Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

22 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

_ _ _______________________________ _ _
mentions: Iris @Serei2477

The Fairy-type leader was more than happy to let the others take their turns at Sebastien. All Nordrin had wanted was just to welcome him, briefly and informally. He did scoff at the younger man's lofty words though. Nordrin gave Fiona and Isiah another nod as they moved closer and he moved away. He knew firsthand that Fiona could be aggressively charming, or just aggressive, which the new leader would find out as well soon enough.

At the moment Nordrin was content to sit on a vacant bar stool and nurse his drink, not feeling particularly friendly but also not in the mood to head back home yet. When he finished the first glass he ordered another. Eventually the alcohol might loosen him up more, though it was unusual it ever got that far. Tonight would most likely be no different. Around him, the other leaders fawned over the few Pokémon that were currently present. Mika's new find was rare, though Nordrin didn't put much stock in that kind of thing. His own excursions into the wilderness were... actually when had he last gotten out of Hulbury? Maybe he really should try to enjoy this little get together.

Despite that thought, he made no move to engage anyone else in conversation. He was still ruminating. Ryker's earlier speech left no deep impression on him, though he did note that the champion was rather reserved tonight. Only Hestia's challenge seemed to rouse any emotion in him besides resignation. Maybe it was getting too cushy in the champion's seat, or maybe it was something else. Nordrin didn't know, nor did he ask. Speaking of Hestia, she seemed to be deep into her own drinks, as did a few others by now. He'd have to keep an eye out before anyone, as Fiona put it, "got hammered and trashed the place." He remembered being put on probation back in his Minor League days, and how frustrating it was - not to mention embarrassing. Given how quiet the Dahlia was, Nordrin doubted there was any kitchen staff to feed them - which would help offset the alcohol.

Ugh, with food on the brain his thoughts obviously started wandering back to his own business. Well if he was going to be thinking about work anyway, he might as well try to keep it to the gym side given his present company. He thanked the bartender when a third glass was pushed his way. Then he turned to the ghost-loving woman, a leader he was bit closer to than some of the others.

"As far as contenders," he began by way of small talk, bringing up part of what Ryker had mentioned. "Saw on the telly there's challenge-hopefuls started camping outside Wedgehurst. Eager for the season to start? How's that goin'?"

Word Count: 1742 (+3 exp)
Level: 7 - Total EXP: 129/70
(+35 collabs/reward, -4 friend heart)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Kara Kara Oasis -> Nyakuza Metro

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●

"Thank you for the report." The Moogle that Primrose had been talking to gave her a energetic salute before it disappeared in a cute puff of white smoke. After being transported through Midna's twilight portals back to where the Virgin Victory rested in the oasis outside of Gerudo Town, Primrose had decided to check in on her fellow Seekers. The Moogle that she'd called was very thorough in their report, even going as far to mention bits of what the other contingent of Seekers had been getting up to back at Smash City Alcamoth. Most importantly of course was the news that the next phase of the train station mission was a-go. It's about time to make a visit myself.

She glanced at Braum and Shovel Knight who were resting nearby and chatting. Of the six that had escaped the convent only Midna was currently missing, as she'd gone to fulfill her promise to the cursed man. "You both heard all of that, yes?"

"Indeed!" the knight responded. "We should make haste to this Twilight Town."

Primrose nodded. "Midna knows we're going to the train station, but it may be good for one of us to stay behind and let her know which way to go when she gets back just in case."

For that task Braum volunteered, and he would end up catching the Twilight Princess later as she returned with a familiar entourage in tow.

For the others, the respite after the mountain misadventure had taken some time. There had been several near death experiences in quick succession after all. Before calling the Moogle, Primrose had taken a long time laying in the Victory with her eyes closed and just breathing. She may have even fallen asleep. During that time Laharl had recovered. He was less surly that usual, though whether it was in gratitude for the rescue or embarrassment at being caught in that position in the first place Primrose didn't know.

