Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Just a heads-up; I'm going to be away for just over two weeks in China starting on the 24th. I won't be available to make posts for a while until I'm back in the States. Not sure how the story will proceed while I'm gone, but you can assume Myrina will be tagging along, or out of the action a while for some GEAR upgrades, whatever works.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Character Name: Aidan Sykes

Age: 26

Species: Badlands Shepherd


Personality: Aidan can be described in a few words: gentle, kind, practical, loyal, dedicated, introverted and self-sufficient. While he shows real passion in his work, he isn't very fond of tying any deep connections with people; he is socially competent, but he prefers to keep ties with his colleagues professional, thus, his self-sufficiency doesn't cripple his ability to work in a team. He doesn't push away people that try to talk to; he greets them with a kind, generous nature and cheeky quips.
Although he suffers from a light form of social anxiety, he manages crowds or groups of people with a half-humorous cordiality, but should the crowd be wounded people, he transforms into a medical machine. He can show empathy to those who are hurt and can lift up the spirits as much as he can. If he’s not treating the wounded and the sick in the infirmary, he’s playing “angry ambulance” with his GEAR. It’s either that or silently reading a book.

Personal History: Raised in poverty and civil conflict, Aidan knew hunger, hatred and violence. Although he showed an incredible detachment towards the suffering surrounding him, it still hardened his personality as he grew up aiding insurgents along with his father. He carried weapons, ammunition and supplies, earning his piece of bread and leftover rations with hard work, bruises, cuts and even one gunshot wound. When the religious conflict subsided, his family could finally move to a more calm life and away from the messy borders, but this life proved to be boring after having to deal with such ordeals. Knowing nothing else but to fight fiercely for his own life and help others in the struggle, Aidan showed little interest in higher education. He felt the violence of war pull him back in and much like a moth drawn to a flame, his wings withered in agony as old scars reopened during military academy high school.

At one point, he decided to study army medicine, wishing to become a combat medic: this way he could combine helping other people in need with the concept of struggling for his own survival. But thanks to a kind high-ranking officer, Aidan was given the chance to enlist for a special infantry unit program: GEAR piloting. That is when the shepherd won the passion of reading books, especially about pathology, trauma management, GEAR catalogues and technical manuals of operating GEARs. Soon, he graduated as a Warrant Officer, capable to pilot a light-type GEAR and proudly bearing several badges designating him as a trauma and medical emergency specialist; these two combined qualified him as a GEAR Pilot-Paramedic, “angry ambulance” as Aidan japed.

But putting so much theory into practice was rather tough, though the shepherd proved to be most able on the field during several skirmishes. It was there, out in the wild, where he felt at home, bringing some peace to his inner turmoil. He finally felt he was normal again, that he was back in his natural habitat. Soon, he will find himself right in the grinder, something as simple as a transfer to a landcruiser might just change everything.

Personal Weapons and Equipment:


Standard LDF-issued sidearm, nothing particular about it

Equipment: Standard issue GEAR pilot overalls, one set for non-combat, another one fitted with a ballistic vest and armour pads designed to fit perfectly into the seat of a GEAR and protect the pilot from most dangers. A pilot helmet with VitaSign Visuals software installed.

DATMK – Deployable Advanced Trauma Management Kit
An advanced all-purpose emergency kit contained in a single duffle-bag-like rucksack. Capable to store copious amounts of medical tools, bandages, gauzes, drugs, collapsible crutches and even a surgical kit. What differentiates this portable hospital from the standard issue kits is the VitaSign Monitor, a PADD with included wireless electrodes that reads the vitals of up to four patients at a time; it also includes a defibrillator module and software to be installed on any advanced combat helmet.

