Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonyandSam


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Seong-Mei Li nodded and took in his words with a sigh. "I see..." She pulled herself up and dusted herself off. "But you're going to the council you say? Well. I actially need to speak with them." She crossed her arms and sighed. "I have urgent buisness with them that is of the utmost importance..." She looked around and moved the hair out of her face. "Danger is coming.. and I'm not sure of what." She looked at him with a stern expression as she spoke. "But I could use some help in dealing with all of this council buisness and in dealing with the council. Perhaps you'd like to help?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DanBrooke


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Leona managed to get into the gates without much trouble. Once inside, she found herself overwhelmed with all the wonderful people and activities: shopkeepers lined through the alleys and corners; children dancing and playing, their feet stomping against the stone pavements; people of varying races and species chatting and laughing among themselves. It created an aura of happiness that drew her in. Her eyes darted from scene to scene, taking special notice of a cute, short girl with white hair, an impatient redhead attempting to get around a stranger, and a pair of pretty women sitting on the fountain in the middle.

Leona didn't know what or whom to interact with first, but her observations were interrupted when a small child pulled on her pants to get her attention. He asked about her bow, and if maybe she wanted to play tag with him and a few other kids. She happily agreed, ignoring the bow question and jumping straight into chasing him around the roads. A six or seven other children joined in, running and giggling and screaming as Leona ran after them. She couldn't help but to laugh as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

10:25 PM - Full Moon

The stage was decorated with beautiful curtains of red, with amazing looking props(for the time they lived in, of course)that looked fantastically realistic. A band was playing their instruments in a beautiful, yet upbeat tone to keep the crowds awake, but still interested. Suddenly, the music hushed, and Elizabeth walked onto the stage, with the curtains behind her still closed. It was dark all around the square, but the stage was lit up with standing torches for lighting. Elizabeth's on-stage entry was a sign for the crowd to hush...and everything went silent.

"A long time ago, after the fall of Übel, it is said that Mère gave two brothers of equal strength, but different minds, the rights to the land of Arcadia. One man was a warrior at birth and believed that only the strong would survive. He wanted to base the Kingdom off of the ideals of a military society, where young men would join the military at the age of 12, but not before being trained. They would be trained to feel not emotion, remorse, or pain. The other man, however, was of noble blood. A mage who was righetous, he believed that all creations were equal under the eyes of their mother, who watched them daily. The two brothers often quarreled over who should rule and why they were correct, when the warrior king-to-be left, vowing to take his rightful kingdom. Under the leadership of the honorable mage, the Kingdom of Arcadia prospered into a peaceful, bliss, and tranquil society. Until one day, on 43 A.U., the mage king had fallen to a mysterious disease...and the warrior king returned, with a force larger than the city's population" She smiled, bowed, and walked off the stage.

Anthony was wearing a fake beard, with large armor that made him look more menacing. His wig was white along with the beard, with makeup to hide his true age. There were two other males behind him in fake uniforms, with a banner of crossed blades and a dragon on the flags that they held. "I, Zeth of Arcadia, have come to take my rightful place as king of Arcadia! Open your gates so that I may take my throne!" He boomed his voice, drawing his blade. Surprisingly, it was a real blade, and shun like gold under the moonlight. In response, a small, prop-made gate opened, with a handsome and strong-looking man walking out. It was the husband-to-be and he played the protaganist of the story, a Captain of the Guard who was a lost son of the mage king. "Why would a king draw his weapon on his own people, if it is true who you say you are?" He questioned the warrior king. In response, Anthony pointed his blade at the man, with a challenging voice, "If you wish to know the truth, face me, and you will learn the error of your ways."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"You know me Seong-Mei... as long as I am not fighting, I will help... especially since I'm trying to get into The Council I don't want to leave a negative connotation in my presence as their first impressions... I'm actually suppose to try and meet up with them to gain access to their ranks after this play from Anthony's sister, and I would only know her by her last name Tite. Æmire told Seong-Mei in response to her request. He then payed his attention to the screen during the play and saw a Woman address herself as Elizabeth Tite. As she was explaining the play, Æmire pointed at her while looking at Seong-Mei. "Her! She's supposed to be the one helping me get access to the council... but she doesn't even know I exist so gaining her trust might be difficult, or easy depending on how gullible humans are." He whispered to Seong-Mei.

