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Added a few paragraphs to the bottom of Evelyn's post due to...new information :)
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

At the words of the psychopath, her frown became a much more real expression, though a hidden one. Slightly worried for her comrade, Evelyn glanced at Messiah, her gaze lingering on the girl and her aura of light before she had to look away to preserve her vision. Her mind running through the information she had gathered with her projection, Evelyn found her teeth grinding slightly as her mind worked over the problem. There wasn't really anyway she could see that would allow her to stop Eyeblight from detonating the bombs, let alone getting the detonator out of his possession.

Turning her thoughts elsewhere she moved her projection's shadow up through the street and had it stretch out till she felt familiar information regarding the powers of her teammates flow in. She then moved the projection over to them and had it wreath them for a moment, detecting the status of the civilians and their...bomb collars. Several of them were without the collars, which was definitely good news, but it appeared that Margrave was still working to remove the collars.

Then it struck her, she could copy his power and speed up the process. Of course, there was one downside to the plan...her projection would likely lose much of its combat viability and her and Messiah would be left vulnerable against Eyeblight if her teammate ran out of juice. It was moments like this that she wished her projection could split in two. Well...moments like this and times where she had chores back home and wanted to get them all done at the same time. Sadly, that was hardly an option.

She decided to compromise.

First she had the projection scan Margrave then take on a humanoid shape, the silver glimmer forming near the hostage furthest from Margrave. She willed it to look as human, and pleasant, as possible, while she had it recall the attributes of Eyeblight's form and the concrete. This made it light, but durable, while possessing agility and dexterous control of its own body. This coupled with the majority of Margrave's ability would have to do. She took a deep, but silent, breath and then let the projection manifest.

Too quiet for anyone, but Sonar to hear, she said, "Hopefully this will help a bit. Tell Margrave that I'm sorry for raining on his parade, if only a little."

As the words reached Sonar her projection began to act. It had four arms, something she hadn't really...told it to form, but it had anyways, given what her intentions for it had been it made sense. It had only two legs with which to walk, and the legs were much like those of a dinosaurs, with two joints, one a knee, and the other in reverse, leading to a clawed foot. Oddly, its hands were not clawed, thought there did appear to be tiny sensitive hairs on the tips of each finger. Shorter, but similar, hairs covered much of its head. It had no visible face, due to the hairs, which vibrated slightly, they appeared to be used as some kind of sensory apparatus.

Oddly, despite its bizarre appearance, the way it moved was gentle and fluid as it approached the first two civilians. Its hands reached out and its fingers grasped the devices that encircled their necks. Several moments passed, and then the collars 'toyified'. After another moment the collars became what appeared to be legos, which were then disassembled and thrown by her projection before it continued on to the next pair of civilians. Its work was slower than Margrave's, but the Tulpa was efficient and was working two at a time. While Evelyn hadn't meant to she had, due to sentiment, made her projection less effective than Margrave. Of course, its possession of additional powers didn't help much either.

As her projection worked and she kept a close eye on Eyeblight and her teammate, she suddenly realized something. Had she felt an unfamiliar power a moment ago? An honest frown creased her brow as she glanced up at the ceiling of the storm drain, as if she could look through the concrete to where the hostages and her team were. 'Wait...what?' she thought, her mind rushing through information her projection had given her only moments earlier.

Altered state. Elemental. Movement focus.

Her frown deepened. Were there any local players that might be here, now, with a power like that? She almost wished that she hadn't manifested her projection now, because so long as it was like that...well, it couldn't give her additional data and since her scan had been only cursory she was lucky to have even as much information as she did.

Damn...if only she had spent more time studying local capes. That thought in mind, she opened her mouth to relay the information to Sonar. Maybe he would know who it was.
I'll post with Evelyn after BC posts with Messiah (when they get to it as is said above) :)
Argent McAllister

There he stood in his personal study, a room that had formerly been a community space, which he had taken over not by asking people to get out, or to allow it to him, but by adorning it with the most advanced security measures their world had to offer including, but not limited to a fingerprint pad, an eye scanner, a measuring scale, a DNA test, passcode, numeric lock, several advanced padlocks, a dial mechanism or five, voice verification, a bioengineered 'guard beast,' a specialized, adaptive personality and background test, a highly advanced virtual intelligence, and a quantum recognition system.

