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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Biographical Section

Name: Doctor Steven Adian Gremlock (Real full name: S, though this tends to be a bit of a berserk button for him)
Age: 25
Race: Goblin
Sex: Male
Appearance: What? You no have eyes? Gremlock is a charming Goblin who stands at 3 feet, 1 inch tall. Taller than most Goblins, but most attribute that to Mechanist ancestry. Me also have green, shaggy hair, pale white skin, and brown eyes. I also wear a dashing top hat and a fancy cloak to wow the fancy people. (See Equipment for details).

Homeland: The Goblin Holds

History: You want to hear about Gremlock? All right, I guess I can fill in a short biography here. Me was born some twenty five years ago in a town known as Polterblast, known for it's obsession for ghost hunting. I was born to a large family with Father Morgano, Mother Ithlin, and about 22 siblings, of which I'm the ninteenth! Unfortunately, my parents weren't the brightest candlesticks in the house (as opposed to yours truly), so they named us after...letters. They didn't mean anything bad by it, it be just a way to keep us all straight. Me childhood was little special for the longest time, me just did what other goblins did, playing games like "Hide and Seek the Lit Fuse" and "Horsebooms".

It was when Gremlock was about fourteen that things started happening. During a tragic game of Horsebooms, my brother, N, went horribly kablooey. The alchemist who made the poultice that blew N to bits was a man by the name of Kolvin, an accomplished tradesman and golemancer. A shame I didn't know about the latter part when I broke into his store to get vengeance...why you look at Gremlock like that? I mean I was going to ruin his business by stealing all his stuff! The golem kicked me out, but I broke in again...and again...and again. Well I'd write more and agains, but I don't have enough lines on this sheet of paper you King's Rangers give me. After about the 72nd time of trying to break in, I was told that me bro was actually killed by sheer stupidity, he lit the fuse while the referee and another player were discussing rules, and didn't throw it in time. However, I still wanted to break in, as I now wanted to shove success into that stupid Golem's face! After the 112th time, I finally be successful, but Kolvin...less than pleased. Me thinks if this weren't Goblin Holds and he weren't goblin he'd have made me his slave with the look on his face! Instead he instilled a noticeable debt for "damages done to the property", though he couldn't make it too outrageous lest he earn the ire of the governor for "subtly enslaving another goblin".

And so, there I be, working my butt off to pay debt. I work outside, holding a sign up and telling people to come into Kolvin's Apothecary for all your medicinal needs! Though me hate that job, I learned valuable lessons in selling product to people. One day, Kolvin came in...more than slightly inebriated, with more than a few non-alchemical bottles in tow, and ordered me to make potions to restock the shelves. Me first reaction was that I'd finally be able to do something fun for a change, though that soon changed to a sense of dread when me realize me never make potion before, and Kolvin too loopy to teach me! Thus I spend all night trying to make potion, with many failures (note, never accidentally make chicken transmutation potion, it very bad for you!). However, at about 4 AM that morning, I finally had a successful alchemy! Kolvin, now rather less inebriated, looked at my work (after denying that he had set me to the task in the first place), and was quite astonished and bemused at my success. Somehow I had made a potion that he hadn't stocked before. It was then that he offered to forgive the debt, so long as me become his apprentice and make a certain number of potions for his shop. Gremlock jump at chance, so for next few years me learn the trade of alchemy.

I helped his business boom, but I couldn't help but feel like there was something more I could do with trade. Eventually my Apprentice contract ran out, and I was left to make own living as Journeyman. Me try unsuccessfully to start own alchemist shop, but couldn't differentiate meself from Kolvin's now bolstered inventory. Frustrated, I took a walk one day, when, by pure chance, I meet mage, I think she named Amda, but me not catch whole name, on important visit from Tuleria's High Magi Tower. Now, during my time with alchemy, Kolvin expressed surprise and could somehow sense that I had raw talent for magic, but he lacked know how and enthusiasm to teach me how to use it. Apparently, this mage sense it too, so she invite me to train as Apprentice at said mage tower! Not really having much luck with me dead end business, I accepted the mage's invitation.

When I get to mage tower, I get enrolled in Apprentice program, but I notice something amiss. I suppose I slowly learned how non-Goblin tend to view Goblin, as weak, lazy, and stupid beings worthy of condemnation. Frustrated at this, me go to dorm for many nights and attempt to concoct something unique and special that would show those pompous losers! After having little luck, I started to give up hope, and thought about returning to my alchemist lifestyle, when I hit eureka moment. Why not use magic to bolster potions? Several nights later, I came across a conclusion which, while slightly different from my original intention of making potions stronger, was probably much better, storing a spell inside a potion until opened or broken. After conducting tests to ensure repeatability (a topic they stressed highly in classes) and safety, I presented it to classmates, to the much bewilderment of almost all in attendance.

It was then that I found me calling.

