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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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The guild was relatively quiet at the moment. The jobs were few due to how new it was still and it was beginning to cause some problems for the master as he constantly tried to advertise the new developing power of the guild. Of course, people were naturally cautious. After all, this wasn't exactly the same guild they heard tales about.

Kage sat at the bar and took a swing of his drink. He grumbled something to himself and proceeded to pout like a small child who had been told no. His gaze wandered over to the job board. In silence he counted the postings. "Hmm... Five... It'll get them by for now I suppose..." he mumbled to himself. For a moment, he seemed a bit more composed as he ceased his pouting and straightened his posture. In this aspect, he looked more like a person of authority, as long as one did not know his regular nature.
In a far corner table of the guild, the quiet red, Eden, was asleep. Her hair spiraled out on the table her head rested on. Strands of it would gently flutter upward then be sucked towards her as she inhaled and exhaled, on the verge of snoring. She seemed peaceful but one look at her face and you could tell she had been rather worn out when she first fell asleep. The reason for this rested in the open book underneath her head.

She had been working on a new enchantment, likely to bring fourth a new character. However, enchantments took a long time to create, especially if the character she was looking to bring fourth was powerful. The one she was currently working on wouldn't be done until the next year at the latest.

The sound of the front door swinging open and hitting the wall with a bang caused the female mage to jolt awake. Her tired eyes took a moment to focus and figure out where the noise had came from.

"I'm back." Calla announced as she walked in. She had currently been out on a small, local mission. It wasn't very difficult and the pay was minimal but a job was a job. Calla seemed satisfied enough since she had been able to complete it on her own without much hassle. Though she had accidentally destroyed a small fruit cart during the job.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

There she sat, dolling herself up. Ophelia was sitting at a table, close to the entrance of the guild hall, she was busy staring at her lovely features with a hand mirror. While the others sat quietly, Ophelia tended to her beauty, besides, sadness gave her wrinkles. The young girl used her free hand to touch the skin of her cheek, checking for any blemishes or scarring, she refused to let her skin get tarnished.

After soaking in her beauty, Ophelia set the mirror down and rested her chin on her hands, examining the other guild members. They were such pigs... They were uncleanly, constantly wreaking of alcohol, and most used vulgar language... Though they were pigs, they were still guild members, and they did have some redeeming qualities, sadly enough. The guild grew quiet these days, especially since they were all starting on a clean slate. They were no longer the best guild in Fiore, they were practically the lowest of the low.

She ran her fingers through her white hair and let out a small sigh of distaste. If only the guild were as lively as it used to be, but sadly that would require work, something that she highly dislikes but if it meant more pleasures, she'd be willing to do it.

"I'm back." A familiar voice announced. Calla.

"How was your job?" A question Ophelia usually asked when members return from a long day of work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Walking in his usual pace, Darren walked slowly and calmly as he occasionally tapped the ground with his scabbard encased katana. Every few taps or so he would channel a little magic in to it to get a better feel of the area. He walked through the streets of Magnolia as he did every day, always missing the curious glances that people give him. He never caught the glances, and if there was a way that he could, he would look at those people with a glare and tell them to go look at something else. He kept quiet, though, and simply walked through the streets to get to the guild. He needed a job to pay for his rent, and he was planning on getting one soon since he had been getting a little lazy the past few days.

Some time later, Darren arrived at the guild hall and stopped at the entrance, tapping his sword with channeled magic to get a feeling on how roughly how many people were there at the moment. He was actually glad that the guild had small numbers, as his senses would be a mess if large groups of people were walking and talking all at once. Despite his senses, he wanted for the guild to grow again, to be back to what he had heard it was some time ago. Stepping into the guild, he was able to hear two voices right away, but paid no mind to them as he sat down at the bar, resting his katana at his side as he sat there. Both of the voices he heard were feminine, and he had a pretty good of who they belonged too, but was still somewhat unsure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla moved her gaze to rest on Ophelia as she heard her question. The girl gave a confident smirk, of course there was no way she would ever show any other sign after coming back from a job alone. "Simple and dull I'm afraid." she said giving a small shrug with her shoulders.

"I understand now why the pay was so little.. We seriously need to get our name out there more. I'm not sure i can handle much more of these little side jobs. I need a good challenge." she complained before taking a seat at her usual table. Her eyes gave a look of boredom, one that matched the words she spoke. Despite her big talk, the girl still seemed to be a little tired by the days events, even though she hadn't even used her magic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"It's going to be like that for awhile..." Ophelia leaned back in her chair slightly and closed her eyes to think for a moment, "We rarely get jobs anymore, how are we able to advertise ourselves? Work at restaurants? Hang signs? We're pathetic now..." The woman let out a long sigh, "We're trying our best... One day, I'm sure we'll get something good."

