Avatar of Yankee


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21 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

I could be playing anything on Gamepass, but instead I'm installing Monster Hunter and just replaying that again
Welcome! I'm sure you'll fit in just fine here~

Word Count: 1540 (+3 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 66/50
Location: The Under - Mom's Chamber

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●

Therion waited until the battle was well and truly over to leave the relative safety of the alcove he'd been staked out in. The other Seekers had more or less the same idea as him, to leave the rest of the fight to Ganon. Sectonia ended up helping to finish things up, which just made for three giants going at it until finally "Mom" was no more. Thankfully when she died, cursing some stranger's name, the monsters she'd summoned died with her. The thief gave it a few more seconds before making his way to the rest of the Seekers, not bothering to try and avoid the puddles of blood at this point.

"Understatement," was all he said, both in regards to Sectonia's comment about the place being disgusting and Nadia's comment about the experience sucking.

He patiently waited for Ms. Fortune's striker to heal him, gladly taking her offer up in return for giving her a potion earlier. He made sure to 'cut in line' ahead of Ganondorf, still peeved at the friendly fire. Once he was back in top shape he rolled his neck and shoulders, preparing to find some way out of here. The door they'd come through was open again, but there was also another hole in the floor. A different kind of hole than the ones they'd jumped in previously. He got the feeling they'd have to descend again, and Ms. Fortune confirmed it a moment later. One more floor.

Therion sighed. Well, in for a leaf...

Before descending, he went to go nab one of those shiny looking rewards. He bypassed the various spirits on the ground and the single red shoe, heading for the trophies. Specifically, for the one in the Angel Room. If one of the two was cursed or booby trapped, it was likely to be the one in the Devil Room... and so he left that to one of Sectonia's little bug things. She mentioned that the trophies likely held spirits inside of them, so they were probably like... actually Therion couldn't think of any similar phenomena. He took the assist trophy anyway, stashing it for now.

On the edge of hole, Jesse mentioned that her striker also had the ability to heal, which would certainly come in handy Therion was sure. With Ms. Fortune taking point again, the Seekers made their way down to what would hopefully be the final level of this hell hole. The area that they dropped into was huge, fleshy, and moist. It was gross, like they'd been swallowed by some massive creature. Scowling as usual, Therion took in the arena - and it was an arena, there were no two ways about there. From what he could see there wasn't anywhere else to go, which meant something would be coming for them sooner or later. As if preparing intruders for a fight, there were four items laid out around the area. One corner held a set of robes, which Therion claimed for himself. Once he donned them, he could feel that he was a little stronger. Some kind of enchantment, then.

As soon as all of the items were taken, monsters poured in as expected. Since the Seekers were already prepared for fighting, they dove right in to meet their attackers in kind. Just before the din of battle got too loud, Jesse called out her thought that this would be 'easy money.' At that, Therion smirked as he gripped the hilts of his sword and dagger.

"Heh, that's what I like to hear."

His chosen opponent was a floating red demon. He expected the blood shots that it spewed forth, deftly ducking under them as he closed the distance between himself and the monster. The first thing Therion did was cast Shackle Foe, lowering the demon's damage. Of course he didn't intend to get hit if he could help it, but that was easier said than done. He dodged out of the way of another shot just before he lashed out with his sword.

To his surprise, the monster was split in two vertically - though not by him. His slash hit only air as the two halves of Lokii separated from each other, flying independently from each other and both clearly alive even though their half-brains were showing along with the rest of their bisected organs.

Of course he'd managed to pick the one enemy that was actually two. His gaze flickered to the other Seekers scattered around the arena, wondering if there was still time for a trade. Lokii didn't give him much time to decide, both halves flying at him with wicked half-grins. From their very flesh projectiles shot out in various directions, flexing Therion's dodge skills as he threaded himself through the barrage. They swooped by him, and while one Lokii half flew up the other twisted and headed right for him. Therion side stepped it, cutting the monster as it flew by.

From behind him, the other Lokii rammed into his back. Though it threw Therion forward onto his knees, he heard a pained whine from the monster. Glancing back, he saw that it was retreating from some kind of damage it had taken. Since nothing about him had changed besides the new cloak, Therion assumed it must have something to do with it. At least he had that going for him.

He recovered as the two halves shot out more projectiles. Then, one of them teleported to his right. The new angle on their attacks saw Therion taking a hit, and once again the Lokii reeled back in pain. Unfortunately the robe's effect was short lived, as after another shot struck him and another counter went off, the two halves teleported almost right on top of Therion to overwhelm him with attacks. These hits didn't trigger any kind of retaliation, but at the very least he still felt that strength enchantment within the robes. Therion rolled out from under the Lokii, and when he came up onto his feet again he'd traded his dagger for the greed shield. Combined with the attack debuff he'd applied, the Lokii's shots couldn't get through his defense.

