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The Grand Plaza was bustling with folks of all walks of life in the morning before The Dragon. The large notice board didn’t just appeal to those craven for money or the usual suspects of Mudville, but also to the lordlings of Ersand’Enise who sought new experiences and opportunities to land the rare quest for a unique artefact. Many of the postings were relatively mundane with many offers for jobs that flew over the heads of the elite majority of the school, some others were simple tasks with varying levels of rewards. Only a handful offered what most dreamed about and were inevitably fought over.

There were, however, jobs that couldn’t simply be posted out in public. Even the boards in the questionable alleyways of the Workman’s Quarter did not advertise more than recruitment offers for ethically challenged small jobs. If one wanted to rake in the big bucks and experience life on the edge, they had to have connections or the will to put their nose in places few would willingly want to. The arrival of the Century made the opportunists from the underworld all the more wary of those who caught wind of their machinations, but the offers were nonetheless still there.

The Century wasn’t the only thing that had come to the Free City as of recently. The exotic and powerful individuals from across the world ushered in sinister interests that greedily rub their hands at such a golden opportunity to exact their agendas with limited obstructions.

Velles 5th

Location: The Docks of Ersand’Enise
Day of the week: Taldes
Time: 5:00 HE
Characters: Carmillia @Animus, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Silas @Tackytaff, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch

One such interest was represented by a notorious name among the Twin Continents’ underworld: Sinn’ulen’luunetar, commonly referred to as simply “Sinn”, was a well-known broker for affluent parties. Trust is a very difficult and expensive thing to gain in this line of work, and Sinn is one of few that had earned it with his credibility never being questioned in the twenty-odd years he had been operating. What exactly he was looking for was unknown - dissemination of information was not a thing among these people - but the select few given a rendez-vous through their own means were given “600 Magi” and the possibility for much more with the promise of no blood needing to be spilt.

Ultimately, four were vetted by one of Sinn’s envoys and provided with a location and time: The Docks, “The Birch”, 5 Eshiran. It would be dark by then, with a convenient few patrols. The ship baptised “The Birch” was an old Caravel ship parked in one of the end rows with access made easy for any intruder who would care enough to board it. Upon setting foot onto the creaking floorboards of the deck, the four interlopers who had been seduced by either the compensation or the mystery of the meeting would be greeted by the infamous broker himself.

”We will keep this brief,” Sinn’ulen’luunetar’s deep, masculine voice beckoned for their attention before he spat the jamb’ysp he had been chewing, ”or the Century will find you with me.” they had a lot to lose if they were found associated with such a man. He was sitting on the stairs leading to the quarterdeck and seized the brown, leather bag by his feet. The boat was poorly illuminated, which made his Yasoi features difficult to distinguish until he got closer. Clearly, he wasn’t a Constantian by his features, and yet he spoke in perfect Avincian, ”All you need is here.” he set the bag onto a convenient barrel that was tied to the mast. A general glance was given to the four teens, with Silas warranting a squint and further scrutiny. He didn’t say anything.

Sinn then pulled a vial from one of his pouches and made sure the group got a good look. Beyond simply being glass, it had a very specific mark on it. A learned Blood mage would recognise it as the fruit of forbidden magic, and by the shape of it, likely served to preserve whatever was contained inside, ”One drop of blood”, he traded the vial for more jamb’ysp, ”or five hairs in these vials. That is the minimum expected.” Inside the bags would be another container with six of these vials, a pair of peculiar leather gloves and a simple envelope.

”All you need to know,” he paused to chew, ”is in there. Play us, and we will know. And so will they.” not once did he smile or raise his voice. The man kept himself unreadable and level-headed. There was no desire to drag this encounter with children.

The students were dismissed barely two minutes after stepping into the boat without being given an opportunity to speak, lest they be shut down by the broker. Once they opened the envelope, they found a folded parchment with only a sketch of a face and a phrase written below it:

The blood of the Lamb, or the Wolf’s pelt.

Velles 5th

Location: Distillery in Crafters’ Quarters - Ersand’Enise
Day of the week: Taldes
Time: 4:30 HE
Characters: Abdel Saqqaf Aziz, Evander @RezonanceV, Khaliun, Leander @Creative Chaos, Leon @Animus, Ymiico @Salsa Verde, Yuliya @Suicharte

On the other side of the face of illegality lurked the most fickle and questionable types that desperately sought out manpower to exact their goals. The Burning Order was not going to benefit from using its name for publicity, even among thugs. It also didn’t have the monetary means to get prize candidates - or at least it pretended that it was the case - leaving space for only those that had a good reason to go after a Sanguinaire. Or the morbidly curious. It was their funeral.

Khaliun was one such person that knew of the Sanguinaire, of the Burning Order and how to deal with them. Naturally, if any bloodsucker hunting were to occur, she would be one of the first to know, and so would Yuliya be informed as well. It wasn’t to say that rumours didn’t spread, as the young but valiant Abdel Saqqaf Aziz of Waking Nightmare made his recent close encounter with such a beast known to the authorities and those around him. It would come to no surprise that he too would attend this wild hunt.

All those that entertained the rumour of a Sanguinaire hunt would eventually know of the meeting spot: A distillery in the Crafters’ Quarters at 4:30 HE. The instigators of this buzz were late, taking at least an hour to attend their supposed “event”, ”لماذا هم بطيئون جدا؟” (What’s taking them?) groaned a restless Abdel, eager to deliver Vashdal’s justice to the monster he had encountered before whilst obliviously glancing toward Yuliya from time to time. A few others had gathered, a couple not even from the school, and waited. Some eventually left, thinking it all a hoax, but eventually their wait would be rewarded.

Two men, both above average in height and wearing matching dark cloaks with their hoods lowered. Their rifles were also very easy to notice on their backs, with the darker skinned one also carrying a longsword on his hip. ”Pardon me, mein Freunde!" an extremely Kerremand man with blonde hair and ginger stubble jovially greeted the group of people in the establishment, ”Precautions, precautions. Can’t have enough, ya?” he beamed toward them all and exaggerated a shrug. ”Yes, thank you for waiting,” this man’s accent wasn’t as thick as the Kerreman’s, but a fine ear could pinpoint an accent from Sakenga, ”what you have heard is true: A Sanguinaire is among us. To ensure the safety of every man, woman and child in the Twin Continents, the Burning Order has, is and will investigate all information on these creatures and cull them.” this one didn’t lack any enthusiasm, but the humour was absent and his posture was stiffer than his laid back partner.

”You may call me Lissanon, and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.” he closed his hands before his abdomen and gave a general glance to all those that had decided to stay, ”Und Ich bin Viktor. Pleasure! I will be joining the hunt with you.” his pearly not-so-whites were flashed to the public. In general, they would explain the basics of a Sanguinaire, their lust for blood and how they “assimilated” power, albeit in somewhat vague terms. Certainly not enough to prepare them for what was to come.

”Если то, что вы сказали, правда, (If what you said is accurate,”) spoke Khaliun as she leaned toward Yuliya with the softest of tones her naturally deep voice could muster, ”это может быть истинным или даже высоким. (it may be a true, or even a high.)” the Tethered gave the same passing look Lissanon had given to the group, ”Если это так, используйте их в качестве корма. Не рискуйте разоблачением. (If that is the case, use them as fodder. Do not risk exposure.)” light steam escaped from the shadows brought by her hood, ”Эти двое не знают, с чем имеют дело. (These two do not know what they are dealing with.)”

5:30 HE

Finally, they were let out, with the simple instruction to patrol the night with forged Lamplighter identification as to bypass curfew. The Century didn’t help, but the lack of direct affiliation to the Order made things easier. Viktor led the hunt, often gathering a little congregation before spreading out.

”Help! I found someone!” Abdel called out, concerned for the recently injured teen girl over the perpetrator. She had been bitten with the telltale signs of a beginner Sanguinaire: Sloppy, visible markings and leaving the victim in the middle of the street in the Workman Quarter near the Queensgate. ”Ya, das a Sanguinaire attack. I have seen this each time.” he tended to the girl’s superficial wound, ”Get her somewhere safe, ya?” he nodded at one of the volunteers to carry the girl.

”Another one, further east.” muttered Khaliun in Avincian, which both Yuliya and Abdel could hear at the very least. Abdel furiously jetted himself with the help of his powerful arcane magic until he found the next victim, an elderly citizen with no real mana-value, ”... это не нормально.” (This isn’t normal.) and again, another hunter called out an unconscious individual, this time a student with a RAS any Sanguinaire would be attracted to, ”This monster must be stopped! فاشدال يحفظهم جميعا بأمان! وتعطيني القوة! (Vashdal keep them safe! Give me Strength!)” Abdel took to the air, only to notice the same pattern Khaliun had.

”This is trap.” remarked Khaliun as she reached out to keep Yuliya back, far less concerned with what the others would do, ”Don’t rush. Don’t overwhelm prey. It will run if it feels in danger.” and then she let go once she had imparted her wisdom, taking to higher altitude too and shadowed her own Sanguinaire.

The body count didn’t climb until the hunters would inevitably find a trail of blood leading into the Proving Grounds. A gate was left conspicuously opened with torches burning strong and ambers flicking about within the tunnels that led to the colosseum itself.

”It’s there.”

The hour was used as efficiently as possible when we were speaking of teens and language barriers. Zarina was consistently the one to blather on and let others in on the plan while Olga did her best to unify the ideas with her own team’s strategies with Kol serving as translator for more complex formulation. Yuliya was an important, unifying figure, and yet she would be absent for a time, leaving the squads to find common ground on their own.

“Alright, that’s how we’ll divide ourselves. Olga, Kaspar, Vieri and Khaliun will man the house,” the Virangishwoman’s index then pointed at Jomurr, “You’ll have your red and speedy dragons so you’ll be our scout along with …” she grinned as she saw Kikimoras, “With this handsome fella.” this earned her an enthusiastic “Bep” along with Anna’s happy giggles with simple one-word replies. “I’ll go with Vasily with two three dragons, Yuliya and Kol can take the last two, yeah? Good.” she clapped her hands together just as the missing duo returned.

