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Raelis Vaerkturian

A nod, something understandable, or had that been coincidence, he thought. Then, his illusions were cast aside as a series of ordered sounds exited the creature's mouth, and so he summarily became a being, in the knight's eyes, rather than a mere monster. His translator started its work, and seeing as the creature had demonstrated understanding of body language. Raelis made a circular gesture with his hand, motioning the great being to go on. After listening for a moment more and compiling more examples of the language, his translator settled, notifying him--and him alone--that the translation was finished.

He spoke, his translator notifying him that the creature had told him its name. He bowed his head briefly, though he kept his gaze on the creature at all times. It seemed both of them were poised for combat should it become necessary.

It would.

"I am Raelis Vaerkturian, a Warrior from...another world. A...knight in your language," he said, the translator in his helm and on his neck shifting his own language into that of the being's. Tharraleos, was its name. It sounded like a male name, which his translator confirmed.

"Greetings Tharraleos," he said, placing one gauntlet covered hand on the pommel of the Blade of Rhay as if leaning upon it. "My kind are known as the Asarae, making me Asaraen," he clarified further, "What, if I may inquire, are you exactly?" The heat around his body had ceased to rise, but rays and waves of light continued to blossom outwards from his form, flowing backwards or up, usually so as not to completely blind Tharraleos.

He eyed the creature, the systems in his armor telling him that the air and the atmospheric pressure was actually ideal, though the gravity was different from on his world, which was just as well really. The heat energy, mixing with the surrounding air, made eddies and whirls of dirt, dust, and light that flowed off of him, but never marred his armored form.

A thought came to him, perhaps this Tharraleos was a warrior himself? Perhaps...perhaps he was a worthy opponent. Maybe, rather than need to slaughter a beast, no, a person, he could instead engage in a contest of skill and power.


Tag :)
Raelis Vaerkturian

Yet, it did not approach, instead keeping a seemingly respectful distance before landing 15 meters away, if one were to draw a diagonal line from Raelis to the beast. So either it was skittish, something he doubted, or intelligent. The latter seemed more likely. This in mind, Raelis slowly let some of the air out from beneath his wings, drifting down to earth gracefully. Before he touched the ground he flapped once, weakly, pushing himself back a few more feet so that 15 meters remained between them. As he landed he braced himself slightly, keeping his hand upon his blade, the heat from his armor increasing the temperature around him to around 110. It created a sheen on his armor and on the metal supports of the nearby buildings, but was not quite hot enough to ignite anything, it wasn't dry enough. Still, if he had not been what he was, it would have been...comfortable to him. His armor was 160 or so degrees fahrenheit, except at his feet, where he was being careful not to set the wooden buildings on fire.

Gazing across the field of ramshackle buildings of scrap metal and wood at the beast, Raelis made a gesture, pointing at the creature, and then at his own skull, before moving his fingers to position them like a mouth, snout, or beak, opening and closing them once he had. He was trying to ask if the individual could talk, but there was no telling if the creature--let alone any other inhabitants of this planet--would have similar gestures. Still, it was better than nothing.

The humming of his blade had turned into a powerful pulse, releasing small waves of light energy with each one. The pulses came every two seconds. He was ready for combat, and he was feeling...well, fairly certain he would need to. He didn't trust this creature, it was intelligent and clearly had a level of physical development that would make it dangerous if it turned on him when he didn't expect it. He figured it might be better to kill it and find a less threatening creature than to confer with it.

This in mind, he drew his blade, and then turned its tip to the ground, stabbing it into the building he stood upon. It stayed where he'd stabbed it, pulsating light regularly. He waited.

Still, he figured that making the threat and his power clear would do one of two things. Anger or irritate the beast, revealing its true nature as hostile, or it would be cowed, and so would not dare attack him. Plus, this way...he would be even more prepared for sudden movements.

Hehe, no worries, responded since you hadn't engaged yet, and Raelis doesn't want to just strike at "The Beast," as he's referring to him, until he knows if it can communicate. He is...well, a rather honorable individual.
Raelis VaerkturianRhay's Chosen

Energy spilling from his form he noted the great beast's approach, through the air no less, and he waited, one hand resting against the hilt of his sheathed blade. He didn't know what to expect from the creature and so felt it would be best to be prepared. Building energy in his armor, he charged himself as if for a fight, the waves of heat rolling off him becoming more pronounced, the temperature around his hovering form going from around 70 degrees to 90 from the ambient heat given off by him alone.