The demon, either unwilling or unable to come up with a new strategy, could only teleport and shoot. It still made keeping up with a pain, especially since they moved separately from each other. At some point a fat red fly was spawned in as well, which only added to the chaos since it was shooting the same kind of projectiles somehow. Therion had no idea how many of these shots were going wide and reaching the other battles, and he didn't check - too busy avoiding as many as possible that were aimed at him.

His fight was turning into little more than dodge, defend, and wait for one of the Lokii halves to teleport or fly a little too close to him so he could slash or stab them. At one point Therion summoned the Junicorn again just to have some cover, and it performed its tanking job admirably. He then withdrew the assist trophy from his bag and, hoping for another hand in the battle, but when he broke the glass (which was the only way he could see to actually open it)... nothing happened.

Gods damn it, a dud? he silently cursed. Just my luck. He exhaled through his nose, irritated with trophy and the Lokii. The Junicorn managed to get a shot off on one of the halves before it's time was up, and just before it disappeared Therion burst out from behind it in his beast form. He leapt at the weaker Lokii half, shredding it to pieces with his claws. The boom fly zoomed toward him but he batted it away with one large paw, then pounced on it to smash it against the ground. When it died it let off one last volley which exploded against Therion's fur. He growled, setting his sights on the remaining half of the demon.

At this point, it's projectiles were easy enough to dodge since it wasn't joined by two other shooters. Therion pounced again, but the Lokii teleported away. The thief shifted back into his human form just before the Lokii flew in for another headbutt, swinging the shield around to smash against the side of its face. One of its massive teeth flew from its head, bouncing on the ground and rolling to a stop nearby. Lokii was momentarily stunned, just long enough for Therion to finish it off with a flurry of cuts from his short sword. Only once both halves were defeated did they turn to ash.

Therion wiped his brow and, after a second to think about it, pocketed the Lokii spirit. He wasn't sure if he would use it, but he wanted to make up for that trophy. A glint of light caught his eye and he turned to see that the tooth he'd knocked out had somehow turned to gold. He picked it up, the thing easily the size of his hand. Interesting... Was that a feature of the monster, or something else? Maybe the greed shield? More testing was needed. For now, he put the hunk of gold away and caught up with the others.

Word Count: 563 (+1 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 104/80
Location: The Under - Ruins

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●

When Primrose returned from the cave path to the Koopa Troop and Rubick, she had intended to tell them about the person she'd seen. It was down the path they hadn't taken, the one lined floor to ceiling with ominous masks. When she'd first seen the stranger in her peripheral vision she stilled, then slowly turned until they were fully within her sight. She didn't appear to be preparing for a fight on the outside, but internally she was steeling herself for a possible attack. So far underground most of the beings they'd encountered had been the aggressive kind.

This one was not - or more accurately Primrose got the feeling that it wasn't. It waved to her and then went about its business. She didn't return the gesture, but she considered it an invitation. They were another person to question, if the others hadn't already found their leads to their missing members.

And so, Primrose was going to suggest that they head down the opposite path. However when she got back, she saw that all of them save for Bowser Jr. and Barnabee were already a little deeper into the cave. They hadn't gotten that far, still well within both eyeshot and earshot at least. Primrose took a few steps forward, observing the field of fire that the Koopas were spreading. They appeared to be killing giant mosquitos, and among them was yet another newcomer - a small fuzzy one fighting alongside them.

We certainly pick up a lot of strays, she thought to herself, an amused smile playing at her lips. She left them to their battle, not even bothering to perform a dance for them. It looked to be a one sided extermination from there. Instead, she walked over to where Junior and the clown bugs were. It didn't seem like he'd gotten much conversation out of them.

"I'm going to take a look around the other path. I saw someone down it, so I'll see what information they have," she told the prince. "Don't you all leave without me, alright?"

She retraced her steps once more until she was back to the fork in the road, after which she went right after the stranger. She glanced down when her steps began shifting as she walked, and she noticed that the masks were not just strung up on the wall but underfoot as well. Densely packed, they formed a demented cobblestone-like path. She paused about halfway to the Ancestral Mound, letting her magic dance through her fingers. So far so good.

There was no ambush waiting for her the rest of the way either, so when she came upon a hut made of bone and the Snail Shaman in front of it she assumed she was safe for now.

