Avatar of yoshua171


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4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Boy, if this RP involves a lot of PvP, my character is f**ked. XD

You joined a Naruto thread.

You joined a Naruto thread GMed by Lyfe and Syn.

Yeah, you might be fucked, but hey, if you don't die you'll get stronger over time! xD
Kouken, Ayame

Lilliana Merrycure

As usual, Cedric took to answering all of their questions as well as he could. When he smiled at her she beamed back happily. She was glad to see him and the rest of the crew in such good spirits. Heck, even Feya had...where was Feya? Thinking back she tried to remember when she'd stopped seeing her. She got a flash of memory of the bodybuilding doctor jumping overboard. However, before she could say anything someone very loud—and very rude!—interrupted her train of thought.

Turning towards the noise she saw a ship. Frowning, Lilly sighed a bit, her metal wings bristling. Well this was a...wait, they had a speaker? What was this about boarding torpedoes? Suddenly a huge grin spread across her features.

Setting down her bag and looping the strap around the mast as the ship veered almost entirely on its side, Lilliana began plucking metal and wiring out of the bag. About thirty seconds passed, her metal wings forming a bunch of hands to assist her as she built, and then she finished. Proudly she stood up and lofted the newly created gun into the air. Catching it she willed B-MO's hands into the bag where they replicated almost exactly what she'd just made a few times over.

When B-MO had finished as well, she grabbed her bag, slid along the slanted deck, ending up right next to Cedric. Bumping her hip lightly against his to get the captain's attention, her eyes shining, she held up her bag, B-MO plucked out two of the rather hefty guns.

It was a miracle they fit in the bag. How were they doing that again?

“Made somethin' for ya! They jam cannons. Can't have the Rum Runner getting' totally wrecked,” she said with a smile and a wink before running off. She still had two more of the hefty cannon jammers. Taking position on one of the railings, she tied her bag down, pulled a JAMMU-5000 out, propping it on the railing. She took aim and waited, counting down in her head, ready to fire to jam a cannon or three.

“Oooh, can't wait till they board us. Gonna mess 'em up real good! We'll see how they like my grappling hook ehehehe.” She was practically giddy.

No wait, that was actual giddiness.

Damn crazy woman.
Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju

Kouken, Ayame

Heyo, is there a discord server or something for this rp. Interested but because of my limited knowledge I need attentive weebs to assist my endeavours.

Yes there is a discord, but you're not invited.

Click the link. I'll pester Syn to put one in the Opening Post in the near future :)
You're a roster.
What's this? A Syn RP. Yup, your player count just went up by one.
Lilliana Merrycure

In her room working on taking apart something or anotherr sorta thingmajig as she usually was, Lilliana was quite absorbed with her work. There was scrap metal, nails, screws, bolts, wires, and all other manner of parts and machinery scattered across the wooden floor. Oddly, everything else aside from the floor was totally immaculate. Hell, even the floor was super clean, except for the grease near her person and on her hands.

Face screwed up in concentration, she tried to thread some wires together properly when a knock came to the door.


“Owowowowihihihhehe, oh man that tingles,” she shuddered and then shook herself, having thrown the device down. It was more broken now. She giggled a bit.

“Oops. Oh well,” she shrugged her slim shoulders and got up, her metal wings collapsing inwards, folding onto her back so they wouldn't get in the way. She tapped on the door—which was metal unlike the ship's other doors—and a small peephole opened on her side. The otherside of the metal door remained unmarred.

Putting her eye to the peephole she saw nobody outside. Pouting, she sighed, and then smiled, laughing to herself a bit. She turned around and bent down, picking up a metal pipe and her two bags, which she slung over her shoulder easily.

Going back to the door she exited. It didn't make any sound even as it closed behind her.