The play had started and Æmire leaned back. Ah so a bit of history... I hope this 'mage' they mentioned used magick instead of Alchemy... otherwise that be a disgrace to the term Mage... Æmire had thought to himself. He enjoyed the play so far, so he can't really judge their play negatively... As those two on stage were fighitng, Æmire would think and observe their fighting techniques. I hope they don't cut themselves like the klutz they might be... He once again thought to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonyandSam


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Seong- Mei Li nodded, giving him a thank you as the play began. She found the both of them a good spot as she watched. She found productions like this silly and unimportant. Such spectacles were usually crude and not very well done. She could see just how unprepared the actors were for the fight seen. It looked very clunky and fake. She sat close to Æmire as she inspected every aspect of the play.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lyarea felt energy thrumming through her bones, like it did every night, and she shifted in her seat with some impatience. On moonless nights her muscles felt coiled and full of explosive power, and she knew she could dash for hours without ever slowing down. Tonight she simply had no need of sleep.

She pulled back her hood and looked around at the audience to pass the time. No mask tonight; she had no plans to steal anything yet.

The music stopped and Elizabeth walked onto the stage. Lyarea listened intently. She was not familiar with the history of Arcadia, and it sounded like a fascinating tale. Still, she thought the warrior king's ideas had some merit.

Excellent. My companion here maintains that the mage son was entirely correct, and I simply cannot get him to see reason. Would you like to assist in this matter?

Maybe later,
she thought as the curtain rose and the warrior king strode onto the stage. He was heavily armoured, with white in his hair and beard. He drew his sword, issuing his challenge to the kingdom.

A real blade, half the voices chorused. Marvellous!

The warrior is little more than a boy,
the other half said. The pretence hides his fair looks well. A match for you, chrysalis?

Lyarea smiled despite herself. Perhaps she would talk to him later. For now, she leaned forward, eager to watch the oncoming duel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DanBrooke


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Leona was seated in a second-to-front-row seat to the play near the middle of the town, one hand holding onto the hand of a child she had met before (his name was something akin to Joseph, such as Jacob or Joshua), and the other hand covering her yawn. Though her body was tired, her mind was racing and her eyes were wide awake. She found it hard to contain her voice during the start of the play, but she managed to keep quiet, if only to hang on to every word the actors spoke. Her smile brightened indefinitely at the mention of her ancestor, Mère.

I'm glad they speak well of our Great Mother, she thought. I wonder which of Her brothers is responsible for the Haukka tribes... I hope it's the mage. He seems like an honorable, free man. A lot like the boys of our tribe. Especially a lot like my own brothers. Leona's mind didn't drift very far before her attention was drawn to the actors. A battle of sorts was obviously about to occur between the two men on stage, and she was anxious to learn how the fighting style differed from her own. She scooted to the edge of her seat, and she noticed that Joseph did the same.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Goliath had put most of his time trying to think of what to eat and what to do with Edelweiss. He didn't how much time he actually spent thinking until he heard the play getting ready to start. He led Edelweiss to an open seat as the music died down. A young girl walked on to the stage and began to speak. Already did Goliath begin to hate every moment he spent sitting and watching the play. It soon came to a scene where to men on stage were ready to cross blades. Goliath looked around to see many people who were manipulated by the actions that tool part on stage. Goliath only thought that those who were actually entertained and interested by it were half wits. Goliath leaned to Edelweiss. "I'm sorry but I can't spend another moment watching this filth. I'm going to go do something that's actually productive with my life." Goliath whispered in a cold tone. Goliath stood up and apologized to those who's view he blocked. He then began to walk off with the intent to start more training. "I can't believe that girl would want to see something like that. Edelweiss.....that girl is a the challenge that my life has been waiting for."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Edel was expecting this behavior. Though he was right... It was rather childish to watch a play, but it was a festival after all. She watched as he walked off, knowing that he would most likely cool down afterwards, Edel didn't have any intent to chase after him, he would be better off to think on his own, for now at least.

