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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
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back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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Chloe Bridgette Cakebread-Yonaka

Chloe looked, bewildered, between the Reaper's user and the woman on stage. They seemed to be having some kind of meaningful eye contact, when the Nazi on stage came to a conclusion. With that, she promptly threw a grenade at the two of them, leaving the Reaper to destroy the grenade before it could activate.

How was she going to aptly explain these new developments to her allies? The situation had changed. The good news is, the battle was essentially won. The bad Nazi was on the run.

"Okay, well, anyone the Nazi's throws grenades at is a friend of mine." Chloe remarked with a bemused chuckle. Though she visibly flinched at the Reaper's ominous Stand cry that she had associated bad memories with.

"Uh, this bloke here is good now!" Chloe shouted aloud, pointing at the Reaper and his user. "I think." She added, rubbing her chin while Ritz shrugged uncertainly. She saw Through the Barricade toss Bad Case away but she wasn't sure if she wanted to pursue or not. Would it be best for her to remain and keep an eye on their new 'ally'? Surely Through the Barricade was toast now that the Reaper was on their team. Chloe wasn't even sure if it was in their best interest to pursue Through the Barricade's User, or just to bugger off. Strategy was not exactly her strong suit.

"You're not gonna go all...evil on us again, are you?" Chloe asked the Stand User.
Kasugano Sakura

Level 2: 8/20
Location: Flying island --> Alcamoth. Interacting with everyone who interacted with her, plus Ace Cadet at the end
Word Count: 1,523
Points Gained: 3
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 11/20

The first person to approach her was a white-haired man with enchanting yellow cat eyes and a voice like he was gargling gravel, who didn't give her his name. Either way, he indicated to her that a biker looking woman (with weird clothes) and a massive turtle man was in charge. Sakura chuckled about his comment and tapped the side of her nose in response. "Okay! Thanks for the tip! I know you probably get this a lot, but you have pretty eyes." She complimented genuinely as he turned to sit down to his food.

Sakura briefly got a look at the woman who introduced herself as Linkle. A warrior looking type, heavily armed, and with rabbit ears!? Sakura practically spun on her heels to watch the young woman run to her friend, waving at her as she met with Euden. "Hello, Linkle!" A lady with rabbit ears? That is seriously so cute. As long as she didn't think too hard about what the anatomy of her head looked like considering it seemed like she still had her normal ears, too.

It seemed she wouldn't be the last, as two more people approached him. Tora and Poppi, a bird ball thing of adorableness and an equally adorable if slighty more intimidating robot-tank looking girl. They were two short little people and it looked like they were best friends. Sakura gasped at Tora and smiled big, placing her hands on her knees and looking down at him. "Oh my gosh, hi! You are just the cutest little guy in the world, huh?" Then she looked over at Poppi and was about to say something before both of them got distracted by Mym transforming into her human form. Sakura glanced over her shoulder at the dragon and giggled at Poppi's consideration for Tora's reputation. "Yeah, she's beautiful, huh? But even I don't think she could ever her hair as perfect as yours, Poppi." She added, admiring the perfectly shaped shine of Poppi's metallic blue hair. Sakura licked her finger and then tried to press down a high flung strand of her brown own hair using the polished reflection in Poppi's hair. Unfortunately, to no avail.

The next woman that approached was indicated as the leader. She seemed to command respect with a cool authority, while also looking like she could glass people in a barfight no problem. Definitely real leader material. She also mentioned the white-haired mans name was Geralt. Sakura stood a little straighter already and bowed at her the new leader. "Yes, ma'am. Nice to meet you, too." She responded, not even phased by any of Peach's self-percieved unfriendliness.

The next person to approach her was yet another robot lady. Lots of robot ladies in this world, but all of them looked very different and all looked equally adorable. She supposed she had "seen" this world and explored it before, but it didn't really feel like herself in retrospect. So in a way, it was like she was seeing all this for the first time. Either way, when Ryu and Michael gave her the low-down on the bad situation they all found themselves in, she hadn't expect everyone to be so cute and nice to look at. Everyone here had their aesthetics on point! Sakura made her mouth into an impressed 'O' as the blue robot said she could speak japanese. Then she asked a strange question that Sakura didn't quite understand. Sailor...mate? Probably cultural shock from being from another dimension. Perhaps her school uniform carried some sort of different meaning?

