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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

South Blue, 2:44 PM
The skies were clear and the ocean was calm. With the wind at their sails, the crew of the Rum Runner were well on their way to their final destination before heading toward the Grand Line! Wanted though they be, the Red Rum Pirates were in need of some basic supplies to make the journey to Reverse Mountain. After all, nobody knew what to expect from the Grand Line. There were stories, of course, but these stories might as well have been legend and myth for those who hadn't personally seen what those seas could do with their own eyes. For all they knew, they'd be stuck in their ship for months or even years before hitting dry land! Or maybe they'd face giant sea monsters! There was no way to know for sure, as the place was dangerous and unpredictable.

Their destination would be Clock Town, the closest settlement to Reverse Mountain in the South Blue. Renown for their mechanisms and gears, which kept perfect time, there was a fair amount of tourism and trade to be had. Thankfully the Red Rums had built up enough of a savings of cash to get the supplies that they'd need. It was a simple matter of selling Dirk's devil fruit to some naive, hapless fool with more money than sense, then stealing it back before setting sail. A perfect scheme to get everything they needed. Yup, everything should be smooth sailing from here! Another hour or two and they'd dock for supplies before the final journey!

"Haha! I win again!" bellowed a muscular man, throwing his arms up in victory. He wore armor resembling a crab shell, with a sword sheathed on his hip. His right arm held a massive pincer, which knocked the ceiling light around as he celebrated his victory. Another man, easily twice his size, clutched his left hand in his right, sobbing in pain. Blood trickled from his broken appendage onto the arm wrestling table.

"I knew you'd win again, boss!"

"Nobody can out-wrestle John Krabbe!"

"That's no fair!" shouted the man with the broken hand. "You can't arm-wrestle with that thing!" He gestured to Krabbe's pincer-covered arm. "I demand a rematch, on even grounds!"

"Hmm..." the armored man paused for a second to give it some thought. "I think not. I've already won every belli to your name! Kookiookiooki!"

"John Krabbe, John Krabbe!" The doors to the tavern burst open as a young boy rushed in, completely out of breath. Whether it was caused from his running, or the constant yelling, wasn't entirely clear.

"Yes?" asked the bounty hunter. "Out with it, boy!"

"Huff... Puff... Pirates! Pirates are coming! A merchant ship just docked and they said they passed by a pirate ship!"

"A pirate ship, eh?" Krabbe chuckled to himself. "Kookiooki. Men, prepare my vessel! Drinks are on me tonight!"

The tavern erupted into cheer.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - Beginning the Return!

The skeleton kid had the windows open of his smaller room in the ship, and he was glad to be looking out and barely seeing the town come into view over the horizon. He was ready to check the florists in the town if there was anything he hadn't cataloged already in his Botanical Chronicle, or he could maybe make some of his own money by sprouting up a few rare plants he found back on Yuushuu island. Bonesword was glad that Cedric listened to him when he said the crew needed supplies. He liked the captain and all, but sometimes he had to get it through to him that there were things that needed to be said. He didn't blame him for ignorance though, as everyone suffered from it at one point in their life.

Alas, the skeleton kid had a good hour before they got to port, and he knew exactly what he would spend that time doing.

Bonesword placed a sign on his door, reading "KNOCK FIRST UNLESS YOU ARE CEDRIC OR MERRYCURE" and he went over to the small table in his room, sitting his sword down on the other side of the table from him as he poured his sword a cup of tea.

"What do you think we'll find here, bud?" The sword remained silent throughout the conversation.

"I doubt we'll find Gold Roger's treasure here."

"I guess you're right. We don't know until we actually check."

"I agree. It would be rather anticlimactic if Gold's treasure was just another useless sword. I don't want that."

"What do you mean I need a second sword?! I have you!"

"Backup? I'll never need backup! I have you!"

The conversation went along like this for a while... so let's tune to someone else's adventures aboard the Rum Runner, shall we?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slick-A Bright New Day!