The only downside to the security measures was that it took him about 5-10 minutes to enter his study every single time, which while vexing, was worth the personal space, security, and isolation from the insular minds of his...decidedly less science-minded compatriots. He shuddered and then spat upon the ground, one of his drones cleaning up the mess .003 seconds after it had been made. Turning his attention away from his terrible employer and "fellow." employees, Argent McAllister walked across the room and then began interacting with a holographic keyboard, his fingers zooming over it with inhuman efficiency. Two seconds passed and there were eight paragraphs written on the display, which upon the finishing of the final sentence opened several windows. McAllister swapped between them, checking the status of various projects of his, some of them outsourced at other labs where he operated them remotely with a variety of highly advanced robots.

Pulling away he looked out the window and, judging by the angle of light entering the window, he could tell it was about time for him to--UGHHH--associate with the rest of the staff. Though, more importantly, for him to check up on the three ongoing experiments of his that he hadn't outsourced.

Walking to the door he punched a series of codes, setting the system up to monitor his location and status, as well as to notify him of any impending threats of possible breaches in security, not to mention status reports on his various projects. As he exited the room, he stopped for a moment to take stock of his belongings before glancing almost longingly back at his study before the door was closed.

Once he'd gotten a good look of its comforting aesthetic he turned his eyes away and snapped his fingers. In response, all of his security measures slipped into place, the guard beast rising out from the floor, where it was held in place by several stasis beams a cage, and a series of chains.

Moving on Argent went downstairs to the first floor, the sound of the disgusting ork's roar reaching him easily. Seconds before it occured his ears were covered by what looked like headphones while he braced himself on the stairs. When the tremors had passed he continued down and then through the hall, seeking out their joke of a boss 'Adam Philip'. Finding him reading a fucking doctor seuss book, at which Argent scoffed with great derision, the scientist cleared his throat loudly to get the man's attention, before he spoke.

Once he had the man's attention he began, "Why aren't you in the lab working on the experiments or looking over data here?" While it was a question, it almost sounded like the arrogant Argent was trying to order Philip to do those very things. He glanced around the room, his normal--almost permanently--scowl forming on his features as he did. He snapped his fingers twice, then tapped his wristband. In response several hundred minuscule nanobots erupted from the cracks in the walls and floors and got started with cleaning the place up and organizing things properly.

He did this...EVERY FUCKING DAY when Philip arrived. It was ludicrous, he was NOT a janitor, but nonetheless he could not STAND how the place looked...let alone smelled after a day's work. "Furthermore, why are you reading Dr. Seuss of all things?! It is a child's book and you are certainly NOT a child, Mr. Philip," as he said the man's name, he glared at him, clearly perturbed to find his "boss" slacking off yet-a-fucking-gain. He was at the end of his rope with the man, and it showed.

It was particularly apparent when he accidentally--and subconsciously--commanded some of the nanobots to deconstruct one of the legs of Adam's chair. AFter all, the nanobots were, first and foremost, linked to Argent's consciousness.
Atsumi-kijo Tatasuko

[url=LINK]Theme I[/url] /|\ Theme II /|\ [url=LINK]Theme III[/url]



Argent McAllister

Argent McAllister

a i r y e ll Ҝ a s i o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴜ ι ɴ ᴇ
"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly."
Theme I Theme II Theme III

He'd been waiting for the stranger's response when they were interrupted by the shop keeper, likely the alleged Resistance's leader...for the moment. Having opened the door, the man, revealing he was a licentia, beckoned them in and after the quiet stranger, he heeded the licenti's call, laying a hand on his shoulder a moment as he passed. “I hope you don't plan to screw this up,” he said seriously, though the slightest of bemused smirks could be found on his lips.

Then the moment was gone, his hand lifted as he entered the shop and looked around. It was the back room, yet it was very well furnished considering that fact. Nonetheless, all kinds of trinkets, magical and otherwise, could be found strewn this way and that, some within protective glass, crystal, or cages, others hidden within cloth bags, or merely arranged on shelves. It was a bit haphazard, but the hunter figured that it was intentional on the shopkeeper's part. The man had an air about him that reminded him of someone he hated to think about. A certain rotten, scheming licentia by the name of Szayeis: Public enemy number one.

Turning his mind away from that he took a whiff of the room, catching a now stronger scent of blood as well as a variety of strange vis signatures from many of the surrounding merchandise. Once he'd taken a whiff of the place and gotten the lay of the land, he glanced at the once silent stranger who had, finally, decided to address him. As he regarded Miri the hunter noted more than a little bit of nervousness. He took note of it, and stored it away for later consideration as he responded, “Yes, pleased to make your acquaintance. Name's Mairyell. Just call me Mai though, shortens things up,” his tone was level, but his expression was largely neutral, in part because of the way 'Miri' had glanced around suggested paranoia, not to mention the nervous movements he made every so often. He'd seen it before and it reminded him of only one sort of person...thieves.