"Ooh, nice!" She said, then she grabbed the shoulder of her school uniform and pulled at it. "Um, this is my school uniform. Where I'm from, all the girls wear something like this when they go to school." She pulled it up a little more to show her red crop top underneath.

"Really I just wear it because it's my nicest pair of clothes and it would be weird for me to just wear gym clothes everywhere. I think." She shrugged with a smile. She glance around at the strange site of weird bug looking creatures making their rounds on certain members of the group and doing something? Cleaning them?

Sakura was taken aback though as the rumbling storm that had occasionally made noise in the background of her conversations revealed itself to be a voice belonging to a giant turtle person! This was the fake leader that Geralt mentioned earlier. Sakura took a step back and looked up at the huge creature. "Wow-ha-hoow!" She laugh-exclaimed, looking at King Bowser and being absolutely awe-struck. If anyone could be taken in by his boistrious, super-villainous charm it would probably be Sakura. He reminded her a lot of her """""mentor""""" Dan, only this guy looked like a real king monster! Like something out of Godzilla!

"Yes, sir!" She exclaimed with exuberance, snapping into an exaggerated American salute as she did so and putting on a soldiery face.

The others were talking too each other, and the relationships between these people were clearly dense and storied. They all knew each other somehow. It was going to take a bit for her to integrate into the group, but they were all so overwhelmingly nice! The atmosphere was alive and full of energy. It was like an adventure and a party all at the same time! An adventuring party!

The others were talking too each other and tossing around orders and commands and suggestions.

Wow. These people and their relationships with each other are probably really dense and storied! They all know each other and have been fighting alongside each other. It's probably going to take a bit of time before I really get integrated into the group but...these people are all so nice! The atmosphere is alive and full of energy! It's like an adventure, and a party, all at the same time! Is that why Tsukushi calls it an adventuring party when he plays Dungeons and Dragons with his friends? It's all starting to make sense now! There's so much to see and look at! I need to start remembering people's names. Geralt, Linkle, Bowser. Tora, and Poppi!..Mym and Euden-...did somebody say Courier to someone? How many people are here, anyway? Is that really a giant bee over there? Sakura put a finger to her chin as she reflected on events so far.

One thing that had caught her ear was a warrior of a young man discussing the cats. The official named seemed to be Felynes, and they definitely weren't pets. Given the many animal themed people in the group she had seen, it was safe to assume everything in this world was as smart as a person. Like Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. No more assumptions about things intelligence, that was for sure.

Before she knew it, people were being swept along to somewhere else. It looked like teleporting was the way to travel! Man, she wished she could have teleported to Lumbridge. Would have made her life a lot easier. Teleporting was a unique experience, the first time she had ever done it in her life, and it was strangely anti-climactic. Just another way to get around. Hardly the strangest thing she had seen since she had come into this world of light.

But what wasn't a small deal was the huge, mega massive ginormous humongous big arena building that made Sakura's jaw drop. It was gorgeous! How long would this have taken to build? Sakura spent most of her time looking upward, occasionally glancing around to see if anyone was as impressed as she was.

After a moment, another incredibly cute creature appeared who was named Isabelle. It was through Isabelle that she learned the name of the first/second/real/other leader of the group, Peach. Which was a really cute name for a girl who looked like such a badass. Maybe it was one of thos ironic names that naming a big guy 'Tiny'. There were new people all over place, but the one that approached them first was literally the prettiest princess named Zelda. First a king, and now a princess. Sakura had never met real royalty before! Though she had come real close to meeting the Queen of England. Either way, Sakura bowed to the princess like she seemed to like to do.

Then Sakura waited to let someone else take charge of the conversation. Right now she was trailing around somewhere in the middle of the group, observing everyone. Secretly she was trying to learn as much as possible, especially names. There were so many names! There was no better way to learn a name than to ask, though. One of the people she didn't know the name of yet was Ace Cadet, the well-armed man who seemed to know about the cats.

"Hello," she said, a little quieter, side-stepping next to him with her arms behind her back. "I'm Sakura! What's your name? Do you know about those cats that carry people around? They're nice, right? They look nice."