As Bonesword hung up his sign and shut the door tightly, a head of green hair peered around the corner. Slick let a few seconds pass before he quietly walked up to Bonesword's domain and gently lifted the sign off the door. He put it in one of his inside jacket pockets and calmly walked away as though nothing had happened. This was how his days usually went aboard the ship, he would start the morning simple by swiping some stuff from the crew, make breakfast, do whatever Cedric told him to do to keep busy, make lunch if there were enough provisions to do so, swipe some more stuff from the crew until Cedric tracked him down, more work from Cedric, hide from Cedric for an hour or so so he could work on new oil formulas, make dinner, then go to his room to find that most of the stuff he swiped earlier had been taken back and he needed to grab it again in the morning.

Of course not every day was the same, his normal schedule was interrupted by other crew members a lot, but that didn't really matter to him. What mattered right now was slipping into Lilliana's room and stealing some sweet sweet flammable chemicals. He passed by his own room and pried up one of the floorboards, dropping the sign into a little compartment he had made for himself, then replacing the floorboard as neatly as he could using a hammer and nails he had taken from Isuza. The work was a little sloppy but it would do. Slick then left his room, shutting the door behind him, and wandered over to Lilliana's room. He knocked on her door to check if she was still in, hiding around a corner to see if she answered the door or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar - Another Evening in Paradise

The waves were calm around him, flowing lazily around his fur. The sun was warm, obscured occasionally by wispy clouds, and the breeze refreshing.


Caesar jerked upright on the deck of the Rum Runner, blinking lazily in the afternoon light.

Stretching, he rolled into a sitting position and looked around.

Apparently he had avoided being harassed into doing something for a few hours. With a yawn he stretched out against a railing and observed the sky.

"It's a good evening too relax, kick back, and enjoy some of Slick's food..." Caesar noted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - We Are!

Captain Cedric D. Boone looked on from the bow of The Rum Runner. He'd been there for some time until he spotted it. Clock Town! He took a deep breathe of the fresh ocean air and let out a loud bawdy laugh,"Bawhahahahaha! Land hooooo!" The crew would be quite used to their captain's jovial nature at this point. He tended to laugh whenever he was really excited,"Not much longer now, Dirk, maintain your course! You think there will be any more unruly nobles on this island? Bawhahahahaha!" All Cedric's attempts at levity with Dirk, so far had been an exercise in futility. But he wouldn't let that dissuade him. At some point, he would get Dirk to laugh!

Cedric left his position at the front of the ship and watched as Slick walked towards the crew quarters. He decided to leave him be. He had been pushing him very hard recently. But if he didn't there was know telling what mischief he might get into. Their first encounter together hadn't exactly gone smoothly. Despite a name like "Slick."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

Warming Up

"796...797...798." Feya grunted with each push-up. Sweat poured down her forehead and onto the deck of the ship. It was a matter of tradition when they came to the new land. She needed to prepare herself for any obstacles or any possible trials on the island. “799...800.”

Her chin hit the floor the last time. She jumped to the hands and squatted to her feet. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she took a few seconds to breathe through her nose and mouth. “Whoo, that was three sets. Warm-Up is complete.” She looked out at the ocean and admired the discovery of a new town.

She would need to pick up some new workout equipment and possibly some more fruit. This is the chance that Slick only buys greasy and unhealthy choices for the crew. She started to twist her waist to prevent future cramping. After her stretching exercise, she decided to grab a cup of water. Feya then snapped her fingers. “Actually, a gallon of water is more appropriate.”

Entering the ship, she noticed something peculiar. The woman of fitness couldn’t help, but feel proud of one of her crewmates. She immediately opened the door leading to Bonesword’s room. Feya witnessed the skeleton kid talking to his sword again. She nervously laughed for a few seconds as the experience was still weird to her.

“Hi, I just wanted to say how proud I am. I see someone is becoming more open to their room activities.” Feya pointed at the door. “Taking down that sign is the first milestone, y’know?” Fitness Feya formed her hand to a gun and pointed it at Bonesword. “Keep up the good work.”

She then walked away to the kitchen. Feya's ears perked up when she heard Cedric yelling. It wouldn't be long until they were exploring the town.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar - A Continuation of Normal


Caesar's ears perked up at Cedric's yelling, always surprised at how jovial the man could be about everything. It was kinda endearing, if he had to say so himself.

It almost made up for the fact that the man constantly tried to make him do things.