"Hello," she greeted him, only now returning the little wave he'd given her. "I was wondering if you could help us. We're looking for some people - if you've seen any humans with cat ears come by, or red hair." Since Sectonia was vaguely insect-like she didn't mention the queen on the off chance there was some other giant wasp flying around here. There likely might be, given Barnabee's tale about wasps usurping his kingdom.

After a moment, the similarity of this little guy and Confessor Jiji brought another question to Primrose's mind. "...or if you know of soft, round food that smells nice?"

Word Count: 819 (+2 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 81/30
Location: Dystopiascape - Midgar; Suoh

After checking out the gym, running back to the battlefield to snag those leftover spirits, and then meeting up again at Musubi's, Pit climbed into Goldlewis' hummer in the parking lot with the rest of the group to discuss the plan going forward. Ingratiating themselves to Psych-OSF was looking to be a more long-term plan, as a number of the Seekers had expected. Pit wondered how the other half of the Midgar team was doing while the Secretary of Absolute Defense prepared his rundown.

He reiterated the information about Luka, the Psych-OSF agent they'd be meeting with in just a few minutes. A big shot in the organization, or connected to one anyway, even though he appeared no older than a pre-teen boy.

"Me and him both," Pit commented once Goldlewis brought up Luka's age, reminding the rest of the Seekers that Pit, a non-human, was older than he seemed despite the childish looks and equally childish personality.

They went over the goals of their dinner plans and the preferred outcome, which included sending a few of them off into the psychic organization's base. So they needed no only more info, but to convince the guy they were meeting with to take the volunteers back to base with him. 'Play it cool,' yup, can do! As for those going to join the Psych-OSF, he gave them a smile.

"You guys will be fine, just stick together," the angel offered as encouragement. When the fusion process started for Peach and Sakura, Pit shifted in his seat and spread his wings to further block the light from filtering out of the windows on his side of the hummer. Being in such close quarters, he shielded his eyes from the process and only blinked them open again once it was over. They hadn't gone through any major changes on the outside, but on the inside their brain must have morphed or... whatever it was that actually gave people PSI.

"Can you tell what psychic powers you got?" he asked out of curiosity, more cavalier than one of the other boys in the car. Pit looked to Roxas, tilting his head at they Keyblade wielder's thoughts on fusing. Pit's spirit misgivings had been about the original owners of said spirits, while Roxas was more concerned about the person fusing with them. He hadn't thought about that!

"Huh..." Pit turned back to Peach, considering Roxas' words. "Well this doesn't have to be permanent, right? Can you still take spirits out of people, Princess?" She said that she could, so Pit let the subject drop for now as well. He'd yet to go through the spirit fusion anyway, so he didn't know how it felt, but if was to help people he was sure he wouldn't have the same reservations as Roxas.

After that the Seekers all exited the vehicle to head inside. Pit offered an arm or a wing to help the brand new psychics adjust, steadying the princess before she stumbled all the way to the ground. Earlier he'd said that they didn't have to rush getting psychic sight, but if the difference was so much that the transition was that hard on new psychics' eyes (or mind?)... it made Pit really curious as to what it looked like!

The restaurant's interior was simple and modern, so not very exciting to look at unless there were some cool unseen psychic stuff going on. There probably was. Pit followed the whole crew to the table Luka was seated at. Greetings started, and so did the off-hand comments.

What the heck, Midna! Pit would have facepalmed if he wasn't already reaching out to return Luka's handshake.

The angel gratefully took a paper menu, looking it over. He quickly realized that all of the options were printed with no photos on either side, so he put it down on the table and looked over at all of the other diners to see what they were eating, intending to choose like that. Everything looked good, even the tempura, but needless to say he wouldn't be picked that. Too many close calls with those wizards. However, the food was secondary to why they were really here.

"Um, yeah, nice to officially meet you? My name's Pit," Pit said Luka, his voice suddenly getting stilted as he over-focused on "playing it cool." He only barely remembered the cover story for his own identity they'd been given hours ago, most of the information flying right out of his head at that moment. "It's cool to meet someone as. Uh, famous...? As..."

Wait, is he supposed to be famous?

"I mean, as good at their job as you! Which is monster-fighting and those other things you could fill us in on."

There we go. That's why I'm the cooler Pit. Take that, Pittoo.

" 'Cause... our psychic friends wanna join up and help, so... uh, they are curious?"

Oh yeah. Nailed it.