I set up shop in a small corner of the gardens of the tower, then start selling my wares to the apprentices. I started off simple of course, little things that would make pranks to other apprentices. In my own spare time though, I made me most famous concoction, "Kaboom in a Bottle", by adding a fireball to a potion. That is actually quite tricky, as you both need the mana to do it, and a glass that won't melt under the heat. This concoction would make many goblin games have much less chance of unwanted kabooms, and I consider it me greatest achievement. Unfortunately, I couldn't start mass production because it drained almost all my mana to use it. Thus, I decided what I was going to do with my life. find the secret to making these potions without the mana restriction. After all, what good is a product that you can't make more than a few of, and which you lose mana by the customer taking it too far away from shop? A few other apprentices soon showed up begging me to tell them my secret. Gremlock was reluctant at first, due to not wanting me formula stolen, but then I came upon an idea, why not reinvigorate my business by telling these guys how to make potions and then setting up branches of the business? After telling them my idea, a few agreed, and my shop was soon set up in several cities across the Goblin Holds.

I wanted to finish my training at the Mages Guild, so I stayed while I tracked their progress with a few golems borrowed from Kolvin. Unfortunately, my mage career was stunted when one of my experiments caused a...small...hole in the wall of the tower. Turns out, you can't stuff summoned monsters into a bottle (well, unless they're very very small)! Annoyed, but not dejected, I went back to the Holds and made the headquarters of me business in Polterblast. It wasn't long after that my word spread to one of the King's Rangers, who, perhaps, got the wrong memo that I was a powerful mage instead of an alchemist. After some thought, I accepted. After all, my business isn't going to do so well if Demons burn everything to the ground now will it!

Motivation: Although me business has been quite successful in the Goblin Holds, I have hard time convincing those outside of said country to try the "crazy goblin poison" as they say. What better way to market me products around the whole continent than to help the Queen's Blades blow up enemies. Also allows me to travel all over to get marketin' ideas! However, with the fame of the Queen's Blades, it is me biggest hope to find the answer to my biggest conundrum, how do you make spell potions that don't rely on the amount of mana you have?

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Rank 1: Heavy Hitter: Goblins like big explosions, and I be no exception! Large firearms happen to be one of me many special-ities.
(Basics of doing more damage with each shot.)

--Rank 1: Raw Talent: Gremlock loves usin' flashy lights and such. Me old mentor always said I had a gift for magic.
(Basics of casting magic power-wise.)

--Rank 1: Apprentice (Fortification): I trained for two years at the Tower of Liveria, and learned some tricks of magic. Me first year there was spent studying less destructive forms of magic. Once me learn my alchemy trick, I decide to focus on Fortification, that is, the art of magic that makes people and places stronger, better able to resist damage or even corruption for a time, and even improve speed, among many other things. It have history of helping castle walls to withstand more catapult blows, though it takes training to do so.
(Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.)
--Rank 2: Wizened (Fire) [Just a placeholder until I get profile stuff figured out...]
("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)

--Rank 1: Awakened Meditation: Gremlock know that to ensure success of spell alchemy business, me must upstage boundary of magic. Thus I've studied long and hard to make more mana, and thus make more potions, and thus make more boom booms!
(Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)

Unique Traits
--Rank 1: Mechanist Bloodline: Lots of people don't tend to believe Gremlock on this, but I do come from a certain line of Goblin that has large trace of Mechanist blood. Some people claim that this gives me better technological know-how and intellect than the average Goblin, but myself, me consider that hogwash! After all, who says intellect comes from bloodline? That said, I do know me way around firearms and am an apt shooter, and ghosts do seem to give me an inordinate amount of trouble. If I meet the ghost of an ancestor though, they do tend to be kinder to Gremlock. As for how I ended up with Mechanist in my blood....some questions are better left unasked.

--Rank 1: Dr. Gremlock's Amazing Do it Yourself Alchemy Kit: From Gremlock's (in)famous "Kaboom in a Bottle" to "Corruptaway", me creations are the best potions around! Due to me training as an alchemist, whenever me has access to ingredients (typically in a city or town), Gremlock can make a variety of concoctions. Additionally, I has figured out a way to inject small parts of me mana pool into potions. If Gremlock takes some time preparing, me can infuse the "essence" of a spell within a potion, which will activate with it's normal effects either when it's opened or broken. While these potions can be given to friendly allies, they must be used with caution, as if somebody were to drink a fireball potion, it would end very badly for them. Unfortunately for people intending to steal these potions, Gremlock often forgets to label them, so unless he specifies otherwise, the potions will not tell the user how to use them. The big drawback of this way of making potions is that the mana used to make the potions will not be usable until either the effects are used, or until Gremlock uses an incantation (for no mana) to "evaporate" the contents of all such potions currently in existence. This, Gremlock is ashamed to admit, only works for a certain "sphere of influence", which Gremlock estimates to be about the maximum distance of his spells, maybe further given training. Only other thing I need note is that making potions takes me time, thus don't expect me to have a potion always ready.

[TL:DR Version: Gremlock can give a "delay" effect to his spells via potions, at the cost of using his own mana to supply the effect.]
--Rank 2: Battle Alchemist: Gremlock know the dangers of going into battle with volatile potions, he read it in book! Before me set off to land of Renalta, me commission one of me friends from the Tower to make Battle Alchemist Belt. It large belt that goes around waist and can hold 8 Potions. It come with slight anti magic aura, which means if a potion goes off while in belt, it's effects will be reduced drastically. The belt is worn under the cloak, which makes it harder for potions to be stolen. Gremlock also been brushing up on techniques to make alchemy better, so I get passive boosts to my sphere of influence range, potion making time, and slight reduction in potion mana cost.

