Avatar of Zoie Hart


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Whose taking me out?!?
1 mo ago
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
3 mos ago
Looking for an elf on shelf… that moves around the house at night that mops and does laundry.
1 like
3 mos ago
Santa is real… our parents just bought us presents so we wouldn’t know that we were on the naughty list.
3 mos ago
Wicked is very very good! I cried the whole time!



I've been at this RP thing for 15+ years. I've seen a lot of stories and wrote them too. I write as an escape so I try to make this light and fun as possible. I don't have to have anything complicated but I love a good story. The only genre I will not do is horror. I don't enjoy it in real life, I don't want to write it.

My main characters are mostly female and I typically like to write MxF. Just something I am comfortable with. I hope you understand. I typically do casual to advance (2-5 paragraphs), though quality over quantity works for me.

Here are some themes I enjoy:
Slice of life
Post Apoc

Drop me a PM if you wish to talk out a story. :)

Most Recent Posts

Hey Ya'll Riley Here...

I've been away for a few months just to breath and get my life in order. I'm back and I have an itch to write again. I do this as a hobby and an escape from reality, please keep that in mind if we choose to go on an adventure together. I have been roleplaying for a long time and I hope I can regain the passion for it.

I really enjoy plots with action and adventure and at times romance. I enjoy developing a plot with my partner as we go along with a few surprises either. :) I do ask that you are over 18 since some themes maybe adult. All my roleplays are MxF with me playing the female part.

If you are interested in talking or chatting about a plot, PM me, would love to hear from you.

Here are some themes I enjoy...go ahead mix and match.
Slice of life
Post Apoc
I have 1 open spot. bump.
Oh pick me :P 🙋🏼‍♀️,
Saw Mortal Engines today....kinda feeling some dystopian roleplay....or something else....I'm flexible.

Welcome to Riley's interest check!!

I have been at this game for a long time so let's get down to the naughty bits. I'm looking for MxF pairings and I will be playing the F role. I have played many types of genres in my life and I have enjoyed them all. If you don't find anything listed that you find a fancy for, ask me anyway, I am open to hearing ideas.

I am a high-cas to an advance writer. I like detail, ok? Does that mean a novel every post? Nah, but a good two to three paragraphs is cool with me. No-liners please. I write in third person, any other person weirds me out.

Let's face it...Adults themes will be present this includes romance. Be 18 or older. This means I only do roleplays in PMs. I will do discord as well.

With all that info, still with me? Awesome. If you are interested, hit me up. PM Me or Discord "RileyTucker" #5209.

Here are some themes I enjoy...go ahead mix and match.
Slice of life
Post Apoc
Hello Everyone and Welcome...

Some Nitty Gritty things...(everyone has them and I'm not sorry if anything I am about to say offends you. If it does, we more then likely won't be roleplaying together. We all have our limits.Please respect mine. )

*Side note* I tend to say a lot of fandoms but in reality I like the setting part. Meaning, the technology, magic, realistic, fantasy, is just like what they use in the fandom, unless we state otherwise.

Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Doctor Who
Warehouse 13
Walking Dead
Star Trek
Star Wars
Battlestar Galatica

Post Apoc

I am sure I will add others later but I thought this was good for now. Hope to hear from you!
You know how dreams can feel so real that when you wake up, you ask yourself if that truly happened. Yea, me too. You see, my whole life has been strange and unknown. I grew up without knowing my parents, my past but I feel that I am just starting to figure out who I am and who I was. Growing up I could make things happen. Small things, kinda like magic. I know, you are thinking, magic isn’t real. Yea, I thought that too but in my dreams it is as real as I am talking to you now. For a long time I wondered if I would ever tell my story. A story of adventure, excitement, and danger. It is how I came to know my dreams are not one of make believe but of reality. They are one and the same. My story is how I became a light when things go dark. How I truly found myself in the world that I now call home.

It all started with a crazy old man in a bookstore…...

Looking for male partner for this story. We will be doubling so please keep that in mind. If my start up peeks your interest, please PM me. I will not respond to this thread. Also, be 18 or over, adult themes will make an appearance. Other details can be discussed.
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