Word Count: 1042 (+2 exp)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 173/90
Location: Edinburgh MagicaPolis

The shelves in the Noumenon were well stocked to say the least. Even here on twenty-sixth floor each bookcase was crammed full of writings, and there were still dozens or more floors above them. As the Ace Cadet ran his eyes and fingers over the books on offer, he judged that there was little rhyme or reason to the way they were shelved. In fact it seemed unlikely to him that they were categorized at all. They were grouped almost at random, with instructional aids to fictional novels together with autobiographies and children's stories. He supposed that with the magic bookmark it didn't much matter that they weren't sorted... well, it wasn't like he was looking for anything in particular so it wasn't a great inconvenience to him at the moment anyway.

I wonder if someone collected everything here or it just showed up like this when all the world-remaking stuff happened, he thought to himself, noting that some sections all appeared to hold books similar to each other in aesthetics even if not in content. They were likely from the same universe, he assumed, like the adventure book and the summoning tutorial, or the fantasy novel and the language guide. The latter two he took from the shelves they were wedged into. The first's simple title, King, intrigued him, but upon cracking it open he was greeted a mildly disappointing notice:

Gentle reader, you will not understand a word of what follows unless you have read and commited to memory the first three volumes in this series, Beggar, Thief, and Warrior, which leads up to this, the conclusion. I encourage you to seek them out at your favorite bookseller.

"Shucks," he mumbled, glancing back at the bookshelf. He'd been walking, so finding the spot he'd pulled it from would be more trouble than it was worth. Leaving it on the ground didn't seem right, so he tucked the novel into his bag anyway. The other book he'd picked up, Dragon Language: Myth no More, did not have any such foreword. That was the one he was more interested in reading anyway.

He passed over a huge tome to check out a book with a monster on the cover, stopping briefly while he did. He couldn't tell if it was supposed to be fact or fiction from the blurb on the back nor the first couple of pages, so he set it back in its place.

Some items on the shelving weren't even books at all. Wherever there was space, collected scrolls and even stone tablets of all types were stacked. Every now and then there were also magazine racks, and like the bookshelves their collected magazines ranged in content from advertisements, hobbyist niches, fashion trends, to natural wonders of their respective worlds. In one of these racks a glimpse of the familiar immediately drew the Cadet's eye. It was a thick collection of pages, once paperback but rebound into something a little sturdier. The cover didn't appear to be in the best condition, not that it bothered the Cadet - he could still make out the bold script that read Hunting Life Magazine.

"Oh hey!" he exclaimed as he picked it up, the grin on his face running from ear to ear. He jogged to close the small distance between himself and the rest of the group, the monthly magazine opened up to display various articles and photos of his home world. It was an issue he hadn't read yet, which would be gargwawesome to go through once they had some down time. "This place is groovios, it has all kinds of stuff - everything, from everywhere."

What a resource it could serve as. Unfortunately it was just as unsafe for the Seekers as the rest of the city, proven by the disturbance that happened next. Something flew by the Noumenon, something large, fast, and presumably dangerous. With a quick response of "Right!" as Band bid them to hurry on, the Cadet pulled his backpack around to his front to shove the magazine inside and prepare a weapon while sprinting the rest of the way to the next floor. On the next landing they found a scene much like the floors below, with shattered glass and scattered pages all over. They also found the friend they'd been intending to meet, converging on Albedo's location.

"D'you think they found us already?" the Ace Cadet suggested, unhappy with the thought. He took note of Albedo's sword and, thinking back to how Big Band and Wonder Red had handled the enemies in the subway in melee fashion, equipped the great bow. When the enemy appeared above them, its wings spread wide, he considered his strategy; starting, of course, with getting out of the way.

Currently his armor was geared more toward protecting against the cold than monsters. If worst came to worst his shield was still strapped to his back, and loathe as he was to turn his back on something dangerous he could use it as a last ditch defensive measure while the bow was in his hands. At the moment though he had no such desires, and so the Cadet rolled out of the way of the projectiles. The demonic entity zipped away and unleashed more, sending the Cadet to cover behind a towering bookshelf. The impact of the rays practically exploded the wood and paper above him. The hunter frowned as he prepared his arrows - the thing was really fast, and there were still civilians on this level including the group he'd glimpsed under the table that Albedo stood on. Locking it down somehow seemed to be the best bet for curbing the damage it was doing and giving people time to escape.

Once the demon's latest volley was over, the Cadet popped out from behind his crumbling cover with the drawstring of the great bow pulled back. He shot a couple of arrows at Artemis, judging his own attack speed.

"Don't you know you're supposed to be respectful in a library?" he told the monster. As soon as he spotted an opening he fired a Blade Wire. Though it didn't exactly seem like it needed those wings to fly, at the very least it might pin the thing down for a moment.
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