--Rank 1: A Thousand (and One) Trick Shots: Gremlock can imbue me ranged weapon's ammo of choice with any effect I can think of, using small bits of me mana pool. Explosive ammo, rope bolts to climb with, a deafening shot, nearly anything the mind can think of, even if me skill tree wouldn't allow it normally. In areas filled with anti-magic though, this doesn't quite work out.

Notes: Doesn't work with Healing or Anti-Magic.

Equipment List
Elephant Gun: "Elephant Gun?" Elephant Gun. This weapon is a favorite of mine, able to make big big booms! It deal impressive damage, and has a not so bad recoil. The bad news is it takes about a "round" (whatever that means, Gremlock not know) to load a shot. Still, it's one shot, one boom tendency is second to none!

Note: Generally speaking, this means the following. To fire a gun properly, one must load the round, aim, then shoot. The load time is so long that Gremlock can only do two of these things in a round without risking payback. The gun starts loaded. Taking actions to dodge or take cover is up to the GM to decide whether it would allow for two or one actions.

Trusty Musket: Sometimes though, it just not feasible to take that long loading a weapon, so this here is spare weapon for faster shooting. Also great if other weapon jams! Doesn't take as much advantage of Heavy Hitter though.

Adjustable Bayonet: One of me own little "projects", this thingamajiger can use a special clamp to hang onto either of my guns, thus allowing them to be used as impromptu melee weapons. I not be very good at it, but it better than dying to crazy melee charger!

Top Hat: Gremlock always have great fashion sense, just ask me! I always go with it unless it be suicidal to do so (such as stealth type mission).

Leather Armor: May defend from small kitten attack! Because Gremlock and co. know that kittens are deadly! Oh, it also may help lessen damage from attacks, but don't count on it too much as Gremlock have little experience using it. Worn under Fancy Cloak.

Fancy Cloak: Fitting a merchant such as Gremlock, this cloak is very fancy black with gold stripe. Helps set apart from stereo typical goblin.

Alchemy Equipment: Very durable equipment, used to make potions and such on the go!

Small, One Person Tent: Hey, even goblin's need to rest at some point. No sharing the tent (though, for some bizarre reason, I don't get many requests...).

Camping Supplies: Enough supplies, including rations, to last me about a week if traveling places without prior warning.

Backpack: How you expect me to carry all this crap otherwise?

Spare Ammunition: All the stuff Gremlock needs to load plenty of shots into me guns.

Labeling and Contracting Equipment: Paper, Pencil, Tape, all the stuff I need to put labels on potions, and make contracts to potential investors!

Guide To Renalta: Book of useful cultural info for me employers! Human society is way different from Goblin culture, thus this is useful to not tick off me employers.

Ghost-Sucking Vacuum Cleaner: May try to invent this someday, but for now probably not.

Personal Section

Romance: Opt-out. Flirting is fine as long as it makes sense, but don't go very far with it please.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Plushie!

Signature: I, Maxim, agree to allow Gremlock to be killed in a horrible fashion...but not if he has anything to say about it!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


Member Offline since relaunch

Biographical Section

Name: Andrea Llolth'Allin
Age: 543
Race: Dark Elf/Drow
Sex: Female

Homeland: The Underdark
The Underdark: A realm hidden underneath the world known as the Underdark, it is accessible through mostly mountainous areas. It leads miles into the ground, leading to the Drow, the Dwarves, and even Mindflayers. This land is entirely unmapped due to its chaotic and ever-changing nature; a tunnel that was there a week ago may no longer exist now. Most supernatural creatures hide within its depths as well, safe from the overworld thanks to the Drow’s inability to care that they exist, and the Dwarves mostly congregating near the surface.

The Drow live in a couple of large cities, where they sell indentured slaves, and have a primarily matriarchal government though men are not entirely excluded from power. Their architecture and general appearance often glorifies spiders and other arachnids, and they are infamous schemers and backstabbers, though few know the underground passages quite like they do, for even with its chaotic nature they know how to navigate it.

The Dwarves, on the other hand, live in great cities of iron and timber, and focus on living within mountains as natural fortresses. They are known as an eccentric people who have a love of all things rare and antique, and are often compared to the world’s greatest collective of librarians and collectors. They are also one of the only races whom speak and sometimes trade with the ever enigmatic Mechanists.

So much had changed, the surface world had been turned upside by a blue haired woman of legend and her band of merry misfits. And in the ever darkness of the hidden world below the surface, the Underdark, eyes that belonged to powerful entities turned to the surface after the gods were banished. One such entity, who can count on the allegiance of a great amount of Drow decided to send several of her agents, her acolytes to the surface, doing it's bidding and seek out this new, true Queen of Renalta and see what fate will determine will fall upon both the surface world... and the world below.