She approached the young half-demon and his angelic companion where they sat at the edge of the water a few arms lengths apart from each other. Flonne was saying something in a soft voice that seemed to be grating on Laharl, though he didn't voice any complaints. They both looked up at Primrose when she got close. Flonne smiled at her and tapped the space beside her, which the dancer took. Her boots had been discarded some time ago, stored somewhere in the airship. She dipped her bare feet into the cool water and leaned forward, studying her reflection. It was weird, looking at the face of a stranger and yet recognizing herself in it. She didn't dislike the changes, all things considered. At the time she hadn't had time to look at her body. She felt stronger, and that fact smoothed over any misgivings she may have had about the transformation. Now she noted her new height, her much larger curves, her hair and skin, the subtle changes in her facial shape...

"Am I still pretty?" Primrose wondered aloud suddenly. The two people next to her were caught off guard by the question. Laharl sputtered, looking like he might have a heart attack while his eyes quickly shifted away from the dancer.

"What the hell are you asking?!" he said, while Flonne recovered much faster and clasped her hands together before she spoke.

"I think so! There's nothing more beautiful than a loving heart after all." Primrose leaned away from her reflection, raising an eyebrow at Flonne. The Angel giggled. "But you're pretty on the outside too."

"Why even ask?" Laharl huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and inching away from the two ladies.

"My trade was dancing, but my figure and face were just as much a part of it as my skill," she explained. It was the honest truth, and something she'd used to her advantage many times. It was also the reason she hadn't already fused with the spirit of a Battle Nun she'd managed to salvage during the escape, not wanting to mar her face with a... zipper.

Primrose stood up then, gesturing for the other two to do so as well. "That's not actually what I came to ask," she chuckled. "We're moving on soon. Are you coming with us?"

Angel and demon looked at each other. After a few seconds Laharl spoke up first. "I'm a leader, not a follower, so I'm not gonna tag along on any mission somebody else tries to give me," he said, his face scrunched up. "I'm gonna get my power back and hanging around a bunch of minions ain't gonna help!

"Still, I... appreciate... you all coming... to help us out..." he grumbled toward the end, coughing after delivering his quiet thanks.

Flonne giggled again. Her hands were now clasped behind her back and she bounced slightly on her heels. "I'm going to stick with Laharl. We've known each other from before this jumbled up world business, and he's still got a lot to learn about the power of love!" The young man in question rolled his eyes.

"I see." Out of all the places in the Sandswept Sky they'd visited, Primrose supposed Kara Kara Bazaar was as good as any to bunker down for a while. "You know where to find us should you need to."

They parted. Flonne waved at the dancer as she left to regroup with the Shovel Knight so that they could head to the train station. "Keep an eye on him," Primrose called to Flonne over her shoulder, a teasing smile on her face.

"I don't need anyone to keep an eye on me!"

The Nyakuza Metro was a lot to take in. For one, Primrose had to hunch down slightly when she entered the train car - which was pulled by a huge cat. She wasn't convinced that it wasn't really a cait. The actual area that the train took them to was gigantic to futuristic in a completely different way to the Alcamoth. She didn't let herself be too dazzled by it, she still had to get to the meeting place. Twilight Town, on the Mint Line.

The Moogle had explained the whole deal with the pon collecting, but that wasn't really Primrose's style. Like her fellow Orsterran, Primrose went about obtaining her station pass in a different way. Apparently it was exactly the Shovel Knight's style though, and he bounded off to collect some.

After asking around a little the dancer was pointed in the direction of the Mint Station. Her plan was simple: charm her way in. It would have been easy with her original body. As she looked now it might be a bit more work, but Primrose was confident. Sure she was tall, more muscled, and intimidating if she scowled, but she also had a lot more 'assets' to work with. At the moment her expression was fixed into one she'd practiced hundreds of times before - open, interested, and alluring.

