Avatar of Zombehs


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7 mos ago
Current And maybe most people don't like getting a single line back in response to a few paragraphs? Like whatever floats your boat, but there's a reason Free exists.
2 yrs ago
Hey now, he's becoming self-aware. Don't take that from him.
2 yrs ago
If the man's is asking for a ban, might as well give it to him. Good riddance.
2 yrs ago
Then you'd just be crying about why it's permanent instead.
2 yrs ago
Oh no, oh no. Someone warn his "roommate" Smarty's about to lose it.


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@sakurasan Uh, why does your character use a firearm and bullets?

Edits have been made. Swapped out his absorption ability for a pseudo-invisibility and defense vs. divination/scrying, and super heated body.
Well, here it is. Still thinking about how long he'll have been part of the guild for though.

I'm fine with either or, and remain hopeful that the reincarnation trick will kick in soon.

We could always push the kiddies off to the side for a "family meeting" and discussion, or just hold one with them present either way. I'd rather not do anything too drastic like relocate the kids to another Ward, and abandon the 5th.

@Takashi How long has the brand/Yatsuragiha been around for?
Oh, GATE-inspired? Sure, count me interested.
@PaulHaynek That was discussed in the int. check, and black powder/gunpowder was ruled as a no.
Well if he were to go the welder route, he'd have been back in the Springdale for a year or two already.

Otherwise architecture could work I guess.
What did you have in mind? I'm intending for our characters to have stayed pretty much in the same "class/pool of classmates" since they were in preschool/elementary. It is possible the university could offer on-site training for certain careers.

Makes sense for them to stick together until they graduate high school. Was thinking something like welding that wouldn't be typically offered by an university and is also much shorter than a diploma program.
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