Faeril paused and turned slightly to study the mercenary, her lips a thin line. ”Not trustworthy? And do you think I-” The Black Widow paused and turned fully then to face Dareen, her head cocking to one side in thought. A frow creasing the brow as she spoke softly. ”I never did look into your mind, did I? I never did check.” Faeril winced internally at that thought, how could she have been such a fool as to not check?! Well, there was the given answer. She had been exactly that. A fool who had overreached with her power. Taken too much at once and let something- someone- slip through the cracks. ”Yet you remained. You never tried to slip away, and even now you claim you are untrustworthy to my face rather than attempting to do as I have said and sell us out for a rich reward to a corrupted queen.”

Still, Faeril was careful to pull her gloves off with dainty fingers. Readying her snake-tooth subtly as she fiddled with the gloves. Careful was one thing, and the Black Widow wouldn’t deny being a bit paranoid after being driven from her home. ”Now why would you admit that? There is a Warlord Prince who is my kin downstairs and would tear you apart if you harmed me- let alone his Queen.” Arching a brow, she commented in a dry tone. ”But allow me to point out once more that people who are dishonest, generally don’t just declare their dishonesty.”

Dareen wasn’t going to let herself off the hook that easily. She looked away and covered her mouth with her hand before slapping it against her thigh. "Okay, so, maybe I’m not dishonest, but that doesn’t mean I’m trustworthy. What if...what if, I’m just kind of trailing along looking for opportunity, and then as soon as things get tough and flee and sell you all out. You don’t know! You don’t know anything about me, and yet, your protective Warlord Prince has left you alone with me and you didn’t even consider me a threat until I brought it up." Dareen rambled, not even realising she had clocked and then pointed out Faeril’s slightly defensive posture and preparation of poison.

She leaned back into the wall, letting her boots drag along the ground a little bit.

” Would you rather I did force myself into your mind?” Faeril stated softly, but there was iron there. ” Tear into your secrets and leave it all bare? I don’t like doing that. I don’t like to invade people’s inner thoughts, Dareen.” The Black Widow’s lip curled. ”It is… unclean.”

Dareen shook her head, looking conflicted. ”I mean...no." She stood up straight against the wall. "But maybe I deserve it. I thought it would happen, but it didn’t. I thought...maybe it was fate. That I should meet you." She trailed off. Her heart was racing and she wasn’t exactly sure what to say, or what she was even trying to say.

"You could at least ask me some questions. You don’t even know why I’m here, what my intentions are. I don’t even think you know my last name- I don’t-" She swore a single syllable curse in Pruulish. "I don’t even know why I’m here, really."
”We never had the time.” Logic, cool and collected, was Faeril’s greatest weapon. The dispassion she displayed to most people. The aloofness born of being far too close. Faeril studied the Pruulish witch and gave a small nod of agreement. Of apology. ”Fate is never a simple thing. You came here because you were at the right place at the right time- or the other way around. But, you are not wrong. So, Dareen ‘Whose-last-name-eludes-me’. What is your name? And why did you come to my village?” Well, at least she was going to be tearing through the woman’s mind. Faeril always hated that. She could do it, and would, but she was a Healer. Not merely a Black Widow.

Dareen exhaled, smirking a little bit. It faded quickly. "My name is Dareen Kahina. And...it’s not that I came to Aren as much as I stumbled across it. I was merely travelling north, away from my homeland of Pruul, when Xandar ‘found’ me, and apparently decided that I would be of interest to you." She explained, with a bemused shrug. Recounting the incredibly simple sounding event that led to her being dragged into all of this. Nothing more than a chance meeting. She left it there, leaving crucial words unsaid, such as why she was leaving her homeland.

Faeril shifted uncomfortably reminded of their missing member. ”So simple, yet not.” Sitting back on one of the trunks, she let her skirts drape across the wood as she arranged them carefully. ”But if you are not to be trusted, your words and not my own, then why were you heading North away from Pruul? Away from family and friends, comfort, I would presume.”

Dareen bit her lower lip and moved her jaw to the side. Time to just come out with it, she supposed internally. She couldn’t move on without the truth being out in the open. Didn’t make it any easier, any less shameful.

"Something like that..." She trailed off briefly. "I was...running. Running away. From where I was, from what...from what I was doing." She tried to put it into words.

"I used to run with...with a mercenary company. Closest thing I ever had to a family, really. We were the only kind allowed to exist. The kind that traded blood for coin, the kind that had the approval of the Queen." She said, her voice going low, her eyes on the wooden floor. She kept going, though, not wanting to leave anything implied.

"The kind that hunted the enemies of the Queen." She crossed her arms and dug her fingers into the cloth.

