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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Lilliana Merrycure & Bonesword
A Family Outing~

Having taken been somewhat busy on their way to the docks of Clocktown, Lilliana had managed to reconstruct her grappling hook, look after the various injuries of their crew--including the poor Kite, their newest member--and last, but not least, taking a nap. It was a good nap.
Rising as they made port, Lilliana stretched and then made her way up onto the deck where she gawked at the crazy clockwork Clocktown. It was faaaantastic, bringing a big ole grin to her lips. Glancing around in the interest of finding Bonesword, Lilliana decided that she’d be accompanying their first mate into town. It just wouldn’t do to leave him unsupervised.

Bonesword, after handing some money off to the various crew members so they could go and have some fun on their lonesomes, walked over to his mother and looked up at her through a covered face and body. He couldn’t give away what he looked like in towns or many people would panic, so he decided long ago that he’d wear more covering attire when he went into towns. Namely a large scarf around his face.

“Do you think Slick’s going to burn down a building this time?” the first mate asked the doctor, semi-jokingly.

Looking down at her sweet adopted baby boy, she smiled and patted him on the head. “Not if I have anything to say about it. Which I do,” she winked at him and then reached over her shoulder. B-MO responded by handing her...a piece of itself? It was a small glob of what appeared to be a liquid metal substance. She crouched down and gave Bonesword a conspiratorial grin.

“I’m gonna put this on Slick and tell him not to burn anything down. If he does this lil B-MO will make his life a liiittle bit harder. One sec,” she finished off, standing up and waltzing over to Slick. Deftly, she slipped the tiny metal blob--which was surprisingly light--into either a pocket or a bag that Slick was clearly going to bring. She then started walking away, calling back to him.

“Slick, make sure you be good. I better not hear about you stealing from someone in town or setting something on fire!” There was a chastising tone in her voice that also revealed a warning. That done she returned to Bonesword before glancing out at the docks and then the town once more. “Want to head to the library? They might have some information on new plants for you...and I’m curious if they have anything science related here.” She met his gaze.

”I think they will, mom. It is a library after all.” Bonesword responded.

”I hope you’re right, anyway. It’s been a while since I added to my notebook.” Bonesword pulled out the Botanical Chronicle and flipped to the last filled page of the notebook and finished sketching in the plant that he remembered was on the page as the two walked.

Keeping an eye out, as well as part of her attention on Bonesword, she guided him towards the library after getting some directions herself. They’d arrive soon and hopefully they’d find what they were looking for without trouble!
Amon is accepted.

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"Cover your eyes, as I have, if you like. It will serve no purpose in the face of Her Glory."
Theme I Theme II

M N A E C I L I A R E A ' E L H M O N C E R E
mm-nay-sill-ea ray-ah el moan-sare

Three-hundred-twenty-eight. Female. Prae. Proxy.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'7 and weighing in at 128 lbs, she is a rather lithe prae, typically wearing a ceremonial eye covering that shields her startling white eyes from others, and the world from her gaze. Her form could be considered healthy with an above average figure for a prae woman. She moves with a regal grace becoming of one with her station. Despite her gaze being obscured, many a prae have faltered at her presence and withered beneath her scrutiny.

[ ⊰⊱ ] io

[ ⊰⊱ ] quipment & elongings

[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

Or the personification of the color three.
Welcome both of you :)

I am pleasantly surprised to see interest. On a certain level you're right, the posting standards are low to non-existent, but here's the thing. Arkmageddoncat and I have done things like this before and the length of a given post varies so much that casual makes more sense. We've seen everything from the occasional one-liner (more rare than you'd think) to huge posts that one would expect to find in Advanced. So we decided to put it here since Casual is one of the most broad sections when it comes to the amount of content you see in a given post. Additionally, we put it here because there is a weird level of depth and development that can--and likely will--occur, not to mention the fact that Casual has the largest chance of garnering interest I'd say.

I shall put some "Guidelines," in either the opening post or the post right after it sometime soon. They're not strictly necessary to be honest, but there are a few things that it might be good to make clear.