“It’s showtime. Look alive. Remember, the big goal is to get points, not collect all the shiny ones. We can easily make the top if we remember that.” Zarina announced just as they began to go at it, with her dragons already catching wind of a rare melon nearby, “Of course, get the rare ones if you can!”

The first big fight of team Afraval would be with team Colloy over the earth elemelon. A fight where they’d end with Colloy securing it, but a curious interloper named Penny seizing the opportunity presented. A chaotic battle ensued with Marljin nearly escaping with the melon for herself and Vasily barely catching her. However, a wave of cold hit both of them hard. A tall figure wearing a parka picked up the Eskandish runner and casually hurled her to the lake after claiming the melon. Vasily froze and just watched the all-powerful being grin in his direction.

"Wanna make a deal?”

”We should just grab the melons from the neighbours, I don’t get this peace.” Vasily scoffed at Vossoriyan as he just finished discussing a sort of union with Ayla under Zarina’s orders, ”They have TWO elemelons. You could probably grab them, Kha.” Khaliun was sitting quietly by him, locking onto a strange energy that had been bothering her for a while. She did not appear interested in entertaining the de factoleader's strategic perspective.

The silence got awkward for the nervous thunderchild, and at some point he’d make what appeared to be a random observation, ”That girl from Vossoriya,” Khaliun perked up just a tad, ”it’s strange that she is here. Few ever leave home, even for this school.” he shook his head, and speaking of the devil, Yuliya came out from the back yard and performed a brief lookout, ”When I think about it … I remember that first name. And those eyes.” Khaliun’s hand emerged from the cloak, fingers idly wiggling in little waves as if she was about to pick something up, ”And with you being put on our team just last month- Is that why you chose this te-” Vasily found it very difficult to breathe, ”Kha-li …”

”When things are uncertain and the stakes high, you always keep your piece, Gredenko.” a hush voice came from under the hood. Khaliun’s fingers hooked, as if she was trying to tightly grasp something on her palm, ”And yet you decide to break silence now of all times.” the thunderchild couldn’t utter a word. His hands seized his throat, although the lock Khaliun had on him was purely internal. He tried to draw at capacity, but each time his energy levels were too high, his body would violently jerk in place to interrupt his focus, ”Olga won’t protect you from me. Nor will I hold back for the sake of this game, Gredenko.”

Vasily was released, leaving him in a coughing fit and a very sore throat, ”Do yourself a favour and avoid even looking at her from this point forward.” she turned to look down at the curled up male Vossoriyan, ”Utter one word even alluding to her family, and I will be taking permanent action.” her still hooked fingers suddenly balled into a fist, prompting a random flower pot in parade street to burst, ”Do you understand?”

Vasily nodded frantically, with the same look he had given to the Ice King once the terms were set. A minute later, Khaliun and Yuliya would be tracing the energy signature, right toward Benedetto …


Zarina wanted to see what this Justice, ushered in by a force of nature wearing the body of a boy, would look like. The impression he had left on had completely changed her priorities. It did not seem like she cared about the supreme itself, but rather what would happen once the Ice King would find it. Trypano was stalling, the team was anxiously waiting outside. Something was off, but tunnel vision was strong in this crucial moment.

Benny and Jocasta were long gone, nothing could stop the Ice King as he walked unobstructed in the Mozaru home. “Here.” she called out, and the disappointed Ice King with the plain melons in hand manifested himself at the back of the house where Zarina stood.
Just a half-minute remained. It was as if time was still. The Virangish girl stared in anticipation at the calamity’s reaching for what was believed to be a hidden melon. But just as he reached down, a familiar voice called out.

Carmillia stepped onto the lawn, along with Dante. The former held a single terramelon in her hands, smiling beatifically. Then, the Ice King was there. He placed his hands around the melon. "Justice," he said

In the distance was Silas. "It's her!" he shouted. "She has the supreme!"

Zarina, panicked, dashed toward the voice that called out, "Justice!" she huffed! Words echoed in her mind as she exerted herself as much as she could to witness the end. That single phrase she whispered to this God among men just over an hour prior.

“Do what you think is just.”

The Tall, frosty figure looked Silas' way. He nodded. He looked Zarina's way, meeting her eyes. He nodded. "Strength alone does not win this game."

He took the melon from her hands. There was nothing that she could realistically do.

He stood there as the bells began to chime.

Zarina simply nodded. She understood. "If that is what you see as just." she approached the King and then flashed a wink at Carmillia, "Good game." Then, she struck a quick, dramatic pose, "Justice!"

Trypano walks out onto the lawn, small bruise on her cheek and a cup of coffee in her hands. "Care to stay for a cup?" She wore the rare small smile. Zarina turned on her heel and clapped her hands together as she faced Trypano, "Me?" Trypano gave a nod. She meant the Ice King but back in the kitchen was a couple more cups for who remained. With that, she handed over the cup to Zarina. "Of course. As well as anyone else, if we're staying the moment?"

Yuliya breathed once more. She wanted more.. but a moment of clarity struck her as the bells begun to chime. She realized she was in front of others. She returned her hearing, and let out an awkward but obviously bitter laugh, attempting to brush off the previously violent interaction. She shouted in response to Zazzy from the lawn.


Zarina got giddy, "Oh my, don't miiiiiind if I do!" she rushed in, although not before turning to look over at the Ice King. She actually turned back briefly and approached him, "I've uh, got your coin, by the way." she presented the coin between her index and thumb, both faces still the same.

The Ice King smiled. "Strength alone is not Justice." He pressed his right hand to his heart and took the coin with his left. Then, he paused, both his hand and hers on it. "Actually," he said, "you keep it." He smiled. "Good luck in the coming trials."

My first day with the little blueberry.
What a mess! I thought the blue ones were supposed to be cute and obedient. But then I forgot this was a wild creature. Damn! This is going to be harder than I thought, especially with all the babysitting I’ll be doing with the other ones on the team so I can train them all.
This little one has been hiding the whole time in the little house I made for him, and when I open the cage, he cheeses it! Clearly, this isn’t love at first sight!!!
New strategy: He’s gonna only eat when I’m around with the cage open. That’s how I got that stray cat to like me enough once. I really liked that cat. Mother didn’t.
I was thinking of a name for a while. I gave up on a meaning, just want something that sounds nice. So, why not Arlo? It just fits the blue colour. Also, he’s just SO CUTE!!!!!

The beginnings went alright. Every afternoon I’d pick up the dragons to supervise and train. The blues were surprisingly easy to handle! Tactically placed scritches did the trick once they got comfy with me being around.
The Grape was feisty, but easily pacified with food. Nearly bit my finger off. Not as clever and cute as the blues, but also such an easy baby.
The reds can suck my ass. Fuck these fat shits. Sometimes they’re a-okay with tummy rubs, other times I need a binder for my arm! And I’ve had them steal from my kitchen more than once! Assholes.
It’s gonna take FOREVER for me to get this going anywhere. I need something extra, like that thing we’re learning at school. What’s it called again?
Oh yeah- Magic! Thank the Six for Sienna Afraval, got me in a good spot to actually learn the stuff. I wonder what bottle I should bring next time …

Shopping List:
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes
  • Melons
  • Apricots
  • Chicken thigh
  • Salt
  • Sesame Oil

Update: Little shit Grape caused a small fire and burned the few papers I had left. No choice but to use this notebook for my grocery list. Jomurr’s gotta lear
Applied a reward system for retrieval of melons: Reds are the best at tracking them, so if they point in the right direction, they get a reward. They kind of just hiss when they smell the goods.
Blues kind of suck at actual tracking, but if I send them in the right direction, they can
Grapes —-- than blues, but don’t seem to care what. Training to favour melons is … A work in progress.
Reward —- d a tinge of magic akin to what I used to poke in the heads of the an– Torragon. That, too, is a work in progress. Still, even the Reds are liking it!

Note: Burned the pages too. ESHIIIIII!!!!!!!

Zeno Bucks is Celebrating the Melon Derby, and YOU are invited!
With melons from the derby, you can win yourself free STARS on your Zeno Bucks Cup!
These are special, limited edition GOLD Stars that will remain on your cup forever and valid for prizes after the Trials!

10 Melons = 1 Star
5 Large Melons = 1 Star
3 Very Large Melons = 2 Stars
1 Elemelon = A Special Prize!
1 Fake Melon = You Don’t Wanna Know!

Just under a week away from the Derby. Good progress. Stressed over results.
Kaspar provided interesting copies of the unique melons. Tried to have the dragons differentiate them. Middling results.
Issue: The items inside don’t emit anything until touched by magic. Only the Reds can sort of sniff out the strange melons and I try to reward that.
I guess the reds are like that Froabas we took down - can sniff out stronger energy source to consume. The Blues can detect the bigger melons if close, but the elemelons are a problem since they’re generally the same as regular melons to them. Will need reds to point and it falls on us idiots to find.
When the very big ones were activated, all the little dragons lost their shit and went for it. Can be good. Can cause issues. Smells good.

After a long day of classes, Zarina returned home to resume her dragon training regime. Riesco was tended to first and even prepared as she had no intentions of walking all over town. However, just as she was ready to go, Arlo looked up at her from her dining table and simply uttered an adorable ”Mep.” with large, focused eyes that closed with scritches.

“Awww. Mep.” she replied, engrossed by the sight, “Mep.” the critter continued, a change from the usual chirps and clicks, “Mep.” they were stuck in a loop for a while.

I was twenty minutes late for training. Oops. Tomorrow is the big day. These little scoundrels make me proud. Arlo now has the cage open all day and hangs on my shoulder sometimes. But often he’s on my head and tugs on my hair. That hurts!
I didn’t actually train them and instead rewarded them with a little feast I made of different fruits I could get. Arlo loves Peaches. So I got him a few slices, and stored a few for tomorrow. Gotta be sure my associates have the proper rewards for the little ones.
I hope all the chaos won’t be too much on them. I know Arlo will be scared, but I’ve yet to see how the others handle it. Here’s hoping!