The Black Widow winced slightly at the meaning behind those words. The hunting and killing of Black Widows and anyone the Queen could poise to being a threat or a bandit was something that happened. All underhanded, but it happened. Faeril was a few centuries old, young for one of the long-lived races though she rarely admitted to that fact. The appearance of age gave her a boost as a no-nonsense Healer. ”And you enjoyed it?” There was that dispassionate voice as she considered the woman across from her.

Dareen briefly looked up at Faeril and considered her briefly. "In the same way that anyone enjoys the work they are good at. Finding Black Widows became a regular occurance as the Queen trusted us more. The tracking, the hunting, the fight. It was challenging work, and paid well." Her voice was grimmer in tone as she committed to this confession. Now she offered no excuses and just let it sit there, not attempting to defend herself or sugarcoat the truth.

Faeril forced herself to remember that Dareen was from a short-lived race. That she had no hand in the whispers and framings that force Black Widows to bow to the Queens or die. ”Regular… And what is regular?” She hoped it was maybe a handful a year. Young Black Widows born of recent years and not the elder witches that held the knowledge. Those ancient crones had gone to ground.If only her aunt had been so wise, Faeril thought wearily.

Dareen shrugged passively. "Don’t know. Two or three a year towards the end. Mixed it with the other...targets. We also ran protection and all that. If a despot wanted someone to get their hands dirty, we could be there." Dareen looked away from Faeril. "Most around my age. A few old ones. Some younger." She furrowed her eyebrows and stared not at the wooden floor, but past it. "The last one...I couldn’t tell how old she was for sure. But she looked and sounded younger than me. We had to burn her out, then we cut her down. It..." She closed her eyes for a short moment. "Made me consider. For the first time that..." She seemed to come back into reality and stared at Faeril, her dark eyes two muddy pools of sand, blood, and regret.

"Faeril...I am a bad person." She concluded succinctly.

Faeril closed her eyes, unable to hide the pain and anger that the thought of her sisters in the Hourglass being burned out of their homes and cut down caused her. ”Why.” It was a demand and there was raw pain in the Black Widow’s voice as she asked it. ”Why did you choose to hunt down my sisters when there were other options.”

Dareen was silent for a moment as she saw the hurt she caused Faeril. Really the first time she had ever seen her actions hurt someone she knew directly. Faeril was a healer. A good person who fixed, who didn’t destroy. She asked a very hard question.

"Because...because the lives of those I didn’t know didn’t matter. Mortal lives have no inherent value outside of that is perceived by the individual. I didn’t know your sisters. They didn’t matter to me. No one except my brothers in arms did. I lived by the sword, so I would die by the sword. It was honest." Dareen’s words slowly stopped becoming her own as she echoed the man who has had the most influence over her short life.

"Honest work. Kill, or be killed. Everything else, the society and rules we have constructed and choose to live in, are just extensions of that single, simple concept." She explained passively. It wasn’t a particular hatred of the Black Widows. In her life, it was a total disregard for all life. It could have been anyone on the other side of her blade. Dareen sat neutrally, trying not to defend herself. To offer excuses. She wanted Faeril to be the judge, jury, and executioner on the truth. What could she say, really, to defend herself? That she had changed? That wasn’t true.

"Honest," She added bitterly, with a hollow smirk. "Like you said. I’m not dishonest. I’m trustworthy and reliable in what I do." Dareen concluded. Hopefully, she thought, that was a good enough answer for a question as hard to answer as to why people choose to kill. It’s easy to kill when no life, not even one’s own, has value.

Faeril’s mouth was a thin line as she studied Dareen. She did not like what she had heard, but there was truth in those words. Minutes ticked past before Faeril spoke again, searching for the words she needed. For once, her skills as a witch failed her. ”And now? Would you slaughter an old woman for her caste or a babe for who their mother was?”

Dareen shook her head quite quickly. "No. I wouldn’t. It was never about the people I killed. It didn’t matter who they were or where they had come from. It was about the money, and my brothers, and the sword.” She paused, furrowing her brow. Then she raised an index finger and pointed it at the invisible truth in the middle of the room.

But...the people with the gold were all the same, and the people they wanted dead were very often all the same. So I often slaughtered old women for her caste, and babes for who their mother was, even if I claimed that it didn’t matter. Right? That’s the rub. I didn’t care, but the people paying me certainly did. Oops." She shrugged with faux-flippancy, mocking herself. She had never personally killed a baby before, but some of the people she killed had to have had children somewhere, so she didn’t bring that up as a defence.

