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Where I'll store RP OOCs, Projects, finished and completed.
Drake Vettman

A subtle, but pleased and friendly smile formed on his lips as their new recruit responded well to his power, calming down sufficiently for Lovecraft to speak and be heard, rather than largely ignored in favor of fight or flight. He listened to Lovecraft while watching the recruit's body language closely with his peripheral vision. Then he was called upon to speak by his comrade, to which his response was a slight glance, before he looked to their recruit and began, his tone relaxed. "The Jacks are a group of individuals," he began, gesturing at his two companions, "...with particular skills and special talents coming together to better achieve more in the criminal world. Bigger schemes that a single person of talent likely couldn't pull off on their own. We do take...commissions of a sort as well, for which we will require a...not so modest fee for completion." He smiled at Arsenal as he finished up, before adding a final statement to punctuate both his own explanation and the invitation surely contained in the letter "...and we were looking for someone to fill out our numbers. Someone with certain talents. Your name came up, and now here we are," he gestured at Lovecraft and Headhunter, before putting the hand back in his pocket.

After a moment he pushed from the wall, "But enough of that, let's move this somewhere else," he glanced at Lovecraft, "...we wouldn't want to be caught out in the open."
Accepted. Welcome to MA *hands you your IC Posting Permit*
Drake Vettman

An eyebrow raising at Fran's exclamation, Drake smiled a bit after a moment, giving Headhunter a sidelong glance before he too crossed the street, looking both ways before he did so. Slipping his hands into his pockets, his feet met the other sidewalk and he leaned against the wall, with Arsenal and 'Fran' in his line of sight, as well as Headhunter. Thoughts moving quickly he figured that their...new recruit, was likely to feel threatened by three strangers, who seemed to know him despite him being relatively new in town--as capes went. With this in mind, he spoke up, dialing his power up en full, though his teammates remained immune. After all, Arsenal wasn't on the team yet, so there was nothing really stopping him from using his power to make sure that this went smoothly. He'd stop afterwards, maybe even apologize for the manipulation. Imagine that. "Proposal is right, friend," he said, smiling at their recruit conspiratorially. "I assure you we can pick up and leave if you're not interested, but trust me you're probably gonna like what we're selling, so to speak." With that he shut his mouth as it was likely plenty to do the trick, especially considering that the fellow had no idea he even had a power.

So there he leaned, waiting for their recruit's response. Hopefully he would be sufficiently convinced. If not, well...he had plenty more where that had come from and if he wouldn't play ball willingly, well...that would just be his loss.

Loss of self that is.


Bree and Dranai Llamant

Cold interrupted by hot, uncomfortable rigidness, hard edges poking into his back and sides, taut ropes constricting his wrists and ankles; specifically designed gloves to stop any motion from his fingers, pushing them together with unforgiving force. He opened his eyes and groaned, shifting in place, finding himself seated on some kind of bench. He'd been leaning/sleeping against a table, which explained the hard edges and marks he knew were forming—though they would fade given time. He took stock of his person, immediately noticing that his Focus had been taken from his person...likely stowed elsewhere.

Straightening up, the professor glanced around the room, finding it had only one exit and certainly not a window in sight. Instead it was stone overlaid with wood panels for décor. There were two pictures hanging on the wall, one depicting what appeared to be a licentia wreathed in inky black vis, roaring at the moon as two armies, one on either side of the being, rushed forth, claws, magic, and weapons bared. The other picture, Dranai noted, with his frown deepening as he did so, was of an abstract swirl of patterns, not unlike what he visualized when working magic.

It was then that a wave of disorientation and small aches and pains hit him almost as if something had been holding them back. He keeled over, head hitting the table a little—not enough to hurt. His vision blurred for a moment as the pain went through him in waves. He gritted his teeth and felt tears in his eyes as he struggled to take in breath...and then he saw Bree, and it all receded.

The man had a serious expression on his face, lips in a taut line, eyebrows level, eyes...cold. Dranai's jaw muscles, despite the pain having ceased, flexed as he felt a tight feeling constrict his chest. He swallowed hard, trying to consider what to say, only to find that words escaped him and that his mouth and throat were unspeakably dry. He began consciously moving his tongue in his mouth as he straightened his posture. After a moment he managed to find words, “Could I have some water at least...?”

His captor, the infamous Dealbreaker, nodded curtly and left the room, moving out of sight. Dammit all, thought the professor, ...not only did he fucking kidnap me for who knows what reason, but he appears to not be the version of himself that I know. Not even a chance of good will in him. He gritted his teeth and exhaled sharply before the dull thumps of the man's boots told him that the Broker had gotten his drink.

