”My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it...search for it! I left all of it at that place!”
-Final Words of Pirate King Gold Roger
-Final Words of Pirate King Gold Roger
Hello my friends, and welcome to the New Horizons! As you can plainly see, this is an RP dedicated to that goliath of franchises that needs no introduction: One Piece. Unfortunately One Piece RPs seem to have an average lifespan of about 2-3 weeks before they die, so I plan to go about this in a way that’s a little bit different from any other game that I’ve seen based in this franchise. Most games ask you to make your characters, usually reserving a position on the crew beforehand, then throws you all together and off you go. I feel this doesn’t reflect well on one of the biggest themes and such a necessity for this type of game: the crew’s relationship. So I’ve devised a few details that I feel will further emphasize and work this integral piece in. But first, some basics!
New Horizon is a semi-canon setting in that it takes the world of One Piece, its locations, the major political powers, particularly powerful and influential individuals, and keeps them in place. This includes the Yonkou (Four Emperors), Shichibukai (Seven Warlords of the Sea), marine admirals, and World Government. However the story as we know it in canon has not been occurring. Any number of minor characters can have gone down a different path, or even be absent altogether. Monkey D. Luffy has never set sail to get his crew together, he never set foot on the Grand Line, and nobody has been liberated/saved by the Straw Hat pirates. Instead, a different crew will be the focus of adventures, of changing the political balance of the world. Who is this mighty crew? I don’t know yet! You tell me! So this will follow a single crew of PCs starting in the South Blue and they’ll have one last adventure in their home sea before heading to the Grand Line via Reverse Mountain.
The Player Characters
So as I stated above, this RP needs to focus more on the relationship of the crew in order to survive. To really aid in that, I've designed things to work a bit different during character creation. When initially creating your character, you can give them the job title you want ranging from cabin boy to navigator to chef to just a fighter, but nobody will make a character specifically to be captain or first mate. Additionally, history will only be created up until just before they become a pirate. Once we have enough characters approved, everyone will vote on the character they like best for captain and first mate. After a democratic majority rules, the rest of each character’s history will be collaborated on with everyone. How each character met, what order they joined the ship, so on and so forth. While that's being done, the player that was voted captain will provide a CS for the ship itself. After all is said and done, the final adventure in the South Blue begins as the crew heads towards the Grand Line! Thus due to this method of character creation, no character should be conceptualized as specifically working only as a captain or first mate. Everyone needs to at least be useful in some manner, regardless of the position they get.
You're probably familiar with the setting of One Piece if you're reading this. If not, pop into the hider below for some brief descriptions of how the world works and what’s what. If you are familiar, you can zip right past this section.
One Piece takes place on a world of mostly ocean, much like our own, but the landmass is very different. Most dry land is part of a single continent which wraps around the world from North to South, dividing the planet into two halves. This continent is called The Red Line. The rest of the world is a vast ocean with various islands dotting around here and there. Just as the Red Line divides the planet into East and West hemispheres, the most dangerous stretch of ocean runs along the equator to create the North and South hemispheres. These legendary waters are called The Grand Line. The four sections of the planet created by the intersections of these two defining geographical features are referred to as the Blue Seas and are referred to as the North Blue, South Blue, West Blue, and the East Blue.
Attempting to sail directly into the Grand Line from one of the four oceans is dangerous to the point of suicide, as on both sides of the Grand Line run stretches of ocean called Calm Belts. Not only do the Calm Belts have absolutely no wind and no waves (meaning any ship foolish enough to sail into them becomes stuck), but they're also home to scores of leviathan proportioned monsters called Sea Kings. The only way to safely enter the Grand Line is by going to Reverse Mountain, where the Grand Line and the Red Line intersect. The continent is thinner at this location, and an incredible phenomenon causes the water from the Blue Seas to rush up the mountain. The four upward currents meet at the top, then flow back down toward the Grand Line.
The first half of the Grand Line is called Paradise by veteran pirates, where weather patterns make no sense, the sea can turn against you at the drop of a hat, and many islands seem not to adhere to traditional physics. Navigating Paradise is very different from standard seafare navigation. All the islands have their own unique magnetic field, making traditional compasses completely useless. To traverse Paradise require a special kind of compass called a Log Pose. A log pose locks onto a specific island’s magnetic field, pointing directly to it. After spending time on that island (how much depends on the location in question) the log pose “logs” the magnetic field and points toward the next island in the chain. Though there are many different potential paths in Paradise, they all end at the same location. They end at Fishman Island, which exists beneath the ocean where the Red Line intersects with the Grand Line.
The second half of the Grand Line is referred to as the New World. The New World is to Paradise as Paradise is to the Blue Seas, where islands make even less sense (one exists in a never ending lightning storm, and gravity can send you flying up), and even a Log Pose will do nothing for you. The islands of the New World will change or hide their fields completely at random, so you require a New World Pose to navigate, which holds three standard Log Poses at a time, each one charged with a different island. The New World is where the Yonkou, or the Four Emperors, reside. They are the four most powerful pirates in the world. And at the end of the New World, once you cross the seas and return to your starting point at Reverse Mountain, is a legendary island. Only one man has ever set foot there, the deceased Pirate King Gold Roger. Many believe “that place” he left his treasure to be this island, called Raftel.
Attempting to sail directly into the Grand Line from one of the four oceans is dangerous to the point of suicide, as on both sides of the Grand Line run stretches of ocean called Calm Belts. Not only do the Calm Belts have absolutely no wind and no waves (meaning any ship foolish enough to sail into them becomes stuck), but they're also home to scores of leviathan proportioned monsters called Sea Kings. The only way to safely enter the Grand Line is by going to Reverse Mountain, where the Grand Line and the Red Line intersect. The continent is thinner at this location, and an incredible phenomenon causes the water from the Blue Seas to rush up the mountain. The four upward currents meet at the top, then flow back down toward the Grand Line.
The first half of the Grand Line is called Paradise by veteran pirates, where weather patterns make no sense, the sea can turn against you at the drop of a hat, and many islands seem not to adhere to traditional physics. Navigating Paradise is very different from standard seafare navigation. All the islands have their own unique magnetic field, making traditional compasses completely useless. To traverse Paradise require a special kind of compass called a Log Pose. A log pose locks onto a specific island’s magnetic field, pointing directly to it. After spending time on that island (how much depends on the location in question) the log pose “logs” the magnetic field and points toward the next island in the chain. Though there are many different potential paths in Paradise, they all end at the same location. They end at Fishman Island, which exists beneath the ocean where the Red Line intersects with the Grand Line.
The second half of the Grand Line is referred to as the New World. The New World is to Paradise as Paradise is to the Blue Seas, where islands make even less sense (one exists in a never ending lightning storm, and gravity can send you flying up), and even a Log Pose will do nothing for you. The islands of the New World will change or hide their fields completely at random, so you require a New World Pose to navigate, which holds three standard Log Poses at a time, each one charged with a different island. The New World is where the Yonkou, or the Four Emperors, reside. They are the four most powerful pirates in the world. And at the end of the New World, once you cross the seas and return to your starting point at Reverse Mountain, is a legendary island. Only one man has ever set foot there, the deceased Pirate King Gold Roger. Many believe “that place” he left his treasure to be this island, called Raftel.
World Government