She turned her attention towards the play, which soon led to her dozing off, and soon after... She fell asleep. Edelweiss's shoulders were hunched over as her head tilted downwards, soft sighs could be heard from her as she slept peacefully during the play.

How could a girl like her be a lancer? She was lazy, quiet, and frail looking. Though this personality masked a very determined girl, she just needed a little motivation to get the job done. But since it was a festival, just for today she was able to do as she pleased.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lyarea's vision was abruptly blocked as someone pushed past her. Almost immediately the voices flooded her mind, and her hands instinctively went to her ears.

Chrysalis! A sword! A living sword!

Brittle, another voice said. But it learns from its blows and grows stronger for it. Honed by its fellows, quenched in blood...

Lyarea looked in the direction the man had gone. After a moment, she put on her mask.

You think this is impressive? A third voice asked as she walked past a snoring girl. I saw another just this morning. A real sword, not flesh and blood like this one here.

Lyarea tried to remember if this voice had told the truth before. There was a minority on the Council who always lied.

I saw nothing like that, she thought.

It walked and talked like a man, but it was a sword just the same, the voice replied. I think you'll find he's gone that way. Lyarea instinctively knew which direction it referred to, and found it was right.

Making sure to stay a safe distance behind the man, she followed him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Anthony was then struck, as he falls back, gasping for air as he gripped his wound. "How dare you defile your king!" He said aloud, reaching for his blade. He was then struck down again as the man brought the sword down on him. The curtain closed once more. The band played once more and the curtain opened again. There, in the middle of the stage, was Elizabeth. Anthony was dragged off stage as he watched, smiling at his younger sister. "She's grown up so much..."


She wore a glowing, white dress, as if to mimic the direct lineage of Mère or was trying to mirror Mère herself. "The warrior king had been struck down by his nephew, as if by destiny. When the boys bloodline was discovered, he was then placed on the throne to rule, continuing his fathers legacy. That is the beginnings of our Kingdom, of a tragic betrayal of brotherhood. We must always remember that our mother is always watching us...guiding our destinies. Human or not, we are linked by the fates." She smiled. Then she began to sing. It was a a loud, but very soothing song she began to sing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


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Qiang wandered around the crowd taking in the atmosphere, the bustle and chatter of the young, once he found a clearer spot with a good view of the stage he stopped and turned to watch, A woman stood in the middle of the stage, clad in a glowing white dress, the crowd went silent as she spoke, her voice carrying far.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Æmire perked up when Elizabeth entered back into the stage. He then heard he voice shift then it all Æmire could hear is a voice that he immediately adore. "This... that human no Elizabeth has a beautiful voice! I never knew humans were that talented... I wonder what our upcoming Muse will sound like..." Æmire whispered to himself as he sat there listening to Elizabeth, It was later in the song Æmire noticed some movement in the right side of the croud, a little more than usual. Do humans always move this much during plays? Hmp oh well i suppose... Æmire said to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonyandSam


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Seong-Mei Li simply sat in silence, her eyes holding steady staring in to space. She begam to tune out everything, lost in her own thoughts. While she had never been fond of plays or musicals the girls voice held something in her mind. It carried some weight in her thoughts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DanBrooke


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Leona squeezed Joseph's hand as they listened, and he squeezed hers back. The woman, who was assumed to be portraying Mère, sang beautifully - her voice carried through the crowd and caused a soft hum of contentment. Whether her voice sounded out words of an ancient story or just high and low pitches of nothingness, Leona couldn't tell, but it didn't matter. She never wanted to stop listening. By the way Joseph closed his eyes and smiled faintly, she assumed he felt the same way.

Leona was caught between paying attention to the singing and observing the young woman's beauty. The girl on stage was dressed in a flowing white dress that seemingly glowed. Her skin was a smooth pale color, and her cheeks were flushed a slight pink. Her blonde hair fell onto her shoulders and brushed against her eyelids. When she opened them, her irises were a concentrated blue, that almost looked as if they were made of ice. The girl's appearance took Leona's breath away, if only for a moment. She assumed her radiance had the same effect on most of the others in the crowd. Hopefully she wasn't the only one intoxicated by the girl's beauty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Elizabeth continued to sing until her voice had suddenly stopped. Quickly, a group of eight men had appeared onto the stage. Two had grabbed Elizabeth and blindfolded her, four began to clear a path through the darkness of the alley-ways, and two had kicked both of the torches down, setting the whole area ablaze. As they carried her away, her screams could be heard in the darkness.