Motivation: Because she was commanded to by *censored*

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Trait 1,

--Trait 2,

--Trait 3,

--Trait 4,

Unique Traits
--Trait 1. Divine Connection II,
Lollth's blessing, Andrea's belief in her faith and her goddess while all gods are banished seems idiotic to some. And yet... somehow it seems that at times her spells are more powerful than one would expect. (Can ask her Goddess/GM to 'supercharge' a spell, be it using a minor heal to make a crit injured person or a damage spel that deals much more damage than one would expect, additional GM note, can only be used once in a battle/area and only for Holy/Divine Magic).
Lollth's Aura, knowing certain her goddess still blesses her Andrea can will people to fear or fall into submissiveness to her by summoning Lollth's strange allure and charisma into being like an aura, but as expected from a goddess who prides herself on Chaos, she is fickle. If Andrea relies too much on this gift, her goddess will have her amusement by making the opposite of what Andrea wants to happen occur.
--Trait 2. Snake Whip, either through her magic, or a blessing from her goddess, ignoring any claims that she is death or banished still, her whip has become alive, the length of the whip a sentient, living snake that will bite any target she would hit with it's fangs. With time she hopes to either with her magic or more gifts from Lollth, add more snake heads and perhaps have them deliver poison from their bites (eg with trait upgrades).
--Trait 3. Elementalist, Andrea has the potential to become a true elementalist with ease, to control the magic and power of all four elements, she also has more affinity with elemental magic than with any other type of magic. Currently she only has unlocked the powers of Fire and Air, but the other two will come to her in time...

Magic Schools Known:
Fire Magic
Air Magic
Holy/Divine Magic

--Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
--Mistress of Webs: You know exactly how to talk to beasts and animals, especially those related to arachnids in one form or another, and can often soothe them through magic. (Minor bonus to soothing animals, and to taking command of arachnids.) (Note: Webs also make for a useful ropes, or handcuffs... :unibrow)

Equipment List
A dress that is a mixture of robes/cloth and leather in crimson and black colours, with the leather covering her most sensitive organs.
A necklace with the symbol of her faith around her neck.
Assorted jewelry.
Three small knifes, one disguised as a hair decoration, the other two are divided over her boots.
A whip with thorns/nails (Rose Whip)
Spell Tome, attached with a chain to her waist.

Personal Section

Romance: I am the creator of the slut sisters... answer enough?
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Oh yes it does

Signature: Andrea agrees and signs the infernal contract *dips pen in blood*
Biographical Section

Name: Ceann
Age: 232
Race: Dark Elf/Drow
Sex: Female

Homeland: The Underdark


Motivation: To serve House Llolth'Allin and the Goddess.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Trait 1,

--Trait 2,

--Trait 3,

--Trait 4,

Unique Traits
--Trait 1, Elemental Arrows, crafted for her by her mistress, these arrows are imbued with elemental abilities that take effect upon impact, depending on what element is used in their creation. (Fire, Lightning, Cold or Acid).
--Trait 2, Hidden In Plain Sight II, the way Ceann moves and acts, it is easy to forget or ignore her. She could be standing right in the middle of the room but is not noticed by anyone. (begin rank 2) She has become so apt to this craft now that she somehow makes people ignore her even while she is in plain sight of them, she could brush past someone and they would ignore her presence as if she is just the wind.(end rank 2)
--Trait 3, Shadowstep, the ability to move from shadow to shadow, but not (yet without upgrade) through walls or closed doors.

--Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
--Sharpshooter: You've become accustomed to aiming, then firing. Nifty. (Minor bonus to accuracy.)

Equipment List
Dark blue leather armour and black cloak with a hood.
Hunting bow & Arrow Quiver
12 Regular Arrows
6 Lightning Arrows
6 Fire Arrows
1 Hunting Knife
1 Longsword
Grappling Hook (can be thrown or fired from a bow)
Flint and Steel

Personal Section

Romance: My choice
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: yes

Signature: Andrea (and Selvi who will provide most of the input for this character)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by slade
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slade Useless Extraordinaire

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Brovo said
rejected: Motivation is weird. Queen wouldn't have time to convince him of anything: She's busy running a country and a continent-scaled effort to stop a demonic invasion. It's one thing to want to talk with the Queen(s) or get to know her/them, but she doesn't have time to personally convince you of her cause

updated and fixed issues
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Since Maeven Lucre has been accepted... I have but one thing to say...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mechanical dragons, no less.

I've updated Ja'rim's history and changed Acrobatics into Slippery.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
Avatar of Tempest

Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

LimeyPanda said
Mechanical dragons, no less.I've updated Ja'rim's history and changed Acrobatics into Slippery.

It's got a smart mouth too. I'd pop it one, but I'd break my hand and it'd just laugh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brovo, I have some questions for my character.

1. Are there already any existing reliquaries in the Papacy's capital or can I make up my own?
2. Are there archangels in the world's history and can I make one up for my character's backstory?
3. Would it count as two characters if I have a mute grave robber and the spirit of an archangel with him? The archangel's spirit is tied to his skull, which the Grave Robber carries, and he would have no physical body of his own.
4. Could you give me the name of a high-ranking member of the Papacy? They would be responsible for sending my character to the Queen's Blades, and my character biography would be in the form of them writing a letter to Kouri describing the situation with my character.
5. Are these unique traits okay?

