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Current Cassandra Cain
2 yrs ago
im 24 now
2 yrs ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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2 yrs ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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move on without me, please. i can't get a post up. i have online classes starting like- right now, lol. then i have homework. so i dont know when i can get a post up
sorry for the delay, don't wait up for me if you are. i'll try to have a post up tonight or tomorrow. im on ghost mode because i have this website open in another tab but i dont want to give everyone the impression i'm "online online" cause im doing all this hooomework.

ill try to get a post up soon!
Annabelle Lafeyette

Willow's house

Annie shook her head, putting a palm up to her face. Willow wasn't a liar. But this was...impossible! This Merlin guy, he had to be some kind of mad drug dealer who could give people hallucinations. Or something. Because...because...! Annie kept quiet as Willow's mom entered the room, turning her face away so Willow's mother wouldn't get suspicious and waited until she left.

"M-magic isn't real," Annie said with a nervous, incredulous smile. It seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than she was Willow. "Magic isn't real, Willow. Merlin isn't real, he's a fairytale. He must have...didn't he hurt you? I ran into someone who said they were Merlin, t-too. Bald guy. I- he- made me see things. He must...have some kind of hallucinogen." Annie claimed, nodding quickly.

"I called the cops on him. This guy is dangerous, he has to be. Don't- don't let him trick you." Annebelle trailed off. This was nuts. Magic wasn't real. He must have tricked Willow somehow, and Annie was concerned for the safety, physical and mental, of her best friend.

Camp, outside the building

Dareen returned the nod to Bellinar, compressing her lips to acknowledge his presence wasn't unwanted, but that she wasn't exactly in the mood for grinning. As she walked around the camp, she thought about what she could do to make herself useful. Apparently, Fatima had decided to take the street kid and his dog under the group's win. Probably a bad idea. But Dareen didn't want to get involved in that. She could cook? But apparently Xandar was in the mood for cooking, and Dareen would prefer to stay far away from his as possible. Unlike Mikhail who seemed to provoke the Reaper without hesitation, Dareen was intimidated by the Warlord Prince. Or at least she was smart enough to not throw threats and insults his way.

Dareen looked at the boy and squinted. Pale hair. Could it be that child she had chased in the alley? Interesting. Well, hopefully he didn't recognize her. The fewer people knew she wore that ridiculous outfit, the better. Honestly, she had no idea how the other girls did it. Dareen sort of turned her head away, but not obviously. My goodness. Was she really worried about what a little boy thought about her?

Yes. Absolutely. Kids could be ruthless, and her self-esteem was damaged enough as it is! Plus, children were just- annoying? Dareen smirked to herself. Still, no point in avoiding them. The kid, or Xandar. Dareen ended up wandering around the camp, staring out onto the horizon. Lookout, she supposed.

Eventually she ended up over at the campfire and saw the little Sceltie dog proudly placed a bunch of...stuff down. Proudly proclaiming he would go after Faeril. Dareen didn't need the Black Widow in a sour mood. So she reached out to slow the dog down with some of her Craft. A gentle pressure on it's back. Just enough so she could start after it and catch up.

"Heyheyheyheeey there, big guy." She said quickly, a laugh entering her voice. She placed a hand on the dogs back and began to rub him a little bit. "Why don't we..." She glanced around and picked up a nearby stick telekinetically. It hovered a few feet off the ground. "Play fetch?" She offered with a shrug and grimace. With that, she tossed the stick in the direction away from the house with a flick of her wrist, hoping to see the Sceltie scamper off after it.

the old man is a grown adult and can make his own decisions
i cant spell mississippi without googling it. cut me some slack
Galia Guardstrike

Galia nodded at Heddywn, then Bowman. She hadn't planned to be the leader, but she would accept. It didn't matter to her, someone could step up if they liked as long as they weren't ridiculous. She had experience leading a band of troops, though this sort was hardly what she was used to working with. It would have to be somewhere between controlling rowdy mercs and corralling soft-hearted doctors. But she was interrupted by what seemed to be yet another potential member of the group. A shadowy figure looking hesitant, and armed with a bow. Dangerous. Galia didn't bring her shield because it would only slow her down, and she figured the Beast didn't have arrows to shoot, and anything it could shoot would have be dodged rather than blocked. But a well placed arrow in the chest had the potential to penetrate armor. Galia stood and began to take a step in the direction of the new arrival.

The sun was beginning to set, and a bone chilling noise swept from beyond the treeline. Galia bristled and stared back at the North Road.

"It's suicide to go in alone; even I'm smart enough to know that." Galia called out from behind the masked man, letting her voice do the work rather than trying to approah. Galia had a hand on the longsword at her hip, her tone was cautious, stern, but not aggressive and the word choice was relatable. That was what she was going for, anyway. It was a bad habit to calculate her word choice as if striking at gaps in armor, but it was one she could never fully shake. It only stopped when she was around Elly.

"We're hunting the Beast. No reason to be frightened." She glanced back towards the woods. "Well, maybe a couple reasons. But not of us."

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