Velles 4th

Location: Ersand’Enise
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: An hour before the Melon Derby
Characters: Jomurr @Force and Fury, Kaspar @Wolfieh, Vieri @jdh97, Yuliya @Suicharte, Zarina

The guest teams from other schools had entered the fray and many stood out. Some for their notoriety, others for the stunning display of power they immediately flexed. Some were simply very peculiar such as the sea people with a Sea Dog - A Sea Dog? Very little could captivate Zarina more than such a bizarre creature. Luckily, something even flashier would come along to sweep the girl off her animal-loving feet.

Some well read individuals called it a Great Wulluweid, but the term “Murder Penguin” became far more familiar to the leyman for a reason. Many eyes were on the monster of an animal that slowly waddled behind a team of five, all seemingly dressed for the cold, apart from maybe two.

”It’s warmer than I thought. We dressed up for nothing.” the tall, dark haired teen standing before his team uttered in his mother tongue, looking a tad exacerbated, ”Heh, now you know how it feels to overdress. Woe is me.” replied the one hidden in pale armour that nearly covered his whole body. A chuckle resonated out of his helm and the gear didn’t seem to hamper his movements at all.

Among them stood out one member that hid the entirety of their features and moved in an unnatural manner - like they were not actually walking. Those that had seen Jocasta levitate before could recognize this sort of movement. They wore but a white cloak and their eyes barely shined through the shade of the hood. As the group was chattering and open season was declared on teams, the hooded enigma immediately twisted toward Yuliya direction and appeared to narrow the two orbs that barely reflected light. A gloved finger pointed right at the blonde Sanguinaire’s direction before the Vossoriyan team approached.

”Khaliun, I don’t think that’s …” Vasily hesitantly reached out without taking any action. His hesitation brought Olga to seize the initiative, ”We go, Vasily.” she gave his shoulder a shove to get him going as she beamed down at the indecisive leader. Following behind Khaliun, Olga was second to greet the team, meeting Kaspar with a hand extended to him, ”Hello. I am Olga. You look for team, yes?” the tall girl - slightly less than Zarina - beamed down to the pale bloodchild with a big smile on her face.

Khaliun still awkwardly tilted their head over toward Yuliya, now being an arm’s range of her. Wordlessly, she offered her hand the same way Olga did. ”I think we can make good team, Khaliun is good uhhh -” he tapped his nose, ”nose for this, da.” he claimed as he approached Jomurr, the tall male that definitely looked like the leader, the same way Vasily was dressed for the occasion. Even if his line of nobility was remote, Jomurr could likely discern some traits and mannerisms that placed Vasily into such an exalted status. Like Olga, he offered his hand.

”Hi there, friend! Team up?” Kol’s Avincian seemed a little less broken than the others’, although the accent remained strong. His armour made him look almost taller than Vasily, although not by much. His big, metal hand was extended toward Vieri with his visible eyes indicating a smile that rivalled Olga’s.

Finally came the wrangler of the intimidating beast that slowly followed the group. A small girl with ginger hair and clothes that attempted to simulate the image her peers gave but were clearly “cheaper”. Chipper and full of energy, she offered her hand to Zarina, ”Friend?” she inquired, her Avincian poor enough that she truly couldn’t formulate more than the simplest of phrases. Still, it didn’t stop her from reaching out.

Zarina, on the other hand, was completely taken by the gigantic Penguin the little teen dragged around. The scale of the thing got her to zone out and desperately look for the voice that addressed her, looking down as her last resort to notice Anna, “Oh, by the Dreamer, hello! This is your friend?” she asked, shaking the little lady’s hand while pointing right at the animal with the other. Anna nodded enthusiastically, ”Kikimoras. That Kikimoras!” she also used her idle hand to tap the belly of the beast, ”Hey, Kiki, say hello to our new and weird foreigner teammates! And don’t eat ‘em.” she ordered her familiar in Vossoriyan, or rather a dialect that was somewhat close to old Eskandish. Zarina was just in awe, figuring the words were pure gravy if they could command such a magnificent beast. Kikimoras, standing so tall and adamant to the endless uproar in the background, merely peered down the whole time without a single bend of the neck.


Zazzy’s heart nearly melted.

Assani 30th

Location: Zeno Afraval’s Abode - Some Vineyard outside Ersand'Enise
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: 4:30 HE
Characters: Jomurr @Force and Fury, Kaspar @Wolfieh, Vieri @jdh97, Yuliya @Suicharte, Zarina

A lot of noise could be heard from the cellar below Sienna Afraval’s home. To some it would be cause for worry, but for those of team Sunbeam it was to be expected. Zarina and Marceline had been tinkering with random objects down there for a week now and were now using it as storage space with the blessing of their teacher. The silver lining from this incessant vacarm was the smell of freshly grounded coffee that came with the daily visit.

With Marceline gone, the tall Virangish teen joined the home’s living room with her apron still on and her hair crudely tied into a bun. In her arms were not cauldrons or pans, but a bird cage and a couple of bug nets. Her golden, squinting eyes scrutinised every living participant of a relaxing Zeno-day. Something was coming, and she took her time to announce what machinations were being concocted in that mind of hers.

“... So, who wants to win the melon derby?”

“I take it you have a plan, and don’t just enjoy tired arms?” Vieri said. This still could be some elaborate joke, no matter how earnest Zarina might seem. That was called paranoid thinking.

“Yes.” Zarined replied. One of the nets was hurled toward the one courageous enough to speak up, “And you will be instrumental in exacting this plan.” she smiled.

“I was afraid of that.”

”So, what is plan Zazzy? Don’t think melon fit in cage.” Yuliya spoke, confused. She was sprawled out on one of the chairs furthest from the window, enjoying the shade of the room. The sun of Ersand’Enise had been getting to her recently, but this was a nice reprieve. Besides that, her brain was wracking. Zarina wasn’t the type to walk around with impractical clothing or equipment. There always seemed to be a method to her madness, and she was excited to see what was about to be proposed.

It was Yuliya’s turn to catch a net flying her way, “Oh we won’t be storing melons, Yuli. I’ve got something more … Exciting in mind.” she posed the cage over a nearby surface and slapped her hands together to brush off the accumulated dust, “And yes, I’m aware, I’m purposefully withholding this to draw out suspense. I promise, it’ll be cool.” she paused for a moment, eyes on the Vossoiyan looker, “And by cool I mean awesome. It’s actually getting hotter outside these days. How hot does it get back home, actually?” she asked her blonde friend. Luckily, dusk was approaching.

”Nothing like over here. Much cooler. Hard to move.” said Yuli, exasperated by the climate and fanning herself as she caught the net in her other hand. She could keep her secrets, she was always down for a surprise. She couldn’t wait for the sun to set. Days were longer here and it annoyed her. Longer to feed and longer to walk the streets. “So, anybody have idea? I do not.”

There was something about the sheer… forwardness of Zarina that irked Jomurr, but equally something about her moxie that intrigued him. He had no idea what she wanted with that junk and some part of him rebelled at the thought of meekly going along with her plan, but there was ever a tiresome spark of curiosity in him these days.

From his place on a divan, where he was lounging most luxuriously, nursing a glass of cabernet, Jomurr merely shrugged. “I imagine you’re about to find out,” he ventured, swirling the wine once before taking a sip. “And far be it from me to ruin the suspense.” He winked in Zarina’s direction as if to say, ‘your secret’s safe with me,’ counting on his masterful control of his face to sell the lie.

“I won’t say no to playing along with a well made plan though.” added Vieri.

Jomurr had a wineglass in his hand and the two nets were already distributed, so he lucked out. Zarina did a final head count before clearing her throat, “Well, looks like Red’s gonna miss out.” she shrugged, “Okay, to unravel the first step of my plan.” she twirled on her feet and ended up facing the entrance door of the Zeno's home and opened it, “We’re going to the local vineyard!” she exclaimed in a clumsy display of showmanship, arms gesturing to the outdoors, “And, no, we’re not getting piss drunk to cope with our inadequacies.”

She did not speak for Vieri.

“Why else would go to vineyard? We catch grapes instead of melon? You are such a tease.” said Yuli, pouting jokingly at Zarina. As much as she wanted to hear the answer, she could appreciate the theatrics of the situation. Regardless of that, there was a hint of annoyance at the fact that she would be going out with a net to the fields when she was certainly not dressed for it. At least dusk was coming and she didn’t have to worry about the high noon sun staring her down, but it was still an inconvenience enough to make her want to sigh. And so she did, as she stood up ready to hear her pal’s plan.

“I’ll let you get one guess. What is so interesting in a Vineyard that it’s worth our time?” she kept a toothy grin on her visage as the group followed her lead. Cage in hand and the sky orange from the sun setting, it would take a good twenty minutes for them to get to the edge of the city, and with proof of their tuition in Ersand’Enise they were allowed out, albeit before it got too late, “A small hint, it’s not for the pretty views.” she added, while sticking close to her Vossoriyan friend for idle chit chat and mentions of novel clubs they may have found. This one was a fan of the new girl.

They would eventually get to the location with raisins beginning to mature into blue, Muscat grapes. Everything appeared somewhat normal with nobody in sight, as the field itself was quite isolated with rows of trees surrounding it and a single road brushing East, “Shhhh, don’t wanna spook ‘em.” she said as she began to crouch a little. Some would begin to notice very quick critters flying about and diving into the plants with brief flashes of light emerging from their supposed point of impact. Burning smells were becoming more obvious with frequent clicking noises coming from the rustling grape plants.

‘What the fuck was that’ was the first thing that came to Yuliya’s mind before she saw more of them bounding around. The foliage made it hard to get a clear look, but she did not have nearly as hard a time seeing in the dark as her team members, so she observed. Little wings fluttered in the sunset, and occasionally she would see the fire that spewed from the holders of those wings. She sighed again, knowing what would have to be done. ”I won’t ask why you want them. But I name them when I catch them. And if them burn clothes, you pay.” she whispered only half jokingly, as she began to get into a position better suited for stealth. She’d done this to humans before, but animals were notoriously harder. Especially flying ones. Then again, she didn’t expect things to be easy.