--Trait 1. The Grave Robber's Curse: To atone for his sins, the Grave Robber is forced to do the bidding of the Papacy and carry the skull of the Archangel with him until he finds redemption. The benefit of the skull is that its holy presence staves off all forms of corruption, but separating from it means the Grave Robber's death.
--Trait 2. The Archangel's Might: Channeling the power of the Archangel, the Grave Robber can imbue his shovel with holy energy and throw it like a spear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

GreenGoat said
Jebus christ, you guys work fast. I'm still agonizing on the picture for my cs.

In the case of Genais' character we were able to do a more or less direct copy from the previous rp, my own took a little longer because I needed to rewrite his concept a little, still most of the work was already done on both of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Tempest said
If it comes down to it... I might try to talk to Brovo and see if... I... *takes a deep breath* If it comes down to it, perhaps putting my secondary onto the backburner until their are inactives or drops.... If. Until that point, I have an iron grip on that secondary slot.

Elendra said
I literally cannot decide what to do for my second character. As some can attest, I have a list several dozen ideas long, and I can't pick which to do. So I'll drop my second one so Levi can get in, because he at least has a clear idea :p Or if that doesn't help, OH WELL, I tried.

I would like to thank you both so much for the sacrifices you offered. Thankfully, it doesn't look like it's an issue at this point, but I really appreciate what you guys tried for me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
Avatar of Tempest

Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

PCSutfin said
Brovo, I have some questions for my character.1. Are there already any existing reliquaries in the Papacy's capital or can I make up my own?2. Are there archangels in the world's history and can I make one up for my character's backstory?3. Would it count as two characters if I have a mute grave robber and the spirit of an archangel with him? The archangel's spirit is tied to his skull, which the Grave Robber carries, and he would have no physical body of his own.4. Could you give me the name of a high-ranking member of the Papacy? They would be responsible for sending my character to the Queen's Blades, and my character biography would be in the form of them writing a letter to Kouri describing the situation with my character.5. Are these unique traits okay?--Trait 1. The Grave Robber's Curse: To atone for his sins, the Grave Robber is forced to do the bidding of the Papacy and carry the skull of the Archangel with him until he finds redemption. The benefit of the skull is that its holy presence staves off all forms of corruption, but separating from it means the Grave Robber's death.--Trait 2. The Archangel's Might: Channeling the power of the Archangel, the Grave Robber can imbue his shovel with holy energy and throw it like a spear.

1. I don't see the papacy working with Renalta at all. They have their own kind of issues going on and they aren't really friendly. Or someone that Renalta want to work with.

2. unsure what you mean by Reliquaries?

3. Archangels are massively powerful creatures. You might be able to channel a -small- portion of their capabilities, however, you would by no means be able to get away with having access to their full prowess. IE) The end-game boss of LoR1 was an archangel.

As far as your uniques, may be some issues with the first one: complete protection from corruption, insta-death on something likely to happen at some point. The second one looks all good in my eyes, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Okay, so, I see Trax and Nerubian Assassin (or Nyx, if you prefer). What is this, the Dota RP? :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Btw, any slots remaining?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Tan S Lake said
Okay, so, I see Trax and Nerubian Assassin (or Nyx, if you prefer). What is this, the Dota RP? :P

No, this is LoL RP.
And you're reading it in the voice of an oriental person that cannot use the letter "r."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tempest said 1. I don't see the papacy working with Renalta at all. They have their own kind of issues going on and they aren't really friendly. Or someone that Renalta want to work with.

In my character's backstory, the Archangel convinces the Papacy that someone unable to be corrupted, guided by the Archangel himself, is a valuable tool in the fight against the Nine Hells. Despite their current issues with the rest of Rheinfeld, the Papacy would still understand that the fight for the realm is important.

Tempest said 2. unsure what you mean by Reliquaries?

A reliquary is a religious tomb of sorts that houses both relics and artifacts of religious value and the remains of historical figures related to the church.

Tempest said 3. Archangels are massively powerful creatures. You might be able to channel a -small- portion of their capabilities, however, you would by no means be able to get away with having access to their full prowess. IE) The end-game boss of LoR1 was an archangel.

The Archangel is dead, his spirit tied to his skull, and what little power he still had has diminished over years sitting in a tomb. The unique trait is simply meant to be an attack that does holy damage, not something that matches the might of a living archangel.

Tempest said As far as your uniques, may be some issues with the first one: complete protection from corruption, insta-death on something likely to happen at some point. The second one looks all good in my eyes, though.

The skull doesn't have to be very close to the Grave Robber to still keep him alive. Even if someone with considerable strength grabbed the skull and threw it, the most it would do is cause panic and maybe strain the connection between the Grave Robber and Archangel.

Also, the by-itself-overpowered inability to be affected by corruption is balanced by the curse, which affects him in these ways:

-separation from the skull, at enough distance, kills the Grave Robber
-the Grave Robber is mute
-the Grave Robber must follow the orders of the Archangel, including the order to be loyal to the Papacy.

