【Personal Info】
【Name: Yanagi, Taikou.
【Nicknames: TBA.
【Alias: TBA.
【Age: 540
【Age Appearance: 27
【Gender: Male.
【Race: Plus-->Shinigami.
【Former Rank: Captain Commander.
【Former Division: 1st Division.
【Additional Appearance Info: Taikou stands at 6'3 and weighs around 270 lbs, his form garbed in traditional shihakusho and captain's haori he is a sight to behold. With his zanpakuto slung across his back, and an imperious air about him, the man is not one to be trifled with. Don't let his youth fool you either, for under his shihakusho is a well muscled body, and within that body is a reiryoku of unique properties.
【Biography: Taikou came from nothing, or at least that is what he was led to believe. Growing up in the 68th district, food was scarce, and he was always hungry. He'd never been human, so it was something of a miracle that he survived into childhood at all. By the time he was that old, his parents were sickly and ill from malnutrition, while he was still barely a stick despite how much they had sacrificed to allow him to survive. So it was that he lost both parents to starvation at the age of five, leading him to fight every day for his survival. Yet, he had an inexplicable advantage, reiatsu so great, that even as a child, people struggled to be around him. With no control of his power, any fight he got into earned someone bruises or broken bones. Sometimes it was the bones in his fingers or toes...but more often it was the bones of his aggressors. So it was that he grew up with a fierce instinct for survival and a fire in his eyes. Of course, when he'd been younger there had been a kindness in him, but it was suppressed with his need to survive.
Fighting his way from the lower districts, Taikou eventually stumbled upon an old compound of the Tatasuko family, one they still watched, and it was there that he found a haven. Still stocked with food and with people who were more than willing to help him learn his power, Taikou grew up amongst the Tatasuko, learning from some of the most intelligent and gifted non-shinigami in soul society. While the noble family did not adopt them, they in large part helped nurse his mind back into equilibrium, helping him balance the violence of his past, with the kindness of his soul. With this lesson learned he departed their care, his body that of a fourteen year old boy at the time. It was then that he took Shin'o academy by storm, graduating not in the alloted 5 years, but in 1. His skills in everything but kido excelled and seeing this, the aged Captain Commander recommended him to the 1st division and took him under his wing.
Training the boy to further hone his tremendous reiatsu, the Commander, and some of the other Veterans of the Gotei 13 practically raised the young shinigami. In him the commander, Sakazuki, Ihara, instilled a sense of the world. Of the rules a shinigami must adhere, to and how to instill respect, fear, and order in others. She taught him to follow what he felt was right, but to keep in mind the consequences. She taught him to never back down, and she taught him how to harness his strength. So it was that in a period of fifty years he not only became her equal, but grew to surpass her in the next ten. On that day, she stepped down from her position, and gave it to him. While there were many dissenters at first, their cries died down when she revealed to them that she had been sick for a very...very long time, and that she was not much longer for the world.
That and a tournament, in which any dissenter took on their new Commander, were her parting gifts, as they allowed him to prove himself to every shinigami he would lead--prove that his strength would be sufficient, and his wisdom and resolve were apparent. The result was, in large part favorable, with only a select few still disliking the state of things, but what was done was done after all. In the century that followed, Taikou proved his leadership time and time again, as the hollow menace seemingly organized itself. He deployed the divisions with efficiency and intuitive understanding of the threat until it had been wiped out. As of twenty years ago, the hollow menace was reduced considerably and the state of Soul Society and the balance of souls was returned.
All was well.
That was, until one fateful day five years ago when their world was turned on its head. Since then, Taikou has been in low spirits, his morale and pride severely wounded by his defeat and thus failure to uphold his sole duty: The protection of Soul Society. However, within the last two years he has regained his resolve and so has gathered some of the strongest members of the Gotei 13, with the intention to once more reclaim their home.