Faeril closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. Then she opened the blue icy gaze again. ”So you would betray us for coin?” The voice shook slightly as the Black Widow spoke and her eyes were dangerously flinty. ”All for the sake of coin that people have hunted and killed my sisters of the Hourglass. Claiming them to be unnatural women to the point I must work the magic of that craft in the deepest part of my Eyrie without the sun or sky in sight. That I must harvest the herbs and plants I would need in the darkest of nights in the wild? Growing it and to be proven to grow it would mean a death sentence.” Faeril took a shaky breath and a question came. ”Do you know what witchblood is? It’s a red flower, common in Terreille.” She gave a brief description of the beautiful bloom.

Dareen kept quiet as Faeril asked her questions. In confessing, she couldn’t help but recede into an unusually unemotional state. She nodded slightly as she asked her final question, the one she wanted an answer, too. The mercenary felt like she knew where Faeril was going, but she answered anyway.

"Yeah," she answered quietly, "A little."

"Only when we hung around the area long enough," She added, remembering several hard to forget images of red flowers and violence.

"There is a story that those flowers whisper the name of who was killed. How many will whisper of witches you killed?" Faeril asked harshly. She looked away harshly as she took a shake breathe. Darren was nothing more than a murderer in some sense. A horris thought, but none the less true she had killed for marks, the Blood's money. "I will leave Fatima to pass judgment. I cannot. You murdered people and got paid for it. All because-" The Black Widow turned her head away. Torn between wanting to like the woman and disgust for the murders Dareen had committed. "What? Did you hope I would absolve you of the guilt? You chose to pick u p the blade and murder innocents- not all of them, but there were innocents in there, were they not?"

Dareen shook her head. "Probably," She said simply.

"Faeril, I...I’m not looking for absolution. Or...forgiveness. But I wanna do the right thing. So I couldn’t keep this a secret. Especially since...well, I thought you already knew." She chuckled lightly, awkwardly, floundering slightly at the gravity of the situation.

"I don’t want to betray you. I won’t. I-” She hesitated, frustrated. She didn’t want to guilt trip Faeril into going easy on her. As far as Dareen was concerned, she deserved whatever harsh judgement was coming her way. She had accepted that when they first met.

”I’m looking for closure. Whatever form that takes. Be it helping you all do what needs to be done, or finally watering some witchblood of my own. Or both. I thought I would tell you, first, since, well..." Dareen trailed off. Since you’re a Black Widow,

Faeril ran a hand over her face, torn between her emotions. The killing of Black Widows stung, and it had been one thing to be a mercenary… But to be a hunter of innocents? Oh, she knew not all Black Widows were innocent, especially now. Yet, it stung. It made her want to water the ground with Dareen’s blood. But the Pruulish witch was little more than a child in the sense of the corruption that had plagued the realm. She could hardly be blamed for what was today’s society.

It didn’t make Faeril feel any better.

”I must think on this… But Fatima will have the final say.” Yes, let it be the Queen’s problem. Because this judgement was too much, too messy for the Black Widow’s hands. ”Stay or go play dice with Denvar. I have business to attend to.”

Dareen finally looked up at Faeril solemnly. "All right. I know it doesn’t really mean anything but...I’m sorry," She muttered quietly, taking her leave of the room.

k a y l e e

Kaylee lived in a big house on quiet block in a forgotten part of town. Just a few streets down from bustling roads an bright lights, a simple redirection of traffic could leave certain residential areas isolated. Overgrown houses, faded red bricks, weed-cracked concrete tiles on the sidewalks and vines in the steel fences. Town houses, two stories tall, squished up against each other.

So there was Kaylee's place, squeezed in amongst the others. Unnoticed by outsiders, but instantly recognizable to those who knew her. This was the place of the watch dog, the girl who walked at night, she could smell fear, and she could smell evil. Or, so the stories went. Most people just knew her as Kaylee, the quiet, part-time mechanic who lived with the dogs and the children and who could throw a great block party and really get things done as long as no one was looking.

Right now, her shadows shifted in the hazy orange street lamps, her hands tucked in her baggy black hoodie, her long jeans occasionally getting stuck underneath the heel of her canvas sneakers. Her scraggly brown hair hung out of one side of the hood over her head and drifted up in other places.

