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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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2 yrs ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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Galia Guardstrike

Galia had nodded at everyone one at a time. They looked experienced. A bowman, a cleric, a spearman, and a masked man. They all looked capable enough. However, the fact of the matter is that no one here has had any real combat experience for the last ten years, and appearances could be decieving. They could all be wormfood within the next few days for all she knew. But Galia wasn't going to die, she was going to win. There was no other option other than coming out of that forest alive. Perhaps the others here had nothing to lose or everything to gain, but Galia had everything on the line. If she failed...she couldn't fail.

"My name's Galia Guardstrike," she said, voice low and hard, glaring at the North Road. "My goal is to kill the Beast, and collect the reward. I'm not leaving the North Road until I do." Galia held the handle of the sheathed sword at her hip. Her fingers impatiently tapping the wood in a wave pattern, the steel pommel glowing dimly in the light of evening sun. Galia didn't mind repeating herself for whoever else came. Her name would ring of it's given nature, not one chosen by parents or by oneself, but one earned through combat. A title of mercenary making.

There wasn't much else to say, not yet, anyway. She did recognize some of them. Mort, the hunter. Zahir, the guard, with that funny little mask of his. She had seen him, as Eleanor had dragged the Practicioners around Feros Province, and that little town he protected spoke fondly of him. The others she didn't recognize, but Feros Province was a bigger place than one might imagine. She had come to see it has home. Infact, Galia hoped to spend the rest of her life here, once this was all over. Feros Province wasn't the problem. The North Road was.

Yeah. Hmm, I've been in scenarios before where all these characters just introduce themselves one after the other but no one else says anything. It kind of implies that no one says anything in the meantime, you know? Then if you go back and reply to someone else's introduction things get wobbly. This was probably my fault for starting my character alone, I should have taken the initiative to plan a big group meeting. What do you guys think? We can just push forward anyway.
are we allowed to post more than one time per rotation?
Chloe Bridgette Cakebread-Yonaka

Chloe was happily munching down on a piece of french bread, her cheeks full and round. Her leather jacket was placed on the chair she was sitting on. That chair was on it's two back legs, rocking precariously back and forth. Chloe's booted feet were on the table, grounding herself so she didn't fall backwards. Next to her boots was the half-empty cup of coffee. She was looking much better after her nasty wound and was just thankful to be in the fight at all.

Chloe looked over and smiled, lips still closed to keep in the bread she was chewing, at the couple of performers on stage who began to dance to a piano. She wondered if there were a violin or a fiddle nearby. The piano man was pretty decent, actually, so she wouldn't need to take his place. But a piano by itself always felt a little lonely. Most instruments did.

Swallowing her breakfast Chloe looked over at the others. "What a welcome to ol' Paree, eh? Couldn't ask for a better reception. Who needs butter, anyway?" Chloe exclaimed. The 'tt' in butter was implied more than spoken, the word coming out as 'bu-uh'.

Chloe moved the back two legs of the chair and back and forth with the heels on the table. One hand held the bread, the other dangled loosely to the side, occasionally snapping to the beat of the piano tune.
oh well RIP
Galia Guardstrike

Galia held a palm sized stone in her hand, taken from the final pile of stones that marked the boundary between the civilized and savage world. She wondered, if there were a village on the other side who had set up a similar boundary. A no-go zone, where everyone assumes Feros Province has been overrun by evil magic. She doubted the cairns did anything, but their ceasing to exist meant that ahead was where her target lay. The trip had taken them awhile, and the sun was about to set. Give or take an hour.

Galia's long dark blown hair was tied down into a braid that rest over her steel pauldrons and dangled over her leather chest armor. Overall, her armor was of the medium variety, a mixture of sturdy protection and mobility. Infact, she would have preferred more, but plate was expensive and she had done a poor job of maintaining her old sets in the decade she had gone without serious fighting. Bar fights, scuffles, and showing dominance over some fools didn't really count. Hopefully she wasn't as rusty as her old helm that had to be left behind. Ten years was a long time to go without fighting, and it was why Galia's wife was so worried. She was also worried that once Galia had a taste of the thrill of combat, she would go back to her old ways, but Galia knew she was stronger than that now. Ten years with Elly had softened her perhaps, but wisened her also. And she was old, too. Thirty-seven next spring. By God, where had the time gone? It felt like just yesterday she was intent on living hard, dying young, and leaving a pretty corpse. Now? She had gray hair licking at her scalp.

Okay, so maybe thirty six wasn't that old. Still, a sellsword's life was often a quick and glorious one. Especially one like Guardstrike's, who worked with...unsavory folks. This sword...Galia glanced down at it, her right hand rested it's gloved palm around it's sleek back handle. How many lives had it ended? How many people did she help kill, even if they didn't meet the business end of her sword?

The weather was nice, at least. The mountains and forest ahead were ominous and distant. Galia had promised herself that she wouldn't look back at the rest of Feros Province. She would only look ahead. If she hesitated and glance back, she may want to stay. To be there, with her wife, in her final seasons, as Elly had wanted. It was a selfish thing to do. It may all be for nothing, if she was too slow. Eleanor may slip from this world without her beloved at her side, and the idea made Galia's heart hurt. They hadn't left each other on the best of terms...

That didn't matter now. There was only the beast's head that she would bring to the steward and she would be granted her reward. Galia's introspective gaze hardened and she brushed a strand of loose hair from her scarred eye. She tossed the stone she held in her hand back onto the cairn and listened to it crackle down the pile of other rocks. Then she sat down on it, on the side facing to the North, her back turned. Knees high and placed her elbows on them and waited, staring ahead at the forest. Galia wasn't the only one travelling. To do so alone would be suicide- but with even a few warm bodies she could fell the beast as long as they kept it distracted. Sacrifices, as it were. Hopefully, it didn't come to that, and her new companions were warriors as steadfast or even moreso then her. It was possible. Perhaps the last ten years had weeded out all the foolish farmers sons who sought glory and fame and travelled out to die or lose their legs. Eleanor had seen many of them in the Practitioner's tent over the years. No matter what happened, Galia wouldn't be one of them. She would either come home victorious, or die. There were no other options.

So Galia waited, first to arrive, her back turned against the path her companions would arrive on, but her demeanor, weapon, and location made it clear to anyone passing by that she was intending on travelling the North Road.

Since you mentioned that we could potentially play as the canon characters I'd like to say I would like to play Starfire. I am interested in this RP. I've played her once before in an alternate universe RP and I had a lot of fun then before it got closed down so I'd like to give her another shot. This looks like a really cool RP

this sounds cool!
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