Another useful piece of hardware the kit carries is the LAZARUS Automatic Chest Compression System: a strong band tied with a strap that ties around the back of a victim that provides chest compression in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Very useful if the medic needs to treat additional injuries or other patients; unfortunately, it does not provide automatic ventilation, thus, the active presence of an EMT is obligatory. The mechanism works in cycles and in synchronous with the defibrillation module, so that the LAZARUS device will stop compressing the victim's chest when an electrical charge is administered. The kit can carry only one such device, mostly because it drains battery life quickly.

Although it is an extremely convenient resource to have in handy, it is difficult for a single person to operate with the whole kit; serious training and practice is required to hardwire muscle memory in the trainee wishing to use the DATMK effectively.
Heavy and susceptible to extreme weather conditions, prolonged sun exposure and excessive punishment and vibrations. Battery life lasts for a week at 100% usage, but it can be recharged with a GEAR’s battery.

Miscellaneous: Emergency flares


A ton of books.

Personal Theme:

Mecha Sheet

Gear Name & Serial Number: “Dartwing” DX-7 Mod. 3/ “Stumpy”

Mod. 3 has a wider main body with several extra hardpoints designed to attach the Quik-Ambulance Modular Container on the back of the GEAR. Due to this modification, the GEAR is less capable in combat and fitted for quick insertions and exfil. Its short stature and uninteresting design makes the GEAR harder to notice on the field, a key aspect for its purpose.

Role: DX-7 family: Hit & run assault GEAR

Mod. 3: Light hit & run, ambulance

Usual Loadout: Primary - M-121 GEAR Auto-Cannon firing 20mm ammunition. Relative high rate of fire, designed for spray’n’pray tactics.

Right shoulder: Rocket launch pod holding a barrage of 12 missiles per launch. It holds a total of 36 70mm rockets.

Left shoulder: 12.7mm anti-infantry machinegun, holding 500 rounds.

Extra: M-89 Battle Cannon, a longer GEAR Auto-Cannon for longer skirmishes. Fires 40mm rounds at a significantly lower rate.

Another rocket launch pod

Other Systems & Equipment:
Standard combat sensors and anti-radar, IR and thermal technology, not very effective. The main body of the GEAR had its cockpit stripped from auxiliary and high-tech equipment to leave enough space to act as an ambulance, plus the extra space offered by the Quik-Ambulance Modular Container attached on the back of the GEAR. Once attached, the GEAR can hold up to two wounded personnel and the corpsman-pilot. The advantage of having such a Container is that it can be easily detached from the GEAR and be transported away by other vehicles, if the GEAR is unable to retreat with the wounded. Unfortunately, this leaves the GEAR open to attacks as the pilot needs to bring the GEAR to ground level, detach the container and latch to connecting doors shut. The inside of the container resembles bunk beds, leaving enough space for the pilot to maneuver the stretchers and to monitor the wounded.

The GEAR serves a supportive role if the pilot needs to leave it for tasks that require him to be on foot, becoming stationary and auto-firing at enemy targets. For its medical purposes, the GEAR is able to lower its main body to ground level and extend a ramp, easing patient transfer in and out of the GEAR.
For quick movement, the GEAR benefits of wheels installed in the heels of the GEAR, allowing it to travel at faster speeds, so long the surface is not riddle with potholes, boulders or other obstacles.

Other notes: The GEAR bears a series of small decals resembling a red cross on white background, a white caduceus on dark blue background and another dark blue star of life. They have all worn off and are barely visible, merging with the GEAR’s paintjob.
Had to wrestle with the BB code a bit, but here it is. Hope it's okay
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Naturally I will be using ashers price (for whom the sheet is on page 2).

What've i missed? Where are we?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

We just abruptly finished our first excercise and heading back to base for debriefing. I think the (returning) new guys and gals should get introduced there. Makes stuff easier I think.

Anyway, I'll try to get a new post up today :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The man who provides dairy products is right - we had an exercise, which has come to a close due to there being some blackmail that's been exposed and some unfair rigging of the exercise by opposition in the upper ranks. We're currently rounding up for a debriefing, after which we'll return to the Claw.
I was figuring on introducing the new characters at the debriefing, or on our return to the Landcruiser.