She sashayed up to the ticket booth, making the most out of her larger hips. Due to her attire, the skin of her stomach and thighs were on display as well. The attendant, a skinny metro cat as tall as a human, noted her approach right away with wide eyes. There were a myriad of different kinds of people in the subway, so it wasn't her appearance that surprised him as much as her intent. Primrose picked up on his feelings immediately. Lucky me, she thought to herself. If no one had tried something like this on him before, it would go all the more smoothly for her now.

"Hello~" she purred pleasantly. Primrose leaned forward on the till's counter, an angle that would give her target a decent view at her cleavage through the sheer white fabric of her top. Allure was one of Primrose's main strengths, her original strengths, though she hadn't used it much besides getting some free food with Panther back in Al Mamoon. It was a bit weird given she'd never tried this on a sentient bipedal cat before, but she was a professional - and when he stammered a hello back to her but didn't look away, she knew she had him.

She leaned a little closer in order to whisper to him through the plastic divider. "I really need your help," she said, "I need to get into the station but I lost my pass."

The mention of a Metro Pass seemed to clear the cat's head a little. "I'm really sorry about that, but we can't replace them for free."

"I don't need a replacement sir, just an... escort~?" Primrose batted her eyelashes at the attendant. "Please, help a girl out?"

"Uh..." His gaze was fixated on Primrose's face. After a moment he smiled widely. "Aw, what the hey. It's about time for my break anyway." He put a little sign up on his booth that read "be back in 10 mewnutes" and hoped out, greeted by the groans of a few subway patrons that were hoping to actually buy a pass. He was a head shorter than Primrose, but didn't seem to mind. He held out a paw toward her. "I'll take you into the station, Miss!"

"Thank you~!" She took his arm without hesitation, used to this kind of behavior. She let herself be lead into the Mint Station and toward the train. Usually she'd be leading around anyone she'd charmed until she chose to dismiss them - many times they'd even go into battle on her behalf. She wasn't sure if it would be the same here, with Galeem's influence still having an effect on people. She didn't worry too much about it though. At the moment the metro cat was content to just chat away at the woman on his arm.

In the subway's main areas Primrose hadn't seen any of the other Seekers, but here in in the Mint Station she spotted four waiting for the train's arrival: Tora, Poppi, Vandham, and Bede. It seemed the white haired young man had decided to stick with them. The dancer let go of her escort and began to head over, though she knew the cat was following her because he yelped out a "wait for me!"

Though Primrose had changed, she hoped it wasn't so much that her comrades wouldn't recognize her when she spoke. "Hello again," she said to them. "We got the message to regroup. The others should be here soon."
Time had all but flown by during the day, but once dinner rolled around Chabi was finally free to see about that strange message she'd gotten. It was an unusual change to her daily routine, and frankly that excited her. Calling on Saber to escort her to the mysterious assembly hall, master and servant showed up right on time. They hadn't expected to find what they did inside.

"Um... did we do something wrong?" Chabi asked, a bead of sweat running down the side of her face. She looked to the other masters and their servants gathered in the room. She glanced Cordelia's way, commenting about the 'last supper,' "Don't they make condemned inmates eat their favorite food before they get... you know...?!"

Beside her, standing at attention, Saber only chuckled lightly. The sound was enough to comfort Chabi, if only a little.

Despite all the confusion as to why they were gathered here, if this was really their last meal Chabi was not going to squander it. She unveiled the dish in front of her to find a plate of steamed dumplings. Judging by their aroma, they were filled with lamb. "Wow, this really is my favorite food! As expected, Da Vinci-san!"

She began to dig in, listening to the others voice their questions. She thought as she ate, figuring that this couldn't be some kind of punishment. She knew that she personally hadn't done anything wrong, and Saber saw to it that when she did any of the course work Chaldea assigned - 'completely voluntary work! she reminded herself - it was always done to completion and turned in on time. And judging by the others gathered, she knew she wasn't among a bunch of troublemakers. There were her peers, as well as those a few years older than her, and though she didn't know everyone... or really anyone that closely, she knew enough to guess they hadn't done anything against the rules either. So if this wasn't a punishment, was it... a commendation?