Fumbling with her keys, she ascended the ancient pair of steps that lead up to the heavy wooden door to her house and began fumbling with a jingling set of keys, most of which she had forgotten the purpose for. As soon as she stuck the key in the keyhole, the clattering of claws and paws could be heard on the tired wooden floor on the otherside. A cascade of excited barks. Pushing open the door against the furry horde, Kaylee smiled big and wide. Speaking in incoherent dog language, she pushed her way through the pack of dogs. There must have been seven or eight and some of them weren't even in the room, too lazy to go visit.

Those weren't the only kids in this house, though. A boxy TV brimming with cartoonish light and boistrous sound indicated the teenager sitting on the couch tactically ignoring the cartoon to instead stare at her phone. That was Christina. Somewhere in the second floor of the house, Robby played old video games and Jason's room was empty, the oldest of the bunch still at his job as a gas station attendant. Jessica had already moved out, and visited from time to time.

"Hey Kiki," Christina called out.

"Hey, Christina. Dogs treat you okay?" Kaylee responded, her voice textured like rough cut wood.

"Somethin' like that. Ruben's extra jumpy today."

"Yeah, I can tell-" Kaylee said with a chuckle as there was suddenly a small dog sitting on her shoulder.

Kaylee waded her way to the couch and flopped down next to Christina, who bent her knees to make room for the shaggy interlopers.

"You stayin' in tonight?" Christina asked.

"Eh, I dunno. Maybe." Kaylee mumbled, scatching a pit bull behind her floppy ears.

"Well..." Christina said, voice high, trailing off. Kaylee didn't react at first, before blinking and doing a slow double take.

"Well, what?" She asked.

"I may have found something." She said, bracing herself for chastisement.

"Wh-what?" Kaylee asked, sitting up straight. "Found what? You know I don't want you looking into that kind of stuff, Christina. It's dangerous. Now don't-"

"I know, I know!" The should-be middle schooler said, pouting and bouncing on the couch.

"Don't interrupt-"

"But this is serious!"

Kaylee opened her mouth.

"Three million dollars serious." Christina added.

"You- b'dwhat?" Kaylee asked, simmering down quite quickly.

"Pam Curtis. You know her?" Christina asked, the lenses of her boxy glasses glowing and glinting with the light of her smart phone.

Kaylee furrowed her brow. "Yeah. Her dad's the only thing keeping that Hart bitch from gentrifying the shit out of this city."



"Anyway," Christina said, popping her lips. "She's been kidnapped. And-"

"What!?" This came as a shock. She had seen Pam before. Kaylee, as some kind of community leader (apparently), had spoken to various influential old people at town meetings before to speak out against the expansion of the District. Occasionally even speaking directly to the mayor. In many ways, local elections were much more important than statewide and national ones.

"-And her brother, is offering a three million dollar reward." She explained. Kaylee sat back and let the knowledge sit for a moment. Even the pack of dogs sense the mood shift.

"Three million dollars." Kaylee repeated quietly.

"Yeah. Lotta cash. Enough to get-"

"Enough to get Rooster off our backs. Enough to pay off the house, and- and send Robby and you to college."

"And get you a bike that isn't a hunk of junk."

"Hey. Hey now. Don't talk shit about my bike."

Christina smiled. "Okay. Kaylee. Who is better at finding people in this town...than you?"


"Literally nobody, Kaylee."

"I don't want you to disappear so much for so long anymore. With this money..."

"I wouldn't have too." Kaylee finished the girls sentence for her. Kaylee clicked her tongue against her teeth and shook her head.

"How did you find out about this before I did?"

Christina shrugged with a smug smile.

"You're the most annoying fourteen year old I've ever met."

"I know." Christina replied, smugging up her smile even more.

"Ugh." Kaylee shoved a dog in her direction and sat back on the couch. A few moments passed. "I guess... I guess I should get going."

Christina smiled sadly. "Just...just make it home safe. Okay?"

Kaylee returned the smile, trying to hide the dangerous glint in her eye as she felt herself already drifting mentally away from her home. "I will. I promise." The door closed behind her, and both Christina and the dogs were taken aback by how quickly and silenty Kaylee managed to leave the house. Like looking directly at the shadow in the corner of your eye.