The Blade of Rhay was practically humming already, and he hadn't even deigned to draw it yet. Wishing the creature would communicate, if indeed it could, the knight kept from saying anything...knowing that its language would be gibberish to a species of a different planet. If the beast got too close, within 8 meters, or did not attempt to turn away around 10 or 12, Raelis would draw his blade and emit a warning pulse of light and heat energy. Otherwise, he would weight, hooded visage tracking the creature's movement.

He hadn't quite decided yet, but he was fairly certain he'd have to kill it, as strangely graceful and majestic as it was.
Oh. Made a tiny edit to add the link to the picture of Raelis' ship to the first mention of its name. Everything else remained the same.
[@Grifintaur] I left you a relatively easy opening in terms of starting interaction, and also gave Raelis a logical reason to, well you know, want to kill your character.

Oh yeah, sorry about the ruins, but I had to figure out some reason for Raelis to be hostile haha and having him in a bad mood after losing his ship seemed good enough. Plus, I figured that someone arriving in a flaming ship and crashing out of the sky into the ruins would perhaps pique Tharr's interest/curiosity somewhat ^_^

Anywho, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN...soon tm. I imagine within another post or two haha.
Raelis VaerkturianRhay's Chosen


Screens flashing, systems malfunctioning left and right, Raelis was in a frenzy as the Erinn, his ship, entered the atmosphere of the unknown world. He'd managed to detect life here--intelligent life even--before the heat shields on his ship had failed. Taking it as a sign he'd descended anyways, the ship falling rapidly even as he did his best to preserve it, still, it was sure to be a crash landing at best.

Bracing himself, he used the controls of the ship to change angles as they rushed down into the blue skied planet, down further, the ground still far below, but rising quickly. Having already had time to don his armor he spread his great wings, his body already infused with Devene energies, and pressed them against either side of the cockpit. This was to be something of a dramatic entry it seemed.

The ship having heated up drastically, he'd barely managed to steer it to what appeared to be ruins, as it struck the earth and began violently tearing at it as it shot forwards, skidding along and into the ground. Had the impact been any more direct it may have killed even him, but in this case he'd only nearly lost consciousness. As the Erinn carved the earth around it and rammed straight through structures, the asaraen realized that it was about to collide with something far more solid, something made by the hands of a sentient. Narrowing his avian eyes within his helm, he brought his legs in near his body, surged the energies throughout, and then kicked with the full extent of his strength, releasing a blast of heat and light energy as he did so. The reinforced material that had once served as the viewing port for the ship shattered and melted in equal parts, a powerful eruption of energy cascading from it, followed swiftly by Raelis form as he lunged from the cockpit of the Erinn and thrust downwards his powerful wings, sending him hurtling into the air.

In the next moment the Erinn struck a solid metal pillar and came to an abrupt stop, though luckily without Raelis within it. The enchantment on his wing armor keeping him aloft, the warrior looked down upon his ruined vessel, the entirety of the cockpit having warped and folded backwards as it struck the pillar. He sighed, the repairs were likely to be difficult, especially given the state of this planet.

He cast his gaze around the area, his eyes glowing from within the darkness of his hood wherein lay his helmed visage. Yes, it was just as he'd thought, this planet reeked of magic and the scientifically illiterate. How quaint. Springing into motion, Rhay's Champion flew his way to the top of a nearby building and landed. His weight caused some of the stone to crumble away, but for the most part it held where it mattered, though he decided to keep his wings outstretched for balance and added mobility should it be necessary.

Then, suddenly, he narrowed his eyes, tilting his head slightly as he did so. Was that a heat signature he detected? Curious he pushed off of the crumbled dome and flew in the direction of the signature, though he was sure that his entrance would have either scared it, or drawn it closer in curiosity, it would still be faster for him to go to it. Perhaps the being might help him, and if not...it would probably be best to destroy anything dangerous that might get its talons into his ship. After all, he couldn't exactly afford to lose any of the still functioning pieces of equipment.

After a minute or so he came into sight of the bearer of the heat signature he'd sensed, and upon doing so he pulled up short, releasing a pulse of wind to stop himself in place, before circulating more to keep him aloft. The beast upon which he had laid eyes was strange indeed, but of course this was an alien world, so it was not entirely unexpected. He wondered if it was intelligent.

Hopefully its kind used spoken language, because if so he could always use his translator to facilitate communication. If not, well...that would be rather unfortunate now wouldn't it? Then again, if it wasn't helpful he was likely to kill it anyways, even if it was a rather massive creature.
Alright, just checking in :)
@Griffintaur just checkin' in. We still on?
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