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"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly." Theme I ♦ Theme II ♦ Theme III
Departing the meeting, Mairyell walked with his sister, and while they did not hold hands or walk arm-in-arm there was an air of closeness about them. The hunter sighed contently, wrapping an arm around Aeris' waist after they'd made some distance between themselves and the Resistance's first gathering. He squeezed her gently against his form, keeping her close for awhile before letting her walk as normal, mostly so as not to draw too much attention.
His hands slipped into his pockets and his head tilted back as he looked at the moon, which was barely visible in the night as a tiny crescent-shaped sliver in the sky. It was a beautiful night, if ever so slightly chilly, not that such things bothered him much, what with his unique physiology. Enjoying the silent presence of his sister, the vampire ran through a series of different possibilities for the Resistance. Aeris had been right, it could very well start a war...though, he wondered why she thought it would go down that road. He glanced at her for a moment, before looking away, smiling to himself.
Finding himself a tad hungry Mairyell and Aeris made a stop at a small hidden building, that one would have had much difficulty finding in the center of Ominar. It was a vis dispensary, a place wherein vis was obtained legally and sold to licentia so they could feed without disturbing the peace. Mairyell bought two quarts of blood, drank it, taking in the vis within it and distilling the liquid into more energy as it passed through his body. When he was done he had only a single bottle's worth of the stuff, and this he stowed away, giving Aeris a brief smile, implying they could enjoy it later.
With this done he made his way to the location of the second meeting, which ended up being a store called the Twilight Spirit. With Aeris in tow, he walked around to the side door and knocked. While he waited his nose picked up the distinct scent of blood...yet, he couldn't quite put his finger on what sort of blood. After a moment or two he surmised that it must have just been a human with a unique scent. With that put to rest, he frowned at the door. Hopefully Roger, or whomever was letting them in, wasn't going to take much longer.
The most cerebral of the three sibling races of licentia, the Ahldreian possess both an intensely powerful mind as well as an intrinsic connection to the Will, a force that existence cannot go without. It is this connection that gives the Ahldreian their understanding of the world, any knowledge they should need, and of course...clairvoyance. While both the Nightwalkers and TRISTARI possess each their own powerful intuition, the Ahldreian, while youngest among the three, are capable of actually observing the flow of fate and ascertaining how to pull possibilities from the Rift and into reality. Of course, this enigmatic race possess other boons, such as their adaptable bodies, which they can tune, along with their vis, so as to channel energy in differing ways. While not so strong as their siblings in these ways, the Ahldreian are nonetheless formidable adversaries, often standing anywhere between six and ten feet, though their imposing height is not matched with much bulk.
Slender and frail looking, Ahldreian are nonetheless much more dangerous than they appear, as they possess a fine tuned understanding of the world around them which surpasses that of most. Joining their unique mind and clairvoyance are their astounding senses, which are less physical in nature than most as instead of eyes, ears, mouths, and noses, every Ahldreian merely possess a series of highly sensitive organ-like constructs within their bodies. These crystalline formations are connected directly to their soul core, which, rather fittingly, resides in their head. Essentially, these 'organs' function by way of detecting the interactions between vis of all sorts and their environment on a fundamental level. This makes them capable of all five normal senses, but ramped up hundreds of times in sensitivity and accuracy, without any avenue for normal overexposure, making it impossible to 'blind' or 'deafen' them in the traditional sense. However, this powerful sense comes at a cost and that cost is a weakness to the manipulation of vast amounts of vis within their direct vicinity causing an overpowering nausea-like sickness. Beyond this, Ahldreian are not particularly durable and as with their siblings, they are uniquely weak to vis-infused platinum.
While Nightwalkers have their shadow magic and TRISTARI their magical mastery, the Ahldreian hold dominion over the powers of clairvoyance, illusion, and frequency-based magic. While clairvoyance and illusion are rather common, frequency-based magic is something that merits explanation. This discipline was developed to allow the Ahldreian to practice magic despite the weaknesses associated with their unique senses. By using their connection and understanding of the Will, the Ahldreian can extend both their vis beyond physical space and over vast distances allowing them to preform magic without directly disturbing their surroundings. While some magics achieve this by merely stretching the caster's energy over vast distances, the Ahldreian do so by resonating their vis with that of another location, and then connected it to their will for a time. This makes them adept at casting spells with vast scope and range, while reducing their skill for spells requiring precision. Of course, an Ahldreian can be precise, it simply takes more effort or a different methodology than a normal mage would require.