Established about 800 years ago, the World Government is the central body that rules the world and is made up of the officially recognized nations of the world, ruled by the Gorosei (Five Elder Stars). Nobody is certain as to how the World Government came to power, only that it began with an alliance of twenty kingdoms. All of history surrounding the founding of the World Government has been completely eradicated and removed. The public has dubbed this time period as The Void Century, and any attempt at researching this time period has been outlawed with punishment of death. The World Government is corrupt and self-serving, and uses its three primary weapons (the marines, Cipher Pol, and the Shichibukai) to crush dissent and destroy their enemies under their believe in Absolute Justice.

The marines are the main military power of the World Government, and the dispensers of justice across the world. The Fleet Admiral commands the three admirals, who in turn control the rest of the marine forces. Most marines are just regular people doing their job, trying to stop pirates and other criminals from wreaking havoc. Some however are far more dangerous with a firm belief in the credence of “Absolute Justice,” which demands that all crimes be punished swiftly and severely.
Cipher Pol

While the marines are the World Government’s primary forces, the sword and shield as it were, Cipher Pol is their cloak and dagger. Secret spies and assassins trained from early childhood to infiltrate, sabotage, murder, and spread the ideals of the World Government through any other similar sort of subtle and underhanded treachery. Anybody could secretly be a CP agent. Your banker. The old lady down the street. In the worst of situations, maybe even your own family.

The Shichibukai (or Seven Warlords of the Sea) are pirates of great notoriety and power offered amnesty and forgiveness for their crimes By the World Government, in exchange for only targeting pirates and taking orders when the World Government demands it.The group is only loosely affiliated with one another, and in fact many have never even met the others. Each one is given further detail below.

”Foolishness is a crime punishable by death.”
Sir Crocodile, “The Desert King,” has a frozen bounty of 81 million belli. Hailed as a great hero to the Alabasta Kingdom, he ate the suna suna no mi, a logia type devil fruit with power over sand. He has total dominion over sand and dryness in general, able to level cities in massive sandstorms and drain the water from your body with a touch.

”The time is almost here. Go and lay the groundwork. A world where only true pirates can survive will soon be upon us. Those without power, flee while you can. The tide will bring those of unmatched power and the New Era will begin!”
Though he dresses in a flamboyant manner, you should never discount the cruelty of Donquixote Doflamingo. The king of Dressrosa and eater of the paramecia devil fruit, the ito ito no mi, his string powers are nothing to laugh at. His great power plus his violent tendencies earned him a bounty of 340 million before it was frozen. Many wonder how Doflamingo is able to maintain his position in the Shichibukai, as it is no secret he doesn't play by the government’s rules and will casually force marines to murder one another for fun. Some rumors say he blackmailed the World Government for his position.