【Personality: Taikou is often mistaken for a very moderate sort of person, someone who is thoughtful and accepting of all views, when the reality is that he has two almost entirely distinct sides, one intuitive, understanding, and emphatic; the other fiery, stern, and in large part aloof and unforgiving. He is kind and calm in most scenarios, but when problems present themselves he will use his intuition and strict adherence to law and order to quickly and efficiently solve them. He is one who prefers to solve issues non-violently, but who will nonetheless resort to violent means if he sees it necessary. He is patient with those who respect his edicts, while being almost unforgiving to those who disobey.
This dual nature of his creates a clash of interests in Taikou, made worse when combined with his position and youth. He is meant to be looked upon as a leader, as the strongest among the captains and the one holding the power to protect the Seireitei. Yet, he is inexperienced and while he is surely wise beyond his years, his lacking time in the Gotei 13 has limited him in some aspects. In this way, his power and authority is like that forged by a master, but wielded by one still learning the art. Nonetheless, Taikou is a proficient leader, capable of making proper judgment calls and making the hard decisions when no one else will. He is willing to sacrifice for the greater good, be it others or himself, and while in some aspects he aims to please, he is not so concerned with the thoughts and opinions of his subordinates as to cloud his judgment.
【Nicknames: TBA.
【Alias: TBA.
【Age: 540
【Age Appearance: 27
【Gender: Male.
【Race: Plus-->Shinigami.
【Former Rank: Captain Commander.
【Former Division: 1st Division.
【Additional Appearance Info: Taikou stands at 6'3 and weighs around 270 lbs, his form garbed in traditional shihakusho and captain's haori he is a sight to behold. With his zanpakuto slung across his back, and an imperious air about him, the man is not one to be trifled with. Don't let his youth fool you either, for under his shihakusho is a well muscled body, and within that body is a reiryoku of unique properties.
【Biography: Taikou came from nothing, or at least that is what he was led to believe. Growing up in the 68th district, food was scarce, and he was always hungry. He'd never been human, so it was something of a miracle that he survived into childhood at all. By the time he was that old, his parents were sickly and ill from malnutrition, while he was still barely a stick despite how much they had sacrificed to allow him to survive. So it was that he lost both parents to starvation at the age of five, leading him to fight every day for his survival. Yet, he had an inexplicable advantage, reiatsu so great, that even as a child, people struggled to be around him. With no control of his power, any fight he got into earned someone bruises or broken bones. Sometimes it was the bones in his fingers or toes...but more often it was the bones of his aggressors. So it was that he grew up with a fierce instinct for survival and a fire in his eyes. Of course, when he'd been younger there had been a kindness in him, but it was suppressed with his need to survive.
Fighting his way from the lower districts, Taikou eventually stumbled upon an old compound of the Tatasuko family, one they still watched, and it was there that he found a haven. Still stocked with food and with people who were more than willing to help him learn his power, Taikou grew up amongst the Tatasuko, learning from some of the most intelligent and gifted non-shinigami in soul society. While the noble family did not adopt them, they in large part helped nurse his mind back into equilibrium, helping him balance the violence of his past, with the kindness of his soul. With this lesson learned he departed their care, his body that of a fourteen year old boy at the time. It was then that he took Shin'o academy by storm, graduating not in the alloted 5 years, but in 1. His skills in everything but kido excelled and seeing this, the aged Captain Commander recommended him to the 1st division and took him under his wing.
Training the boy to further hone his tremendous reiatsu, the Commander, and some of the other Veterans of the Gotei 13 practically raised the young shinigami. In him the commander, Sakazuki, Ihara, instilled a sense of the world. Of the rules a shinigami must adhere, to and how to instill respect, fear, and order in others. She taught him to follow what he felt was right, but to keep in mind the consequences. She taught him to never back down, and she taught him how to harness his strength. So it was that in a period of fifty years he not only became her equal, but grew to surpass her in the next ten. On that day, she stepped down from her position, and gave it to him. While there were many dissenters at first, their cries died down when she revealed to them that she had been sick for a very...very long time, and that she was not much longer for the world.