Still, there were more interesting people arriving, such as the kimono-wearing eximius he'd seen at the gathering. Eyes following the stranger before glancing at the wounded man, Mairyell started to head over, before he heard the eximius ask if the man required assistance. With that offer given by another, he turned his eyes away and instead let them fall onto Zeki.

As he listened to their host, he couldn't help but wonder who this other person was. He would soon find out.
z a y e i s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ᴍ ᴀ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴏ ғ ᴛ ʜ ᴇ ɢ ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ
"Which will it be, your pride...or your life?"
Theme I Theme II

With Aeris being maneuvered out of the way, he had freed himself to play instigator to Mairyell, not to mention beholden himself, at least in part, to the other members of the Resistance. The question was, should he go to the meeting as himself...or someone else.

While the thought of showing up in earnest to see the little vampire's reaction was an amusing one, it was perhaps not the wisest. Taking this into mind, Szayeis had split his awareness, infusing roughly 1/10th of his considerable vis into a man who'd been just about to retire for the night. The shadows around him coalesced before engulfing him, pulling at his clothes and forcing themselves into his mouth, eyes and ears with not a single scream. That was until his wife opened the door to the bathroom and saw her husband wreathed in darkness.

Nonetheless, her voice was cut short in the same fashion as her life, before she crumpled to the ground, blood seeping from the vicious gash in her throat. The man turned, skin covered in viscous black energy, eyes seeping the same substance, before the vis retracted into his body completely.

Looking down at himself, then at the mirror, Szayeis took stock of the human he'd possessed as he rearranged the dying man's vis in a thick shell around his own. After he'd properly situated himself within the man, using him as a disguise, he accessed the man's terrified mind and wrenched forth memory, accessing what sort of wardrobe he had and where he would find it.

With a snap of his fingers and a single step he relocated himself to the bedroom and dressed his little meat puppet. He decided to style the main's hair, parting it on the left side and slicking it down and to the right with hair gel, finishing in a rather slick look. He trimmed the facial hair clean off with the exception of a goatee and mustache. Once he was done he admired himself in the mirror, looking from head to toe at what he's chosen to wear. He'd chosen a a white dress shirt tucked into tan slacks, with black shoes, which was something he'd likely never wear under normal circumstances, which made it perfect. To top things off he picked a long button-up coat from the dresser and slung it over his shoulder, using some extended shadows to position it perfectly.

Then he found the man's wallet, read his ID and rifled through everything else. He even found a family photo with his vessel, James Hagar as well as his late wife and two beautiful daughters. A dark smile came over his face as he silently exited the man's bedroom and stalked through the house.

He stopped at the closed doors of their children's room and smiled as he felt a rise of fear and nausea emanate from James' trapped consciousness.

"Beautiful," he said with the man's voice, his hand reaching the door knob, turning it, before opening the door. His vessel's anxiety rose and rose with each movement as Szayeis entered the room, looked between the two daughter's beds, Emily and Daisy were their names. After a moment of contemplation, he laid a hand on the younger girl's cheek...and then poured vis into her body, letting it settle at her breast. Afterwards he felt drained, but it didn't last long as he touched the older sister and drained her vis. She wouldn't wake up for a long time.

Pleased with himself, he exited the room, closing the door, and then made his way out of the house and down the street. He did love his tragedies, he thought, as he considered the terrible future for the two siblings. They'd be...back ups for Aeris and Mairyell, just in case he had to get rid of them, or killing one destroyed the other. Besides, this time he could have an associate adopt them as foster children. Oh he would relish raising them...making them beholden to him, the man who had killed their parents—not that they would ever know.

Taking in a deep breath of the sweet night air, he shifted through a shadow to find himself relocated to the alley next to the Twilight Spirit. Further wreathing his vis with that of his vessel, he erased his true signature, though he did not replace it completely. Instead he intermingled the human vis with his own licenti essence. Then he had them engage in an intricate internal dance.

He had had Mairyell hunt him for centuries, he was hardly going to be caught now.

Entering through the open door, Szayeis, smiled at everyone, “Hehe, sorry, I wasn't sure if I should join you.” He gave Zeki an apologetic look before he glanced around and found a seat. As he put on the act, Szayeis took stock of those who had shown up.

'Charles Aeon, Mairyell Kasio, our host Zeki Glaedwine, Archene--an Eximius lord--and...Miri? Huh, didn't expect to see him anytime soon. I wonder if he knows about...no, probably not.' Internally he smiled. He loved knowing things that no one else did, after all...knowledge was power so it truly paid in spades to have a monopoly on it.
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