A moment later he came into sight, the same cold eyes and taut lips defining his expression and current disposition. Thanking the Broker, he raised his hands and held the cup, though he had to use both hands due to his restraints, before bringing the water to his lips and parching his thirst, banishing the dryness in his mouth and throat. After another sup or two he put the cup down on the table. The Broker made no move to take it...much to his relief.

With that bodily distraction out of the way, Dranai, with no time to waste, began two trains of thought before using a third to meet Bree's eyes, narrowing his own, before he opened his mouth to speak. “You must know this was unwise,” he began, honest annoyance, a measure of fear, and not a small amount of anger lacing his tone.

One corner of Bree's lips twitched upwards...a smirk, if but a passing one. Good, he could get him to react, though the smile was not terribly helpful.

Dranai took note of the expression and used his peripheral vision and impeccable memory to recall if he'd seen any markings on the walls, ceiling, floor, or table of his...prison. There weren't.

He almost smiled. It appeared that Bree had not been careful enough. He would pay for his oversight. After all, he was not dealing with an apprentice mage, but instead a master.

It's almost funny how ya seem ta think that you've got any power in our current arrangement, the Broker quipped, no smile crossing his features, his eyes cold. Dranai took no time to reply as his mind directed two totally different patterns of vis into his face, tongue and toes. He began moving his toes within his shoes, unseen, weaving little patterns and exuding trace amounts of vis. Each movement of his face was similar, except those movements he connected to his normal expression shifts and speech. “Is it really so amusing, Broker? After all, last time you regretted it. That is...unless you've forgotten.” His tone was grave, eyes accusing and harsh as he met the Broker's gaze.

“If I remember correctly I cost you thousands in potential favors and in actual job payments for a solid two years after you crossed me. I really have no trouble doing it again, it wasn't very hard, and I admit that it was very...cathartic.” At his words, the Broker's lips turned downwards slightly, the beginnings of a frown. Good.

Then he took a step, sudden, and his hand lurched out, wrapping its fingers around Dranai's neck, tight, but not enough to choke. His mind froze completely, his spellwork interrupted, but he managed to continue the thread of one of them just before it dissipated. You really shouldn't threaten the man whose got your life in his hands. Do I make m'self clear, professor? Bree's eyes were narrowed and only inches away, his breath hot as it tickled the hairs of Dranai's neck, sending cold shivers down his spine. It smelled of spirits.

Their little...staring contest lasted for a whole minute before Dranai managed a stiff nod and Bree retreated, letting go of his throat. He swallowed hard, not even having to feign the fear he felt. Taking in a deep breath he made an effort to calm himself. Bree gave him a peculiar look before backing up back into the door frame, and then leaving the room entirely. He heard the sound of the man looking for something as he moved who knows what out of the way.

Dranai took it as his chance to act. First he re-positioned himself and resumed the working of his second spell as the first was completed and prepped for activation. After several seconds counted down, about ten or so, he heard the sounds in the other room cease and boots approach his location.

Taking a deep breath before acting he let his first spell activate and as it did so all his restraints—rope and hand-clamps-- burst into flames that touched him not at all. When the ropes were gone he placed his hands beneath the table before Bree entered the room. He was carrying what appeared to be handcuffs...except, they had rune engravings. Dranai had no intention of letting those damned things touch him, so instead he met the Broker's eyes and then smiled as he let his spell loose. His hands shot up as if to hit the table, but instead a powerful force exuded from them, a shockwave caused by heat differentials created by his first spell, causing the table to fly full force through the air and into the Broker's chest, sending him back through the doorway as the table collided with it and splintered. The same force had also destroyed the implements that had held his hands. With those gone he stretched them, rising to his feet, an imperious look in his eye.

“I warned you,” he said, fingers weaving patterns in the air, barriers swiftly errecting themselves about his form.

He heard Bree rise to his feet, as well as the sound of another pair of footsteps. Shit. he thought quietly as he recalled that Bree had a sister. Deciding that they would capture him again if he did not keep them off balance, the illusionist snapped his fingers once, twice, thrice, in unison with a nearby clock's ticking.

Swiftly an invisible screen of vis overlapped itself with his form, with its total mass taking up about 4 meters in any direction from his person. He began adding complexities, tiny tendrils of energy extending from the projection and connecting with his surroundings even as he took steps forwards, grabbing a table leg. He used a simple spell to remove any broken wood from the leg before twirling it once in his hand and striking it hard against the door frame.

At this point he could see Bree, who staggered at the sound, his half licenti sister doing the same. The professor continued his stride forwards, eyes locked on the Broker. He wasn't out just yet. Shifting his grip on the table leg he let it slide into a reverse grip, the point extending backwards, before he strike that very point against the doorframe again. Both siblings staggered once more, but Bree appeared to be recovering as he reached down to his belt, fingers grasping for one of his many armaments.