That and a tournament, in which any dissenter took on their new Commander, were her parting gifts, as they allowed him to prove himself to every shinigami he would lead--prove that his strength would be sufficient, and his wisdom and resolve were apparent. The result was, in large part favorable, with only a select few still disliking the state of things, but what was done was done after all. In the century that followed, Taikou proved his leadership time and time again, as the hollow menace seemingly organized itself. He deployed the divisions with efficiency and intuitive understanding of the threat until it had been wiped out. As of twenty years ago, the hollow menace was reduced considerably and the state of Soul Society and the balance of souls was returned.
All was well.
That was, until one fateful day five years ago when their world was turned on its head. Since then, Taikou has been in low spirits, his morale and pride severely wounded by his defeat and thus failure to uphold his sole duty: The protection of Soul Society. However, within the last two years he has regained his resolve and so has gathered some of the strongest members of the Gotei 13, with the intention to once more reclaim their home.
【Personality: Taikou is often mistaken for a very moderate sort of person, someone who is thoughtful and accepting of all views, when the reality is that he has two almost entirely distinct sides, one intuitive, understanding, and emphatic; the other fiery, stern, and in large part aloof and unforgiving. He is kind and calm in most scenarios, but when problems present themselves he will use his intuition and strict adherence to law and order to quickly and efficiently solve them. He is one who prefers to solve issues non-violently, but who will nonetheless resort to violent means if he sees it necessary. He is patient with those who respect his edicts, while being almost unforgiving to those who disobey.
This dual nature of his creates a clash of interests in Taikou, made worse when combined with his position and youth. He is meant to be looked upon as a leader, as the strongest among the captains and the one holding the power to protect the Seireitei. Yet, he is inexperienced and while he is surely wise beyond his years, his lacking time in the Gotei 13 has limited him in some aspects. In this way, his power and authority is like that forged by a master, but wielded by one still learning the art. Nonetheless, Taikou is a proficient leader, capable of making proper judgment calls and making the hard decisions when no one else will. He is willing to sacrifice for the greater good, be it others or himself, and while in some aspects he aims to please, he is not so concerned with the thoughts and opinions of his subordinates as to cloud his judgment.
【Notable Traits】
【Defining Traits】
▲ Wise beyond his years.
▲ Fierce.
▲ Level-headed.
▲ Patient.
☯ Observant.
☯ Intuitive.
▼ Inexperienced.
▼ Stern.
▼ Aloof.
▼ Unforgiving.
▲ Wise beyond his years.
▲ Fierce.
▲ Level-headed.
▲ Patient.
☯ Observant.
☯ Intuitive.
▼ Inexperienced.
▼ Stern.
▼ Aloof.
▼ Unforgiving.
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis/Lover/Spouse etc
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc
Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis/Lover/Spouse etc
Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc
Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.
Yōzai yokuatsu-sha(溶剤抑圧者 'Flux suppressor'):
Taking the form of a necklace, this object was made for him by a team in the 12th division early in his time in the Gotei 13. The object essentially suppresses the unstable nature of his incredibly potent reiatsu, allowing him to exist without harming those around him. However, as a result, Taikou is somewhat weakened so long as it remains active. To deactivate the necklace, Taikou must grasp it within one of his palms. Conversely he may focus reiatsu into it and shatter it—though this would require that he be made a replacement.