”Whether I kick a kitten, tear off your ears, even slaughter the innocent, the world will never cease to forgive my actions. Why, you ask? Why it is because I'm beautiful!”
Captain of the Kuja Pirates and the sovereign empress of Amazon Lily, the island of women, Boa Hancock’s frozen bounty of 80 million belli was achieved in her very first outing, and she was immediately petitioned to join the Shichibukai. Hancock’s extreme hatred of men is widely known, and even when fighting alongside marines she's known for killing any male indiscriminate of the side they're on. She ate the paramecia devil fruit the mero mero no mi, which allows her to turn to stone anyone who has “dirty thoughts.” For the most beautiful woman in the world, there is no better weapon.

”You can't bring back what you've lost, think about what you have now!”
Jinbe’s inclusion into the Shichibukai may have been something of an affirmative action case, but the decision was not without merit. Captain of the Sun Pirates, this whale shark fishman has a frozen bounty of 250 million belli, and it shows in his mastery of fishman karate. A man of great honor, Jinbe accepted a position with the Shichibukai so that the World Government would protect his home of Fishman Island, and he hopes his actions can lead to stronger relations between humans and fishmen.

”A true pirate should fear nothing, not even death!”
Gekko Moriah ate the paramecia type devil fruit, the kage kage no mi, giving him a vast array of shadow powers. His bounty was frozen at 320 million belli, well earned as a famous pirate making waves in the New World. However his entire crew were killed by the Yonkou Kaidou, and ever since he's gotten lazy. The World Government may not allow him his position much longer…

”I don't remember the face of every insect I crush.”
Even amongst the Shichibukai, Hawk Eye Mihawk is especially legendary. He is, without question, the greatest swordsman in the world. The man can casually slice apart mountains from a distance as casually as you would walk down the street, and he is the only living man known to stand against a Yonkou one on one. Mihawk is the most apathetic of the Shichibukai, often considered to be the one least likely to answer summons or participate in events. He seeks only the thrill of a sword that can match his own.

”If you were to go on a vacation, where would you go?”
Without question Kuma is the World Government’s greatest ally among the Shichibukai. The other six always have their own agendas, ignore orders, and generally do as they please since they're, well, pirates. Kuma answers every summons, follows every order, and questions nothing, almost like he has no free will. His former bounty was 296 million belli. As the eater of the nikyu nikyu fruit, Kuma possesses the ability to push anything at the speed of light--including abstract concepts, such as pain and fatigue.
The four most powerful pirates in the world, and the undisputed rulers of the New World, it is often said that the marines and the Shichibukai exist solely to oppose the Yonkou. These “Four Emperors” are not in any way aligned with one another, and are in fact their own biggest rivals. Usually they keep one another in check, but if even one were to bring their full forces against the World Government, nobody could predict the ramifications.

”It’s wrong to resent the child for the sins of the father.”
The World’s Strongest Man, and the personal rival of the deceased pirate king Gold Roger. Though he's a half-dead geriatric, do not anger him or discount his strength. He is still regarded as the strongest man alive. He treats his crew and allies as a family, acting as their patriarch and taking any insult or attack on his men as a declaration of war. He ate what is considered to be the most dangerous devil fruit in the world, the gura gura no mi, which allows him to create tremors and shockwaves. On land, this creates earthquakes. In the air, the very sky cracks. On the ocean, giant tidal waves and tsunamis.

“You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me…you can even spit on me. I’ll just laugh that stuff off. But…good reason or not…nobody hurts a friend of mine!”
Formerly a cabin boy on Gold Roger’s ship, “Red Hair” Shanks is the most friendly of the Yonkou, preferring a good party with lots of booze to a pirate raid. He became a pirate to live life with freedom, and easily makes friends anywhere he goes. Exceptionally easy going, he won't be the least bit bothered if he's insulted, disrespected, or attacked. However, the same amicable attitude is not offered when the target is a friend of his. Put simply, harm someone he likes, and he will end you. Shanks is also the personal sparring partner of Hawk Eye Mihawk, their duels echoing across the whole of the Grand Line.

"Bring me sweets! If you do, I'll make a promise with you! A promise of peace! And of a dream country! If you listen to what I say, you will all live happily! And if you don't listen... you're being selfish! And I'm gonna kill you!"
Born obscenely large and strong with an appetite exponentially greater than any normal person, Linlin had to be abandoned by her parents. Afterward she was raised to be ruthless and remorseless. This upbringing, coupled with her dream of a kingdom where everyone is equal, has led to a very interesting sort of crazy. She is plagued by a unique eating disorder that forces her into rampages if not satisfied, with nothing, and nobody, being off the menu. She ate the soru soru fruit, allowing her to take, manipulate, and control souls and lifespan.

