Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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@SilverPaw okay cool! no pressure. just trying to communicate i guess, lol
@SilverPaw Hey just so you know, I was waiting for a Valerian post before going, since Emily was the last one that talked in their conversation. I can post first if you'd like but I thought it would be best if you went first instead of me. If we're taking turns, that is. I know there isn't a post order, but, idk. Just letting you know. I can post I've just been holding off to see what Valerian would do.

and i would feel dumb if you were waiting for me, lol
Emily Dawson

Emily waited at Valerian's behest. Though the rare sight of her being annoyed flashed over her features. It passed, though, and she took a step back to consider what her friend was saying. The blonde didn't seem convinced, though.

"They're trapped in the mirror! Behind a window. There's nothing to do but go in." Emily implored. But after a moment she sighed, her face turning a little red and sad.

"Maybe I'm just overeager. I've been waiting for something like this to happen ever since I was a girl. Even if I do get trapped, at least I know that I wasn't totally crazy all along." Her lower lip trembled. "But okay. If you really don't think I should try to help right away, I'll trust your judgement Valerian. I don't have the best memory, but I take excellent notes!" Her mood switched totally back to her normal cheerful self.

Reaching into her purse she produced a blue notebook with a bright pink pencil tucked into the spine. She began flipping through the pages. She asked herself under her breath about number 3 pencils. Valerian could catch glimpses of pencil sketches of all sorts. From beautiful landscapes, occult symbols, to utterly insane, undecipherable handwriting. One of the more striking things was detailed portraits of the other members of the group, Valerian included. She wasn't trying to hide anything, the journal was in full view.

Emily began to quickly illustrate the mirror infront of them. She drew rapidly, but with precision. Soon a illustration of what was before them began to take shape. The frame of the mirror, the person inside, a little dialogue bubble that says "Don't go!" As she did, she whispered the basic plot outline of Sleeping Beauty.

Once this was done Emily began flipping through the pages. "Doors are everywhere. Make symbols. Doors are everywhere...make circles? Symbols are everywhere, make doors." Emily began to mumble such phrases as she tried to make sense of the door infront of her. Maybe she had read something about this? She examined the mirror for any symbols that would stand out. She put her face quite close to the glass, the tip of her nose coming within inches of the doorway.

Either way, she found documenting the strange things in this world in any way possible helped bring them into focus. Now that the drawing of the mirror was on paper, it felt more real, and grounded. Now it definitely existed in a place outside of Valerian and Emily's mind.

Here comes the group mom? Let me know if I need to change or add anything.

Ahmar Aezil

Ahmar Aezil was relaxing, his booted feet resting on the table infront of him. His gloved hands were interlaced over his midsection. His handsome, stubbled brown face, marked with familiar red tattoos, was shadowed by his hood and obscured by his scarf. Dark eyes peered up at Bellinar as he approached. Though his mouth was hidden, Ahmar's eyes carried his polite smile for him. He didn't get up or react much at all to the Warlord Prince's bold approach.

"Bellinar. Your price? Your honor and pride wasn't enough, I suppose." The tone was cordial, but there was no attempt to disguise his contempt. He rose a placating hand pre-emptively.

"I understand you meant your financial gains- and that will be discussed. Gotta pay off those gambling debts somehow, hmm? But for now, I'd like to know about these powerful people protecting the Black Widow. Who are they? How many? What jewels to they wear?" He removed his feet from the table, placing them back on the wooden floor boards. He interlaced his fingers in a cradle and leaned his elbows on the tables surface.

"You understand that the more heavily protected she is, the more difficult it is to take her alive. An assassination is much easier than a kidnapping. I accepted this condition in order to acquire your services. You tell me where she is, as long as I promise to take her alive. However, we are in the same town, now, closer than ever to the target. Hypothetically, we don't need you anymore. We were to strike soon, and now you've come bringing me news like this." He shook his head.

"And the first thing to cross your mind is how much money you stand to gain?" He raised an eyebrow. "If I were you, I'd be thinking about what I could do to help ensure the survival of my beloved Faeril. And how to most prove myself useful. I'm not just going to callously toss my men into the meat grinder of these 'even more powerful people'. You're in a precarious position, here, Bellinar." Ahmar evaluated the situation.

"For example, instead of barging in here and demanding more money, perhaps come to me with a solution, or a plan? Like this:" Ahmar leaned back now. He splayed his hands out in the open air, as if to illustrate the possibilities.

He put on a pretty good, if exaggerated, imitation of Bellinar. "Ahmar, our operation just got more difficult. The Black Widow is more protected than ever. However, in order to make myself useful, I, Bellinar, have decided to aid you directly. I will lure Faeril's defenders, or perhaps even Faeril herself, out of position. That way we can secure her safely. None of your men get hurt or killed, and most importantly to me, Bellinar, Faeril continues to draw breathe." He lowered his hands into a shrug, then crossed his arms. Some of his men chuckled, watching their leader work. Ahmar's lack of respect towards the Warlord Prince was apparent. Or rather, his dislike of him as a person. The men in the bar had quieted down a little to listen more closely. It was rare to see him interact with someone that disgusted him. Usually, he just ignored them. But he was playing mind games, now.