Kaspar wasn’t sure if his apprentice group had noticed him catching up on their way out of Ersand’Enise, but he watched from a few feet behind at the small, swooping dragons. He eyed them passively, watching the small bursts of fire and half-listening to Yuliya’s words. This will be good practice for Varmkorv. Though… the size is inaccurate, he mused, pushing the sleeves of his tunic away from his wrists.

Stepping back and glancing around, he noticed one clinging to a group of grapes just below eye level. Its skin was a little more saturated than the fruits around it. Moving slowly, Kaspar pulled against the small cloth tucked into his vest, gripping it by the edges as he closed in. The dragon glanced up, eyes blinking several times as it seemed to stop, searching for the threat.

The Binding mage was slow enough to evade detection—and fast enough, as his hands darted forward and swaddled the small creature. Calling on his Chemical skills, remembering the way he’d assisted Zarina with the alpha Froabas, he soothed the small creature as it struggled against the bond. After a few seconds it began to calm down, breathing heavily but still in his hands as he cradled it against his chest, unsure what to do now.

His attention was captured by rustling around the bottom of the vines just to his side. Tucking the bundle grape dragon into the top of his vest where it formed a curious lump and peeked out overtop the buttons, the boy leaned down, pulling back the trailing greenery.

A red face and rather rotund body stared at him, before springing towards him. Small but sharp teeth clamped onto his fingers and the boy grunted, pulling back sharply and dragging the drake into the open. He grabbed at its tail, causing the creature to whirl and breathe a bout of flames that licked against his skin, burning the upper layer of skin.

With new determination, Kaspar grabbed it around its bountiful middle, pulling it off the ground and facing away from him as it twisted and snapped. Thrashing, its tail disturbed the vines and sent several groups of dragons scattering loudly away. It also lashed across the noble’s face, leaving several red lines that would fade in a few minutes.

It did, however, throw Kaspar off balance, and he tipped backward to land heavily on the dirt, focus only partially dissuaded from the task at hand—persuading this creature to cooperate. Aided by Chemical Magic, it calmed enough for him to turn around and the two regarded each other with concerningly well-matched pouts. “You are feit og sint. But you do not know these words. Fat and angry, the Avincians would call you.”

Sitting up, another shape slid into view clinging to his bangs. Trying and failing to scramble up his bangs, the small Blueberry Dragon was plucked from the boy’s scalp and seemed to shake in his grasp. It was easy enough to see the thing was afraid. Soothing it with chemicals, the boy stood, now cradling three of the creatures.

Zarina quickly twisted to find Kaspar had actually joined them! And the loud mess he made agitated a few flocks of little dragons, prompting them to take flight. Just as she was readying herself for a catch before most of the critters would retire for the night, Vieri appeared with their own magnificent beast.

“So why are we here, Zarina?” Vieri asked. They were weaving their arms to keep a plump little dragon forever running along them towards their hands.

“Woah. That’s a thick one.” she blinked and leaned over a bit to observe the grumpy creature somehow not mauling its new owner, “We’re here because our first trial involves fruits, and finding them.” she grabbed a raisin from a vine and tossed it over to the raspberry dragon, and it promptly ate the treat, “Am I making sense?”

The dragon carried on along its eternal path. “I don’t think grapes count.”

“... They eat fruits and bugs. Grapes are just readily available in vineyards.” yet another grape is offered to the red, chunky beast, “This is a Raspberry dragon. Notice the lack of raspberries in its mouth!” she said with a toothy grin, content with having this animal around.

“You want to use the dragons?”

Zarina gave Vieri a dull stare, “No, I want to collect them all.”

“How droll. What of each peach, pear, and plum in the city? Or every raspberry? Are you a dragon tamer? A whisperer?”

The Virangishwoman smiled confidently, “Kaspar as my witness - Because he helped me - I tamed an Alpha in the desert! You were there. But, yes, I have an idea on how to train them. Sort of.”

“Sure… I was there…” Could a memory smell of fear? “Do we get to know your idea?”

“Well that’s precisely the idea.” she crossed her arms, “Train them to sniff out specific fruits. These buggers in particular,” she nodded at the direction of the red dragon Vieri had claimed, “have a powerful nose for those. It’s just a question of technique and patience.”

Vieri sunk into silence. That was indeed the question. Vieri just wanted the answer.

Jomurr, meanwhile, was occupied by his own efforts to collect a tiny dragon. He had ample experience with the larger varieties, of course. He had three of his own back home and, soon enough, they would find their way to Ersand’Enise. Though this may have been - literally - a different beast, he went in with wholly-justified confidence…

It was immediately crushed. His attempt to lure one of the little beasts over with a particularly large and ripe grape and some chemical magic resulted in his hair nearly being set on fire. The creature bit at him next, but then it tipped its hand with a predictable stream of fire and, miffed, Jomurr drew it all away and launched it right back, scaring the scaly little devil away.

Already tiring of this fruitless endeavour and, after taking a moment to cast about to ensure that he wasn’t being watched, he pursued a second, his shirt being clawed at before he managed to dodge its flaming breath, lune forward, and… trip on an outstretched root. “Blast it,” he hissed beneath his breath, manain to prevent a faceplant. He whirled on the pint-sized terror and… it landed on his forearm and licked at the grape juice smeared all over it from his near fall. Jomurr blinked. The grape dragon blinked. “Did you really need to make it so hard?” he inquired. He tilted his head to one side. The grape dragon tilted its head to one side.

While the others went off, Yuli had taken her time. There were many dragons in the field, but she had one particular target, a rather chunky specimen adorned with raspberries and lacking wings to fly. Perhaps it was the uniqueness that had caused her to go for it, or perhaps it was the fact it was apart from the others. She’d always been better at going for solitary prey, and today was no different. Slowly, she crept through the bush she’d found this one in, and slowly, she made her move, waiting for the moment it’d be distracted and caught unawares. A few minutes passed before she felt confident, but she quickly snatched it up, dispatching its senses with the ever so handy blood type she’d taken from a friend, and shoving it in the net given to her by Zarina. Perhaps these creatures weren’t as wily as she initially thought. It was heavy, and she thought the net might give way to the struggling at times, but the job was done. She went to rejoin the others, only to find that everyone had caught at least one, and there were more than one of her chunky type specimens. She felt a little deflated that she hadn’t caught some outrageously rare specimen like she previously thought, but perhaps confident that her teammates seemed to be extremely competent.

“Good work! Are fat dragon useful? This one grumpy, I have to turn their senses off to stop it making racket.” she spoke as she emerged from behind the group still keeping somewhat stealthy without even realising it.

“Alright, alright, good job.” Zarina congratulated her team after supervising their approaches, and definitely making note of Yuliya’s peculiar means of keeping control over the beast. “I’ll tell you guys how we’re gonna handle training after I get myself a cutie too.” she rubbed her hands together and posed the cage to let the others put their recent catches in there. It was time for Zazzy to claim her prize, and it seemed most of the little critters had since left. Luckily, some vines were still bustling with activity.

First was a pack of four Grape dragons, and in her confidence she failed to actually catch any with one of her sleeves catching fire and a particularly feisty dragon biting her finger, “Agh shit!” by the time she regained her composure and put out the small flame on her arm, they had flown away. However, the commotion scared a couple of Blueberries that, due to their proximity, reacted with some aggression. Being relatively frail and unaggressive compared to Grapes, the result would be a couple of scratches from and a blue little critter in the cage, put to sleep by Zarina’s potent chemical magic she had arrogantly withheld from using initially, “Eshi …” she huffed before turning her attention toward Kaspar, “Hey, Kaspar. Mind helping a girl out?”

Shifting his grip on the animals he’d collected, the binder made his way to his companion, red eyes already taking in the minor injuries she’d managed to accrue. None of them were particularly large or worrisome, so despite his student status the boy was able to repair them with the Nourishment of Oraff-Zept, a skill he’d only recently begun learning. Leaves disappeared off the vines around them, subtly plucked by his bloodchild Gift and lending their being to become part of the Virangishwoman. “Are there any others that bother you?” he asked, giving a cursory glance to check for obvious wounds.

The process prompted Zarina to briefly hiss, mostly from her expectation of it stinging rather than the healing hurting at all. “All good, thanks bud.” she responded with a grateful nod and a playful wink, “Okay! We've all got our little buggers.” the teen clapped her hands together to get the attention of the group. The sun had set and the sky was getting dark, with all the little critters now gone to their nests, “Plan is simple: I'll babysit them every afternoon. Kaspar here is gonna find ways for us to maybe replicate some higher value melons so I can train these guys better. We'll be discussing strats soon at Afraval's soon. Good?” she didn't give much room for anyone to interject, “Good.”

Events: Clothing Commission and The Student Faire
Locations: Merchant and Commoner Dormitories, The Faire, Ersand'Enise

Assani 29th

Location: Merchant Dormitories - Zarina’s Quarters
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 4:00 HS
Characters: Marceline @Force and Fury, Zarina

”Final warning, or we will have to leave you with a notice. Please open up.”

”Coming!” Finally, Marceline opened the door for the two D.R.A.G.O.N inspectors. They didn’t enter right away, ”May we come in? We must first ensure the wellbeing of the dragon reported to be living here.” Marci took a step back and Zarina in turn stepped up, arms crossed and her golden hues squinted at the two. They were dressed in very formal clothes, as one would expect from more prestigious civil servant employees, “There aren’t any dragons here. May I know who told you such rumours?” the female replied without delay, ”Confidential, but our sources are reliable. If you refuse to comply, we will bring a warrant to search your home, Miss-” “Al-Nader. Zarina Al-Nader. And this is Marceline Hohenfelter.” Zarina informed them as the inspector was looking for the name in the documentation they held, ”Indeed. Miss Al-Nader, will we continue this amicably? We’re merely here to ensure the dragons are treated with proper care and no illegal traffic is occurring.” responded the male with a disarmingly calm voice, clearly seeking to diffuse the tensions.

