Avatar of yoshua171


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4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Yanagi, Taikou - Alias

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"A quote from the character."~
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

However, before she could speak up, her tulpa informed her that someone was speaking on the other end. The words that it relayed to her were ominous. Her eyes widened and, her gut telling her to do so, she commanded the tulpa to attack. It did, but in doing so it was deafened, and burned, at which point it stopped short--unable to reach the tall imperious...villain, before he vanished. Her mind whirred, notifying her that he was likely going to retrieve Eyeblight. "Messiah, Increa--" she yelled in desperation, only to be caught off by a deafening clap of thunder, that sent her reeling, dropping her to her knees where she clasped her hands over her ringing ears. The pain was incredible, what with the acoustics of the drain pipe and the volume of the blast. It took almost a full minute for her to properly recover at which point she could finally think again. She opened her eyes, which she hadn't even realized she'd screwed shut, to see a scene that instantly made her heart drop into her stomach.

There was a brief moment of silence as she tried to recover from the second shock, before anger welled up in her and she called out one, solemn, enraged word. "Fuck!"

Up above on the streets, her projection reacted, slamming its fist into the pavement, though no where near where it could hurt anyone. The action did more damage to the tulpa than to the pavement, some of the bones in that hand breaking. It had not been built with combat in mind, nor durability for that matter and so it was a fragile thing.

Evelyn, realizing that her projection had acted, dismissed it, the creature rather abruptly phasing out of reality, becoming but a silver glow in the air. She spread it out, unaware that Messiah had asked the others what was going on. As she did so she stood and began walking towards the ladder that would lead her back up to the street. "C'mon Messiah, something's wrong," she said as the projection moved over the lot of her teammates and met with Sonar...whose form was on the ground. As this occurred she broke into a run and worry crossed her face, creating a rather ugly expression along with the intense anger she was feeling.

Reaching the ladder she climbed as fast as she could, uncaring of the small space or her own well being. She managed to get a few bruises and scrapes from the nearby walls. Once she was up on the street she ran over to her teammates, eyes locked on Sonar...and the blood, and the smashed helmet. This time, her exclamation was quieter, "...fuck." While her face was covered by an unreadable mask, her eyes revealed worry, anger, and disappointment in herself.

She looked at the others, "Has anyone called 9-1-1 yet?" There was desperation and a barely controlled ferocity in her tone, as if she was waiting for any reason to lash out at something. Even to her new teammates, it would be very apparent that she was upset. She just couldn't believe this. Everything had been going so well.

They'd saved the hostages, that was a blessing, but they had lost Eyeblight, been outsmarted by Xolotl, and their leader...poor Sonar, had been.... She cut off the thought and looked away. She wanted to help, but didn't know what to do, she needed at least two minutes before she could manifest her projection, and she wasn't even sure what she could do with it. Maybe make something to transport Sonar?

Maybe chase down Xolotl? No, that wasn't realistic. She really needed to calm down, but damn was it hard.

'Haha, turns out heroing isn't all fun, what a surprise,' a darker, sarcastic part of her mind quipped.

This moment was going to stick with her for awhile. Woe be it to any villain that got in her way while the thought still floated in her mind, because if Evelyn was anything, it was just...and she had no intention to let ANYONE, especially a filthy good for nothing villain, get away with something like this.

For Sonar's sake, she vowed to herself, she would make sure that Xolotl paid for this.
Go ahead. I'll reserve it for you.
You may have a lieutenant, but not the 12th. As is stated in the "Tl;dr" hider in the Overview section, the 12th lieutenant and Captain are currently MIA, but everyone is fairly certain they're not dead.
Koshūsuru, Kairi - Fuishi

~"Oh please, just give me one more reason to crush your skull. It would be my pleasure~"~


This will be updated as the plot continues on. Sometimes players will be given the opportunity to play as an arc's villains. Provided the RP's scope expands, such positions may be opened up more permanently to allow for a greater amount of flexibility and creative potential.

The Shinigami

Commander | Yanagi, Taikou

Captain | Masumata, Hiroshimoto | Kenpachi Sannouske | Arina Kawagana | Tatasuko, Sunōfurēku

Lieutenant | Koshūsuru, Kairi | Yue, Xiang | Kurogama, Jinzo | Dai Sanji, Shizukesa | Kanai Akio

3rd Seat | Hōshakō, Yūbina

4th Seat | Daigo Serizawa

5th Seat |

6th Seat |

Lore & Additional Info

This will be updated whenever new information is added.


Q: Will there be other races?
A: Yes, but not from the outset. I will be opening those up if we get enough people to warrant it, as well as when they start playing a significant role.

Q: What races will be available later?
A: If other races become available, it will likely be Arrancar, Humans(Quincy and maybe something AKIN TO Fullbringer), and perhaps some more...custom creations.

Q: Are those arrancar or normal hollows in the OOC?
A: They are 'normal hollows,' as you say, but do not be fooled, they are about as threatening as you'd expect arrancar to be.

More will be added as they are asked.


4 Captains
(2 vets | 2 normal)
6 Lieutenants

Current Reservations: 1 captain. Lieutenants Closed. 3rd-6th open.

@CaughtInTheRiddle: 2nd Division Captain. (Accepted)
@MysT3CH: 7th Division Captain. (Accepted)
@Kal-El: 11th Division Captain. (Accepted)
@Ciphra: Unknown Division. (12/22/16 - 12/25/16)

@yoshua171: 2nd Division Co-Lieutenant. (Accepted)
@Ciphra: 9th Division Lieutenant. (Audition)
@Altered Tundra: 10th Division Lieutenant. (Accepted)
@Queentze: Lieutenant of the 8th Division. (Accepted)
@Kalas: Lieutenant of the 11th Division. (Accepted)
@malmshodes Lieutenant of the 4th Division. (Audition)
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