Suddenly, as if in a flash of lightning, Elizabeth was grabbed by eight men in black uniforms. Ignoring the flames that had gathered around him, he leaped through them, taking out his blade as he chased after them. The costume was burnt off of him, revealing his under-clothing, which was a standard white and red tunic, which all Paladins had to wear by the laws of the Order, so that identifying a member might be easier. Sprinting through the alley-ways, he followed the screams with lightning speed, until he found himself standing on front of the Church of Mère. There, he sighed out, and barged inside with his blade....only to find the Council standing there, with Elizabeth perfectly fine as she looked back at him. "W-What is this...?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Æmire was adoring the song... until a group halted the play and took her away. The Stage was set ablaze, and he immediately recognized that Anthony was part of The Order. More specifically the fact he was a Paladin. "Shit..." He swore under his breathe. He closed his eyes and suddenly a Mana Ring appeared behind his back. He then took some of the water vapor in the air to create liquid water and put the fire out. Once he was done The Mana Ring dissipated. Goddess please forgive me, but please I hope to you that Anthony or Elizabeth or anyone important saw that Mana Ring... He thought to himself. He then looked at Seong-Mei. "Seong-Mei... follow me now!" Æmire demanded as he quickly chased after Anthony. Finally after some time he gets to him, and looks into The Church to see The Council acting like nothing happened, then beside him was a furious Anthony. "Hello, it appears we meet again although for more serious measures..." He had said then walked into The Church. "Was that necessary?" Æmire said putting his hands up with the palms facing the ceiling, giving the body signal of 'what the fuck' sign.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonyandSam


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Seong-Mei watched in shock as the stage turned to chaos. "Oh my goddess..." She stood up and readied her bow. Knowing there wasnt anything she'd probably be able to do anything with her arrows at the moment. She pondered as quick as she could over any possibilities she could do to stop this but realized her weapons nor her magic would be very effective in the chaos at the moment. Seong-Mei turned to Æmire and nodded, following him quickly as they headed off. "What just happened?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lyarea started as a scream came from behind her. It sounded like Elizabeth. When she turned around, the stage was on fire and she could make out several figures in black dragging Elizabeth away. She started after them, and was swiftly followed by the actor playing the warrior king. As it turned out, he was red-haired and wearing a Paladin outfit. Elizabeth's brother? There was a resemblance, and she had said her brother would be there.

Part of her felt guilty for not staying to help.

How did you plan to put out the fire? Or face a panicking crowd?

The figures in black went down several alley-ways, but Lyarea could see them and keep pace with ease. Anthony followed close behind all the while, which she found impressive.

She reached the church just before the figures did and slipped in as they opened the door, standing off to one side as several other people barged in. Elizabeth appeared to be fine, at least.

She moved closer to the group as Anthony started shouting. As an afterthought, she removed her mask and put it away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


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The singing was cut abruptly short as a group of men burst onto the stage grabbing the singer and lighting the stage afire.
The crowd gasped and the stirrings of panic began to take root as the front rows pushed to get away from the fire.

Water began coalescing out of the very air and flying into the fire, a strange sight in a human town to be sure. Qiang looked around and thought he saw a glow coming from behind a man in the crowd, his view was blocked as the crowd backed up to where he'd been standing. He pushed through the crowd slowly making his way towards where the man had been. The fire dimmed and finally went out, the man wasn't where he had been, Qiang caught a glimpse of him running off down the street.

He followed through the dark streets, staying far back so as not to be noticed, the short lived made such interesting games of their lives!

From outside in the street he couldn't see much of what was happening in the church, but he could hear well enough and that would have to do. He leant against the wall of the church, spear 'himself' leaning on his shoulder and ready to be used should he need to defend himself.
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