Though he had found a way to entice Caesar into work as a shrink just yesterday. Mostly because it wasn't really work, and it was acknowledging the fact that Caesar had it better in several respects than anyone else.

Leaning over the railing now, Caesar looked at the Captain.

"Hey, Cedric.... What's the deal with this place? Or do we not know?" Caesar called over, yawning after the fact. "And for that matter, think they got bones? I need some bones."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir - I'm On a Boat

Yes. Land. That took long enough. And according to his Divine Purpose, that was where they needed to stop. Also, Captain Cedric said something about supplies earlier. That too.

You're going to get murdered here, you little bastard.

Nope, Divine Purpose says I was going to live. There was the big glowing cross over it and everything. What was it called. Clocks Tone. Yes.

'Maybe there will be nobles,' Dirk murmured, tilting his head as he held the ship's wheel. Captain Cedric was already leaving to talk to Caesar. That was okay, because Dirk needed to silently move the ship to the right place anyway. There were calculations to be made. That was them, just now. Didn't you see them?

Did you not see them, brat? Disgusting baby of a-

'It's time to stop Derek.'

Remember that you need me. But you'd be better off dead anyway.

Not likely. Divine Purpose still said no to dying because it wasn't complete, so it's illegal. Dirk is not a crime-inal. A criminal. He steered the ship toward the right spot, which was the island that was going to have the port with the other ships. He knew it was a Port, because the last sign said that was its name, and they were all Port of the same Poort family. Maybe it sold its blood for a living. People drank Port, didn't they? Drink port. Yes, that is.

Good Job, Dirk! You're Doing Great!

Thanks, Big Guy. You've always had Dirk's back.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - YOU AREN'T INVI-oh you're gone.

Bonesword was mere seconds from picking up a chair and throwing it at Feya. She knew better than to walk in on Bonesword when the door was closed! He kept it open when stuff like this WASN'T going on. Thankfully, she wasn't around for more than 10 seconds, so Bonesword decided that she could go another day on the ship without having a chair thrown at her... or a barrel... or anything wooden, although she could probably break it with a mere punch.

The sign was gone, though, and Bonesword knew who took it. He'd stolen a potted plant before, and unfortunately that burned before Bonesword could get it back. Dammit Slick.

"Hm? No Shroomblade, we aren't going to throw Slick overboard so he can drown. We need him on the ship."

The room was silent aside from the faint roar of crashing waves against the ship. Bonesword knew that he wasn't imagining the speech though.

"Yeah, maybe we can take it to the captain. He could probably deal with it better than we could, anyhow."

In an energetic tempo, the Mushroom Kid grabbed his trusty sword and ran towards the top of the ship, hearing the jolly laugh of Cedric from above. He was ready to see the port again, anyway, and it looks like the tea party will have to finish some other time. Maybe he can invite mom to it?

"Ahoy cap!" Bonesword happily exclaimed as he leaped up onto the deck, his sword fastened to his back by a few vines weaved into a sheath. "I heard you from below. The sword and I are ready to go when we get there. Hey, maybe we'll cut down a few prices for 'ya, cha-cha-cha!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

I Splash on You with the Water

Feya entered the kitchen and made a beeline through the tables for the fridge. Opening the refrigerator, she saw the contents and edibles inside. "Good thing we're stopping," she scoffed. The contents weren't going to be enough to fuel her daily caloric intake. The fitness woman then noticed a gallon of water on the bottom shelve.

The woman grabbed the jug of water and shut the door. The cold breeze coming off of the refrigerator felt sensational on her muscles. Feya did not really know if the gallon was hers or for the entire crew. Shrugging her shoulders, she popped the cap off and began taking a few sips. After her sips, she tilted the gallon more upwards and began chugging the container.

"Really hits the spot," Feya breathed after consuming half of the jug. She wiped her mouth when her ears could hear the rest of the crew conversing outside. Fitness Feya chose to see what everyone was planning to do once the ship arrived on the shore. Gripping onto the handle, she walked out of the kitchen while drinking more of the clear liquid.

