Amy Rose
[ - 12 years old - ][ - Female - ][ - Species - ]Hedgehog[ - Appearance - ]
It's a very big hammer.
[ - History - ] Amy Rose had always felt lonely. Her early memories are fuzzy at best. One of the first thing she remembers is breaking a toy another kid had lent her in a fit of anger. Apparently, one day, she turned turned up at the edge of an animal village, looking worse for wear. Afterwards she was just kind of generally adopted by the people in that village. Folks who just wanted to live a quiet life.
Times were tough, and Amy had her likeable moments, sure, but her strange, erratic behavior and flashes of anger meant she wasn't exactly easy to be around. Nonetheless, she managed to scrape by on the pity of people she came to knew as family. That quaint little village, so small as to not even have a name, was her home for a while. The closest thing she ever had to a mother was the village Shaman. She was raised by her more than anyone else.
She had a wanderlust. She had to have come from somewhere, right? Amy would often sneak out by herself to explore the wilderness. A strong kid, she was often put to work in helping maintain the village constructions. Like fences, walls, buildings. Being happy to contribute didn't mean being happy with the state of things, though. She never felt close to anyone. Boredom began to set in, and she went further and further out.
On one particularly long and dangerous excursion, she was without warning kidnapped by a weird metal hedgehog thing. It was an unexpected turning point in her life, that's for sure. But it proved her suspicions that there was crazy stuff out there. That was when Sonic the Hedgehog risked life and limb to battle his metallic counterpart and save her life. Thus began a life-long obsession with the hero who saved her life. Everything about him, from his charisma, to his skill, to his kindness, to his...blueness. And his nice shoes. Amy didn't just want to be like him, she wanted to be with him. She wanted to help him. And like, kiss him. Which was a weird one- she didn't expect to feel that way.
This encounter also gave her a passion for hating on evil robots. Amy developed her first weapon- a big, big, really big, really very quite large, hammer. Piko Piko Hammer. The idea is that she hits the robots with it, and then they explode. Quite ingenous, if you ask her. Amy set off and trailed Sonic and friends, constantly trying to join their little group. Eventually she wiggled her way in enough and actually proved herself quite competent. She can swing that hammer like no one else can.
She did her part in the big fights against Robotnik. Now she's just trying to figure out what to do with her life. Happily ever afters were never really her thing.
[ - Personality - ] Cheerful, optimistic, naive, and erratic; Amy Rose is a strange young woman with a big heart who gets attached to people very easily. Even people she outwardly dislikes can quickly become a person she trusts and relies on. Whether it's a good idea or not. Really, if one interacts with Amy in any measure that isn't entirely hostile, she'll probably try to become their friend- even if she has to beat them up a little. One has to try very, very hard in order to get Amy to permanently dislike them. Forgiveness won't be outwardly stated, it'll just be assumed. At all times, Amy seems to assume the best of people. Friendliness is her default state.
Amy has an unpredictable, twitchy streak. For example, she talks to her hammer and treats it as her closest companion. She can become briefly infatuated with eclectic subjects and then drop them just as quickly. She's also, overall, just a chatterbox. She's very flippant about violence and destruction, not taking it very seriously at all. Be it her doing it, or otherwise. Amy isn't exactly reckless, but she doesn't have much of a self-preservation instinct. Off-kilter, it's safe to assume Amy has at least one or two screws loose. Amy doesn't realy jive well with well put-together, reasonable folk. She's very emotional, having little to no filter about expressing how she feels. Amy is very trustworthy as a result. Lying isn't something she does.
Recently Amy's picked up a long-running interest in material things. Shopping for clothes, making money, looking pretty overall. Money is great! There's lots of it lying around if you can break the right things. Money can be exchanged for goods and services, and Amy is trying to treat herself. Feminism and girly things, too. She can be quite selfish and immature when it comes to these things. Really, the girl just needs a damn hobby. Being put into life-threatening situations isn't a sustainable source of fun.
Amy is a firm believer in fate and destiny. Signs and omens are important to her, and she sees them whereever she goes. In particular, her tarot cards give her insight and confidence in the certainty of her future. Stability where there often hasn't been in life. It also reminds her of home. That quaint little village was steeped in superstition and mysticism. In a philosophical sense, Amy is a hard determinist.
The person Amy is most interested in in the world with is Sonic the Hedgehog. She is, quite frankly, in love with him. He's her knight in shining sneakers. Ever since he saved her all those years ago she's been trying to get him to be her boyfriend. Sonic, and heroic people in general, are positive influences on her, bringing out her brightest, most altruistic self. It decreases the chances of her behaving oddly and lets her feel more at ease.
Finally, Amy has within her heart the eternal burning rage of a thousand suns. An exaggeration perhaps, but particularly when it comes to her friends, Amy has a very big red button that is easily pushed. Her temper can become scarily violent and aggressive. If she doesn't have someone to destroy, she'll find something instead.
Overall, Amy is a woman of great emotional variance, a turbulant girl with a short fuse and a big smile.
[ - Equipment - ] Piko Piko Hammer- Amy's signature hammer and life long companion. It's incredibly durable, and impossibly heavy and cumbersome. It's bigger than her already big hedgehog head. It crushes through concrete, steel, and enemies with ease, sending her enemies flying away at ludicrous speeds. This innocent looking hammer, easily mistaken for a toy, or gag weapon, is an incredibly dangerous implement in the right hands. Or the wrong hands, depending on how you look at things.
Hammerspace- Amy always has the hammer. You may not be able to see it, she may not have it in her hands or on her person. But she has the hammer. She can produce it from... somewhere...(perhaps some kind of pocket dimension?) at a moments notice.
Tarot Cards- An assortment of cards designed to read the future. Amy has made several important life decisions informed by her trusty tarot.
[ - Powers, Abilities, and Skills - ] Super Strength- Amy's most notable skill and power is her super strength. She's an incredibly hard hitter with her Piko Piko Hammer.
Master Hammer Wielder- Not just any old bozo can pick up the hammer and use it as good as she does. She's trained her whole life with the thing. Anyone else, even if they could match her strength, are likely to drop the thing on their toes before actually swinging it effectively.
Super Durability- She's made of tougher stuff.
Super Speed- Being a pink hedgehog magical creature means Amy can run really, really fast. Don't ask her how any of this works.
Fortune Teller- Amy has talents in the mystic arts, being a strong believer of fate and destiny. She's been accurate before, and it wouldn't be the strangest thing on Earth if she was actually tapping into something.
[ - Character Notes - ] This is an eclectic mish mash of various Amy Rose's with the content awareness scale turned up to 11. She's probably lost her straight man/ Lisa Simpson liscence at this point. But she's still got that heart of gold and semi-obsessive nature. Only, more of it, in general. I also did some extrapolation and head canon of her very scarce backstory. I figured someone who gets this attached to the first person we see her interact with was probably pretty lonely, lol.