”I don't care if this boring world is destroyed! Let's start the greatest war the world has ever seen!"
While Edward Newgate holds the title of “World’s Strongest Man,” Kaido holds the title of “World’s Strongest Creature,” as nearly everybody considers this goliath of a man to be completely inhuman. A ruthless and fierce warrior, Kaido holds total apathy for the world and all living things in it, but thrives on chaos. He desires to start the largest war in history simply because things are too boring and mundane. His body is so inhumanly resilient that he has survived over 40 execution attempts, as the weapons used simply broke against his body. Kaido has taken on suicide attempts as a hobby, just to see if something is even capable of hurting him. So far, nothing has.
More than regular vanilla humans exist in the world of One Piece. There's multiple sub-species and tribes of human, as well as different species altogether. The majority of these people are exclusive to the Grand Line, but can potentially relocate or travel. Further, nearly all of these races are capable of interbreeding, so many different hybrids are possible!

Small pockets of dwarf tribes live in various locations around the Grand Line. Small, only about the size of a normal human fist with a (relatively) large bushy tail, their size conceals their true strength. Dwarves are able to smash solid stone and concrete with their bare hands. They're also incredibly sneaky, able to move around busy crowds and steal right from people without ever being noticed. However dwarves tend to be extremely gullible. If you told them the sky was never blue, it only looks that way because they've lived in a bubble their whole life, they'd probably believe you.

Originating from Fishmen Island, these people are amphibious beings that resemble hybrids between human beings and any kind of sea dwelling creature. From birth a fishman is ten times stronger than the average human, which only increases when submerged in water. They developed a unique martial art called Fishman Karate, which revolves around manipulating water with your moves. Unfortunately they've only recently been recognized as a sovereign nation by the World Government, and the fishmen and their mermen brothers have been subjected to horrific slavery for generations.

Just as their name suggests, giants are enormous beings, but physically resemble humans in every other regard. As expected, their strength is phenomenal, making them feared warriors. Most Giants hail from the kingdom of Elbaf, with a Viking-esque culture deeply seeded with strong notions of honor. A few Giants have branched out in lifestyle, with a number of them having even joined the marines. They can also be spectacular storytellers, since they live for anywhere from 300-500 years.

A sub-species of human, the longarm tribe are characterized by their, well, long arms. They essentially have two section of forearms, necessitating two elbow joints on each arm. Some longarms develop unique fighting styles and martial arts that take advantage of this physiology.

The counterpart to the longarm tribe, the longlegs are characterized by their, you guessed it, very long legs. It comes as no surprise that they're exceptionally tall and can take great strides, allowing them to move quite fast. Unlike the longarms, who have multiple elbow joints, the longlegs have the normal one knee per leg.

Closely related to fishmen, merfolk are characterized by having the upper torso of a human with the lower body of a sea dwelling creature. There are no faster swimmers in the world, and they have a sort of empathic link to fish. When a merfolk reaches their middle age, their tail fin actually splits apart. With practice they can learn to walk like a human.

The mink hail from the New World, living atop a giant elephant that wanders the sea without aim or direction, the minks are anthropomorphic mammals. Despite obvious differences, minks actually love humans, seeing them as “furless apes.” Each and every mink is a born warrior, with even small children able to hold their own and defeat seasoned fighters. They've developed a unique power they call “electro,” charging their attacks with focused static electricity generated by their fur.

The differences between Shandorans and Skypeians are mostly cultural, as opposed to physiological, with the Shandorans having a tribal culture and the Skypeians having a more “enlightened” one, yet the two have been at odds for generations over land rights. Both peoples originally came from the moon, but this history has long since been lost to time. Currently they reside on the Sky Islands, a series of islands made of solid cloud floating in the sky, which defy all reason and physics. Apart from the white wings on their back (which are entirely cosmetic and useless for flight) they're little different from human beings.

Similar to the longarm and longleg tribes, the snakeneck tribe is a sub-species of human with an extra long body part. In this case, they have an extra long neck.

A sub-species of humans that possess an extra eye, right on the forehead. Considered bizarre and ostracized for their appearance by a number of “normal” people, they can achieve a form of enlightenment through unlocking this eye’s potential. If this is done, they will gain the power to “hear the voice of all things,” a trait that was held by the pirate king Gold Roger.

Small pockets of dwarf tribes live in various locations around the Grand Line. Small, only about the size of a normal human fist with a (relatively) large bushy tail, their size conceals their true strength. Dwarves are able to smash solid stone and concrete with their bare hands. They're also incredibly sneaky, able to move around busy crowds and steal right from people without ever being noticed. However dwarves tend to be extremely gullible. If you told them the sky was never blue, it only looks that way because they've lived in a bubble their whole life, they'd probably believe you.

Originating from Fishmen Island, these people are amphibious beings that resemble hybrids between human beings and any kind of sea dwelling creature. From birth a fishman is ten times stronger than the average human, which only increases when submerged in water. They developed a unique martial art called Fishman Karate, which revolves around manipulating water with your moves. Unfortunately they've only recently been recognized as a sovereign nation by the World Government, and the fishmen and their mermen brothers have been subjected to horrific slavery for generations.