Her misgivings were on the verge of being cleared away when Berserker let out an oppressive aura. The girl swallowed hard, eyes flicking back and forth between the man and his target, but once more her own servant helped to quell the uneasy feelings. Saber placed a comforting hand on Chabi's shoulder. More than used to this kind of dick-waving during the time she was alive, Saber merely rolled her eyes at the display. That Samson was so easily cowed by his master brought a fond smile to her face though.

"I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that an explanation would be even more appreciated than dinner," Saber said to the director, her voice cool.

Slowly Chabi began breathing normally again, not having been aware that she'd been holding it. She nodded, agreeing with Saber's request. Hopefully it was good news, but if it was bad news she could at least start bracing herself for it. She leaned slightly over to the chair next to her, which happened to be Casandra with how the seating was arranged. "Do you think maybe we will get some of that dessert too?"
Cool to see this picking up. My idea for master and servant are forming more and more, so if it's alright you can put me down for Archer?
Gotcha, makes sense! No suggestions from me so far. I know some people prefer to pair with their servant/master characters with other players but personally I don't mind either way. Maybe think about allowing for that if it's alright with you as a GM. The sort of bleak setting you described seems an interesting backdrop for the story. I have a vague character concept forming but if I have more questions I'll let ya know!
Maybe. I always like a Fate RP but got a lot going on currently. But hey, a few questions for you if you don't mind to get conversation started:

1. You don't seem to have yourself listed in reserve list, so I was wondering if you planned to play a character or just play as "the world"/strictly a GM?
2. Are you wanting seven players to each play two characters or just open it up for whoever? Like player 1 playing servant and master, player 2 only playing a master, player 3 only playing a servant, etc.
Gonna be a bit busy today but also going to try and make a post today. Will be much later tonight, but failing that will be tomorrow!

Word Count: 1879 (+3 exp)
Level: 2 - Total EXP: 27/20
Location: Smash City Alcamoth

Omori, Rika, and Ms. Fortune. Pit committed the new names to memory. He was familiar enough with the Koopa prince but this brief meeting with the others, far more than the initial one in the Garfront Center, gave Pit a good insight into each of their personalities. The sullen monochrome boy Omori was quiet and direct, befitting his appearance, though Pit didn't get the feeling that he was unkind. The woman with ears and tail, Ms. Fortune, who confirmed that it was indeed raining up above, was animated and jovial with a sense of humor that for the moment went right over his head. And finally was Rika the girl with mismatched horns, who seemed open and friendly. She even went as far to compliment Pit's wings, which surprised the boy.

"Oh, thank you!" he said, his wings flapping happily behind him. He hadn't heard them called "pretty" before, but any compliment was a good one especially since they were... well they were perfectly fine, which made it all the more strange and frustrating that he couldn't fly on his own. He hadn't dwelt on that for quite a while and he wasn't about to start again now, so instead he smiled at everyone and nodded his head at Ms. Fortune when she mentioned the earlier meeting.

"Yup, I was there. Good to meet you too!"

And then the all important question: what else was there to do in Smash City Alcamoth? Omori mentioned somewhere that they could kill time, while Bowser Jr. added that somewhere to eat would be preferable. Pit tipped his head, thinking. "Well there's a bunch of places to get food here, since there's a bunch of people that need to get fed. Let's see..."

He began to describe the various food spots, including a relatively small general kitchen and mess area, and of course the 'famous' Mona's Pizza, even if it was still in need of some additional staff. Ultimately he didn't get very far, because a notice sounded through the Arc Mall's speaker system. Apparently, the Yellow Team's "metro mission" was a success. The Seekers were directed to meet again at the Garfront Center to move into the next phase of their plan.