Watching the crew, she laid back on the wall of the ship. Drinking the rest of the jug every now and then.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Lilliana Merrycure

In her room working on taking apart something or anotherr sorta thingmajig as she usually was, Lilliana was quite absorbed with her work. There was scrap metal, nails, screws, bolts, wires, and all other manner of parts and machinery scattered across the wooden floor. Oddly, everything else aside from the floor was totally immaculate. Hell, even the floor was super clean, except for the grease near her person and on her hands.

Face screwed up in concentration, she tried to thread some wires together properly when a knock came to the door.


“Owowowowihihihhehe, oh man that tingles,” she shuddered and then shook herself, having thrown the device down. It was more broken now. She giggled a bit.

“Oops. Oh well,” she shrugged her slim shoulders and got up, her metal wings collapsing inwards, folding onto her back so they wouldn't get in the way. She tapped on the door—which was metal unlike the ship's other doors—and a small peephole opened on her side. The otherside of the metal door remained unmarred.

Putting her eye to the peephole she saw nobody outside. Pouting, she sighed, and then smiled, laughing to herself a bit. She turned around and bent down, picking up a metal pipe and her two bags, which she slung over her shoulder easily.

Going back to the door she exited. It didn't make any sound even as it closed behind her.

Hearing Cedric's laughter from above she shook her head, and then started down the hall away from her room. She hummed to herself. She knew who'd knocked on her door, he always did this, but this time she'd prepared a few traps for him. Plus, unlike normal, she'd left her room a disaster. It would be like trying to navigate a floor absolutely covered with...well, jagged scrapmetal, wires, and other miscellaneous stuff and that was if he got past the locks.

Making her way above deck, Lilli waved to Feya and Caeser. She came to stand next to Bonesword, reaching down and patting his hat affectionately. Looking around, she realized what all the hubbub was about. Apparently they would be making their last stop before Reverse Mountain. Her eyes lit up.

“Oooh. Hey Cedric, do you think they have any neat nicknacks just lying around??” She hopped from one foot to the other a few times, then stopped. Oh man, this was gonna be fun!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mizushima Isuza

The gentle rocking of a sailing vessel was always so soothing in the calmer waters. As a child of the sea, Isuza had always been at ease on the open waves, and the lapping of the ocean against the hull at night always put her into a deep, relaxing —

"Bawhahahahaha! Land hooooo!"

Sleep! The rumbling laughter above deck reverberated all the way down into the lowest chambers of the vessel where her cabin was. In her shock, the poor fish girl sprung up with a great deal of force and promptly bonked her head on the low ceiling of her small dwelling. Followed by a sharp inhale and a pathetic whine, the lavender haired shipwright cursed both her jumpy nature and choice of room. At the time, having her place of residence adjacent to the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship made sense; she could breathe if they began taking on water and was closest to finding and fixing the leak.

A big bump on the forehead every time they found land, though, was quickly changing her mind. Higher ceilings on the next vessel, definitely...

Managing to collect herself, Isuza quickly began dressing in her comfortable garb and preparing for the day. She had spent a good deal of the night prior building a list of everything she needed from this final port. Reverse Mountain was a place of broken ships and broken dreams, and the young carpenter would've been lying if she said she was totally confident in her precious Rum Runner's ability to navigate it safely. She had the tooth pile to prove that anxiety. But, she was a proud scion of the Mizushima Shipyard! No mountain was so great that she couldn't fix its effects on a vessel.

Or so she told herself. Stuffing the parchment into her sash, Isuza made for the upper deck, closing her door behind her but leaving the plain cabin unlocked. The only person who invaded, by the greasy residue she usually found, was Slick, and he tended to be everyplace where things weren't nailed down.

Coming into the bright daylight above, Isuza shielded her delicate eyes from the sun. At least the day was nice enough to let her run through a final few checks on the riggings and the like. But that was later. Now, now was the time for supplies.

Unfortunately for her, the man in charge was surrounded on all sides by the crew members who inhabited the vessel. Chewing her bottom lip in contemplation, silvery orbs scanned around and instead focused in on a certain body builder. Feya was always one of the more approachable members of their ragtag family. Surely she could help!

A bit of light footed waddling brought the petite hybrid before her "rival" of sorts. With all the boldness of a mouse, she withdrew the crumbled parchment from the yellow sash securing her pants, wiggling it at the much taller female.