【General Aptitude】
Fighting Style:
TBA.Vast Reiryoku(4/4):
Legendary Reiatsu(5/4):
Remarkable Alignment(3/4):
Legendary Zanjutsu(5/4):
Legendary Offense(5/4):
Legendary Defense(5/4):
Incredible Resonance(4/4):
Hakuda Master(3/4):
Average Offense(2/4):
Average Defense(2/4):
Legendary Physical Strength(5/4):
Untrained Kidō(0/4):
Poor Kido Power(0/4):
Incredible Perception(4/4):
Hohō Grandmaster(4/4):
Legendary Mobility(5/4):
Impressive Resilience(3/4):
Reir(mod2): 4
Rei: 5
Align: 3
Zan(mod3): 5
Off: 5
Def: 5
Reso: 4
Hak(mod3): 3
Off: 2
Def: 2
Phy: 5
Kid(mod3) 0
KP: 0
Per: 4
Hoh(mod1): 4
Mob: 5
Resi: 3
Rei: 5
Align: 3
Zan(mod3): 5
Off: 5
Def: 5
Reso: 4
Hak(mod3): 3
Off: 2
Def: 2
Phy: 5
Kid(mod3) 0
KP: 0
Per: 4
Hoh(mod1): 4
Mob: 5
Resi: 3
Total T(0): 19-1-1-1(16)
Total S: 6+10+6+0+6(28)+5+5+5(43)
Reiheika(霊兵戈 'Spirit warfare'): Reiatsu 3; Perception 3.
Ichiji-sei jōtai(一時性状態 'Transient State'): N/A.
While not a master of the art, Taikou was indeed trained by its creator, Zume Tatasuko. In essence, this skill is one in which a shinigami condenses, focuses, and control their own reiatsu, forming it into an invisible tool. In essence, this works by, rather than merely exerting reiatsu, focusing it into useful shapes and then projecting them outwards. While someone like Taikou is certainly powerful, capable of using his reiatsu to defend against some attacks, cut foes, or release powerful bursts of force at, or into his target he is not—by any means—capable of the full scope of the art's properties. At full mastery, Reiheika can be used in a more precise fashion, allowing the user to lift and manipulate objects—and sometimes even people—as if they were using their hands.
Ichiji-sei jōtai(一時性状態 'Transient State'): N/A.
A trait the shinigami was born with, Taikou's reiatsu, when not controlled by both his constant focus and the Yōzai yokuatsu-sha, begins to resonate and constantly emit from his person in sometimes deadly waves of force. Additionally, if continually exposed to the resonance of his reiatsu, one will begin to experience headaches and a steadily worsening physical condition due to constant vibrations being channeled through the body. For this reason the commander keeps his reiatsu heavily limited in all but the most extreme scenarios.
Sealed State

~"I am of two worlds, forced to come together."~
Inner World & Spirit: Taikou's inner world is one of starkly opposing forces brought into a measure of harmony. With the entirety of the world being devoid of land, this world is instead composed of fire and water, with each encapsulated within the other. Where there would be clear air there is instead steam. Where there would be open sky, there is fire, and where there would be land, there is only a vast unending ocean. Simlar to the world in which it lives, Taikou's zanpakuto spirit, Ki kan ki korosu has a dual nature, taking the form of a humanoid entity that is wreathed in a storm of flame and fluid, ever cycling around and through its body, emitting steam all the while.
Zanpakuto Personality: As with both its master's nature, Ki kan ki is a being of dual nature, though in its case it is one of extremes. In one moment it could be kind and helpful, whereas the next it could be violent and cruel. Its nature is in a constant flux, which is more a representation of the imbalance within Taikou than it is of the being's true nature.
Description. Feel free to make the title of this a set of links.
Zanpakuto Personality: As with both its master's nature, Ki kan ki is a being of dual nature, though in its case it is one of extremes. In one moment it could be kind and helpful, whereas the next it could be violent and cruel. Its nature is in a constant flux, which is more a representation of the imbalance within Taikou than it is of the being's true nature.