There was a dark, unlit spot around the back of the house. Behind a locked, spiked fence she had installed. Several objects covered in a tarp. Beneath that, a bike, locked to the back of the house in chains. Kaylee had produced a duffel bag full of some of her favorite things. Exaling, she detatched the bike and stepped onboard. Wrapping the bag around her shoulder, she placed on a black motor cycle helmet that hid her gaunt, dark features entirely. The engine rumbled to life and she glided out of the alley way and into the city at large.

Pandora smiled in an obviously fake manner as the grating Christina left her shop. The less she has to communicate with her in future, the better, Pandora thought. She was already regretting this. She looked down at the device and blinked in surprise as some sort of projection of Hugo Powers. Like something out of a Star War.

The good news was, Powers treated her with something like respect. He called her Pandora and said that HERO was in a time of need, and that her skills would be appreciated. A compliment on her business, even. Finally! A little stroking of her ego. It's not that much to ask. Of course, though, the first thing he needs is a rescue mission.

"Bloody amateurs." Pandora muttered to herself as the message concluded. Now that she was alone she felt comfortable speaking to herself again, or rather, her plants. "Best heroes-- hah. Abducted...Christ sakes. Already got me runnin' all around town looking for dimwits in distress. Abducted!" She threw one hand up in the air, already exasperated by her work colleagues.

Walking barefoot out the door, she locked it behind her and flipped a small, wooden, hand painted sign from open to closed. After all these years, she was finally getting back into this nonsense. With a sigh, she clutched the...DD device? What did he call it?

"D-device? Detection? Dimwit Detector. Oh, please, save us! We've been kidnapped!" She raised her voice into a mocking falsetto of heroes she was imagining in her head. Running a hand down her face she let herself fall forward and belly flop onto the pavement of the street, vanishing with it as if it was made of water. It sealed up perfectly, leaving no trace except for maybe a few surprised on lookers.

Treading water in the sidewalk in the pocket of water she had created for herself, she picked a direction and began to swim. This way she could travel Passenger Island as the crow flies, without having to worry about architecture except for the occasional underground tunnel. Manipulating the currents allowed her a fast moving bubble of water that moved with her as if she was being carried by river rapids. Pandora had never done this before, but a past life had granted her decades of practice in ground swimming. Completing a circuit around Passenger Island just to make sure they weren't here, she would dive into the ocean and make her way even quicker towards the main island and begin searching for the lost heroes there. An underground, gorgeous torpedo of a woman with an impeccable sense of direction.

Kasugano Sakura

Level 2: 6/20
Location: Flying Island, meeting the main group
Word Count: 832
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 8/20

Sakura held on tight to the dragon's claws wrapped around her body. She couldn't help but look down every once in a while. The alternative was screwing her eyes shut and constantly reminding herself she doesn't have a fear of heights. The good news is, this present danger was a nice distraction to the overall strangeness of her situation. Fortunately, Sakura's overall airheadedness and penchant for adventure made her a perfect fit for this new world. Kei would probably be having a mental breakdown about the implications of all this.

Plus...thinking about it too hard wouldn't help anyone. It would just slow her down. Accepting her reality at face value and going along with, continuing to try and do good, was her best course of action.

So, she held on tight, occasionally giddily glancing down at the varied environments below her to feel a pit form in her stomach for the thrill of it. Despite everything, this was a new and exciting chapter of her life. Sakura was eager to explore. She was ready to fight, and meet other fighters. Make new friends and learn new things.

Soaring over mountain ranges and rivers in a dragon's claw. This was literally the stuff little kids dream about. The only pesky issue was that existential threat to all the free will in the multiverse. Mym spotted the group of adventurers before she did, and begun to pitch downward. At first she thought it might be some kind of optical illusion, but the whole island was suspended in mid air. It was an incredible sight. However, she also really wanted to get to know the people she was going to be travelling with.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at the electic group, trying to make out some of the details. They were a colorful bunch, big and small and of all shapes and sizes. Some of them even seemed like giant monsters, but Sakura already learned with Mym that anything can be like anything no matter what they look like.

As Euden and Mym came in for a landing with Sakura along for the ride, they brought her down slowly as to not crush her to death immediately. "Thank you Mym, thanks Euden! Thanks for the ride! Arigato!" She thanked her travelling companions quite redundantly as she dropped to the ground.

Sakura stumbled for a moment as she was released and jogged forward. Coming to a stop, her heels skidded along the grass for a moment. Everyone, it seemed, had set up camp.

