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The only thing I want destroyed is myself.


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<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Is it possible that one got most of Shion’s soul and the other is defective?

I doubt that's the case, but it is possible.
*Looks at the pad*
It doesn't seem to fit with the results, though.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Shion could always have multiple souls. If your bodies were barely compatible, maybe your souls weren’t. Or the souls could have come from somewhere else.

Correct. I believe that's close to the answer, so the question is... Why the major difference between them? If it's a mixture of, well, not quite physical per se, but close to it, from your mother, and Shion's soul being unstable, then why does splitting bring out the other version when there's no trace of her in their combined state?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Rubs my eyes*
Are you sure there’s nothing special about that body that you don’t already know about? Or maybe something about your and mom’s souls?
*Pauses, glancing upward*
Does she have a soul?

Now we're on the same track. If it's not biological in nature, then it probably has a metaphysical component. So if you add that to the equation, what ideas come to mind as possibilities? And for the record, yes, we've been able to detect something similar to a soul in all four of you kids, but that's a conversation that can wait for another time.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

But you could use me as your control. I don't have anything wrong with me.

How would we know that for sure? True, I don't think there's anything wrong with you, but choosing you as a control group would only work if we knew for sure that there were enough similarities between you and your siblings to make it viable. Right now, I don't have enough information. Which leads to a lack of tests that I can do that need a control group, as well.
*Pats your head*
Besides, you've got a great mind in there. Let's focus on putting it to good use before worrying about testing anything against anything else, okay?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Why don’t you run tests on me and see? Or better yet, run them on Dawn. Win-win.

Because Dawn is not in a position to fully consent to testing, and I would need a strong baseline to compare against. Until we figure out more about Shion, there's little point in testing the rest of you. It would be like trying to decipher a code that's based in a language you are totally unfamiliar with, which has a totally different character set than you use. You have to learn things in order and build on them.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

What do you think that could be? Something to do with your biology?

That's the only conclusion I can come to. If we assume that you children have a hereditary link to your mother and I, as most offspring do, then it would make sense for a mixture of the two parents' traits to be present. The problem is that this body of mine is recreated. It's not my original, or even one particularly notable in terms of biology. It's barely compatible with Storm's, so why would it mix in such a way?
*Looks back at the pad in my hand*
Now that Shion and her halves are old enough to consent, I've finally gotten a small view into their biology, but there's no notable link between any of the samples and either your mother or I. We're basically stuck guessing, but I think we can figure it out. Knowing all that, do you have any insights on what it might be that causes this?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Since the other is so different, you think they don’t have a choice? They have to multiply into the original Shion?
*Rests the knuckle of my index finger beneath my lip*
But that wouldn’t explain why they don’t split further... unless once they split, they’re missing one of the pieces they need to split in the first place...

Not a bad thought. Let's assume that the two of them can't split further because of your observation that they each have one eye like that of the original. If the key to splitting is having both, then they couldn't go further with just one. And given that one has minor differences only compared to the original, I think it's relatively safe to say that something else is going on than just what your mother can do. It's likely a mutated form of the same concept, but my thought is that there's an underlying factor beyond that.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

It seems like it either has something to do with mom, or it’s a too-convenient coincidence. But it’s also weird that Shion seems to stay the same after it happens, except for her eyes. And the eyes have to have something to do with you, right?

I agree. That the trigger they've found is electricity, and that they don't split further when exposed to more, while your mother has a similar phenomenon, even if caused by different things, it points to a hereditary factor. The fact that her eyes change, which I can only assume is hereditary from my side... The strange part is that the one Shion is so similar to the combined one.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

I thought you said we weren’t at exotics yet in our lessons?

True, I just want to know what your educated guesses and opinions are. Knowing what you know about our family, and the results of their split into two, I want to know what conclusions you come to.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Shion doesn't do anything with her eyesight and Xion is annoying.

Ah. That does make sense from your perspective. Thank you. Next, what do you think actually happened in regards to them splitting?
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