Zarina kept her arms crossed and looked over at Marci. After a brief moment of awkward non-verbal movements the Virangishwoman shrugged, “Alright. They’re eggs. Three of them, one Alpha.” she said without adding any unnecessary details, her body language still closed off, ”Where did you obtain them?” the man asked as the group moved to the “living room”, where the eggs were resting on a table near a window, surrounded by soft cotton cushions to keep them safe and getting adequate sunlight, ”A gift from the Duque Frannemas to the Al-Nader family. Zarina has given one to me.” Marci quickly answered to keep things believable. The female nodded without even writing anything down. They were more interested in the eggs.

”These are … Very unique specimens. Dune Sea Froabases and-” the man furrowed his eyebrows and looked at this partner. The Duke explanation made more sense now, ”A reticulated Alpha. You should secure this egg. It is said one of these could buy you a small country.” said the woman as she showed a hint of enthusiasm upon thoroughly investigating the egg. A good ten minutes was taken to get all the information they needed before paperwork was shoved to both girls, ”We will have to fine you for failure to report the eggs. Registration fees are marked here,” he pointed with his pen, ”our training sessions also come with a fee and are compulsory to obtain your certification. The program will provide you with information and access to resources, however all goods are at your own expense.” he informed before nodding to his partner. With nothing else to add and content with the current state of the eggs, they began to leave.

”Full honesty- I thought we were going to lose our eggs. I would not be happy.” Zarina lazily sagged her rear onto the nearest seat and sighed in relief, “I’d lose my mind if that was the case. Busted my ass to put the momma to sleep.” she chuckled, “I’ll pass by their office during the day, get us our papers. Think you’ll be able to handle the stand while I go?”

Location: The Eyes of Vashdal Stall
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 4:00 HO
Characters: Unfortunate Urchin, Vashdall Representative, Zarina

“Ahh, The Eyes of Vashdal. For once, obligation doesn’t feel too bad.”

Zarina awkwardly spoke to herself, hands on her hips and her stance triumphant. She thought everyone was too busy dealing with their own things, enjoying the faire with little consideration for others. Her thoughts were voiced involuntarily when she felt this relaxed. She was wrong. Some urchin, potentially Silas-affiliated, just stared at her and snorted, ”Who would obligate you to do anything? No one would want a crazy self-talking lady like you to do stuff for them!” he called her out, though nobody else seemed to care except for the Virangishwoman with the wide, furious eyes.

They narrowed more and more, jaw clenched and the electricity between both gazes became quite intense. And then, after taking quick glances to the sides, she waved her hand upwards, causing a draft of air to slap the child from below. Not only would he flip backwards and land on his back, but also had his creamy pastry smeared all over his face. After a loud “Ow”, he began to whine and people still didn’t seem to care one bit. Now she was conscious of people listening to her, prompting a far less triumphant stance as she slowly made her way to the Darhannic stand.

”Ra'ayt dhalik. I saw that. the girl behind the stand claimed nonchalantly in Inipori while pointing at the crying pre-teen, “La lam tafeal. No you didn’t. quickly replied Zarina. Eyebrow raising followed, but then the secretary sighed and presented a form with a table and names written along with signatures. It was in Avincian - likely to avoid any sort of discrimination, ”Dae ealamatan ealaa asmik watawqieik wajtimaeina al'awal hu Victendes alqadim. Mark your name, signature and our first meeting is next Victendes. Zarina filled her slot and signed, lips pursed and definitely feeling the awkward nature of this exchange, “Okay.” she said in Avincian as she returned the paper and pen. The Hexaic lobbyist chuckled, ”Well, at least you’ll bring something new to the table. We don’t get that many people.” Avincian was the default now it seemed. Zarina tittered nervously and nodded.

“Uhh, yeah, see you Victendes, then? Cool, cool.” she finger gunned at the other before taking a step back, “Thanks and uh, yeah see you.” the whole time the secretary had her lips pursed and purposely exaggerated her judgement face to annoy Zarina. At least it was one club down.

Assani 30th

Location: Zeno Bucks Kiosk - Half of the Faire
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: 1:00 HS - 1:00 HE
Characters: Ashon, Ayla @Ti, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Ingrid @dragonpiece, Jocasta, Marceline @Force and Fury, Zarina

“Bravo! Give a warm applause to your talented singer, Ayla~”

Exclaimed Zarina at Ayla’s show that attracted quite the herd of customers. Zeno Bucks was generating good business - much better than the previous day thanks to Ayla’s communication strategy and the word-of-mouth that developed. Marceline and Zarina were hard at work servicing all the clients, leaving them wondering if they would have enough stocks to handle the growing demand. A problem that ultimately was very desirable. The large cups they were selling now came with a green circle and white crescent drawn underneath them with explanations made by the two businesswomen regarding the loyalty system they had established. There was also a Help Wanted sign on the side, with a few CV’s postulated already!

While working, Zarina took notice of something strange. Jocasta and Ingrid had so happened to be joining them at this time and the traffic had lowered a little due to many people stopping to enjoy their lunches, “The hell?” she mumbled to herself as she squinted to notice a peculiar distortion at the other side of the street. Ingrid had since gone West while Ayla was making her way to the North-East near the dormitories. Zarina took this downtime to step out of the kioske and investigate the minuscule distortion.

“Ah shit.” she complained upon realising what it was: A small aberration, so small she could barely make out the shape. At first, she took a step back and pondered how to report this, but then she started to notice what was around her. Kids, random pedestrians, animals involved in different stands … A flock of funny-looking mountain goats were being herded and passed by the street to be brought to the fauna stall, and the Virangishwoman couldn’t help but recall what these things had done to the Halassa, and even something as mighty as the Royal Sand Wyrm.

With minimal thought put into it, Zaz took it upon herself to immediately get rid of this problematic element before it caused another Deserted scenario. She extended her hand and drew from it, leading to a very familiar feeling of unpleasantness. The dark apparition was very small, so the result would be nausea, brief loss of balance and generally feeling like shit, “Ugh … Bad idea.” she regretted. Feeling sickly, Jocasta’s calls and disapproval of the action just rubbed her the wrong way, ”Hey, Zaz! I doubt I have to say this but that’s a terrible idea.” Zarina rolled her eyes and flipped off her friend as her back still faced the Tethered, “Yeah yeah, bite me mom. Nagging will make me feel better.” she shook her head and straightened her form while Jojo chuckled deviously at the sight, realising it was just some baby aberration and Zarina got a small lesson from it, since the one at the Refuge didn’t seem to be enough.

After a coffee to gather herself, both she and Jocasta went on a walk to shake off the shit feeling and shoot the shit together. A bit of catching up, some talks about Riesco and how they should go on an adventure again. Before they could go on to discussing the ramification of time travelling, however, Jocasta felt it - Something very different from the usual aberrations. Behind the Innovators' exchange booth was an alleyway, and it felt like it beckoned them. First Jojo, and as they got closer, Zarina as well. There was something almost inviting about it. Silently, the duo explored and eventually found it. A grey form that resembled the old man they had met on that fateful night. The Paradigm himself.

“... Okay, is it the lightning or is that thing actually grey? I am NOT touching that.” Zarina remarked, arms crossed and her heart racing. Even with just eating a single aberration, her body wanted more, although she felt very conflicting things in regards to this one, ”I don’t know, but …” Jocasta was just as agitated about it, but also excited. There was something special about this aberration. As they got just a little closer, the large anomaly began to distort and ‘reached out’ for both of them. However, it never latched onto the two and instead the grey essence merely circled them like it was waiting for permission to be one with the interlopers.

After a gulp, Zarina turned her head to Jocasta, “Should we do it?” she asked, ”I think so.” replied the blonde. The two held hands before they leapt into the unknown and took in this bizarre error in space and time. What they initially felt was like nothing they had ever experienced. It was terrifying yet unfathomably blissful too. One moment Zarina was seeing Jocasta, and then the other she was surrounded by total darkness. The touch of her friend’s palm went from a warm, clammy sensation to pure lukewarm and nothingness. Zaz was somewhere else, where extremes lived together and formed an amalgamation the human mind couldn’t easily comprehend. Before her was an entity shaped like something she couldn’t properly perceive. She knew what it was. Vashdal the Dreamer, exactly how she imagined the God, and yet like a dream the form was oh so fleeting to her memory, except this was every passing second. It was like seeing a blur. She knew she had seen it, but would not be able to ever describe it.

One mighty hand dropped on her right shoulder. It first looked so much bigger than her, but as it dropped it landed perfectly on her shoulder as if perspective and scale did not matter in this dream-like state. When contact was made, Zarina could see the past. All that Was, the bad and the good all put together into a single vision. Whether it was truly visions of the past or Zarina’s own dream was hard to determine. Then came the left, and All that Is to Be was ushered in. An even stranger experience, one full of ambitions being fulfilled and dreams being crushed. It was overwhelming, to the point where, as this fever dream would end just one real-world second after the assimilation of the grey aberration, she fell to her knees in exhaustion, looking as though she had run for miles. Yet, she felt fine with the queasiness from the aberration mostly passed. She kept silent about the ordeal, but Jocasta on the other hand seemed to have experienced something different, ”This feeling-” nothing seemed to have changed for Jocasta from an outsider’s perspective, but she could feel that her Tethering had been halted somehow, along with a rise in power that both girls definitely sensed within them.

The discussion of the tethering being cured or at least stifled by this peculiar encounter was one that would start, but when they sensed yet another aberration, the hope of experiencing something like this again was too much. Both made their way, with Zarina having an easier time making it there. With Jocasta lagging behind, she wouldn’t intervene in time to stop Zarina from taking in a considerably larger black aberration than the one taken near Zeno Bucks. Something just drove Zarina to take it, and it wasn’t a craving. Perhaps she was hoping to reach out to the Vashdal again? Or the size was concerning enough that she wanted to prevent an incident. The grey aberration rustled some perspectives, and with this newfound surge of power, Zaz truthfully felt like hot shit … Until she sucked in the black mass and nearly puked her guts out. She felt powerful, but her coffee wasn’t going to stick around long.