I think the negative effects make up for the positive effect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So, are there any more spots for 2 characters? I want to bring back Lothar and make a new one as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Robert Holden, aka Robert the Capricious
Age: 31
Race: Human
Sex: Male

Homeland: Kingdom of Tuleria
So, where to begin with the tale of Robert the Capricious... I suppose the first time that Robert truly began to live was when he joined the navy as a greenhorn at the age of 16. Before then, he lived under the rule of his parents, who were not peculiar in any shape, way, or form other than the fact that they were the antithesis of mundane. They were simple food vendors who lived day to day. They didn't make much money, but the family didn't have to worry about being hungry. It was because of this boring life that Robert went off and joined the navy at such a young age. He wanted adventure like any young man would want. Course, like all young men who foolishly join the military at such a whim, he did not expect the challenges that he would face. Robert had a baptism of fire once he joined the navy in the first week of service. The brig that he was serving on, The Dirk, had intercepted a pirate ship that had been marauding the coastline. The battle was fierce as hot lead whizzed through the air and crude blades clashed. The battle ultimately ended with the surviving crew of The Dirk surrendering due to the captain and first mate being killed.

Robert was captured and conscripted into the pirate's crew as a powder monkey. Although his new job was hard, Robert couldn't help but admire the pirates. They were truly the masters of their own fate and will. They did what they did out of their own volition, and stuck with it under the leadership of Peter the Lightfoot, the captain of the pirate crew who was well known for his skill at sailing and making ships travel quickly through expert navigation. The lifestyle of the pirates just simply suited Robert and so he worked diligently to climb the ranks among the pirate crew. Robert was a natural out in the sea. He could run the fastest and in a straight line in the midst of a storm, and could easily take care of himself in a brawl or a boarding. It took several years, but Robert eventually became a trusted member among the pirates to the point where he was to command his own ship in the fleet. The ship that he was to command was The Dirk. Soon after his promotion, Robert became bored. The crew was simply too good at what it did. It struck quick and hard at easy prey while deftly running away from trouble. They were making money, but Robert was more in it for the experience. Thus, one day while at port, Robert caught wind of a bounty on Peter and how anyone who brought him would be rewarded with a blind eye turned to what they had done in the past. It was then that Robert's nature as a fickle person truly became apparent as it was then that he decided to kill Peter. Of course, Robert couldn't do it alone, so he simply announced to his crew on The Dirk what his intentions were and offered his crew an equal share of the reward and an opportunity to return to civilization as rich men. The men all agreed.

It was a fortnight later when the pirates descended upon a small Tulerian patrol ship that Robert saw an opportunity. The pirates had easily convinced the ship to surrender since The Dirk was faster than it and the ship was easily boarded by Robert's men. The small crew of the patrol ship were taken prisoner onto The Dirk. Peter's ship then followed suit and boarded the patrol ship as well. The second that happened. Robert yelled for the boarding ropes on The Dirk to be cut. The Dirk then made some distance between itself and the two ships. Robert then ordered his men to fire at the masts of the two ships. The second that Robert's guns opened fire. The Dirk received return fire from Peter's ship. It appeared that someone had leaked Robert's intentions and that Peter was prepared. The masts of the two ships were hit, but The Dirk received substantial damage in its hull and began to take in water. Robert ordered all the men to start patching up the ship and bilge the water coming in while he and a skeleton crew managed the sails. The next few minutes of Robert's life seemed to go in slow motion as adrenaline pumped through his body. Peter's ship was continuing to fire with some effectiveness and The Dirk was moving slowly due to the water that had entered from the hits that the hull had taken. Ultimately, The Dirk was able to move out of the angle of fire and begin to blast the two ships at will. After 15 minutes, the two ships sank and Peter's crew were at the mercy of Robert. The survivors were rounded up and the body of Peter was recovered. However, Robert treated his old captain's body as he had some respect for him. In fact, some of the men heard Robert mutter "You gave me one hell of a fight, old man."

Robert brought Peter's body to Port Luclin along with the crew of the patrol ship. With the body as evidence and the crew's testimony, Robert was granted with the bounty. However, instead of taking the money and returning to a life as a civilian. Robert made a request. He wanted a Letter of Marque. Robert wanted to be able to continue to pirate life, but in a legal manner. Essentially, he wanted to become a privateer. His desire was granted on the condition that he pay for all his starting expenses himself. Thus, Robert spent his amassed, tiny fortune to begin his life anew as a legal pirate under the service of the Kingdom of Tulane. He continued this stint for 5 years until he realized that there wasn't much more to see in the oceans anymore. The time he spent as a pirate and privateer allowed him to travel to high seas and fight incredible battles. In fact, he spent some time as a monster hunter during his time as a privateer to help him relieve his boredom and make a pretty gold coin or two. Thus, a few months ago, he sold his ship and stopped being a privateer although he still carries his letter of marque with him since it helps as a form of identification and he might get nostalgic one day and want to sail the seas one last time.

Motivation: He's sick of sea adventures plus he's getting a bit too old for the gig since all he has seen for 15 years was the ocean. So, this is the best alternative: to have a land adventure, see something new, meet new people, and have fun while still making a bit of gold or power.