Just as their name suggests, giants are enormous beings, but physically resemble humans in every other regard. As expected, their strength is phenomenal, making them feared warriors. Most Giants hail from the kingdom of Elbaf, with a Viking-esque culture deeply seeded with strong notions of honor. A few Giants have branched out in lifestyle, with a number of them having even joined the marines. They can also be spectacular storytellers, since they live for anywhere from 300-500 years.

A sub-species of human, the longarm tribe are characterized by their, well, long arms. They essentially have two section of forearms, necessitating two elbow joints on each arm. Some longarms develop unique fighting styles and martial arts that take advantage of this physiology.

The counterpart to the longarm tribe, the longlegs are characterized by their, you guessed it, very long legs. It comes as no surprise that they're exceptionally tall and can take great strides, allowing them to move quite fast. Unlike the longarms, who have multiple elbow joints, the longlegs have the normal one knee per leg.

Closely related to fishmen, merfolk are characterized by having the upper torso of a human with the lower body of a sea dwelling creature. There are no faster swimmers in the world, and they have a sort of empathic link to fish. When a merfolk reaches their middle age, their tail fin actually splits apart. With practice they can learn to walk like a human.

The mink hail from the New World, living atop a giant elephant that wanders the sea without aim or direction, the minks are anthropomorphic mammals. Despite obvious differences, minks actually love humans, seeing them as “furless apes.” Each and every mink is a born warrior, with even small children able to hold their own and defeat seasoned fighters. They've developed a unique power they call “electro,” charging their attacks with focused static electricity generated by their fur.

The differences between Shandorans and Skypeians are mostly cultural, as opposed to physiological, with the Shandorans having a tribal culture and the Skypeians having a more “enlightened” one, yet the two have been at odds for generations over land rights. Both peoples originally came from the moon, but this history has long since been lost to time. Currently they reside on the Sky Islands, a series of islands made of solid cloud floating in the sky, which defy all reason and physics. Apart from the white wings on their back (which are entirely cosmetic and useless for flight) they're little different from human beings.

Similar to the longarm and longleg tribes, the snakeneck tribe is a sub-species of human with an extra long body part. In this case, they have an extra long neck.

A sub-species of humans that possess an extra eye, right on the forehead. Considered bizarre and ostracized for their appearance by a number of “normal” people, they can achieve a form of enlightenment through unlocking this eye’s potential. If this is done, they will gain the power to “hear the voice of all things,” a trait that was held by the pirate king Gold Roger.
The world of One Piece is vast and unique, with each island almost Like its own world. There are important items and objects that are fairly common around all the seas, though. This section details the common aspects that unify the world at large, or are otherwise important and noteworthy.
Den den mushi - Also known as transponder snails, these large snails have been domesticated for a long while now. They have the unique ability to transmit electronic signals between one another. As such, they’re used to send radio waves as communication devices, like telephones, walkie talkies, and in the case of especially large ones, video signals.
Log Pose - A special kind of compass necessary to navigate the Grand Line, instead of pointing North they point toward the next island on your path through the dangerous stretch of ocean. After spending some time on the island, it “logs” the magnetic field and resets to point toward the next island. Some log poses are locked to a specific island. These are called “eternal poses,” and can be used to find your way back somewhere no matter where else in the Grand Line you're at. In the New World a standard log pose is useless, as the magnetic fields on those islands change or disappear without warning and often. When in the second half of the Grand Line, you require a New World pose. Essentially it's three separate log poses linked together, each one attuned to a different island. That way, when one goes out, you've still got two options available.
Seastone - An extremely rare mineral found almost exclusively in the possession of the World Government and that marines. How it works is not yet entirely understood, but it radiates the same energy as the sea. This means that it immobilizes and depowers devil fruit users, and can be used on the bottom of ships to act as camouflage against sea kings. It's hard as diamond, making it virtually impossible to break, and is often fashioned into restrains, cuffs, and weapons to be used against devil fruit users.
Devil Fruit -Plentiful in the Grand Line, but rare enough in the four Blue Seas that most people think they're a myth, devil fruits are amazing things that grant special powers in exchange for a curse: one bite and you'll never be able to swim again, sinking like a stone. In a world that's 90% ocean, this can be a tremendous problem. These fruit will be given their own section in greater detail further below.
Dials - Found exclusively in the sky islands, dials are leftover shells from various snails, crabs, mollusks, etc. native to the sky which have various uses. All dials somehow act as a storage and release device, with each one depending on the substance it works with. For instance, the tone dial stores sounds, and plays back the sound on demand like a recording. Flame dials store and release fire like a flamethrower, impact dials store blunt force (and are borderline indestructible to boot).
Cola - Cola exists. It is delicious and SUUUPER! Just wanted to throw that out there.
Den den mushi - Also known as transponder snails, these large snails have been domesticated for a long while now. They have the unique ability to transmit electronic signals between one another. As such, they’re used to send radio waves as communication devices, like telephones, walkie talkies, and in the case of especially large ones, video signals.
Log Pose - A special kind of compass necessary to navigate the Grand Line, instead of pointing North they point toward the next island on your path through the dangerous stretch of ocean. After spending some time on the island, it “logs” the magnetic field and resets to point toward the next island. Some log poses are locked to a specific island. These are called “eternal poses,” and can be used to find your way back somewhere no matter where else in the Grand Line you're at. In the New World a standard log pose is useless, as the magnetic fields on those islands change or disappear without warning and often. When in the second half of the Grand Line, you require a New World pose. Essentially it's three separate log poses linked together, each one attuned to a different island. That way, when one goes out, you've still got two options available.
Seastone - An extremely rare mineral found almost exclusively in the possession of the World Government and that marines. How it works is not yet entirely understood, but it radiates the same energy as the sea. This means that it immobilizes and depowers devil fruit users, and can be used on the bottom of ships to act as camouflage against sea kings. It's hard as diamond, making it virtually impossible to break, and is often fashioned into restrains, cuffs, and weapons to be used against devil fruit users.
Devil Fruit -Plentiful in the Grand Line, but rare enough in the four Blue Seas that most people think they're a myth, devil fruits are amazing things that grant special powers in exchange for a curse: one bite and you'll never be able to swim again, sinking like a stone. In a world that's 90% ocean, this can be a tremendous problem. These fruit will be given their own section in greater detail further below.
Dials - Found exclusively in the sky islands, dials are leftover shells from various snails, crabs, mollusks, etc. native to the sky which have various uses. All dials somehow act as a storage and release device, with each one depending on the substance it works with. For instance, the tone dial stores sounds, and plays back the sound on demand like a recording. Flame dials store and release fire like a flamethrower, impact dials store blunt force (and are borderline indestructible to boot).
Cola - Cola exists. It is delicious and SUUUPER! Just wanted to throw that out there.