Jocasta reprimanded the Virangish, but it wouldn’t do anything to stop Zarina from ravenously power walking to the next sensed aberration. Again, Jojo could barely keep up, and Zazzy indulged once more, leading to a problem. She went nuts! And with that she’d have little memory of what would go down. Desmond would lock her down, but then would get his shit kicked in, requiring Jocasta to warp Zaz into the Tethered Refuge, right into the pool by the Gran Naranja. She could swear that she saw Escarra there, and he tied her up!

Eventually, a tied up Zarina would be brought back by Jocatsa and before the group was a white aberration! Well, the maddened teen didn’t have much of an opinion on it as she only wanted the black stuff. With the arrival of Ashon the Yasoi, Zarina was brought to take in the aberration with Jojo’s and the Yasoi’s help while Desmond apparently watched. It was a big one! And it sucked in some of the power gained during this binge, but also cleared the mind of the rabid businesswoman.

“Raaaahhhh! Blaaaaah. Bah. Ugh. And I’ve made an ass out of myself, haven't I?” she looked over at Jo, who had once again been blessed with anti-tethered juice. Zarina rubbed her temples, the headache had gone but the overall experience was just making her dizzy, even if now she felt even better than she had at the start of the day.

There would be some Ingrid management that followed, and some Zeno Bucks evening fun to be made. But ultimately, Zarina was brought to mull over the vision she had and what Jocasta had told her. Was there really a way to help this horrible disease? Each time her golden hues met Marceline’s figure, she couldn’t help but think even more about it. Right until closing time.

A good day of business, promising for the coming weeks where they would officially operate outside of a Faire attraction. Sienna Afraval’s home was once again used as storage with Zarina dismissing Marci for the evening, using the excuse of her being absent for a portion of the day during her “binge” as an excuse to clean up their stuff in the cellar all alone. But in truth she wanted to execute a secret and devious plan without her partner finding out! Nets and a bird cage were whipped out from a pile of junk that had a blanket draped over them, along with a bag containing fresh grapes. Everything one would need to go catching some unique avian specimens.

Footsteps could be heard upstairs. Zarina grinned. It’s grapin’ time!

Welcome to Zeno Bucks, how may I take your order?

Partnered with the Pumpernickel Clubbe, the stall opposite of this one, Zeno Bucks launches on the very first day of the Faire! Tactically placed to meet the paths of many students, but also captivate those lured in by the more popular clubs, it would come to no surprise that this peculiar stall had gained momentum as the day went on, starting off with fluctuating rates of curiosity. The alluring aromas and promises of readily made goods only did so much, until …

♪Just one coffee,
give it to me,
delicious elixir,
from over sea.
Creamy milk and honey dream,
give me Coffee,
from Zeno Bucks team.♪

Sang the lioness maiden with a variety of instruments accompanying her. Her voice carried the holy word of Zeno Bucks, and many devout followers soon formed. At about mid-day, this surprise opening was considered a success! Albeit, only stifled by inexperience of the duo manning the stations and mismanagement of resources. Nonetheless, the echoes of this cub’s song reached far and wide, right until the sky turned to dusk.

With interest clearly shown by students, Zenos and locals alike, Zeno Bucks promises its return tomorrow, and many, many days after that! Now please, help yourselves with some of our many delights in our menu below!

Interacting with: Most people in the Wyrm fight, Amanda & Marceline @Force and Fury, Ayla & Thierry @Ti
Location: The Desert -> The Refuge -> Hugo's Crib -> Ersand'Enise

Just as Zarina had united with her closest friend, she was to ride off to battle to put it all in peril for the sake of others. Jocasta, the real one, laid out the plan and prepared the additional late arrivals while Zarina got her affairs in order with Riesco. Scrounging up the best light armour she could find in the stables, she was content with just leather protection and a basic helm to go with it. The Camargue breed also got mild protection on the sides, attached to the saddle, and on the head an improvised fly mask. There was going to be sand and loads of light, so protecting the beast’s eyes was to be considered too.

”Hey there, Shooru …” she whispered to the stallion’s perked ear when he got a little agitated. The cries of beasts being transformed into Casii’s monstrosity were stressing everybody, especially the animals, ”Mmm. Smells nice, doesn’t it?” she continued to whisper little nothings to the animal, hoping her voice and proximity could provide the frightened creature some comfort before the battle. She worried about it, they hadn’t fought like this before and the risk of an accident was considerable. But it was lessened by the visible bond the two had. Riesco’s frequent stress stomps began to cease and the calm chewing began, ”That’s my Shooru.” a good smooch between the eyes and a half-apple were given as a reward before she drew the beast out.

In the horizon she could see the sandcloud ushered by the passing of the maddened dragon. Marceline was by Zarina, riding her own horse and serving as a means to keep tabs on the rampaging beast if it were to ever slip underground. Though truthfully, the Virangish wanted to keep Marci close enough to ensure she was safe as the young tethered insisted to her mother she wanted to be a part of this. Zarina was to keep close to the Wyrm, while the younger teen kept a good distance from the group to support.

”Big girl pants on now, Marci. We’re about to make history.” she winked from under her leather helm with a visible grin on her gaze. And then she tapped the sides of her steed with her heels and whistled to get him into a quick trot. Everyone else was scrambling to get into positions and she did the same. The Tethered were the first to halt its progress, allowing for the deer-riding group and Zarina to attempt to corral the rampaging Wyrm away from the nearby town of Hosta.

Froabases joined the fray, adding to the complications, although Zarina attempted to take advantage of the situation. However, Riesco was not having it. The stress of the situation and inexperience was getting to it. She had to focus on her steed before the rest, hoping that Marci would cover for her at the very least.

Hey, hey, Riesco- I’m here.

She couldn’t really utter anything as she wouldn’t be heard through the tremors and frantic gallop of her horse. But she tried to communicate her presence and care some other way. Without truly knowing it, she was reaching out to him through the Gift, and attempted to ‘connect’ with him the same way she did with some of the Froabases but this time with a creature she had formed a four-year bond with. In a way, she knew him in ways none other did. With a little bit of effort, both of them harmoniously felt what the other did. Riesco felt his master so close to him and didn’t see the Wyrm as this terrifying predator that would inevitably eat him. He had Zarina now, the one that had always made him feel safe. And she felt the exact same way.

”I want a Gypsy horse- No! A Mora Metek!” clamoured a little Virangish tot to a very elderly but still kicking tanned man, ”They’re so cool with their manes and and and, Bwaahhhh!” her arms flailed in an attempt to illustrate flaming manes from the unique breed. The old man shook his head, ”Maybe when you become a princess, Zarina.” They were at what seemed to be a farm in rural Virang, with quite a few foals released in a pen for other children to visit and play with. Zarina, being the energetic eleven year-old she was, revelled in this occasion. Like most of the kids, her attention went to the pretty one with the long, black mane. There were many pretty ones, but only one made her smile so wide that she ended up laughing. A clumsy little grey foal, not quite remarkable, came up to her and started to munch at her pocket upon smelling a piece of old carrot in it, ”Oh! Here you go!” she offered the treat to be scooped up almost immediately. The infant horse then proceeded to keep his lips slightly parted to resemble a smile when he got some scritches to go with the meal. She mimicked it, and then he went for the flehmen grimace that got her to laugh her guts out. And then he kind of just … Followed her. To the point where beautiful, legendary horses were a notion she had long forgotten. It became hard to separate them after that.

The Wyrm was successfully deviated from its course and now targeted the Refuge. With Riesco back on track, Zarina could get a better grip of the situation. She started by keeping a steady gallop in close proximity to it while avoiding its notoriously powerful claws. Froabases kept swarming the skies, and with newfound focus Zarina managed to pacify one that put the whole operation at risk. It merely glided passively over the battlefield while the Virangish struggled to keep it under control. Nuclear explosions and deer rammings followed soon afterward.

Now her blade was readied and she waited for her opening. The continuous explosions were bound to stagger the beast. But instead of falling, the monstrous Wyrm casted a mighty shadow over all, reaching even the Refuge as it uttered a loud screech. Zarina lowered herself and- V̶̪͕̦͓͚̭̓͆O͖̗̅̊̌ͥ͢I̷̠̱͖͍̳̺͋ͅD̮̰̮̂̐́̋͞ ̶̜̫̫̝̜̱͍͛ͫ͊i͑̀̄̅͏̯͍̻s͓̤͓̞̩̼̣̺ͯ͞ ̠͇͚̟̤́͒̐͠h͓̹̆ͬ͝ͅe̛̯̺̪̤̳͛͑ͨ̐r̸̙̖̗͈̻̩̜̿̑e̻̫̖͚̯͔͖͉͛͊ͣ͜

Anticipated the coming blast as Riesco leapt over a fissure caused by the loud screech. But just as Zarina survived the onslaught, something bothered her. As if she had the briefest of absences and immediately forgot what had passed in her mind. There was a strange sensation in the air that even breezed through the tremors and storms conjured by the Wyrm and the Froabases felt it too. Some massive energy was concentrated which dragged the dragons away.

The Deer was about to be swallowed by the sands, and as much as Zarina detested its existence, she couldn’t let her colleagues just die. The Froabas she pacified was further influenced to try and go for a rescue, but ultimately ended up devoured by the very sands she sought to stop. Luckily, a blast from a lad she could’ve swore she had seen in a different light not so long ago had delivered a decisive hit. The Wyrm was staggered, and Zarina could seize this opportunity to drill her shamshir into its eyes, successfully gouging it out through the mucosa.

Then came flames. Flames she couldn’t just run from. Zarina, with her heart racing, definitely felt the heat coming close. But luckily for her, someone had her back. She didn’t throw a glance or even a thumbs up, she knew who it was and there would be recognition later. A job had to be finished, and it so happened to be the fool with the gun to finish the job whilst putting himself in peril. The Wyrm was down, but the job wasn’t finished. Some tended to Desmond, while Zarina went to assist the second group with the Froabas pack.