"Uhm.. I made a lith of thingth I need to repair the thip. Would you mind, y'know... Helping me carry it all back?" She asked, air whistling through teeth far too pointy to belong in her mouth as she spoke. "After I get the nethethary fundth from Thedric, anyway..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slick- A Smooth Touch

Slick watched Lilliana exit her cabin with excitement, this was the fun part of his excursions. He vaguely heard Cedric crying out at the sight of land, so Slick would have to work quick. Slick the Quick. Has a nice ring to it. Slick moved over to Lilliana's door and leaned down to the lock, easiest part of breaking in. He held his finger up to the lock and spread a little oil, making the lock slide out of place and opening the door with ease. Of course the moment Slick touched the door knob it zapped him with extreme electricity, but that's why he covered his hand with non conductive oil. Still a bit if a tingle felt, he would need to improve the oil.

He was about to take a step in when he noticed the scrap metal and debris all over the floor. Slick cracked his neck and smiled, no problem at all. He casually scanned the room for what he was looking for and saw some chemicals up on a high shelf, far out of his reach. He began making a tendrils of oil and swung it at the flask, grabbing it with ease and bringing it towards him. The moment the flask left it's position a boxing glove emerged from beneath the shelf, which would've punched him if he had been standing there. The flask entered Slick's pocket and he was gone, closing the door behind him of course. No need to be rude about it.

After stashing the goods in his room he went up to the main deck and smiled, what a bright and sunny day! That means the sun was burning extra hot today. Slick noticed Feya drinking the rest if the water they had onboard and frowned, they kinda needed that. He kinda wanted to go up to her and ask her to not do that, but then she might start ranting about the FOOD PYRAMID again so he refrained from scolding her. Instead he walked up to the railing and looked at the town, and it's big clock. Time flies they say, but does it burn? "Hey Cedric, does time burn?" The answer didn't matter of course, Slick would try it himself regardless. But it was good to get a second opinion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

”How About It?”

Feya almost depleted the rest of her water gallon. She kept pausing as she admired the blueness of the ocean and the sky. The fitness woman jiggled her container to hear the empty spaces. It was a sign of her accomplishment and her dedication to the appropriate amount of water intake.

She watched the others indulged in small talk. One by one, more crew members were coming on deck from below. Feya raised her nearly empty container at Lily as a form of a hello. The woman continued to finish her drink when the strong fisherman girl approached her. Feya smiled, “Good day, Isuza!”

The body builder listened to the Isuza speak. As a response, she closed her eyes and laughed. She took a few seconds to map together what Isuza was saying under her lisp. ”Sure thing, Isuza! I’ll be glad to help you!” Feya said as she understood. Overall, Feya was gleeful that the agile swimmer came to her for assistance.

”Y’know, I’m not a dentist, but I can’t say if that’s medically safe in the future.” Feya mentioned. She then tilted the container and chugged the remaining contents. Giving out a sigh of relief and wiping her mouth, she put the cap back on and placed the empty gallon on the deck’s floor.

Feya leaned toward Isuza’s ear. ”I’ll go ahead and let Slick “steal” that off of me,” she whispered to the half fish girl. She then combed her hand and looked out to the sea. Feya noticed the island was only a few minutes away. ”Only a few minutes left to shore. How about it? Loser has to do a 100 push-ups," Fey challenged the young fisher girl.

Spontaneously, the fitness woman then rushed to the side of the ship and dived to the water. ”Last one is a rotten egg!” She yelled from below.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - We Are! Part II

Cedric turned as he heard the sound of their latest stowaway, Caesar the mink. Cedric gave him a sideways glance and replied,"There you are Caesar! I was wondering who was going to swab the deck today." He smiled and continued,"To answer your questions, I believe this town is particularly fond of clocks. As for bones?" He shrugged. "I have no bone to pick with this town." Then he winked.

As he was finishing his conversation with Caesar, none other then first mate Bonesword hopped onto the deck and proclaimed he and his sword were ready to go whenever they arrived in Clock Town. Cedric grinned as he approached exclaiming,"Just the man I wanted to see! Slashing prices eh? I have no bones about making the most of every belli we have!" Cedric was on a roll with the lame Dad puns about bones. Though everyone could forgive him, after all, every island was a chance to explore an entirely new land with a diverse group of flora, fauna and alcoholic beverages to swill.