Hearing Cedric's laughter from above she shook her head, and then started down the hall away from her room. She hummed to herself. She knew who'd knocked on her door, he always did this, but this time she'd prepared a few traps for him. Plus, unlike normal, she'd left her room a disaster. It would be like trying to navigate a floor absolutely covered with...well, jagged scrapmetal, wires, and other miscellaneous stuff and that was if he got past the locks.

Making her way above deck, Lilli waved to Feya and Caeser. She came to stand next to Bonesword, reaching down and patting his hat affectionately. Looking around, she realized what all the hubbub was about. Apparently they would be making their last stop before Reverse Mountain. Her eyes lit up.

“Oooh. Hey Cedric, do you think they have any neat nicknacks just lying around??” She hopped from one foot to the other a few times, then stopped. Oh man, this was gonna be fun!
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

The last two weeks had really just dragged on, Evelyn thought. She was in class again, taking notes on some inane subject. She knew it was important and she always kept up with her studied, but man could it get tiresome. Thus she was more than happy to pack up her things and head off when the bell rung and they were dismissed. Heading out of the building, Evelyn met her parents at the gate, and they gave her a ride near PRT HQ. She gave them both a kiss on the cheek, smiling brightly, before she left the car to walk the rest of the way. Careful, Evelyn made sure to enter the building the back way so no one noticed her out of costume self. Once she was inside she walked to her room, changed into her costume—sans mask—and headed for where she knew Decoy and Ira waited.

She was in a pretty good mood, despite the mixed reception from the public and the state of the city. Sometimes a good day was just a good day. Humming to herself somewhat merrily as she entered the room, she noticed Lillian and Alessa had arrived before her, and smiled. Her projection was mostly compressed around her person, giving her a sort of...glow. While they hadn't come across anything really worthwhile during patrols, she'd had plenty of time to practice her power. As a result she had a bit more control over her projection—both manifested and inert. It was now pretty normal to see the silver shimmer directly around her person when she was in costume, one might say it had become a habit.

Admittedly, she'd started doing it because it made people look at her during patrols, and she kind of enjoyed the attention. To be fair, it was good for her self esteem.

“Hi guys. Decoy,” she gave his hologram a slight bow, smiling, “I miss anything?”

Leaning against the counter, a bottle of wine next to him, and a glass to his left, Drake—currently out of costume—listened to the rest of his teammates. He'd been thinking about a plan for awhile and had thrown away quite a few.

Glancing over to the two who had spoken up he frowned slightly. He didn't much like that they'd spoken first.

“Simple plans are often better, but I feel we need several back ups. Last time things got quite out of hand. I think we should learn from our mistakes.” He sighed a bit, remembering how Headhunter—who was likely the best acquainted with tactics—had abstained from leading or coordinating the group last time. It seemed he'd have to take it upon himself to do so instead.

Luckily he'd been preparing. In the last few weeks he had figured out which of his adoring fans would have free time and alibis when they were to carry out their mission. He'd found quite a few. This time he'd procured several drivers, to be set at different points some distance from the building. He had gotten them pagers, and one for himself, which he could easily use to get any one of them to make an approach, simply by tapping a button. He had two cars that he'd be filling with a few fans, armed with guns...with rubber bullets. Some would have tasers.

Beyond that he'd studied up on team coordination and battle tactics. Of course, there was no better teacher than the real world so it remained to be seen how things would go. More importantly, since he'd had the time, he had managed to figure out that a few of his fans would be attending the Community Rally. He'd bidden them to send updates if plans changed, he was not about to get blindsided by bad intel.

All this in mind he waited, deciding to let the others speak before he did. He wanted to see if there were other good ideas.

Just arriving at the base—in costume—Outsider entered the building to see some members of the team he'd begun to grow accustomed to, and a stranger, in the lobby as it were. Not really having anything to contribute, he took a backseat, moving away from the door and to a wall where he leaned. He wanted to see if she had something for them to do. It'd be nice. He'd love to get a chance to use his power properly.

Crossing his arms, he waited.
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