At the nick of time, Zarina intervened to save the imperilled Thierry de Montblaise with Riesco dashing at speed he had never reached before. The Virangishwoman landed right before the black Knight, still on her horse and with a Kinetic shield protecting both from the white-hot flames of the Alpha. She maintained the barrier with similar principles given to her by Jocasta: Maintaining the rotation of the manipulated air and energy in a constant flow and using its own excess to feed it.

”No celebrating yet, bub. I need this thing on the ground.” she responded to one of his charming remarks - more so a thank but still, a distractingly charming thank you - and dashed forward with her horse to keep up with the confused creature. Not letting herself be distracted by the monstrosities brought in by Ismette, she prepared her final strike. Thierry delivered with a suplex, and Zarina finished off with a literal leap of faith, landing on its back and applying a powerful pacification spell from her innate chemical skills to finally calm it. No more Froabases needed to die.

But the job wasn’t finished. The animal could be tamed and Zarina could feel it in her to do something about it. The same way she connected with Riesco, she felt like she could do the same. The tall Virangish stood before the calmed beast, so easily devoured if the beast got aggressive again. Confident, she didn’t budge even as it grew frustrated with her attempts to ease into its system. It was turbulent, at best, with many screeches that likely prompted a few to raise their arms. But the Northern Teen wasn’t done. With a little more, she could just … Just as she seemed to exert herself far beyond what was normal, a friend came to help: Kaspar. With his aid, she could finally appease the beast and establish a new order. Zarina was the dominant figure, and the female Alpha recognized this, and hopefully would see this on other dominant humans too.

”Thanks for that, Kaspar.” she was panting, but had the strength to give him a thumbs up. The Alpha was kept at a safe distance as the next order of business came up: The Aberration.

”Pffpfpfpfpf … Ugh, my head.” face in the sad, Zarina awake from the worst high she had ever experienced in her young life. A high so bad and yet she wanted more of it for some inexplicable reason. Riesco was munching away playfully at her hair, trying to get her attention, ”Mmm. Hey you. Gonna bring me safely home? I don’t think I can walk much right now.” with a few grunts of pain, she straddled her horse and slowly paced back to the Refuge with the rest.

Although a new issue came about: The Alpha! She was pregnant, and was just about to lay her eggs. With the help of Thierry and some others, the large Froabas was escorted thanks to Clemencia’s chains toward the Refuge and made to roost under the hot sun. A comfortable nest was improvised by pushing sand away via Force magic. Zarina then gently pressed her hand onto the dragon’s snout - a bold move still - and sought to share the soothing sensation she used to calm her steed.

With little whines, the reptilian began to lay her eggs. It wasn’t a mammal, so the process was rather straightforward, but she would frequently turn around to check the goods. The calls of the other chained Froabases of her flock were also reassuring, and Zarina’s sweet nothings often did the trick. With ten eggs in total, and a sleeping Alpha that needed to recover its strength after all that occurred, the group had quite the bounty!

A bounty that would be claimed in an auction, leaving Zarina with: Ten Wyrm Scales, Eight Wyrm claws, Eight Wyrm bones of varying sizes, and THREE Froabas eggs - One of which is an Alpha and of the rarest breed by the patterns on it! The other two also had uniquely remarkable patterns too, promising rare specimens the day they’ll hatch.

Together, as friends, the group made their farewells and returned to the strange world governed by the almighty Paradigm. Their mission was complete and Hugo confirmed their success while alluding to a potential sequel to these adventures. If it weren’t for the daunting task of storing all of the goods that piled up right before her, Zarina would at least be subtly smiling at the notion. She had made such great strides in not only finding herself, but also enriching her life with more than just the material side of it, or the self-contained spirituality she kept to herself.

First thing’s first thought: Coffee! That would be the first thing she’d go for in her quarters that needed a little dusting. Then came the storage issue. Surely her friends had a solution …

Interacting with: Thierry & Marceline @Ti
Location: Refuge Dungeon

Zarina was flabbergasted to say the least. Her hand taken and kissed as if she was a high noble and by quite the looker no less. One that was actually taller than her too. The group had settled before the prison itself, underground and safe from even a Wyrm attack. She had been playing a card game with Marceline and Abdel, with the former ending up being quite the clever little pup. She was standing before the armoured envoy and stuttered her first couple of words.

”Ah, uh- Yeah. Enchanted, Sir.” her body language displayed a level of anxiety she hadn’t often shown before. Maybe she wasn’t expecting this sort of introduction. Maybe it was a ruse? Or perhaps he actually sought to charm her? In any case, her good mood resonated quite well with Thierry’s approach and even prompted a light blush from the teen, ”The prisoners are behind us, yes, through this door. To ensure their safety, and everyone else’s, we’re keeping them here until the Duque settles things with those upstairs.” she rested a hand on her hip, ”Sounds good? No bamboozling? We have enough to worry about.”

Abdel, on the other hand, glared knives at the big newcomer. He didn’t speak, for it wasn’t his place, but unlike Zarina his mood could easily kill the atmosphere if he manifested it any further. Seizing his cane, he stood between Thierry and the entrance to the dungeon and simply eyed the outsider with clear distrust. He would only move the moment Zarina gave the go ahead.

Thierry adorns her with a charming smile at the warm reception of his presence. He squeezes lightly upon her finger tips, “In absence of your name, may I call you rose du désert, for your features liken as much”. His eyes move to watch as Abdel moves towards the dungeon door, addressing the boy as well when he stands up straight. “You’re a sprightly one, jeune homme. Nothing should pass your vigilant watch, even I am afraid.” He gives a generous beaming disarming smile to the boy, shifting a warm expression to the third and quieter one. “They say the wise listen as the fool speaks, jeune fille, pleased to make your acquaintance.” Thierry gives a courteous bow as he offers to take Marceline’s hand in a more reserved manner to place a kiss upon it.

”Ah.” Zarina shook her head, ”Zarina. I’m Zarina Al-Nader.” she had landed back onto planet Sipenta after that charming compliment, ”This is Marceline, and this is Abdel.” the hand that had been kissed was then used to point toward each member of the group.

“Belle, I am charmed. Such strong names for these two as well.” After the greetings, Thiery simply smiles as he returns to the matter at hand towards the eldest of the three, “As stated, I am only to ensure the humane treatment of those inside as a formality. There is no room in my heart for concern after meeting mademoiselle”.

Abdel kept a confrontational stance and an adamant glare. He did not trust these outsiders- they all gave off the air of the staff he so loathed, ”I don’t think we should let this colourful strange man. I don’t like him.” he spoke in his mother tongue, which Zarina was supposedly the only one to understand in the room. The tall Virangish girl turned her body to perpendicular to the two males and gestured calmly to pacify the cautious pre-teen, ”It’s fine. We go as planned, and worst case we’re three on one.” she shot a knowing glance and smile over to Marceline before addressing the Duque’s envoy, ”If you would follow me, Sir Theirry.” a couple of steps passed Abdel and she would open the gates to the dungeon where two dozen of the higher staff were held, ”After you.”

Thierry continued to politely smile as if not phased by the exchange in Virangish. Then interrupting with a cough once it appeared finished, “If you want Mon Grand, I will let you look after my sword whilst these ladies show me around.” He pulls the large two-handed sword from his shoulder, holding it out with a single hand, “But you must be careful with her, she is precious to me. I am trusting you here”. He smiles as he gives Zarina a wink, allowing Abdel to clumsily contend with the weight of the blade when he takes up the offer. Once Thierry moves through the door, he turns and bows, holding out his hand to invite Zarina to take it as she escorts him around the dungeon.

Abdel went from confrontational stoicism to downright scowling at the man upon being given sword babysitting duty. He wanted to speak up, maybe even square off with the knight, but Zarina was quick to intervene, ”I’m sure your sword will be fine by the door. Thieves don’t exactly have anywhere to run, now do they?” she nudged her head toward Abdel, and in turn the young male drew with the gift and used what he knew to manipulate the heavy weapon and carefully place it against the stone wall by the door, ”I do need Abdel for this task, after all. If the Wyrm finds a way in here, only he could save us~” she gave a similar wink to Abdel.

The dungeon smelled of sweat and was quite hot given many bodies resided in it and had a tendency to move out of sheer boredom and a need for exertion. They were given plenty of water to compensate for this heat, with Abdel sometimes drawing from the air to cool down the place. Most shared cells, though the Vice-Wardens were purposely kept separate given their strength, ”Healthy, fed and mostly intact.” Zarina turned on her heels to face the Knight in the middle of the hall with rows of cells on both sides. Her arms opened up, inviting Thierry to investigate for himself.

Marci was finding it difficult to endure through the pleasantries, allowing Zarina to take the lead on the interactions with the enamoured knight. She got the best of herself as she was unable to avoid chiming in on the remark, "A lot better than some of the care we received".

Thierry nodded, offering Marci a comforting smile, “Then I thank you for your generosity, his grace would be pleased”. He slowly walks through the corridor as he nods towards those within the cells, his expression more stern than the friendly overtures he offered the others outside. “I am afraid a few others here wouldn’t be granted that same pleasure.”
As Thierry approaches towards the individual cells, he turns towards Zarina, “I assume Vice-Warden Adela would be held with those ahead. May I request the opportunity of a private audience to speak with her? I assure you of no foul play, merely the exchange of words. You have my honour as a knight.”. He offers Zarina that disarming charming smile again allowing her opportunity to respond to his request.

Thierry’s interest in the Vice-Warden Zarina had personally locked up brought the Virangish to lower her arms and gesture for the Knight to follow her. Abdel took the head this time, however, and proceeded to unlock the door at the end of the stoney hallway where four ‘isolated’ cells could be found. They didn’t have bars and instead were completely sealed off by heavy metal doors with air passing through the small gap beneath where food was passed, ”Adela is …” she paused for a moment, only to remark the riding crop hanging by one of the doors, ”Over here.”