His voice switched back to it's normal, lighter tone. "Or, I suppose I could just stuff a few extra coins in your hands. Then we keep trailing them for longer and longer until someone else finds them first, and a bloody battle ensues. Or, I just lose interest and leave, and a much less understanding a charitable group of men come along and take the contract themselves." He counted the alternative possibilites on his fingers.

Then he leaned forward, squinting. Now some sardonic wit and sarcasm more clearly entered his tone. "Or, and this would be a real shame, I just keep the money and kill you. Then I go kill Faeril and take her head (literally take her actual head by the way, some people are quite insistent on that) to my client, collect our payment and be on our way. Which would...suck, right? That would suck for everyone. It would suck the most for you, though. Kind of a fail state, really. For me it would just be an inconvenience." He relaxed in his chair again.

"So, I dunno. Your price has gone up, sure. But we're in the home stretch now, Bellinar. Faeril is only a few streets over. And you want to re-negotiate now? Personally, I like the first plan that the hypothetical, smarter, and more handsome version of you suggested. You lure Faeril or her defenders out of position, we snatch her up, and we pay you even more for your services." Ahmar concluded. He was having a little fun with this.

"Everyone's happy. Except Faeril, of course. But, she'll come to appreciate this in time, won't she? What you've done for her?" He smiled a condescending smile beneath his cowl.

He put up both his hands apologetically, closing his eyes for a moment. "Sorry. I got caught up in the sound of my own voice. You were about to tell me the specific details of these new defenders, if I recall." He rubbed his chin and finally stopped talking, letting Bellinar speak his mind.

Kasugano Sakura

Level 4: 29/40
Location: On the Atomos over Black Bay
Word Count: 665
Points Gained:
New EXP Balance--- Level 4: 30/40

"Geez, Bowser! Careful!" Sakura chastised.

Sakura began to sweat nervously for her friends down below. Especially Shippy. She was connecting with some, but she didn't feel effective. Even from here she had to lead her shots and the ones around Shippy were too risky to shoot. "Shippy's hurt!" She called out. She didn't want to miss a fireball or cannon shot and blow a hole in Shippy's deck. Back home she could destroy a car with hadokens, let alone something made out of wood. (Wood? Shippy's made out of wood, right?)

"And- oh, my God! They're being torn apart down there!" Sakura shouted in horror, putting both hands on the railing and leaning forward as a huge gout of blood was sprayed across the deck. It looked as if Sakura was going to jump over the edge once again.

Her eyes narrowed after a moment. "W-wait, no! Nevermind! She's doing that on purpose. Sorry!" Sakura cringed, and retook her grounded stance.

Suddenly, she found they weren't doing much better. The Abyssals took offense to Bowser's display and their attention was on the Atomos. Thanks to her stance, jolting her around was going to be difficult, but she could feel the Atomos rock from the impact.

"Uh oh." Sakura watched over the railing as the Abyssals came up from below and began striking at the underbelly of the Atomos. She'd been trying to defend the Atomos, but at the end of the day Bowser could just shrink and they could fly away. Shippy was trapped, alive, and being hurt.

Sakura closed her eyes and took a breathe. (Focus! Your Ki is stronger and more refined than ever! Use it!) As she focused, there was a brief moment of swirling, black, inky energy. The moment passed and Sakura opened her eyes, seeing the situation a little more clearly.

"Hadoken!" This time she fired directly for the Abyssals on and surrounding Shippy. She gauged the distance between Atomos and Shippy perfectly. A variable timed Hadoken, sped up to travel as fast as she could make it, which was a little over one hundred miles per houre. And if it missed, it was timed so that it would fizzle out in the brief amount of space between the top of an Abyssals body and Shippy herself.

"I got it!" She shouted triumphantly as her fireball collided with one of the inhuman creatures trying to devour Shippy.

Sakura joined Nadia, going rigid in a similar way at the exact same time, as she heard the screech tear it's way through the sky. Her ears and tail went straight, standing on end. Sakura peaked over the top of the Atomos and saw the massive bird.

"UH OH!" She shouted. "It's a big bird!" She pointed out the obvious with her index finger and the alarmed expression on her face.

"What are we gonna do!? Can you stop it with your burp attack!?" Sakura hopped up onto the roof of the Atomos with Bowser. Then, she jumped back down to the railing where she was just was, looking down at Shippy. Then she jumped back ontop of the roof. It was the acrobatic equivalent of frantically running around in a circle.

"Oh, man! I don't know where to stand!" She admitted with a whine. Once again slapping the sides of her head, she lowered herself down to the railed off balcony like section and began firing her expertly timed fireballs down at the enemies eating away at Shippy's hull. Something about a living ship getting eaten alive really didn't sit well with her. If she could help prevent it, she would. Hopefully Bowser would redirect his fire if the bird got too close. And, well, she was fast enough to get anywhere on the Atomos in a matter of moments. She just needed to stop being so impulsive she tried to be everywhere at once.
Normally I'd be super down, but, I think I'd like the start of this RP to be like, Judy's first day of school, or as close to it as possible. This is her first year there for sure.

But for future relationships in the RP, like I said, she's a wayward murder-child in need of adoption. I'd love to have her glom onto somebody else's character, lol.
@EchoicChamber very cool. looking forward to seeing everyone else's characters!
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