Avatar of Zombehs


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7 mos ago
Current And maybe most people don't like getting a single line back in response to a few paragraphs? Like whatever floats your boat, but there's a reason Free exists.
2 yrs ago
Hey now, he's becoming self-aware. Don't take that from him.
2 yrs ago
If the man's is asking for a ban, might as well give it to him. Good riddance.
2 yrs ago
Then you'd just be crying about why it's permanent instead.
2 yrs ago
Oh no, oh no. Someone warn his "roommate" Smarty's about to lose it.


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@RabidAnubis That ship doesn't even have any material ready for its construction yet.
Haha I already know Emi's going to like Runik. ^^

Wait, what?
Runik Brandt

The building wasn’t even in sight yet when Runik sensed the swirl of magic around his person. It was familiar enough that he knew it wasn’t dangerous, but simply a headache and annoyance. The sensation faded quickly and he paused to rummage through the various pockets of his clothes, grumbling something about a shitty Headmaster all the while. More annoyed rather than confused when he found nothing, for a moment he debated just ignoring whatever had been deposited on his person. It was oh so tempting, but with a resigned sigh he set his bags down and began to pat himself down. Hopefully he didn’t look too stupid, but it didn’t seem like there was anyone around anyways. It took him a few moments to find the note, slipped in between his belt, and less time to read it before he crushed and incinerated it with a huff of annoyance.

Well at the very least he knew of his roommate even if he didn’t know the other boy personally. Logarius Okopir, or more commonly called Midas. An Alchimia user whose nickname made it fairly obvious what he specialized in. If Runik wasn’t mistaken then the other student should have been Sorcerer or Warlock class. Not really someone he was interested in fighting, but apparently the student was pretty alright for someone with the potential to easily become a rich snob. At the very least he couldn’t recall any heated words spoken alongside his roommate’s nickname.

He stopped his thoughts right there, figuring the two of them would meet soon enough and he could get an actual first impression then. No need to try and draw one up based off hearsay that he didn’t even remember all that clearly. It was a few more minutes before the dormitory came into view and thankfully only moments after he stepped inside that he was allowed to head up to the room. The Headmaster’s meddling hadn’t done anything to invalidate the forms and papers he had filled out earlier, so everything was still in order and ready for pick up.

Bags sailed gracefully through the air, bounced several times on the mattress, rolled just slowly enough to tip off the edge, and fell softly to the ground with light thumps. A perfect toss if he were the judge, and seeing as he was the only one around Runik guessed that role did fall onto him. He let his shoulders slump, relaxing as he gazed around the room that was his home for the next year, presumably.

It was about twice the size of his previous room, but this was shared so that was to be expected. The layout divided the room into two mirrored sides, and he figured a few things needed to be moved around on his part at the least. The hardwood floor was a nice touch over the carpet he had last year though. He slipped his shoes off by the entrance, tossed his beanie onto the bed, and set his backpack off to the side before cracking his knuckles. Runik wondered if anyone was below him at the moment as he glanced at the floor, but figured an apology afterwards would be enough. With that he approached the bed frame, took a deep breath, and pulled. It did not wish to co-operate and protested his decision greatly with a screech.
Well I'm up north in Canada and there's been a grand total of maybe 10cm of snow so far? Not that I miss shoveling my drive way, but it just feels wrong.
After a while (since I've read everything, know some people are too busy to read all the posts) I'll write a summary of each day.

Oh you're so based, I would shower you with ratings if it were possible. You'll have to settle with an imaginary internet point for each post I guess.
@Zombehs Sorry just thought i'd ask

Didn't actually mean anything by it, just poking fun really.
I know it says always accepting but is this a bad time or..?

@Jay Kalton Nah, but seriously, I wouldn't've put the Always Accepting thing in the title if I wasn't ready for more characters every now and then. Go ahead and make one, we'll see where to fit 'em.

Guise, come on.

Damn it, too slow.
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>
poor Iravis with all these heart attacks attacking her

Well at least she'll recover from them.
Runik Brandt

It was definitely an understatement to say that Runik did not look amused. A scowl was etched onto his expression as the runes on his arms pulsed with each heated breath. Ice crystals formed just to turn to vapor as the temperature rose and plumetted around him before he finally whipped his hand out and cut through the air ahead of him. The surroundings darkened as a gout of flame rushed out ahead of him like dragon’s breath. He clenched his hand and pulled it back towards him and the flames receded towards him rapidly, leaving hoarfrost and a freezing chill in its wake. A clap of his hands and the area readjusted itself to match the surroundings, and the only trace of his magic was a ruined portion of the field. Something he might get in trouble for at a later time, but at least it had helped him calm down a bit.

Fingers ran through his hair as the flow of mana eased within his body and Runik let out an agitated sigh. How was it his fault transportation had been a bit delayed? Thanks to that he’d spent the last few moments prior to arrival with incessant screeching in his head. When the glow had vanished completely, he picked up his bags again and continued to make his way towards the dormitories to grab a room for the year. Hopefully his late arrival at least meant he didn’t have to deal with the Headmaster’s interference when it came to a roommate.

It was rather simple to find a room, but somewhat troublesome to actually arrive at it. The first dormitory he checked had been apparently fully booked, but they did manage to work out all the administrative paperwork and what not to secure him a room at a different location right then. Unfortunately it was on the other side of campus so he had to trudge across with all his luggage in hand and an annoyed expression. Flight or teleportation would have been very nice right now... and something he should look into this year actually. There wasn't a pressing need to advance his abilities with Naturalis at the moment, so a bit of experimentation with Neutra might just be a good idea.
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