Inside, Adela would seem relatively well. Her hair greasy and dishevelled, her attire stained and the latrine likely needed some changing. But otherwise the cell seemed maintained and her health intact. The door was left open, although Abdel and Marci kept their distance, ready to unleash their knowledge of the gift if need be, while Zarina kept to the doorframe to supervise the exchange.

Thierry nodded at the accommodations made, though mentally noted the lack of privacy in the conversation, as a result, keeping the exchange briefer than intended. “Adela, glad to see you are kept well”, he nods towards her before slipping into a more official tone, “His grace received your letter, and to thank you for drawing the matter of the Refuge to his attention. He is most displeased at the situation. Once matters have concluded and you are released, you are to report to him directly.”

With Zarina keeping watch, the two officials could have their exchange without any interruptions. Adela had remained seated on her bed until she recognized the Black Knight himself, Sir Thierry Montblaise, “Sir!” she quickly sprang up and kept a stiff posture while addressing the Perrench knight, “I-” she stammered, the existing sweat on her forehead from the heat of the dungeon accumulated quickly now that she was put under pressure, “It was Tavio, Montblaise! He betrayed the Duque’s trust and tried to use outsiders to resolve this issue!” she then gave Zarina the stink-eye, “These outsiders who have caused this mess in the first place. Locked us like animals when I tried to take their side!”

The Virangish was about to retort but a particularly frustrated Abdel stepped up, ”Shut up! You didn’t say ANYTHING when they went to the desert.” he wedged himself by Zarina to get a better eye of the small cell, ”All you do is lie, lie and LIE. Lie to Luisa about appreciating her. Lie to Zarina about giving a damn about them, Lie to …” he was gritting his teeth, ”Everyone about me! Because you hate me- No, US.” Zarina, upon witnessing the tantrum, was already drawing with the gift. Converting the heat but also the strong winds outside the dungeon itself. If he kept on going, she was ready to subdue him.

Thierry raises an eyebrow at the intrusion of their private conversation, though he expected as much. “His grace will be less tolerating than garçon here if he feels you are attempting to deceive him, Vice-Warden Adela. Choose your words carefully.” He turns to direct his attention towards the others at the doorway, “It appears the Vice-Warden is suffering from dehydration. May I request some water for her to drink, wash, and some clean clothes for when she meets his grace?”, finishing with a nod towards Zarina and Marci.

Marci recognises this as an opportunity to allow Abdel to withdraw, holding her hand upon his shoulder. "Come with me, I will need some help with the water". She glances up towards Zarina, as if awaiting her verdict.

The Vice-Warden was just about ready to defend herself and save face in front of Thierry, but the towering man shut down any hope of a recovery. It was a similar situation to the crop or prison she had faced before ending in the dungeon, and she wasn’t going to blossom with newfound courage after three days in the dark and heat, “... I will be nothing but truthful to his grace, the Duque.” she crossed her arms and made herself smaller, “As I wrote in my letter, Tavio sent these outsiders as sacrifices to purge the Aberracion, but the monster swallowed it first.” her voice was hushed and she gravitated toward the corner of her cell whilst keeping eye contact with Thierry.

Zarina shot a glance at Marci and conferred a nod to her when she seized the initiative to appease the situation. Abdel, still shooting daggers with his eyes, wanted to say so much more, but ultimately couldn’t muster the strength to go against both Zarina and Marceline, ”She’ll be provided with everything she needs.” she raised an eyebrow whilst scrutinising the weather form of the vice, ”So long as you consider the potential emotions and animosities involved, Sir Thierry. We could have killed them, or treated them with the same treatment they’ve given to the minds of every resident here.” she provided perspective as she stepped into the cell, standing by the armoured man and looking down at the older woman, ”It would be quite cruel to do such a thing, no?”

Thierry nods as he nods and offers his arm out towards Zarina to take. “Merci, if you don't mind escorting me out of here. I am satisfied with the condition of the prisoners, Mademoiselle.”, he turns on his charm offensive with the Virangish girl, offering her a smile. “I am sure Vice-Warden Adela has much to prepare for when she speaks with his grace.”

Zarina peered down at the presented arm, and then up at the envoy’s visage, ”I’m afraid I’m ill-equipped to match your splendour, Sir Thierry.” she replied with a smirk pushing on the edge of her lips and a light tinge of sarcasm to her tongue, ”Although I’m sure Marci would appreciate the extra hand to get around.” from a smirk to a downright shit-eating toothy grin, she made sure Marceline saw it.

As the duo brought the water, Abdel would be the first to sense a disturbance that team Yalen had since detected. The Wyrm had entered tethered range, but was not heading for them, ”The Wyrm! Do you feel it too, Marci?” Zarina squinted in slight concern and looked over at the tall warrior by her.

Marci nods in agreement, "I can feel it, just on the edge… it doesn’t appear to be heading in this direction. It seems to be making its way to… … Hosta".

With the response and the revelation of new information, Sir Thierry relaxes his arm. “His grace will be requesting my presence. We can explore this further at a more opportune time.” He brings Zarina’s hand to his lips as he kisses upon it. “Luck for the upcoming fight.”, he offers her a wink as he starts marching past the cells, the sword seeming to lift and pull through the air towards him as he straps it upon his back. He gives a respectful nod towards Marci and Abdel as they come through with the waters. “Till next time.”

Interacting with: King Arcel@Force and Fury Ulfhild @Salsa Verde, All in the Red Table
Opportunity: Arnaud is nearly finished by Ulfhild, awakens from a short coma and shows up at the Red Table. He's not very happy to see one is missing.

Event: Aftermath of Relouse Location: The Torn Beach -> Medical Ward -> Red Table

It had gotten so cold. As the accumulated water made-instrument of death washed over the entire field and dragged Arnaud’s near-lifeless body through the blood-soaked mud of Relouse, he could only feel the cold air brushing through his damp body. It was unpleasant, and he hated it even in his half-conscious state. The man had not only overdrawn but also went far beyond what his neglected and ageing body could physically allow. Now laid a fat, broken warrior with skin and tattoos that didn’t match the average Parrench. His chest still mightily heaved, making it impossible to mistake him for dead, but it was easy to confuse him for an interloper that had no place in the war now that his recognizable armour had been peeled off by the foe he had vanquished.

The Aheri’s eyes could barely open. It felt like flashes of time passing by. Sometimes he would see a blade swing just over his eyes from a battle between two men fighting until the end. Sometimes he simply saw the smoke-covered skies above.

Am I dying?

He couldn’t move. Perhaps this was the end? And then an unexpected sight: A maiden whose features were blurred. He couldn’t see properly, but his imagination handled the missing details.

I must have perished. It is as some say- The virtuous are granted many wonders after death. The five take mercy even upon a beast like me.

There was a smile, but not one Ulfhild could see. Arnaud was for all intents and purposes immobile and defenceless. As the knife drew closer, his wheezing got louder.

A warrior too. One to mercifully claim my life. In a battlefield where so many die shitting themselves with their entrails ripped out. I am unworthy.

His dark eyes were almost daring the Eskandr huntress to finish the deed, but it would not come to pass. Something stopped her.

“You’ll see me again,

A wondrous thing to hear, Siwa.

I’ll make sure of it, Parrench dog.”

Parrench. Even the Eskandr maiden-warriors of my afterlife recognize me for what I am. Do not leave, please.

The envoy of death left, and Arnaud soon lost full consciousness. His bleeding and massively bruised body left to be claimed by the elements. It would be a few minutes after the semi-delirium that he would be found by one of his last remaining men. He alone dragged the Aheri back to safety, as Maerec and many others that could be counted on were left to confront their own turbulent fates.

Two days passed. There was no Asier visiting the near-comatose Arnaud. The few good souls dedicated to easing the pain of the suffering feared to approach the man. Partially for his unusual appearance, but also for the fact that he did have bouts of delirium in his ‘sleep’. Mumbles of the words ‘Bouzima’ and ‘Ahsal-hama’ were very common, and were sometimes even screamed to the dismay of the staff and the ill alike. It was only thanks to Moustafa, the same man that salvaged his once master, that Arnaud was properly tended after. As his bruises receded and both mana and body recuperated, his mind adjusted too.

He awoke the day Arcel called for a meeting- just an hour prior. Arnaud’s legs were killing him, his back even more. The perforated gut he carried for a couple of years now stung like he had never felt before. It was better for him to stay in bed, but none dared to tell Arnaud what to do even in his most vulnerable state. He was merely offered the only thing he needed to serve his Lord: The Face of the Executioner. Neither he nor his men showed a trace of their person as they acted as the King’s Justice. And today would not be an exception, no matter how many hindrances he would have to endure.

The consequences of war did little to the thuds and tremors that came with Arnaud being nearby. He was no Nashorn, but he was still massive with a heavy armour to boot. His steps were slow but his stride was strong. When he arrived at the Red Table, it was a known habit that the executioner would remain standing, usually close to the king, but he took a seat this time. Which one didn’t matter as it wasn’t like anyone would exactly miss a man like an armoured Aheri.

”I remain your Lame, Your Majesty. Point me in a direction and I shall deliver the Justice of Dami and Parrench onto those who oppose your order. I will be an immovable wall or an indiscriminate storm at your command, Mon Roi.” he recited with considerable zeal. Whether to attack or to defend, Arnaud was the king’s blade and bulwark. He trusted the judgement of the strong, and to this day hadn’t failed in his duties as a loyal ally to the crown.

A silence lingered after his claim, ”Has he perished?” he inquired behind the metallic filter of his featureless helm, ”The Lion Knight. Has he known his end at the hand of a few Southerners?” it was impossible to read his voice as it remained perfectly flat. Behind the veil of metal, Arnaud was grating his teeth. The Tourrare Knight was an asset they couldn’t ignore, and yet he wasn’t here. The Executioner could only deduce a select number of possibilities. Something stirred deep within Arnaud. An anger palpable enough that those with even a slight connection to Force or Essence magic could tell the beast of a man was not in a good state of mind.
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