As a note guys, there is already an IC opening post up, it's just designated as the zeroth post so it doesn't show up as "one post," in the IC tab. Since this RP is very much a "Jump-in," type, feel free to just get right into that IC thread and go wild. If you want to make a character sheet that's fine too, you can put as much or as little as you'd like into it. You may also write "lore entries," which can be anything to a pantheon of gods, to an organization, a race, a country, a settlement, a particular magic/scientific system or "law" of this universe and everything inbetween or outside of that.

The core focus here is "Have fun, be ridiculous," I'd say. So yeah, do that :)
“To whom it may concern, an old man once stole my campfire.

“I am that old man. They call me Mendax and this is my story. By which I mean, it’s the story that I’m telling to you. It’s not really about me….”

It never is….

“Anyways…. Before we really get into things, I’d like to tell you about a city in the old world that a friend of mine named Gaugurus liked to call... Scrunch Town. It wasn’t called that, but who cares, it’s a better name than the founder gave it!”

The old man, Mendax, clears his throat and scratches his left eyebrow. The warm ambiance of the fireplace crackling in the background. The bricks that surrounded the fire, enclosed it, staring intently at the old Mendax as he stood there in silence, his faintly glowing eyes gazing at you from within his strange helm.

“Oh sorry, I dozed off for a second. Legiterallly. Anyways, what was I sayi--OH right Sccmunch Town. There are a few things you need to know about Sccmunch Town. The first one is that it has this great tavern that serves just the most delectable grilled, butttered eel. Trust me, you won’t regret visiting it. Number Two on the list of things that you ought to know about Sccmunnch Town is that, well, it’s a pretty quiet place. Except on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. All those days are usually pretty active and occasionally pretty noisy depending on your definition. The third thing you really ought to keep in mind about Sckuckmurgle Town is that it’s juuust a little bit wonky in a number of ways. Mostly because it was built, quite smartly, on the resting place of a giant gazorp. What’s a gazorp? Doesn’t matter. Moving on. Anyways, I’m gonna stop talking now and just let you EXPERIENCE it yourself. No, stop struggling and eat the pill. I said eat it! No this is not optional! I swear it’s not a roofie, I only did that to the last guy as a joke!”

A pill is summarily jammed down your equivalent of a mouth port and--after about several seconds of choking, panicking, and Mendax rreassuring you, everything fades to black as the world falls away from you. The last thing you hear is a zipper and Mendax’s soft chortling laaugh reverberating in his helm.
Line break.

When you awaken you find yourself sitting in a booth seat in a tavern. Mendax is sitting next to you--all of you, doesn’t matter how many of you there are--wiping where his mouth would be--thoughh he still wears his helm--before noticing that you are awake. “Sorry for the fright buddy. I just wanted to instill a certain amount of anticipation and fear in you before you conked out. You’ve gotta make your life interesting at my age.” He gestures to an empty, cold, plate of grilled butttered eel which sits in front of you.

“Help yourself, my treat. Anyways. Go ahead and explore the town. Just make sure you don’t drop trough in the middle of the village. They might not appreciate your candor.”

Mendax gets up, puts a number of sorta brown fuzzy coins on the table before leaving you to your own devices. “By the way, there’s noo way back to your world from here. Good luck though!” He calls back as he exits the tavern. No one else seems to hear or pay him any mind.

If you’re thinking, “Man I need a good roleplay that makes sense,” let me tell you...just let me tell you about a little something called This Right Here. So basically this RP is a place where ANYTHING GOES, sort of.

I’ll warn you, and inform you now, though. If you’re a person who doesn’t deal well with cringe-humor, grammatical/spelling mistakes, and--well--frick-diddly-nonsense then this is not the place for you.

In short, this will be a world where most things will snowball out of control. Where you can let loose the metaphorical dragon of your ridiculous and ludicrous mind. It’ll be somewhere that you can just relax, be casual, and enjoy a good meta-anti-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-joke. It shall be a place for memes, dreams, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and nonsense dreams. Every and any genre may show up. It’s a RP where many seemingly disparate things will be going on, where things may well be a clusterfuck.


Unless that’s not your jam. In which case, maybe go find some peanut butter.

I don’t know man. It’s whatever. As to the “lore” of this world, well ANYTHING GOES, at least initially. Eventually things will start having some kind of internal logic, but until then ALL STEAM AHEAD, LET LOOSE THE HOGS, FALL UPON THE FIRES OF HELL, PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR….OTHER OBSCURE SILLINESS.

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