Whenever strange things abound or someone displays strange supernatural powers, it's almost always because of devil fruits. Outside of the Grand Line devil fruit are very rare, but once you stepfoot on those dangerous waters you'll find the whole ocean crawling with hundreds of them. Once you've eaten a devil fruit, you gain magnificent powers, but are cursed with the inability to swim. Any devil fruit user sinks like a rock, and water saps their energy the more they are submerged. There are three classifications of devil fruit, covered below, but all fruit share the following qualities: They have a spiral pattern. Only one of each type of fruit can ever exist at a given point in time. Just one bite is enough to give you the power, after that it becomes an ordinary piece of fruit. Only one person can receive the power of a single fruit; if multiple people eat the same fruit it only affects the first to swallow. Once a devil fruit user dies, the power transfers to another nearby piece of fruit, transforming it. Nobody can eat more than one devil fruit, attempting otherwise will ca use your body to violently explode and you die. All devil fruit taste horrendously bad. Terrible. Just the absolute worst.
Logia - Seen by many who lack experience with haki as the most powerful devil fruit type, logias give their user the ability to turn into, create, and manipulate some form of elemental substance. Fire, smoke, sand, magma, ice, and more are known logia devil fruits. They're fantastic for defensive purposes. After all, how do you hurt smoke? Or light? Advanced users have even been able to train themselves to instinctively change into their elemental form to protect against dangers they aren't consciously aware of.
Zoan - This type of devil fruit is all physical. Each zoan is empowered with the form of a specific animal. The user can freely transform between their normal body, the animal, and a hybrid form which is usually much stronger than their normal form. Should any animal eat the devil fruit of its own species, it will become enlightened. Two subclasses of this fruit also exist. Ancient zoans allow the user to take the forms of extinct beasts from ages long past, while mythic zoans offer the forms of legendary and mythological creatures, along with their associated powers.
Paramecia - By far the classification with the most variety in potential and possibility, paramecia is a sort of catch all miscellaneous fruit that somehow affects your body. Though their range is amazing, they can roughly be categorized in two types: transformers and manipulators. Usually they will either transform your body in some manner (such as becoming a rubber man or allowing you to explode at will), or give you the ability to manipulate and/or create various substances (such as producing waxes from your body, firing beams that cause slow motion, or telekinesis). The naive think that paramecias to be the weakest category of devil fruit, but paramecias are only limited by their users skill and imagination.
Haki is the physical manifestation of one’s ambition and willpower. In the words of one master, it is the act of not doubting. Outside of the New World few people know it, and outside of the Grand Line it’s virtually unheard of. Despite its rarity, the power exists within all living things, and just needs to be awakened. After that, it can be trained and refined, just like anything else. Altogether there are three types of haki, with two being available to everyone.
Observation haki provides the user with a sort of enhanced sensory perception. When used, you can detect the presence of others even if they are blocked from view or otherwise undetectable, such as being behind barriers or simply too far away to see. This manifests as a sort of “aura vision.” Additionally, observation haki acts as a form a limited precognition, granting the user what appears to be preternatural reflexes by being able to act against their foes a split second before it happens. The exceptionally masterful can even predict the immediate future with this ability.
Armament haki allows the user to harden their body with an invisible layer of their spirit. This acts as both a shield against incoming attacks, and increases the user’s own ability to cause harm. When potent armament haki clash, it can create devastating shockwaves and great collateral damage. Additionally, armament haki allows the user to physical strike things that normally couldn’t be hit, such as a logia devil fruit user that becomes intangible. This haki can also be used in conjunction with weapons, both melee and ranged, for extra power.
The rarest form of haki used, as it is the only one that not all living things are born with. In fact, only one in several million people possess this form of haki. It allows the user to exert their will outward into a burst, either widespread or selective (if well trained enough). This burst of will overpowers anybody who is not sufficiently strong will enough to oppose it, severely weakening them or knocking them out entirely. It can even be used on inanimate objects to utterly demolish them, provided the user has trained it well enough. Since those born with the conqueror’s haki have truly strong ambitions, they flock to the Grand Line and the New World, in search of power, riches, conquest, and their dreams.
Observation Haki