~"Seeming uncertainty, dissolve within solidity, Ki kan ki, korosu(きかん気殺す 'Unyielding Immolation')."~
Ability: Manifested when his blade is drawn and its sheath struck against its flat, Taikou's shikai is more than it seems. The weapon which it manifests is a construct of metal, within which clash the aspects, rather than the elements, of water and fire. It is this interaction that allows Taikou to, by manipulating where the etheric elements interact, control the temperature of the steam which his zanpakuto may release. Speaking of release, the steam, when he wishes to create it, is exuded through thousands of holes that can open and close at Taikou's will. If he so chooses, he may even control the pressure that the steam releases at, by constricting its flow to less holes. However, this is hardly the most unique aspect of the Commander's shikai, for that title goes to Taikou's ability to, at a moment's notice, make solid any steam he has released, either selectively, or in its entirety. Beyond this, all there is to note, is that the movements of the glaive are mirrored in the steam it emits.
Fuantei heikō(不安定な平衡 'Precarious equilibrium'): Holding his glaive in both hands, blade facing the earth, Taikou opens every pore in its form, eventually removing the outer shell of his glaive and revealing the etheric elements within. Upon doing so the etheric water and flame will spiral out of the glaive and travel around the glaive instead, after which the outer shell of the glaive will close. Once activated, Taikou may use the spiraling elements as direct attacks rather than merely control the steam they create. Taikou may cause the elements to collide, or draw portions of them back into his zanpakuto to create steam or, in the case of drawing one element or the other, facilitate the creation of blasts or jets of water/flame. Additionally, this technique allows the use of his other two techniques, while removing his ability to solidify steam so long as it remains active.
Nessui shōtotsu(熱水衝突 'Hydrothermal collision'): Following the use of Fuantei heikō this technique becomes accessible. Preformed by aiming the glaive at his adversary and extending/firing the two elements which spiral around his glaive, the technique culminates when the two elements collide, creating a drastic pressure distance and causing a hydrothermal explosion, resulting in a massive shockwave and steam capable of inflicting third degree burns. If a direct hit is achieved, the technique is capable of blowing limbs off, or outright killing the victim if they are not durable enough to withstand the blast. As with the steam prior to the use of Fuantei heikō, the spiraling elements can be guided by the movement's of his zanpakuto, allowing him to follow a target if he so chooses.
Kyōkai shōmetsu(境界消滅 'Boundary dissolution'): Planting his glaive as if in the ground, Taikou will take in each hand a single element, before slamming them together. The result causes a powerful eruption of force and searing hot steam, which spreads out over a vast distance, obscuring vision and reiatsu senses due to the reiryoku contained therein. Following the technique's use, Taikou will lose his zanpakuto's ability to generate steam, fire, or water and will instead utilize the already deadly steam as cover and attack both, using his martial skills to overpower his opponent. Additionally, while all other manipulation of the steam is disabled during the technique, Taikou is capable of ending it at any time and also expanding the steam in any or all directions by exerting greater amounts of reiatsu and directing its flow.
Nessui shōtotsu(熱水衝突 'Hydrothermal collision'): Following the use of Fuantei heikō this technique becomes accessible. Preformed by aiming the glaive at his adversary and extending/firing the two elements which spiral around his glaive, the technique culminates when the two elements collide, creating a drastic pressure distance and causing a hydrothermal explosion, resulting in a massive shockwave and steam capable of inflicting third degree burns. If a direct hit is achieved, the technique is capable of blowing limbs off, or outright killing the victim if they are not durable enough to withstand the blast. As with the steam prior to the use of Fuantei heikō, the spiraling elements can be guided by the movement's of his zanpakuto, allowing him to follow a target if he so chooses.
Kyōkai shōmetsu(境界消滅 'Boundary dissolution'): Planting his glaive as if in the ground, Taikou will take in each hand a single element, before slamming them together. The result causes a powerful eruption of force and searing hot steam, which spreads out over a vast distance, obscuring vision and reiatsu senses due to the reiryoku contained therein. Following the technique's use, Taikou will lose his zanpakuto's ability to generate steam, fire, or water and will instead utilize the already deadly steam as cover and attack both, using his martial skills to overpower his opponent. Additionally, while all other manipulation of the steam is disabled during the technique, Taikou is capable of ending it at any time and also expanding the steam in any or all directions by exerting greater amounts of reiatsu and directing its flow.