As to their talents for illusion magics, the Ahldreian can be said to be so skilled that none aside from their siblings and the most dedicated, or trusted, of scholars has any inkling of the ability. This is, in part, due to their tendency to use illusions on an incredibly minute level to suggest ideas or slightly alter the impression they give to others. It is this ability coupled with their mind and foresight that gives them the ability to unite their kind, and perhaps others as well. After all, how could we know, we're only human.
“When the world is in ruins and hope seems lost, they will come, and with the world darkened from their absence, their presence will blind and confound. Though when their work is done and our senses adjusted, we will stand in a new world...uplifted yet none-the-wiser.”
Dating back to the advent of the licentian race, the Ahldreian have existed almost since the birth of their species. They possess a rich history and while they have always been fewer in numbers than their two sibling races, the Nightwalkers and TRISTARI, the Ahldreian have nonetheless taken up the position of leadership when it was needed most, with their kind having led licenti throughout the ages into periods of prosperity unseen in the current era. Nonetheless, information regarding their exact personal is something that would be highly valued, but has nonetheless been hiden by what remains of the Ahldreian race today.
Their culture on the other hand has, in part, been uncovered. First and foremost, the Ahldreian value the mind and the guiding powers of fate's numerous threads. They are beings who do not look back, but instead always plan for the future, taking in their present circumstances, and pushing themselves, and their kind, into a newer and brighter tomorrow. This is their chief purpose in the world, and it follows that they believe it a righteous and all important one. However, this sense of importance can make their kind rather overconfident, which is perhaps one of the reasons that they have shrouded themselves in myth and mystery.
Beyond this, the Ahldreian are known to be a reclusive people, keeping to themselves and protecting their own with an admirable ferocity. Similarly they do not often venture outside of those places wherein they lurk, but when they do, my do they stir up the waters.
Perhaps one day they will emerge from the shadows and reveal to the world the reason for their actions.
@vietmyke Accepted, put OSC4R.exe into the Character Tab :P
Before I make a sheet.
I wanna make an Ice Based character.
My concept of this would be.
Abstract Freezing. Being able to freeze abstract concepts like thoughts, spirit/soul, space, ice that makes one insane because you make their heart cold lol and lol Esdeath time etc. I'm not going the overpowered route which I am avoiding but I'm figuring out ways on how to make the usage of ice unique. Anything that is abstract.
Can you help me?
Can I? CAN I?!?!
Yes I can (xD). Welcome to the thread by the way. This would likely be easier in Discord so join when you can. For now I can give you some ideas/starting points and also tell you what to avoid or what would be more difficult (balance-wise and/or in terms of actual difficulty for a character).
So if you're gonna mess with thoughts and the like, I suggest going prae (partially because we are in need of them as they are the minority of PCs and partially because they have some inherent psychic talents). I would suggest going for either a prae with the Mirage specialization (if you want both elements and psychic abilities) or a prae with the Gypsy specialization (if you want just psychic abilities).
If you go the prae route and choose the Mirage specialty as their focus, then you could have all their abilities revolve around Ice. I must remind you that all prae abilities have to do with either their mind or are initiated via physical contact. So your character could, for example, brush by through the air, making contact with moisture, or make contact with water and spread their vis through it, and then control said water, turning it into ice so as to manipulate. They could "freeze" or "stall" thoughts with psychic attacks of varied nature. Applications vary.
If you choose human on the other hand, you'd probably get closer to what you mentioned (and would also add to the current count of 6 human characters, not including the two human-prae hybrids). The choice of human would likely result in a mage specializing in psychic attacks, which they would mix and match with spells that imbue aspects of the "ice" element into a given area, individual, or object. You would not be able (nor allowed due to OOC reasons) to freeze "space," or a person's mind outright. You could briefly stall someone's thoughts if they didn't have adequate mental defenses/resistance. You could, with effort, break said mental barriers or the like, and then freeze single thoughts or muck with their heads. You could also specialize in an "Abstract," magic that did more or less what you're referring to.
Regardless, it would be...complicated. I'd likely have you tell me the given effects you wanted to achieve with more specifics and then I'd have to tell you how your character was achieving that.
That's the problem with Abstract magics...they aren't simple in nature ^^;
Oh huh? Oh, I was just lurking. I barely skimmed the OP but seeing how many posts are in this thread already slightly catches me with an intimidated eye. Ehehe.
Less has happened than you'd think (we're getting things moving again, we had a long planning period of sorts). We're still in the first IC day actually (Well...night really). Plus we'd love to have more people ^_^