Traits & Equipment

Your character has two facets to how they function in the world. The first is their general traits, the list of which you can find in the first post, under chapter 3. The second is their two unique traits: These are ones you design. You can make them scalable, passive, active, or otherwise--it’s entirely up to you. Just remember that you can grow unique traits over time, so you don’t have to overpower them to begin with! You also get more of them as time goes on.

General Traits
--Sharp: You’ve started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm’s way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.)
--Acrobatic: You understand the basics of climbing ropes, ascending walls, jumping across rooftops, and rolling when you hit the ground. On the other hand, you’ve only really grasped the basics of it, so jumping a twenty foot chasm while being shot at is not recommended. (Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc.)
--Adrenaline: The only thing scarier than a fit man, is one with the determination to live. You realize now that a single moment can change everything, and in your most desperate moment, you can tap into hidden reserves of energy through adrenaline. It doesn’t last long and you feel tired afterwards, but it sure beats dying, and that temporary burst of speed and strength definitely isn’t anything to complain about either.

Unique Traits
--Sea Legs: After years of spending time in the oceans, Robert has developed quiet an interesting pair of seas legs. He has come to a point where moving/uneven terrain do not throw off his balance no matter what he's doing, and is one damn fine swimmer/diver for a human. In fact, he's known to become a better fighter when the waves are rough since he is able to use the swaying of the ship to help him transfer momentum. He is simply a superb naval fighter due to his experience.
--In Honesty We Trust: When people see Robert and talk with him, they do not think that he is a questionable figure mostly because of the fact that he carries himself in a honest demeanor. He doesn't have the face of a person who is trying to plot something nor hiding something. When Robert wants something, he makes it blatant. Thus, people are naturally willing to trust him because of his openness and how straightforward he is.

Equipment List
Tulerian Naval Officer's Uniform
Percussion Cap Pistol
Collapsible Telescope
Letter of Marque
A small bag tied to his belt that's filled with gold coins

Personal Section

Romance: Yes
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Still don't know the answer to the question, but it definitely can be made if it doesn't.

Signature: Heyitsjiwon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


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Name: Naream Baenre
Age: 211
Race: Drow
Sex: Male

Homeland: The Underdark
Once a apprentice to his uncle Harrad Baenre a Arch Mage of the Drow and a master of Necromancy, thanks to him owning a particular potent and very dangerous Necromantic Tome, the envy of a great many necromancers who have even heard mere rumors of it, so naturally Naream wanted to claim the tome for himself... that and the rather menial tasks his uncle set him out to do... clean his uncle's robes, clean out the privy and for some reason sing to him when he was sick was making Naream to just want to stab the old bastard. So when Harrad attempted to murder Kouri the 'loyal' apprentice that he was saw his chance and stabbed his master literally in the back a number of times. Taking his amulet and was about to take the Necromantic Tome when Harrad, a spark of life remaining, smirked at his apprentice, murmuring that he was proud of such a excellent betrayal, before hurling Naream to his extra-planar laboratory, leaving the tome behind.

He spend years in that hell-hole, figuring a way to return and when he did he learned that the tome had been taken, to Renalta to be exact in safekeeping with a certain archmage. That tome was his legacy, his inheritance and he would be damned if it would rot away while it was in the hands of someone who would not use it, figuring that Kouri owed him for his service of foiling his former master's plans he made his way to Renalta, meeting old acquaintances along the way...

Motivation: He wants the grand Necromantic Tome which belonged to his master and unlike that foolish Harrad, use it's power to become a powerful lich mage and perhaps, if he feels like it, help fighting off the invading demon hosts.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Trait 1, Raw Talent: After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
--Trait 2 II, Apprentice/Wizened: Combined with Raw Talent, you’ve learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage’s Guild, you’ve focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it’s only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. Two schools of magic unlocked, as well as 'Stealth Magic/Casting'.) Necromancy, Golemancy
--Trait 3, Fortitude: Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)
--Trait 4, Awakened Meditation: Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)

Unique Traits
--Trait 1, Lich Transformation II, his greatest aspiration is to become a powerful lich, to that end he has already been experimenting with some measure of transformation to become the greatest achievement a necromancer can aspire to.
Current transformations:
*Naream has transformed his lower right arm, the flesh and muscles were removed with ritual care until all that remained was bone, they still work as if the muscles were still there but in addition he can infuse it with necromantic energy which will wither organic tissue and have it decay within seconds with prolonged contact.
*Phylactery Focus, to achieve his goal to become a powerful necromancer and lich Naream needs to one day shed his mortal life to become undead, but with his sentience and free will intact, to that end he has finally managed to select the item that will be the focus of his lifeforce, his soul and he is slowly storing his essence into it as his time as a Queens Blade passes. (No game effect per so but required, in my view, for the eventual lich transformation)
--Trait 2, Extra Planar Amulet, taken from his uncle's corpse after repeatedly stabbing it in the back, this amulet allowed Harrad to teleport from the mortal coil to his extra-planar laboratory where he toiled on undead abomiantions, wights, etc. Naream seems to be able to use it to go there at will, at least when he is not under stress of battle so it is not a escape method, however... it's halls and many rooms are filled to the brim with perfectly preserved skeletons and corpses of various races and beasts... now if one had a certain Necromantic Tome with the right spells... one could raise a rather sizable undead host with these materials...
--Trait 3, Soul Gems, normally ordinary gems or crystals but thanks to a necromantic spell of his own devising Naream is able to fill these gems and crystals with the souls living creatures that have died, be it beast or man. Unlike the soul stones powering the more powerful necromantic constructs, like wights and such, these soul gems Naream can use to recharge his power if he is running low or use them to boost one of his spells.

