Avatar of yoshua171


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4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Sounds good to me. Already chatting with Tuuj. Consider me in so long as I can figure out a character.
Looks neat! I imagine this will be a mixture of sandbox and guided story?

Alright everyone, arc 1, which while rather short was still a thing, is now finished. The SoL(Slice of Life/Shit out of Luck) mini-arc has now begun. The SoL period will potentially be a week long ICly, though we will fast forward if necessary (or skip stuff if people get stuck and things slow down, provided we're ready to start Arc 2). Within the SoL period you play within three days. So currently day 3 through to day 6 are available for play. You may do flashbacks to days before day 3 as well :)

Enjoy everyone! Good job helping us get through arc 1!

Oh, last but not least, there will be a reorganization during this "downtime" of sorts in regards to the thread and lore, as well as additional lore entries and the like to help everything be more organized and accessible. We will be recruiting during this time. An interest Check link will be provided when it goes up.
The Stage is Set
Jail Break - Part 2

Zeki and Szayeis
Location: Ominar Private Prison
Time: Day 2, Evening

@yoshua171, and @Ganryu

Zeki swirled his cane, before suddenly firing at another camera down the hall.

"With the guards out to play, this is almost too easy. Granted, they'll be calling to see what is up with the cameras soon enough, but that construct of his is preeetty nifty, I'd say."

Zeki stretched a bit. So many shots weren't hard, per say, but it had been a long time since he'd had to use any measure of his ability. He'd much rather be doing paperwork, or selling some fabulous service for an exorbitant price. War was boring. The fight that was going to happen after this predictable almost. Zeki didn't know all the twists and turns, but the pattern was there. The emotions were the same. It would be hell on earth for the next little while. There was a reason some people called Torqueo hell. Almost boredly, Zeki turned to his human friend.

"So, you familiar with Licenti? You didn't have a reaction to my little feeding, unlike the professor, or our other friend." Zeki shrugged with his cane. "I mean, I suppose it could be the fear of everything, but you came with me, so.... what's your story? I mean, I suppose we could pass the time with chatter. I'm a humble store owner, I escaped Torqueo to come here... a while ago. I feed with flame, like most geist. And I suppose you could say I'm a human lover to a fault."

The man glanced at Zeki, raising an eyebrow, “Feeding?” He had arrived after Zeki had finished and so hadn’t witnessed the little scene. He’d only noted the Hunter carry what he’d hoped--and then confirmed--was an unconscious body, to a safe hiding place. “Well, uh, my story haha. I try not to share too much to be honest, it’s not safe in my line of business. I gather intel, generally. I did say my profession back at the meeting. I’m a private investigator, a detective, and I’ve got plenty of connections,” he said with a nervous smile, watching the path ahead of them, his body language reinforcing the caution. It seemed like he was genuinely resisting a flight reflex.

Given that Szayeis was letting some of his host body’s emotions slip through, it was indistinguishable from genuine. “Besides, I’m somewhat familiar with Licenti, some of my old clients ranked among your kind. Or well, not Geists, but yeah…” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Meanwhile, Szayeis’ senses were picking up on a large number of guards coming from multiple hallways. He smiled internally. “I have picked up a bit of magic here and there, mostly for protecting myself. With the stuff I know...well, there are people who probably don’t want me or my family around, and I never felt like I could just leave my protection up to law enforcement you know?”

The guards were too far away for conventional senses, but Zeki might pick up on them.


Zeki said almost disappointed. He was hoping for something more. He did have to chuckle at the ‘not safe’ comment. What they were doing was king of that achievement. Zeki, still adjusting to his new host was a little less perceptive than he’d generally be. Normally his eyesight was like a hawk. This Mr. Gutierrez needed new glasses, probably couldn’t afford to take care of himself. Zeki moaned as he finally noticed the guards after a few minutes.

He pulled out his radio, listening for information. They were just two guards making their rounds if any questions were asked. The cane was odd, but not inexplicable. He turned back on his accent to talk to his friend, hoping he’d play along.

“Man, I think this place is cursed. So many of those freaks.”

Zeki just kept walking like he belonged.

Looking confused, the man glanced at Zeki, wondering what he was on about, then his human senses detected footsteps, and his eyes widened, before he tried his best--or what would appear his best--to relax. “Yeah, it’s pretty crazy. Cursed might be a bit of an understatement though,” he tried, sounding a little uncertain.

Zeki eyed the guards rounding the hallway. Quite a few. Maybe reinforcements for the golem? Well, there was one thing for certain, his friend couldn’t act. Well, Zeki might as well take care of it, he had some experience. He’d once sold a blind man glasses, so this shouldn’t be too hard.

“Hey, what’s up with everyone? We miss a meeting or somet’ing?”

A rather beefy guard led the pack, as it were, his eyes barely grazing over the two before landing on Zeki as he asked a question. “Yeah, called for reinforcements, plus some weird activity or somethin’,” the guy sounded almost unconcerned, though there was a certain eagerness about him. The rest of the guards shifted and murmured behind him.