Her big brown eyes were wide and her dark brown hair was all tossed up, messy, and wind-whipped. The late teenager stood at average height with an unusually athletic build for someone her age. A bandana with long white strips trailed behind her in the wind. She was wearing a japanese sailor outfit for girls, a seifuku. It seemed to be a little undersized, because really it was just aesthetic covering for her real outfit underneath. A red cropped gym top, red shorts, big red fighting gloves, and big red sneakers was underneath her sailor outfit and was the true core of her character. The student look seemed to be a flimsy facade, easily displaced to see the modern street warrior underneath. As if at moment's notice she could tear the student outfit off, fling into the wind, and drop down into 100 push ups. Which, of course, she literally had done one time, but her mom wasn't happy about having to buy a new outfit.

Either way, Sakura was not put off by the daunting task of first impressions. She was already finding her footing in this new world. The real best thing, though, was that not a single one of them had the spooky red eyes of Galeem. They were all themselves!

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" She declared, slapping her hands to her sides and bowing respectfully. The greeting was a habit, but hopefully the message she was trying to convey was universal. Upon realising that it might not be, she stood up straight and tried the American way. Everyone here seemed to speak English, or something like it, it was kind of hard to tell.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Sakura, and...I'm here to help!" She said proudly, striking a 'heroic' pose and a big, toothy smile. She had a japanese accent, but when you're a street fighter like her, it's important to get mastery over a few different languages. Especially English.

"I'm looking forward to getting to know...everyone!" She exclaimed, her eyes glancing. She seemed especially interested in the non-traditionally human members of the group, giant turtles, fox people, dragon people, more robots! A bear and a bird! A really old looking guy! In the end, though, no one could avoid Sakura's curious, gregarious gaze.

"Is there uh, a leader or something I should talk too first?" She asked. It was impossible for her to put together any sort of hierarchy on first glance, and she didn't want to make any more wrong assumptions.

Um, no I'm not waiting, but you can post. My posting slipped through my fingers this week and I forgot. You can post with the assumption that Starfire followed his orders and then is on her way to help Wonder Girl and Wraith. We could go with the 'camera' as it were not really cutting to her perspective yet you know?

Winton, in the Inn with Faeril

Dareen had been placed in a position she would never have imagined she would find herself in just six months ago. Lone bodyguard of a Black Widow. Being somewhat of a social pushover it wasn't the hardest thing in the world to wordlessly imply what Dareen should do and have her do it. But as Faeril, the Black Widow, complained about her companions, her back turned, moving and arranging the trunks and the items within them, a pit of guilt and dread sat within the Pruulish woman's heart. This didn't feel right. Dareen had to say something. It was probably a bad time, given that Faeril may be in a bad mood, but this was the first time she and Faeril had been alone with each other. Truly alone, with no one to listen in.

Her heart rate ticked up nervously as she smiled weakly, nodding along with her complaints. Her sword was sheathed on her hip, her two hands wringing each other and cracking joints. As it so often was, Dareen's back was against the wall. Literally, and figurativly. With plans of returning home to Pruul, and with the Black Widow she had found herself serving isolated from the others, an opportunity had presented itself.

After a long silence, she worked up the courage to begin speaking. "Um...Faeril." She started quietly, waiting for the Black Widow to acknowledge her. I have to talk to you about something and...I..." She glanced around the empty room, exasperated. "Wh- why am I here? Alone? With you?" The ex-mercenary asked.

"You...you know what I've done. What I do. I'm not...trustworthy." Dareen managed. She leaned forward, emphasising her point with earnestly clenched fists. Dareen was a killer. A murderer. She exhanced blood for coin. Moreover she gained power and wealth by hunting down and killing Black Widows. Healers and exiles. How many little hilltop homes had she kicked the doors in? How many Black Widows and their found familes has Dareen torn apart with steel and strategy? To her shame, she didn't know the exact number. Perhaps it wasn't that Dareen wasn't trustworthy, she wasn't worthy, period. Instead of hatred and disdain, she had been mostly treated with respect and cordiality. She even liked these people, and it seemed like some of them actually liked her, too. It didn't feel right. It didn't feel real. Dareen knew she had somehow tricked her way into becoming these people's ally. These feelings were all bottled up and much to her chagrin, needed to be talked about.
@LadyRunic I'm gonna post today in like an hour here. I haven't been able to be writing as much this last week and I lost track of time when it came to this RP. Post today for sure
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