Then, Lilliana strolled up on deck and patted Bonesword's hat affectionately. Cedric turned towards her and couldn't help but smile. They were the first two to join him on his crew. And despite all the ups and downs they had stayed true through thick and thin! Lilliana asked if Cedric thought there would be any knickknacks in Clock Town,"..lying around?" Cedric raised an eyebrow,"Certainly not lying where Slick could get a hold of them. Bawhahahahaha!" he wiped a tear away from his eye. Then he continued,"I'm sure they will have plenty of clocks, maybe you could use the parts for one of your inventions!"

Slick started to make his way up to the group gathered around Cedric and he asked,"Hey Cedric, does time burn?" The randomness of the question took their captain off guard. "Umm..hmm..." He stroked his 7 o'clock shadow thoughtfully,"I would think that, uhh..I've heard people say, uhh..that time is money. And uhh..if you can burn money, umm.. you could theoretically burn time, I guess." He scratched his head and looked at the open seas in front of them.

Afterward, he reached for the coin purse that their collective supply money came from. The way The Red Rum Pirates divvied up their spoils went thus; two shares for the captain, one and a half shares for first mate, one share for each other member of the crew, two shares for food and supplies, then one share for the ship's repairs. He wanted to divide some of it for the crew to purchase anything they needed when they arrived. Cracking it open a fly buzzed out revealing a sad sack of nothing. Cedric stared inside for a moment, contemplating. "I know there was more then this earlier.." he said mumbling to himself.

Meanwhile in The Rum Runner's cellar...stacks and stacks of alcoholic beverages lined it from top to bottom. If anyone was able to spend the entire supply funds, made from selling ridiculously expensive devil fruit on alcohol, it was Captain Boone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - There Goes My Share

"Hey mom." Bonesword hugged Lilliana as she bounced around, giddy about the trinkets that she would find. Bonesword found it absolutely adorable, if not anything else, that his mom got so excited about the interesting things they found on their journey. He remembered seeing a barrel full of random things that she had obtained from the journey, both legally and less so. Heck, Bonesword even found a gun that shot orange juice in there once. Orange juice! He's never had it, but he heard it was great.

"... Isuza, you can take some of my share for the supplies, since the cap' spent all of the original on ale." Bonesword didn't really need a ton of it, because he didn't want much other than what he had. Plants were nice, and so was the booze, but only one of those did he ever really spend his cash on, and he couldn't buy the booze.

"Frankly, I'm just hoping that we don't get attacked by anyone while I'm trying to buy a new plant. My journal hasn't had a new entry in it for weeks!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Red Rums had a great time, or not so great, enjoying the sunny day and their captain's friendly disposition. As they all spoke and conversed however, there was nobody in the crow's nest keeping a watchful look out. The closest to that was Feya, who had jumped into the water without waiting in order to race the resident fishman to the still far off island. As the health nut doctor swam with great strength, something came into view up ahead. A ship was moving toward their position from the direction of Clock Town, and not a small one. It was twice the size of the Rum Runner, and decked out with a number of weapons. The figurehead resembled a long piece of twisted coral, and it flew a unique flag.

"We can see their vessel, sir!" called out a soldier on deck. "We've identified the flag, and it belongs to the Red Rum Pirates! That's the ship of 'Broadsides' Boone! He's worth 31 million belli!"

"Hrm..." John Krabbe stroked where a beard might be, had he not been wearing a full set of plated armor. "That's more than any other pirate I've ever crushed before!" To emphasize his point, Krabbe snapped a piece of his ship's guard rail using his massive claw. A few of his men jumped back in surprise. "Bring me my den den mushi!" he barked.

"Yes sir, you got it boss!" Quick as he could, the hapless minion ran off, then reappeared, holding the small snail in his hand. He offered it to Krabbe, who snatched the little animal away with more force than was strictly necessary.

