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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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will be getting a post up within the next few days
@Lmpkio Up to you. I'd say the most optimal outcome would be Kylo Ren retreating, because if his forces took the Silver Tower that would be kind of lame because she would just ressurect in the middle of them and it would be sort of a lame way to start a fight, you know, lol. But if you wanted Godzilla to help Eltariel chase Kylo off, that would be good. It's up to you. Kylo could even mortally wound Eltariel in the process.

edit: also thats a pretty great comic panels

Eltariel knew she had been spotted by the people on the ground. Rarely was she on the back foot like this. The Uruks rarely paid much attention to her Silver Tower, but here it stood out like a sore thumb. The people on the ground- as they approached, she spotted their strange white armor and their unfamiliar weaponry. What were they? Were they Men? Elves? They could be Orcs as far as she knew. Or some other race or creature she had never heard of. Perhaps they weren't wearing armor, and that's just what they looked like! She strongly doubted that last assertion, but it was important to remind herself that she really didn't know what she was getting into.

There was one thing the Elf knew for sure, though. There was absolutely no chance she was giving up the Silver Tower. She would kill them, if she had too.

Eltariel vanished from the top of the tower and dropped down on the otherside. As sneaky as the stormtroopers believed themselves to be, Eltariel was a master of reconnaise and infiltration. Her dark blue outfit combined with her skills would quickly allow herself to be lost within the trees. Focusing her Spirit Sight, Eltariel caught a glimpse of the bulkiest trooper there, the one with the large weapon and the cylinders on his back.

Moving with supernatural speed she circled around the flank to get behind the approaching squad.

As the First Order grew closer to their goal, they would notice the tower was mostly featureless. There was no doors nor windows. It was almost flat, save for the odd indent or hand hold. If they were to look at it, they would realise the only people capable of scaling the top of this tower would be those with access to a portable, large ladder, or those with force-like powers that granted them extraordinary agility. There was no ladder nearby, so the assumption had to be made that the woman inhabiting this Tower was one of advanced skills.

Becoming one with the shrubbery, Eltariel was practically invisible. Her breath was slow and practiced and her face was obscured by shadow. As the troopers neared the tower, she would use her light powers to create an audio hallucination. About halfway up the tower, the stormtroopers would hear the whisperings of a language that was unknown to them, visually sourceless. It would sound like the tower itself was beckoning them to draw closer, as if it was speaking to them directly. The elven warrior remained hidden within the forest, watching closely to see what they would do. As far as she knew, the stormtroopers had no weaponry capable of destroying the Silver Tower, and that was all that mattered. For now she could take her time. But she needed them to leave eventually. Whether that be voluntarily, or their corpses vanish underneath the snow. Both would work. But Eltariel had never ended a human life before. Only the bloodthirsty Uruk Hai that slaughtered for fun. Only the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron. To end the life of a civilized being was something she never had to do, but as she unsheathed her blade she realised that in the end, whether they have green skin or white armor, ending a life was ending a life, and thousands upon thousands of people have met their end at the razor sharp tip of her sword.
@Lmpkio Did you want Eltariel to be struggling with the troopers and then helped out by Godzilla?
@Lmpkio I'm prepared!

While Eltariel would absolutely struggle against Kylo Ren, these kind of small bands of mooks are like...her specialty. I'll be getting a post up soon.

Do I just post what I think Eltariel would do or...I mean I guess so.
good luck with this RP Bonesaw, good luck with your three minutes of paaaaiiin. unfortunately i won't be joining this RP but i wish you the best

Alleyway of Eldra, Shalador

Ranina watched her husband's cousin followed by her husband vanish inside the bookstore. He offered for her to walk inside but, if this presence was anywhere near the inside of that bookstore she would much rather stay outside. Someone caught her eye, though, a boy, a child. They made eyecontact, and he vanished around the corner. Dareen recognized someone who felt like they knew too much. Had they been made? Did this kid know who they were? Dareen wasn't exactly blending in anymore. Everyone around them was afraid of the nobles, but in truth it was Dareen who had never felt more vulnerable and exposed. Damn this accursed disguise! What was Fatima doing in there?

But what about this boy? Children were often more knowledgable than most would like to believe. Having been a street urchin herself at some point, the Pruulish Witch knew what it was to do anything to survive. Even the smallest monetary reward for information on potential traitors would be worth the risk. Dareen turned to face him and tried to keep him in her line of sight. "Uh, excuse me, little boy?" She called out, speaking for the first time since she had entered town. She tried to keep up the veil of sophistication. Her throat had dried up. Pushing past some people in the alleyway, she began to follow behind him. She was hesitant to follow him too far, and was hoping he would just stop running. "Hey, kid!" Dareen shouted after him, dropping all pretense.
@tipssyCalibrator alright! if you ever wanna give it a shot, it's pretty easy

Eltariel once again reached out to Galadriel in her mind, but recieved no answer. This was bad. Really bad. Why had she been dragged here? She didn't need this- ontop of everything else. This pointless distractions. Even in the neverending stalemate of her battle against the forces of Mordor, she at least could remind herself what she was doing had a purpose. Every Uruk Hai put in the dirt was one less that would not encroach on the walls of Minas Tirith. But now? Directionless? Not an Uruk in sight, nor the presence of Galadriel? Her heart rate fluttered and she leaned against one of the spires ontop of the roof of the Silver Tower for support. She ran her hand over her face, breathing in deeply. Concentrate- just get 100 tokens. Find whoever it is you need to find, Eltariel, and take what you need from them. Time is of the essence.

Eltariel focused up and channeled her spirit energy into her eyes. The world turned a dark shade of blue, and any living souls in the area that weren't disguisng their presence became known to her. They glowed like beacons in the night, and Eltariel spotted some not that far away. Their forms were hard to make out, but they seemed to be humanoid in nature. There was around nine of them to the North, one farther away from the others. Potentially, these people would have the tokens that she sought. They were her targets now, but further observation was required. Given the way that they were positioned, it seemed the group of six were co-ordinated with each other. One stood farther away, not doing much, and the couple...vanished from her view. They had hidden themselves, remaining stealthy, and thus vanishing from her elven sight. Frowning, she began to scan the surrounding area for closer targets, hopefully in fewer numbers.

Are there any plans on getting a discord for faster communication, or are we going with the OOC forums?
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