Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Agreed, I'll update my sheet after work.

Also I'll be posting in ic after work. So you have 12 hours to hash things out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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HounderHowl said
Meeky, your islands do look mighty tasty. I may or may not take a chunk or at least try too.

Islands? I don't have islands. I'm the blue spot in the middle of the map.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonruby
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Dragonruby Putting the Danger in Stranger Danger

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Added some minor information to my NS, mostly to show that I'm still in this. If anyone wants to discuss anything with me about my nation, feel free.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Those Islands be mine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So I had a pretty terrible day. I'll post tomorrow after work.

Also... Islands... Mmm.

Dragon Ruby I'd like to have previous contact, (Rivals)

Meek I'd like to have previous contact (Used and abused?)

And mouse previous contact if that be fine.( past war)

Further details can be hashed out in pms
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Previous contact is all good with me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Remember dragonruby that people who use magic are less likely to have technological advancements. But your sheet looks good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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Hounder, check your PM box.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Missy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hi, shove me in in the middle somewhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HazmatMedic


Member Offline since relaunch

Finished my NS.

Just dump me somewhere random on the map. It's obly a city-state, so it should occupy much territory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Oh hazamat can I have my spieces refer to yours as 'thoses winged basters'?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Missy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

eemmtt said
Oh hazamat can I have my spieces refer to yours as 'thoses winged basters'?

''Those damn winged bastards! They ride on the wind on unnatural and unholy magic! ONLY THE ETERNAL EMPRESS SHALL RULE THEY SKY!''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


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See above an amended map. I tried to put the new nations where it seemed like they made sense. Missy, your nation is the deep red whilst Hazmat, your nation is the tiny light brown one. If anyone doesn't like where their nation is let me know and I'll try to move things around.

I'm looking forward to this RP kicking off. I have finished my nation sheet now. As for relations it seems I'll be making nice with the Goblins.

eemmtt, I know my nation would try to make cordial diplomatic overtones to yours, perhaps backed up by some trade if allowable. But, it would largely be motivated by a sense of "oh darn these guys could beat us in a straight up war." Things may move to genuine friendship later, maybe. But at first it's fear, prudence and caution.

On another note, Missy, your nation of religious zealots is likely to rub my anti religious nation the wrong way. Being friends with everyone isn't fun. Would you care to volunteer to start with tense relations between our two powers?

If anyone else wants to work out a starting foreign policy stance towards my nation I am very open to suggestions and happy to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Edge; I fine with that deal, but I'll still have the ISI try to seal the super air formulas. Also Im trying to figure out the extent of the ISI operation any idea on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


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Fine, steal it if you can but be aware it's an incredibly closely guarded secret, ludicrously so. But if you pull it off then fine but believe me I'm going to make you work for it and even then you will likely still fail. Be aware though that if my guys manage to trace the theft back then, well, it could get very bloody. Oh though you have given me an idea for an excellent counter intelligence op.

As for the extent of the ISI operation it seems pretty huge already, though admittedly it involves non standard military intelligence things, such as a large RnD wing. For the sake of balance and keeping a decently flowing RP going I'd recommend that you assume all developed nations have a pretty decent counter intelligence machine, though not necessarily a great intelligence gathering machine, if you see what I'm getting at. So the ISI will succeed occasionally but not reliably, especially not with really important things to the other player. That would have to be worked out on an add hoc basis. Otherwise it starts getting like mind reading in smaller scale role plays. I've seen people just walk away from these sorts of things before because spies knew their almost every move so nothing they tried to do had any real point.

So, ISI probably have a few operatives in every other nation but they might not be able to do a huge amount more than get low security stuff or things you just can't keep secret (Like large scale troop movements in inhabited areas) and then you have to think about how you get the message back home. In reality the running the message back bit is what tends to fial the most and get spies caught, as far as I'm aware any way. As for more advanced things like moles in secure wings of the military it might not be a good idea to assume that at the start. More ambitious operations to get high security stuff, kill high ranking figures, sew civil unrest would enjoy a much lower success rate or require real effort and don't be surprised if ISI agents in foreign countries get their doors kicked in and shot on a seemingly random basis.

As for their actions in war, behind the lines sabotage etc I'd recommend a similar approach of "they can do it but randomly and unreliably."

Hopefully that answers your question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just reading over the Azera nation sheet, I have some concerns. Firstly the aircraft such as the planes with torpedo bombs seems more 1940's and dieselpunk rather than 18th-19th century Steampunk. As well the number of soldiers is over a million with a population of under 10 Million, seems quite high.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Missy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edgeworth said
On another note, Missy, your nation of religious zealots is likely to rub my anti religious nation the wrong way. Being friends with everyone isn't fun. Would you care to volunteer to start with tense relations between our two powers? If anyone else wants to work out a starting foreign policy stance towards my nation I am very open to suggestions and happy to help.

No problem...i will happily denounce some heretics. Any ideas?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


Member Offline since relaunch

Well they aren't over a million strong unless my maths is wrong. By my count, and adding in a vague number for support staff and other duties, there a tad over 900,000 so withing the 1/10 ration recommended, Close to that limit but within that limit. As for the aircraft their a direct equivalent to other nations powers, though admittedly more based on the sea. Steam boilers drive the big things, pressure gas and clock work the little things. Super Air is what allows for it all. It's thematically consistent and I've run it in steam punk worlds before and even torpedoes were around in the Victorian era, jut not used much because there weren't' many of the kinds of war that needed them.

As for your point Missy (sorry our posts overlapped) I imagine you would be opposed to any nation that says all gods are the same god and that god is evil and wants us only to suffer. So I think that might be a good starting point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The problem I'm having is the inconsistency in that some of the nations are wielding swords and wearing platemail and using musketeers while other like myself are using Victorian era technology, and there is your nations with Self Propelled Guns, Multi-Role Strike Fighters, Rockets, anti-armour weapons, and mechanized infantry which seems far above and beyond anything I would consider steampunk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm going to be aware of the "don't argue." rule and I can see an argument coming. So I'm going to be quiet now. But my nation's military was largely inspired through equivalency with dragonrubby eemmtt and Hounder Howl. The small aircraft are, I grant you my own little bit but that's my main trade off against their nations little additional strengths. But I'm going to let the GM or Co GM rule on it because I'm not going to argue.
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