Observation haki provides the user with a sort of enhanced sensory perception. When used, you can detect the presence of others even if they are blocked from view or otherwise undetectable, such as being behind barriers or simply too far away to see. This manifests as a sort of “aura vision.” Additionally, observation haki acts as a form a limited precognition, granting the user what appears to be preternatural reflexes by being able to act against their foes a split second before it happens. The exceptionally masterful can even predict the immediate future with this ability.
Armament Haki

Armament haki allows the user to harden their body with an invisible layer of their spirit. This acts as both a shield against incoming attacks, and increases the user’s own ability to cause harm. When potent armament haki clash, it can create devastating shockwaves and great collateral damage. Additionally, armament haki allows the user to physical strike things that normally couldn’t be hit, such as a logia devil fruit user that becomes intangible. This haki can also be used in conjunction with weapons, both melee and ranged, for extra power.
Conqueror’s Haki

The rarest form of haki used, as it is the only one that not all living things are born with. In fact, only one in several million people possess this form of haki. It allows the user to exert their will outward into a burst, either widespread or selective (if well trained enough). This burst of will overpowers anybody who is not sufficiently strong will enough to oppose it, severely weakening them or knocking them out entirely. It can even be used on inanimate objects to utterly demolish them, provided the user has trained it well enough. Since those born with the conqueror’s haki have truly strong ambitions, they flock to the Grand Line and the New World, in search of power, riches, conquest, and their dreams.
- 1) All site rules apply at all times, yadda yadda blah blah.
2) I will be accepting no more than 8 characters at the start. Later down the line, we’ll see if that changes. One character per player.
3) Cooperation and group planning are absolutely necessary. No man is an island, pun definitely intended. Everyone needs to help one another discuss and establish relationships and group dynamics.
4) Please design characters with variety in mind. We don't want all devil fruit users, or people are gonna have a bad time as soon as that first Grand Line tidal wave sweeps the ship.
5) Similarly to the above, I only want one logia devil fruit user, at least at start. No ancient or mythic zoans, but that has the potential to change over time.
6) Nobody starts with any kind of haki available. It needs to be awakened and trained at a later point.
7) For every character, I will roll a six sided die. On a six, that character will have the potential for conqueror’s haki. Whoever is voted captain will automatically have the potential for it.
8) As the setting is semi-canon but largely different from the world we know, canon devil fruit may or may not be available to use. Any of the characters listed above, for instance, cannot have their devil fruit used by a PC because they still exist, but say the gomu gomu no mi or ope ope no mi are not claimed in universe. If you’re interested in a canon devil fruit, clear it with me before basing a character around it.
9) To make sure everyone read through this, enter “A pirate’s life for me!” at the bottom of your CS post.
Character Sheet
[center][h2]Character Name[/h2][/center]
[center][img]If available, picture here[/img][/center]
[b]Name:[/b] Simple enough
[b]Epithet:[/b] What are they nicknamed for across the seas (or what you plan to have them known as if not yet renowned enough)? “Straw Hat” Luffy, “Hawk Eye” Mihawk, “Heavenly Demon” Doflammingo, etc.
[b]Race:[/b] Human or something else?
[b]Age:[/b] How old are they?
[b]Gender:[/b] Male? Female? Do they follow the OKAMA WAY?
[b]Appearance:[/b] Describe their physical characteristics. I don’t care if you have an image, you must be able to properly describe their appearance.
[b]Position:[/b] The job they’re expected to perform on the ship. Cook? Engineer? Navigator? Sniper/sharpshooter? Remember, nobody should make their character specifically to be the captain or first mate. If you don’t have a specific job title in mind, “fighter” and “swordsman” are fine.
[b]Bounty:[/b] How much you’re worth to the government. Keep at 0 when starting character creation. Once the group is finalized, I’ll assign bounties as I see fit, and they’ll be updated as the game goes on.
[b]Jolly Roger:[/b] While normally only the captain has a Jolly Roger that represents the entire crew, in the anime/manga all the main characters get their own design for fun. Whether you have an image or just a description, make sure your character has their own personal Jolly Roger. Whoever is voted captain uses theirs for the crew, and everyone else has a little something that’s personal to them.
[b]Ambition:[/b] All characters in One Piece have a dream, a goal of some kind that they want, that they [i]need[/i] to accomplish. It’s the whole reason you’re sailing the sea!
[b]Quirks:[/b] Let’s be frank, One Piece is full of ridiculously over the top, weird, eccentric, and just plain bizarre characters. From Boa Hancock looking so far down on others she ends up “looking up” to how almost everyone has their own unique laugh style, these are people intended to be quirky. So what are some of your quirks?