"Attention crew of the Rum Runner!" the bounty hunter shouted. The den den mushi took in his voice, then transferred the sound in the form of an electric wavelength to a speaker high atop the ship's mast. His voice amplified many times over, projected across the sea. "This is John Krabbe, the famous bounty hunter known far as wide as 'The Vice.' You will surrender yourselves to my custody now, or I will press you into oblivion with the might of my ship, the King Crab!" As he emphasized the word, another guard railing found itself pointlessly snapped between the prongs of his claw. Nearby his ship's carpenter shook her head disapprovingly.

"You have 2 minutes to raise the white flag, or I will sink your vessel. Let the squabbling begin." Krabbe grinned beneath his helm, confident in his intimidation tactic. As he handed the den den mushi back to his underling, he commanded, "Ready the Shrimp Brigade, and fire the boarding torpedo." Yes. While those filthy pirates were busy fighting over whether or not to surrender, they'd be taken by his attack unawares. The boarding torpedo would carry his special Shrimp Brigade right onto their ship to take them all off guard, and then John Krabbe would score his largest bounty yet! It was brilliant! "Kookiookiookiooki!"

"Uh... Sir?" the underling nervously interjected. "The uh, the den den mushi is still projecting, sir."

"WHAT?!" The entire crew cowered at the bounty hunter's rage fueled roar. Sure enough, he had forgotten to switch off the little snail's button, so every word had been projected over the speaker for all to hear. "THEN FIRE THE BOARDING TORPEDOES, DAMMIT!" Another guard rail found itself utterly demolished, now floating as splinters in the water.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar - You'll Regret That Threat!

Caesar turned towards the source of the noise, the annoying words speaking threats to his friends.

His eyes narrowed as he balled his fists. "Permission to break some faces?" he snarled. "Permission granted. No one attacks my friends."

Without further pause, Caesar began strolling towards the nearest hatch to get below deck. Caesar looked back to see before dropping below deck to fetch his machete, hoping to catch a glance at the ship. But it was much too far off, still.

Why couldn't it have been an easy day of drink and relaxation? he thought to himself before shaking his head.

No matter. Friends are family. Family are protected. He would make this Crab regret targeting his family.

He would tower over these little insignificant specks like the giant he was, or his name wasn't Caesar!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir - It's A Krabbey Krustey Krabbe World

On oh. The ship's about to be attacked by crabs. Whatever shall I do?

Told you. So long, piece of SHIT.

'No,' Dirk murmured, and because he saw an arrow that said so, letting go of the wheel. The tall child in the dark clothing strolls over to where Cedric and the others were, and then said whilst pointing 'I don't mean to sound. Not happy? Bad world feelings? Sin cycle. Cynical. But this crazy guy is trying to kill us.'

Unmanned, the ship's wheel rolled with the rudder, and the rest of the ship with it, tilted it at a full forty degree angle due starboard as it turned randomly that way. He leaned on one foot with his body remaining straight up whilst it is turning. 'This is fine,' he said, because it was.

It's not Moron! Go back to where the wheel is you Fool! You're going to kill everybody by the ship rolling over Idiot!

'It's called capsizing. Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle. Learn your ship control terms.' Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle really wasn't that smart, and his insultingly uncreative too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - You'll have to take us by force!

Of all the bounty hunters to shout at the Rum Runner, this guy was the least intimidating. He'd only taken down mediocre pirates at best, or this... Lobstere guy would know that this crew was unlike any other. That being said, Dirk left his post as Bonesword was preparing to offset the counterbalance of their ship.

"DAMMIT DIRK!" Bonesword shouted as he ran towards the wheel, grabbing it tightly and keeping the ship from falling. What the hell was he doing?! He knew that nobody else was holding the wheel, which he needed to know or the ship would go under and take everyone with it! Bonesword returned the ship to a position of not-capsizing, and he let go of the wheel with one of his hands.

"ALRIGHT RED RUMS! GET TO WORK!" Bonesword would've already offset the balance of Lobstere's ship, but it was a distance off. Although, if anyone hopped on the ship and would like to test their mettle against the kid, they were free to di- I mean try. Or die. Or die trying.

Still, the power worked through his plants. Bonesword touched the ground and sent a small vine flying from the floor of the Rum Runner towards the other ship at a rapid pace. It'd take a minute to get there, but when it did the enemy would be in for a treat!
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