Eager to get a move on, the four started to make their way to the meeting area. Ms. Fortune in particular dove off the side similar to the way the little girl had earlier, only she didn't have an umbrella to stop her fall. Seeing her blue blood and body parts strewn around nearly made the angel sick, and his relief when she literally pulled herself together was palpable. How many people am I almost gonna see die today?! Pit thought to himself, letting out a huge sigh.

He watched the others go, their enthusiasm cheering him up a little. He found himself wanting to put himself to work too, it was sure to help him refocus himself. He leaned against the railing as he'd done earlier, noting that the rain had made it down to this level. He recalled the various open jobs around the nearby areas that needed to be handled sooner or later, considering them before another thought came to mind. Why not just go with them?

He wobbled back and forth, debating with himself on whether he should go or not for a few minutes. Ultimately Pit stood up, an expression of determination on his face. He knew he could be of help, and no matter what had happened between himself and one of the Seekers he'd have to get over it eventually. Exposure therapy is what it was called, right? Something like that.

Pit pitched himself over the railing the same way the others had gone, gliding down to a stop and then running toward the Garfront Center after giving the others a few minutes handicap.

Word Count: 1879 (+3 exp)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 115/90
Location: Smash City Alcamoth

Meanwhile, the Ace Cadet had been hard at work restocking his inventory. After his spar with Sakura he'd tagged along with the street fighter right up until they met up with her friend Karin. Seeing the state that she was in and not wanting to risk saying the wrong thing and offending the person that had so generously fed their group of gluttons the day before, the Cadet excused himself quickly with an apologetic smile and went off to further explore the indoor city. At first he didn't have a plan in mind, and he considering trying to find some of the others. A pit stop saw him at the pizza place he'd visited with Cuphead before, and then he moved on. Eventually after peeking into public spaces and around corridors he found himself in what appeared to be a workshop of some sort.

It was a mid-size room with soft music playing from somewhere, with long tables pushed together and all kinds of things strewn about on top of them. There looked to be pieces of equipment, broken weapons or items that sat there waiting to be fixed. There was no shortage of parts and tools intended for their repair, or just general materials like wires, metals, nails and screws. There were plenty of stranger items as well, like fireballs that floated on their own, food stuffs that had more uses besides for eating, and more. The room wasn't empty, as apart from the Cadet there was a Mii Gunner locked in intense concentration as she worked on the gun affixed to her arm, a small white and blue clad person fiddling with bombs both inanimate and animate apparently, as well as a R.O.B. that carried things over to an expanding of completed items on one side of the room.

The room's final occupant was a short pink rabbit in a black vest with a name tag that read "A. Bunny," who sat at one of the few tables that wasn't completely littered with items. He appeared to be taking a break, and when the Cadet entered he raised a paw in greeting. "Hello!"

"Hi," the monster hunter said. He pointed toward the room at large and asked, curious, "Is anyone free to use this place, or is it like official Alcamoth use only?"

Arcade Bunny chuckled and answered, "it's open to anyone. Knock yourself out!"

"Groovios!" The Cadet beamed, nearly diving headfirst into the mess. He stayed there for the rest of the time, tinkering with the more practical parts of his arsenal in order to recreate them using whatever was on hand. He got some help from Bomberman to add a new arrow coating to his options, a blast coating using powder rather than the explosive slime commonly used back in the his world. Though he supposed if he ever needed, he could get Rika to help with slime collection. Paint balls were another new addition that were simple enough to make, and he was sure eventually he'd find some use for them. He took apart many Pokéballs in an attempt to see how they worked, and though he didn't end up figuring it out he pocketed some just in case. Similarly he grabbed some Deku Nuts, foreseeing uses for them immediately whether as is or taken apart for use in other things like bullet casings. I should see if any of the higher tech bowguns can use that kind of ammo, he thought to himself, if they can I could whip up a bunch of support shots.

