Welcome to Re: Honor of N, a Naruto RP!

Modern Konoha, 200 years after Boruto Timeline
What is the true meaning of Ninja? No matter what era, conflict is always present and no matter how much the Will of Fire burns, darkness continues to put out its flames and ideals bring a wind anew.
Ninjas are being hunted in the Modernization Movement. Our world today consists of 15% Ninja and 5% Samurai and the others are Purists who proclaim themselves righteous and believe that Ninjas are an abomination. Anyone practicing the art of Shinobi faces public execution. To think an invention such as Kote started such a perilous era. Although Hidden Villages exist they are literally exist in the shadows but fret not...
"It's not an all out war yet but all hell is about to break loose."- Hanami Hyuuga
I'm a big Fan of Yoshua and his works and yeah I stalk them daily, I apply the same principle in this RP. I also credit him for this template. I believe that he the best when it comes to a Game Master stand point.
⊰ Haru's Ten Commandments
- Follow Naruto lore. Do not change it nor add anything to it.
- Do not make too many Uchiha. This means, you cannot have eye transplants too.
- No Tailed Beasts. While an Uchiha is allowed, power creeping prevented. For Prevention is better than Cure.
- Be original with your history. It is okay to have inspiration. Do not outright copy.
- Do everything with love. This means to say, when making a character, we need to feel it. The character defines the character. It is never the amount of techniques.
- Be realistic in making a character. In my work, I usually try to find ways to let the female characters contribute without just going down the "action girl" stereotype with them, since it feels incredibly forced and unrealistic most of the time and seems to exist in the media only to keep all the feminist propaganda happy. This applies to male characters too. I understand and foresee what your say is but keep in mind that just because it's a male, it doesn't really mean strong. We can have an intellectual nerd etc. I look through the user's heart and character development, not the powers.
- Haru values your life. No one will post on a Sunday including me.
- One Character per person, if there needs to be an additional. Approach my disciples.
- Techniques Everything below C Rank Techniques, you can have. C Ranks are a maximum of 3, B ranks are 2, and A Rank is one but 4 for Jounin and above while 2 for Chuunin, an S Rank will be 1 and can only apply in Chuunin level+ but as for now, no one will make an S Rank. If it includes a variation, it is still one technique. An example would be Chidori which is an A rank, if it has a variation, it still one technique.
Everyone is a matured Naruto Rper. I do not need to repeat what is forbidden or banned. - Calendar will be based on Hebrew Calendar.
1 Nisan
2 Iyar
3 Sivan
4 Tammuz
5 Av
6 Elul
7 Tishrei
8 Marcheshvan
9 Kislev
10 Tevet
11 Shevat
12 Adar
Year 987.
⊰ Rules
- It should be noted that this RP will have mature themes. Fade to black will be applicable to sexual situations, but don't expect situations including drugs, gore, or some taboo subjects to garner the same treatment. This is not to say that any of the above will be done in excess, just that they may be done.
- Combat will be handled on a case-by-case basis, with the GMs proctoring in case issues or disagreements arise. Should you want to script your fight, let the GMs, and your partner(s) know. Make sure all parties are in agreement. A 'scripted fight,' is one wherein the victor is decided before hand.
- Burning house rule--if you're gone too long and holding things up, expect your character to either be moved aside quietly, or killed to further plot. To avoid the burning house rule, keep us updated, a hiatus can be arranged.
- If a problem arises for a player in regards to the GM and they feel uncomfortable bringing it up. Go to the other GM for advice. Don't worry, we're perfectly reasonable people and nine times out of ten we'll work through it with you.
- The GMs have final say on all matters--this does not mean that I cannot be swayed or convinced. Still, if something must be resolved, we will resolve it and that'll be the end of the discussion.
- Should you lack inspiration or enough material to post, tell someone. Communicate. Talk to your GMs. Worst case scenario, we'll just move your character aside till you can post again.
- While you may expand on or modify the base format of the character sheet, make sure all necessary sections are included.
- No OOC drama. Keep it to PMs, and hopefully keep it non-existent. If needed contact a GM for problem resolution.
- Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
- Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
- Only accepted characters go in the character tab.
- Post your Character Sheet in the OOC for review.
- Standard Guild rules apply.
- IC swearing will occur.
Disobey them and I will declare Uchihas running on you.
⊰ What to Expect
- Interactions with at least semi-realistic cause and effect. If you kill someone, expect there to be an investigation or at least it be on the news.
- Medium scale in terms of character power, unless you've got good reasons/you prove you can be trusted with more.
- Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
- Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
- A GM who is willing to work with you, hear you out, but not break his back to suit your every need.
- Good communication be it player to player, GM to GM, or GM to player.
- Some measure of political intrigue.
- Multiple plotlines if possible.
- Group world building!
- Collaboration posts.
- Some Taboo Subjects.
- Some slice of life.
- Some dark themes.
- Some combat.
⊰ Factions
⊰ Your Judges aka The GM Staff
The Judges
@RaijinSlayer The Villain Moderator
@Leslie Hall The Strategist
@Feisty-Pants The Feisty Mom
@Suku The Benevolent Hyperdimensional Waifu
@Grey The Master of All Concepts
You. Everyone here got a say to say no, if there is something wrong on the process of Character Approval. This includes the Judges
⊰ Official Character Sheet

⊰ Announcements
Two more sheets will be added. Don't ever call a sheet a CS. We call it NadareRyu or Nadare for short. This is to honor my late friend.