[b]Personality:[/b] Their overall personality. How they act, their fears, their desires, and everything that makes them tick. Do they have a code of conduct? A form of honor? Any strong beliefs? How do they act or behave in various situations?
[b]History:[/b] A detailed accounting of their life up until the event that made them join the crew. Remember, after all characters are made votes will be taken on everyone to determine captain and first mate, so don’t make any indication of how the crew got started or how you came about joining them. Once captain and first mate are designated, then we will collaborate as a group how everyone came together.
[center][h3][b]Combat Specialties[/b][/h3][/center]
[b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] Any natural or “mundane” traits they possess. Knot tying, skilled swordsmanship, great strength/speed/durability, singing, etc. all fall under this category.
[b]Devil Fruit:[/b] List it by name and go into detail describing exactly what it does and how it works. If you have no devil fruit, mark this section as n/a.
[b]Haki:[/b] Currently nobody should have haki. If you are the captain, or one of the random rolls, you can mark this as “Conqueror’s Haki - Currently locked.”
[b]Gear:[/b] Any weapons or items of note you carry with you.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] The general tactics and strategies employed in combat. Doesn’t need to be super detailed.
[b]Techniques:[/b] Any special attacks that are noteworthy
[b]Crewmate Name:[/b] A description of how you get along with and what you think of your fellow crewmates. Copy and paste once for each member apart from yourself. Remember to work these out together collaboratively. Leave this section out altogether until all the crew have been approved and the captain/first mate have been voted on.
Character Name
Name: Simple enough
Epithet: What are they nicknamed for across the seas (or what you plan to have them known as if not yet renowned enough)? “Straw Hat” Luffy, “Hawk Eye” Mihawk, “Heavenly Demon” Doflammingo, etc.
Race: Human or something else?
Age: How old are they?
Gender: Male? Female? Do they follow the OKAMA WAY?
Appearance: Describe their physical characteristics. I don’t care if you have an image, you must be able to properly describe their appearance.
Position: The job they’re expected to perform on the ship. Cook? Engineer? Navigator? Sniper/sharpshooter? Remember, nobody should make their character specifically to be the captain or first mate. If you don’t have a specific job title in mind, “fighter” and “swordsman” are fine.
Bounty: How much you’re worth to the government. Keep at 0 when starting character creation. Once the group is finalized, I’ll assign bounties as I see fit, and they’ll be updated as the game goes on.
Jolly Roger: While normally only the captain has a Jolly Roger that represents the entire crew, in the anime/manga all the main characters get their own design for fun. Whether you have an image or just a description, make sure your character has their own personal Jolly Roger. Whoever is voted captain uses theirs for the crew, and everyone else has a little something that’s personal to them.
Ambition: All characters in One Piece have a dream, a goal of some kind that they want, that they need to accomplish. It’s the whole reason you’re sailing the sea!
- At
- Least
- Three
- At
- Least
- Three
Quirks: Let’s be frank, One Piece is full of ridiculously over the top, weird, eccentric, and just plain bizarre characters. From Boa Hancock looking so far down on others she ends up “looking up” to how almost everyone has their own unique laugh style, these are people intended to be quirky. So what are some of your quirks?
Personality: Their overall personality. How they act, their fears, their desires, and everything that makes them tick. Do they have a code of conduct? A form of honor? Any strong beliefs? How do they act or behave in various situations?
History: A detailed accounting of their life up until the event that made them join the crew. Remember, after all characters are made votes will be taken on everyone to determine captain and first mate, so don’t make any indication of how the crew got started or how you came about joining them. Once captain and first mate are designated, then we will collaborate as a group how everyone came together.
Combat Specialties
Skills and Abilities: Any natural or “mundane” traits they possess. Knot tying, skilled swordsmanship, great strength/speed/durability, singing, etc. all fall under this category.
Devil Fruit: List it by name and go into detail describing exactly what it does and how it works. If you have no devil fruit, mark this section as n/a.
Haki: Currently nobody should have haki. If you are the captain, or one of the random rolls, you can mark this as “Conqueror’s Haki - Currently locked.”
Gear: Any weapons or items of note you carry with you.
Fighting Style: The general tactics and strategies employed in combat. Doesn’t need to be super detailed.
Techniques: Any special attacks that are noteworthy.
Crewmate Name: A description of how you get along with and what you think of your fellow crewmates. Copy and paste once for each member apart from yourself. Remember to work these out together collaboratively. Leave this section out altogether until all the crew have been approved and the captain/first mate have been voted on.