He was still working when he and the other occupants of the room felt the whole place shift. It was slight, but with delicate work such as this it was easily felt. The Mii Gunner huffed in frustration, her work thrown off by the subtle movement. Arcade Bunny offered her a sticker to help her mood. The Cadet gathered up his things and pushed himself to his feet.

"Welp, I should go check out what happened," he said, "Probably something my group's part of." He grinned and made for the door. As he passed the table that the Mii and bunny sat at, Arcade Bunny held something out to him.

"Sticker for the road?"

"Don't mind if I do," the Cadet replied, taking it and noting that it appeared to be a cartoonish dragon. His smile widened, and he stuck the cute thing to his shield before heading out the door. A broadcast to meet at the Garfront Center redirected the hunter to the meeting area.

After getting the lowdown on the next part of the mission, everyone made their way to where they'd get their transport. Most everyone, when they thought of watercraft to carry them, pictured a ship of some sort. The Blue Team had plenty of experience sailing by now, through waters harsh enough to temper anyone. Their transport was indeed a boat, but... just a rowboat? And one that looks like that no less?

The Ace Cadet blinked. It seemed inefficient, but then again he had a backpack that seemed that way too and it worked like a charm. "I'm sure it will be fine!" he said amidst the couple of snickers from the group. Although it wasn't like he would be dealing with it personally. As the dome lowered and they got closer to the water, the Cadet sent a teasing smile Nadia's way after he comment.

"Don't worry a-boat it, it something happens you can catch a ride with me." He was glad he was still able to glide across the water as well, which he fully planned to.

If there was an extra boat or two because of those still fused with the shipgirls planning to take to the water directly, then it happened to work out for the tag-a-longs the Seekers had picked up. Among them, the angel Pit.

Like many of the others Pit looked dubious about the blocky boats' integrity, but he was already committed to making the journey. Plus the dome was already at water level and people were pushing their boats into the river, it would be way to embarrassing to go back up now.

"I'm coming with you all!" Pit announced, looking toward Peach to make sure she didn't disapprove. After given the go ahead Pit smiled widely and wasted no time dragging his own wooden boat toward the water. He was pretty sure he'd get the hang of rowing it after watching the others, even if he'd prefer a ride on that whale.

With his focus on maneuvering the boat, Pit didn't notice the little green glowing bugs until they were almost right in his face. He sputtered and waved them away, where they moved on to the next person in their group.

"Gah, those bugs again?" At that the Cadet looked over, having previously been engrossed in the mini-map and how cool it was. He gave Pit a look that said it can't be helped.

"The scoutflies have to learn everyone's scent - even the people they've already met probably smell different with all the spirit stuff going on. They're harmless though, don't worry!"

The insects flew around all of the Seekers, briefly visiting them all before returning to the cage tied to the Cadet's waist. The hunter himself skated across the water, taking point with Dazzle as well as the other shipgirls as the Seekers moved down the river toward Twilight Town.
Feeling something dark, maybe survival based. Maybe like Sweet Home or Apocalypse no Toride. Or even something like Danganronpa.

_ _ _______________________________ _ _
mentions: Sebastien @King Cosmos

With league season starting tomorrow, the staff of High Steaks had been buzzing over the last week preparing. Reservations to the restaurant were almost completely booked throughout the entire season, so the crew was working overtime to make sure everything was perfect. This included the gym leader, Nordrin, who was elbow deep in bread dough alongside a couple of other chefs when he head a quiet - but persistent - tapping noise. He looked up to see an Indeedee in the doorway to the kitchen, staring expectantly at the gym leader. The Pokémon shifted it's gaze up to the clock on the wall, and Nordrin glanced in the same direction only to humor it.

"I know," he scoffed. "Train's still running for another couple hours, I'm not going to miss it."