Aristo, no worries about your absence - I'll cover for it easily enough, and in theory you won't miss a huge amount anyway, if you're only gone for a couple of weeks. I expect a lot of it will be settling people in, and a bit of IC non-combat interaction.

MachineSoul, your sheet looks pretty good, I'll add it to the OP with Esailia's when I have a little more free time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 29 days ago

Introduce the new characters on the landcruiser. Would be more fitting as they could be just arriving? No sense in sending new arrivals to a debrief for something there weren't involved in o 3o
Jus' my opinion though.

in other news, starting Friday, I should have much more time. Which means I will be able to put posts up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashers was around to begin with so maybe a technical fault on beel stopped her going on the mission? You can colour her grumpy if this is the case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Yeah, Slyp, I was pretty much leaning toward that idea too. Like you say, there's not much point debriefing them if they weren't involved in the mission - it'd just be more confusing. The Landcruiser could've been moving along to take them onboard during the exercise, which explains its' location well.
Hail, your explanation for Ashers' fits well too - some form of high-level technical issue that immobilized her GEAR from taking part in the op this time around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I managed to post from my phone. My posts might be a bit bad but it's the best I can do for now :S
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Phone wrestling should be a sport.

@Machine: Furaffinity blocks JPG links in order to get the viewer to visit the real link.. To help give the creator the credit and stuff! I had to do the same with my character appearance and you probably gotta do it now. The link died.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Also, Strype hate hate hates people using his artwork for RP characters, so you might have trouble finding a copy of the picture to use.

Seriously, he really hates it. He made a T-shirt and everything o.0
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I am thinking about investing in commissions solely because of complications such as that >->
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Cart Aye, I noticed that. In a way, it's good that they try to provide some sort of protection; that character was clearly designed for someone in particular, but hey, they should feel flattered that we also like the artwork. I'll fix it.

But, hey, thanks for the heads-up!

@SIlver Strype is one of my favorite artists ever, I love the level of detail he puts in his works and his style. But, hey, it's expected for that kind of stuff to happen, it's not like you can put an end to it with a witty piece of art with a wolfgirl wearing said t-shirt. It didn't stop one dude to use that character on a yiffing thread, after all. He was either dumb or a massive troll.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hi guys! Still alive over here. Just got finished with exams for the month (bizarrely enough, we have finals in just one more month...) and I'll probably be able to post tomorrow.
Also, this whole 'Strype hates people using his art for RPs' sounds interesting, but I couldn't find the t-shirted character. Anyone mind giving me a link?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Rafale Here ya go, knock yourself out!

Funtimes ahead
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Man, I haven't seen so much butthurt in one place on the internet since the time I brought up Israel on 4chan. The picture's pretty funny though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Have you ever tried to tell katana enthusiasts that their praised weapon is a simple sword? Hilarity guaranteed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said
Also, Strype people using his artwork for RP characters, so you might have trouble finding a copy of the picture to use. Seriously, he really hates it. He made a T-shirt and everything o.0

Errrrmmm... Vell this is Hawkvard. Ashers' ref is one of Strypes and I can't say I plan to change it now as the character us too well set in my mind. Having looked at the aforementioned t-shirt though it specifies YIFF rp. I wouldn't consider this yiffing...

Awaiting judgement.


Now have read the rest of that page... well... I guess I can't respectfully use that ref... much saddness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I think we all remember what she looks like though. Hard to forget!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hailfire said
Errrrmmm... Vell this is Hawkvard. Ashers' ref is one of Strypes and I can't say I plan to change it now as the character us too well set in my mind. Having looked at the aforementioned t-shirt though it specifies YIFF rp. I wouldn't consider this yiffing...Awaiting judgement.EDIT:Now have read the rest of that page... well... I guess I can't respectfully use that ref... much saddness.

We're not allowed to yiff in public on the RP guild so there should not be a problem^^
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