Szayeis, in his host body, began weaving vis internally, away from anyone’s perception, and also reined back his host’s emotions somewhat, making his act just a little more believable.

Zeki recalled the receptionist ID tag for a moment.

“Oh yeah, Joe said something about that. Sounded crazy, but man, I ain’t gunna ask questions, all these demons here, could be any freakin’ thing. Hey, tell me how that goes man. I gotta finish the rounds real quick, and I’ll be down.”

Zeki walked past him. Hoping to continue his ‘round’. He eyed another camera in the distance, this one would be a bit more annoying, he didn’t want to make it go boom in front of people, and the hall was long enough. Maybe his friend had something for it. Assuming the horde of guards didn’t try to assimilate them.

Some members of the group moved out of the way to let them past, with Szayeis following behind, hidden within his host. The group headed on their way, some of them nodding at the duo before they became preoccupied with their conversations which mostly seemed to involve them wondering what was going on.

The two hardly had a problem as they continued, the security camera’s were initially blamed upon a glitch in the system. Zeki fired at the last one. It felt too easy until a shard of glass from one fell upon a guard’s head several minutes later, a sudden scramble was heard over the radio.

“Well now, that’s our job done. I do suppose we just wait for the dance to start. We’ve done our part. I do wonder how Professor Aeon will proceed?”
*Flinches as he hears the whip crack*
Kaelia KatelaThe Guardian

The girl retreated, and Brightvein was pushed back somewhat as she did so, but she managed to stop its momentum enough so that it came nowhere near Sophia. Letting her arm fall she heard the sound of something striking her shield and in the same moment something else gouging at the ground. She narrowed her eyes, crouched and then her senses alerted her of movement from below. She immediately jumped back and out of the way, before jumping to the right and forwards. Opening her second vial, she waited for her opponent's reply, knowing that now that Sophia had her shield up she would more or less be able to handle herself.

This in mind, she let a small amount of silver out as she approached, out of sight, her footsteps and movements quieter than normal due to her experience as a hunter and the enchanted nature of the armor. Plus she could manipulate the individual plates so they didn't jostle against one another. It was something she'd long since learned to do almost unconsciously. It was second nature.

Trying at an attack before she finished closing the distance—her form still obscured by her shield—she manipulated said barrier, letting the left side seem to meld into the rest of the shield, before spikes grew from the surface, attempting to strike the general area that she had last heard her adversary. She doubted it would strike if they were truly skilled, but there was no real reason not to try.

While Kaelia noted the attempted absorption of vis from her metals she had no need to worry about it. The vis in the conduit metal was fused into a solid state, having bonded with the material effectively making it part of the metal. It was this vis which was attuned to her own, which was what allowed her to control the metal, and also what made it so troublesome, since the manipulation didn't take much vis to fuel, and didn't really pour the vis into the metal itself, but rather expended it slowly over time for each manipulation.
I'm still here by the way. Just waitin' for something to do.

Tag me if there's a post that would stop I'on from getting to his house and sleeping, or if his sleeping is interrupted, or if people arrive in the city finally ^^;
Also available for a fight. Just pick your character and I'll pick something that'd be equally as fun and will be evenly matched and we can start. Hopefully ASAP because I'll admit to being a bit eager to fight atm haha.
Is Everything Okay?

Yes. If you're looking for the RP posting, then look no further than this thread: Link.

Feel free to do one-liners xD
Kaelia KatelaThe Guardian

“Well, the intel said they would be here, and I do sense a presence or two,” Kaelia said, her form garbed in what had become her signature attire. Her armor draping her form, she glanced at Sophia, her partner for the contract. It was odd, the Organization didn't usually send an equal amount of Hunters to deal with rogues, but alas they would make due. Perhaps they simply felt that quality over quantity would be sufficient. The idea brought a small smile to her face, pride gleaming in her eyes before her eyes suddenly narrowed, she'd caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Whipping around, Kaelia saw the two soaring through the air, took a step forwards so she stood in front of Sophia slightly, and drew one of her two blades in a fluid movement. As she drew the blade known as Brightvein her free left hand popped the cap off of a vial in its padded cloth enclosure. Following this, Kaelia's left hand remained poised near her waist.

Then the first woman reached her and in response to the slash she had already whipped her left hand up. With it came a flow of what appeared to be glistening liquid silver. It splashed up and spread out in front of Kaelia vertically, forming a shield. Meanwhile, her right arm struck forwards, driving the shield forth with her will so as to slam into the woman and her sword, intending to drive her back. She took another step forwards, and let go of her blade, snatching it with her left hand, bringing it into range, the flat of the blade parallel to what she was realizing was a little girl's foot, which would almost surely collide with the blade. Provided that it did—her own enhancement magic already active, the blade would bend in the middle, the motion dispersing some of the girl's momentum not to mention the magic dispersing properties of the blade itself, before it hardened properly and Kaelia swung, attempting to throw the little girl away from them.

Should it be required of her, she would adjust accordingly.
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