The Indeedee looked unimpressed. Nordrin barely resisted rolling his eyes, going back to kneading the dough in front of him. When it didn't seem like the Pokémon was going to leave unless it was with Nordrin alongside it, the leader lifted the dough high over his head and slammed it down onto the counter in front of him. The noise startled the two other chefs, and once their attention was on him Nordrin pointed at each of them in turn.

"Set this over with the rest to rise, and get the ready loaves into the first oven."

"Yes, chef!"

Trusting his staff to get things done in his absence, Nordrin moved to clean up and get changed. Satisfied, the Indeedee went on ahead. Just before leaving Nordrin caught movement in the corner of his eye, and he whirled around to see a certain ghost-type sneaking it's way toward the back of the kitchen.

"Fou," he said, making the Rotom halt in place. It twisted slightly to look at him, an innocent smile on it's face. "No funny business, just make sure they get it done."

He was met with an energetic static noise in reply. Then, the fairy-type leader was off.

Nordrin hadn't been out of his chef's coat for what felt like days, so for once he was happy to be wearing something else for a change. He chose to wear clean black slacks with a cool blue button down, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He went without a tie, and the first couple of buttons were left open. His hair hand been pulled free from it's ponyta-tail, and the locks that didn't spill down his back pooled around his shoulders. As was normal for any professional Pokémon trainer, a couple Pokéballs were fastened to his belt. He guessed that most of the other gym leaders would be taking taxis in Wyndon, and no doubt many would have already arrived by the time the train he was riding pulled into station. Resting his chin on his hand Nordrin looked out the window at the passing scenery, though most of it was darkened silhouettes and streaking lights.

Flying was nice, he'd gained a certain appreciate of it a few years ago, but the smooth rail ride wasn't bad either. At this time of night he'd usually have a car all to himself, but with the latest league season beginning there were a few other people making their way to Wyndon tonight. When finally the train stopped, Nordrin swept out of the car, into the station and then into the city beyond it.

He'd been to Wyndon many times, for all kinds of business. Tonight was no different. Though the chairman had insisted the trip be for pleasure, actually calling him directly, there was no concealing that fact that it was for business. Mandatory, judging by the man's tone. And near last minute too, the fucker. If Nordrin hadn't already been busting his ass and that of his staff's to get ahead of schedule for the opening of the season, he would have outright refused.

The Last Dahlia, the meeting place for tonight, came into view. Nordrin stepped inside, not surprised to see that most of his fellow gym leaders present. To any that glanced over at him when he entered, Nordrin just lifted a hand in silent greeting before making a beedrill-line for the bar. Most if not all of the trouble makers were already present, so he figured he better get his order in quickly. "Scotch. Please."

So it seemed that this would be a formal affair than he'd expected, given the privacy and the get-ups. Isiah and Ryker were in full suits for goodness sake, and while all of the ladies looked nice in particular Astrid and Holly had decided to go for some daring ensembles. He wondered if the chairman himself would be making an appearance, given the pomp.

When his drink arrived, Nordrin nodded a thank you to the barkeep and raised the glass to his lips. He noted that among the Major league, only Mika was missing. Originally he hadn't been sure if the Minor league would be invited or if they had their own get-together set up, but Astrid being here answered that question. There was also another person that, while familiar, didn't instantly spark recognition in Nordrin. He was not subtle about looking at the younger man, and after a few seconds he was able to recall where he'd met this person before: as a gym challenger. And, apparently, as the new Minor league leader they'd been informed would be starting this season.

Now despite what some of the others might say (a certain dragon-type user came to mind), Nordrin wasn't always irritable. Just most of the time. Tonight he was, a little, having been dragged away from his work - but in the spirit of the "friendly" in friendly competition he took another sip of his drink and extended a greeting to the new guy.

"Oi," he said, raising his glass slightly toward Sebastien. "You just took over the Water-type gym, yeah? Well, welcome to the circus." As he said that he gestured over to where Hestia, Ryker, and the others were gathered close together.
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