Dranai had other plans and he made them known by raising his hand so Bree could see, and then snapping. From his perspective Bree used all the strength in his body to throw himself backwards and into the wall furthest from his person.

However, it appeared the the Broker's sister had already broken his hold on her senses and did not appear at all pleased with him. With no hesitation at all she snatched a sawed off shotgun from behind herself and began bringing it around. Dranai didn't let her finish the motion.

Having no further need of the table leg, he sent a tiny super condensed kernal of vis into its form and then hurled it at her with a small force spell and a flick of his wrist. The leg careened end over end towards the woman. She started to dodge only for the leg to explode into wooden shrapnel, much of it embedding itself in her skin, with some being deflected off of his shields.

However, it appeared that Bree's sister was more resilient than he'd counted on. She got back to her feet and lunged for him, causing the mage to stop in place and take a step back, a frown of worry crossing his features before it became horror as her form passed through his barriers and...missed.

He smiled and stepped around her, leaving part of the invisible projection he'd created earlier in place, making her think she'd just tackled him, pinning him to the ground, when the reality was that he stood behind her. Muffling his footsteps and deafening her to his breathing he turned and ran to the ladder...and ascended. He got all the way to the top before sprinting out of the small shack. He ran a whole two blocks before he stopped to rest a moment, setting up an alert spell spread over the surrounding block. He knew Bree wouldn't give up that quick, and his illusions wouldn't hold up for long after he'd left the area, they hadn't been complex enough for that.

So the question now was, how the hell was he supposed to evade capture.

Then it hit him, he hadn't managed to retrieve his Focus before he escaped.


It seemed his day was about to get much worse. That was, if you could call it day anymore as it was around midnight by the looks of it. In fact, he considered, the time might just end up being his only saving grace.

After all...it was the witching hour.
a i r y e ll Ҝ a s i o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly."
Theme I Theme II Theme III

Eyes expectant, Mairyell waited for their host to answer the door, but it seemed that something else required his attention as he heard a soft grunt exit his sister's mouth. Glancing down with a light frown, he waited for her to explain, knowing she would. However, when finally she spoke up the words that parted her lips were unwelcome ones. His pupils sharpened to slits and his eyes flashed crimson, before he took several breaths, forcing the beast that he kept coiled tightly in his mind from breaking free. It appeared that he would not have to fight it alone, as Aeris rose to the occasion, kissing him.

While it only lasted for a short thirty seconds, the kiss nonetheless felt like an eternity of bliss packed into just half a minute. Those moments had stimulated his Brisn, as well, and so his eyes returned to their indigo hue and he smiled down at her, though the expression tightened as he recalled why she had given him a kiss.

It was a goodbye, a 'be safe,' as they both knew that one of them had to investigate the eximius' presence in the city...and considering how he felt about the bastard, well, it couldn't be him. That and he already had other arrangements. Nonetheless, it appeared that the meeting had another arriving participant. Not missing a beat despite the fact that they'd been seen in that intimate moment, Mairyell nodded at the stranger, “Yes, we were invited. However, it seems something has come up for her...so I'll catch her up later.”

He smiled at Aeris, “I'll see you later, alright? Be safe,” he said quieter, kissing her on the head before he glanced at the door, and then back to her.

Aeris' eyes met the stranger's as she listened to her brother when he addressed him. When he spoke to her, she smiled regretfully up at him before forcing her body from his.

As she passed the stranger to get out of the alley, she nodded silently before disappearing around the corner and making her way East, in the direction that her vis was pulling her.

His eyes followed Aeris till she turned the corner of the alley at which point he exhaled, took a deep breath in and then smiled slightly as he turned his gaze on the newcomer and asked “So...what's the name?”
Heh. Thanks for crediting me! I appreciate the compliment :P

I like the concept by the way ^_^

Good luck.
adison ily arperDots
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"If...if you don't mind, maybe I can help?"
Theme I Theme II Theme III

Twenty-Two. Female. Human. Caucasian.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

While she doesn't have an athletic build, Madison is very much in shape and well nourished, and it shows in her hourglass figure and good genetics. She has startling ice blue eyes and naturally purple hair—despite what anyone else says. She's 5'4 and is at a healthy weight for her age and height. She prefers to wear clothes that, while flattering, give her essentially full coverage as she's not the sort to show off, though she does care very much about her appearance. She's the type of girl who, despite her insecurities, doesn't need much make-up to look good. Perhaps one day she'll believe it.
[ ⊰⊱ ] io

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[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

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