--Minion Master: You're a craven fellow, but your knowledge of how to command magically created entities is growing. (You know your thresholds: 5 Skeletons, 15 maximum in one mission. They have upkeep: To keep them going past a combat scenario is taxing on you. Skeletons now have a small chance of having randomly assigned GM bonuses.) <----- Question, you mean I can have a max of 5 skeletons/wights at the same time, 3 times per mission, yes?
--Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)

Equipment List
Black Wizard Robes
Gray Wizard Robes
Travelling Clothes
Cloak with Hood
Bone Walking/Quarter Staff
Ritual Dagger
Medical Tools
Food Rations
Spell Tome

Personal Section

Romance: Makes for interesting rping opportunities... that and potentially sacrificing those you love for some decent necromantic rituals so by all means....
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Witnessed it so yes it does.... or is the plushie a lie and therefore life itself?

Signature: *lets a chorus of ritual sacrifices chant in banshee screams* Sarzu agrees with all what might lie in store.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brand
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-Snip- Silly question.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zed
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Zed Known unto God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Posting Schizo Dwarf now.
Will post the Revenant once it's done.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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PCSutfin said
In my character's backstory, the Archangel convinces the Papacy that someone unable to be corrupted, guided by the Archangel himself, is a valuable tool in the fight against the Nine Hells. Despite their current issues with the rest of Rheinfeld, the Papacy would still understand that the fight for the realm is important.A reliquary is a religious tomb of sorts that houses both relics and artifacts of religious value and the remains of historical figures related to the church.The Archangel is dead, his spirit tied to his skull, and what little power he still had has diminished over years sitting in a tomb. The unique trait is simply meant to be an attack that does holy damage, not something that matches the might of a living archangel.The skull doesn't have to be very close to the Grave Robber to still keep him alive. Even if someone with considerable strength grabbed the skull and threw it, the most it would do is cause panic and maybe strain the connection between the Grave Robber and Archangel.Also, the by-itself-overpowered inability to be affected by corruption is balanced by the curse, which affects him in these ways:-separation from the skull, at enough distance, kills the Grave Robber-the Grave Robber is mute-the Grave Robber must follow the orders of the Archangel, including the order to be loyal to the Papacy.I think the negative effects make up for the positive effect.

In all honesty, I'm not sure about the archangel deal. I believe there were a fixed numbers, and aside from 2 or 3, I don't know of any that have been killed or died. They were immortals and usually, only a god or another archangel (or something equivalently powerful) usually took them down. *furrows my brow* Have to talk to Robert on all that. I genuinely have an idea that could apply for this, if Robert approves... That would give the archangel a history and reasons for being dead... *crosses arms* Meh.

As far as the Papacy goes... Still, I don't think -Renalta- would trust them. They're like... Baby-eaters. On top of that. *gestures to the royal family* They kiiind of have a dislike of the papacy, have allies in the other factions, annnnd... Well, that's just the papacy.. Not talking about their possible issues with things like... Angels, some of the religions, etc. They encountered a few cool people, some allies, but it really seemed for the most part during their entire journey... the gods were torturing and attempting to kill them... After destroying the kingdom in the past. And oppressing the world... And more. OH YEAAAAAH. And the papacy is extremely anti-mage. And racist. Like... Destroy all magic things, kill all mages. And oppress anything not human... Yeah...

As far as your negative effects... I'm unsure on the death for your character thing, though. It poses problems and becomes easily exploitable... The muteness poses a massive issue with in-game communication and is a player choice deal. If you want to know what such disabilities can do, well... Our blind bard could have quite a few issues at times.

The fact that your character essentially has no choice but to follow all the angel says, again, feels like a play-style choice... And, again, brings up a lot of trust issues and more. I dunno. Just seems like a lot that poses a lot of friction with established lore and hard to work with. It would, quite possibly make you disliked by a lot of NPCs, untrusted and ostracized. Angelic beings just... Aren't the favorite people in the world. The Papacy possibly less-so. XD

As far as reliquaries from the papacy, though... I'm extremely certain they have them, though it may not be established in exact details. Their "pope" or whatever he's called, is considered the voice of god and a holy figure himself, so I bet every one of them are probably in a special mausoleum or something. Kings of Rheinfeld possibly had a tomb too, though they were not technically seen as powerful as the papacy's head in the past, I believe... *thinks*

I dunno, I see a lot of lore conflicts here, personally... but your general idea is not bad. I just see the issues and it might take a lot of revamping and beating the thought into the correct shape to fit. : P
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