefully the types that would welcome newcomers. He did have some battling experience, though only against wild Pokémon. But that had to count for something, didn't it? And it wasn't like his joining could make the team even worse. He counted that as a positive.

After some walking and ruminating, he made it to his destination.


He stood across from the auditorium entrance awkwardly for a little while, watching Team Swanna's members enter one by one with his hands shoved into his pockets. He had probably missed a few of the students, those that hadn't needed to look up where they were going and were already seated inside, but of those that passed him by on their way to the meeting he saw two of the girls on the team, and one guy he didn't recognize. A transfer student, Ken guessed. If he was another new-comer to the team, that would be great. Maybe they could even be friends.

...if I'm joining, I should probably go inside, he thought to himself. He shuffled toward the door and slipped inside, taking a seat toward the back - then reconsidered and moved up a few rows, glancing around at the people already gathered. He noted that the faculty advisor was absent at the moment. Once they appeared he'd formally ask to join and introduce himself.

Danyl Feytin

The Return, as Danyl had started calling it in his mind as of yesterday, was a bit unsettling if he was being honest. Retreading old roads he hadn't seen in years brought a nauseating feeling of both nostalgia and repulsion. A mixed bag of deja vu that he did not appreciate at all. The forest that the Lying Wolverine was situated in did not alleviate the feeling. In fact he thought he even felt eyes on him.

The hairs on the back of his neck had been raised long before he'd set foot in the forest though. Whilst moving through Sarinan on his way to the tavern, Danyl had entertained the idea of specters from the past pushing at his back. Why else would he feel so uneasy about meeting with a group of friends? Or former-friends. Or whatever.

Danyl sighed and scratched the back of his head. The path to the Lying Wolverine wasn't quite as he remembered, but it was similar enough. Given that nature hadn't grown over the trail, he assumed the establishment was still there, for whatever reason. He couldn't imagine they got much business. Eventually the tavern came into view. It was much more familiar looking than the road or the town behind him. Beyond that was...

His eye moved in the direction of the ruins, unbidden. They were but a green and gray smudge on the distant landscape, but the sight of them brought the taste of ash to Danyl's mouth. He picked up his pace.

"Ale, please," he said as soon as he pushed the tavern's door open, "Black Bottom if you have it, 'else anythin's fine."

Danyl took in the barmaid, finding her face somewhat familiar though her given name completely escaped him. He did recall that the family that ran the place back then was named Tindow. Assuming this was the same Tindow girl, Danyl was sure her name would come to him at some point.

The rogue had no cloak to hang, just the pack strapped across his back and weapons stowed. And the clothes he wore, he supposed he had those too. Common traveling garb, with a sturdy pair of footwear and a simple patch over his left eye. In truth he looked like any other wanderer, especially when compared to the tavern's other patrons. Speaking of which, said patrons were all too easy to recognize - after all, how many Tabaxi and half-Tabaxi would be in this specific place, at this specific time?

He moseyed over the their table, pulling up a chair and dropping himself into the seat. The conversation seemed to be a bit solemn, though perhaps that was to be expected.

"Well, can't say I'm surprised to see you three," he told the group, offering them a smile as he did. Despite the years and the scars, Danyl's smile was still the same slightly lopsided expression as always.

After Niala and Nathaniel were swept up out of the orphanage, he'd always assumed they were alive and well somewhere out there in the world... and apparently with the means to travel too. Danyl cut a quick glance to Timber, the only one of their childhood group of friends that he'd heard from in recent times. That first letter he'd miraculously received from the Tabaxi had shaken his heart something fierce, both by the means in which it came to him and with the knowledge that his friend has survived after going it alone. Though they hadn't truly kept in touch much, needless to say he had expected to find Timber here today. There were still others he wondered about, those like Mary who'd left almost without a trace came to mind. It was still early, so perhaps they would remember that old promise and make an appearance.

"Honestly, I didn't know how it was goin' to feel coming back here," he said. It felt kind of awful, though that went unsaid for now. Gods above he couldn't wait to wash the phantom taste off of his tongue. "If nothin' else I'm glad to see you all."
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