She pushed some hair behind her ear and reopened her eyes. It appeared as though another guild member has returned, ah, the blind sword bearer Darren. Ophelia payed no mind to him, he looked as though he didn't want to be bothered, at least to her he didn't. Her hands rested on the table, clasped together.
She herself hadn't done very many jobs, even if she was an S-class wizard she was forced to do measly chores for people in Magnolia town, which in return she would receive little to no pay. This irked the girl greatly, but she understood their position currently.

"We're practically a domestic cleaning service..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla glanced over at Darren but said nothing in greeting and instead just proceeded the conversation she was having with Ophelia. "True. Pretty much all the jobs are the board are to aid people in their daily chores. Never any good action with any of them... So boring..." she complained letting out a huffy sigh. She ran a threw her hair, resting her elbow against the table. She gave a stern look of annoyance, clearly feeling strongly about the topic.

"Come now girls I'm trying my hardest!" Kage whined before resting his head against the table. Once again he was pouting. He sighed and remained there for a while thinking.

Calla's gaze wandered over to him and she shook her head. Her eyes drifted over to the job board thinking. What were they suppose to do to get better offers? So many people were hesitate to enlist their help partly because they figured that the new guild won't live up to the name or would simply fail again. Her look of annoyance increased further at the thought of being underestimated. "If only a big job came in.... We could take care of it with ease and maybe then start ranking up better jobs..." she mumbled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Darren listened to the conversation between the two women and had been wondering the same thing. What would they have to do to prove to everyone that they were just as good as the old Fairy Tail? Would they have to take out the dragon of destruction, level high ranking dark guilds? He didn't know, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to show people that they were reliable, and wouldn't fail even under impossible odds. "Kage." Darren finally spoke up, keeping his head forward and his eyes focused straight forward. "Are there any good jobs on the request board? I need some money and I'll take whatever's up there."

He just wanted to do something, and sitting around an empty guild hall wasn't going to cut it at all. He didn't care if he was doing someone's chores, as long as he was out there and earning moneys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Kage lifted his head at the sound of Darren's voice. "Nothing on thatld board pays very much I'm afraid. The most you can get is one that's around 15,000 jewels. And all you have to do is catch some prankster kid who's been terrorizing a local shop. More like a babysitting job if you ask me." he said giving a small shrug. He scratched his head thinking over what to do about this current situation.

"Fairy Tail needs to become more trust and known.." he said suddenly crossing his arms over his chest. There seemed to be a spark of determination in his, fueled by the dreams he held so dearly as a child. Kage seemed dead set on honoring the memory of the previous guild and wanted badly to live up to such standards that the guild once held.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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Sieben was on his way to the guild. In his pocket was one of the rats he managed to catch this morning. His veins were wrapped around her. Slowly , a drop at a time he was drinking away her blood. He saw his comrade Darren in front of him, just as he walked into the guild. Couple of minutes later Sieben walked inside as well. He heard the girls talk, but didn’t pay much attention to them. He walked straight to the board and began reading the jobs. There he saw an average job offer. Hunting a cursed animal. 'i can see why no one hires us. This thing is an average job offer and it’s been here for three days.' He thought to himself. Though it was allot to read, it was still quite a decent mission. Over hearing Darren and Kage, Sieben took the job offer and walked to Derren. “ well my blind friend if you want you can help me put down some dark cursed ox. We split the hundred thousand jewels in half. What do you say?” Sieben asked leaning on the table in front of the sword bearer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Darren nodded as he turned his head to face Sieben. He knew where he was because of what he heard, as his voice came from that direction and the blind boy couldn't hear any footsteps in the other direction. Fifty thousand jewels sounded pretty good, and even though he was slightly aggravated by Seiben for speaking of his blindness, he smiled lightly. "I'm in. Let's go talk to whoever set up the request and let's go put down an ox." The sword bearer grabbed his sword in one hand and got off of the bar stool, facing what direction he believed to be the entrance to the guild, but in all actuality, he was facing the back of the guild. Not knowing any better, he stepped forward and moved further away from the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

While the boys bickered, Ophelia listened. They were so young and full of energy. "Hm... Maybe I should take a job once in awhile. Maybe it'll help the guild rise to stardom and its former glory." She lightly chuckled, "We're low on members, low on budget, low on everything. Talk about loyal." The woman stared around at all of the members and let out a small sigh of distaste. All they talked about nowadays was money and advertising, which got quiet boring after awhile.

She crossed her legs, a small smile on her face. Ophelia didn't have anything to say on the matter.
(Sorry it's short)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

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Sieben was glad that Darren agreed to join him. Being the new guy he wanted to meke new friends. Though he didn't like the two girls talking. They were one of the few he didn't want as a teammate. Sieben moved towards the doors and noticed that Darren was going the other way. "Hey Darren. ... um are you getting a drink or something. Because the doors are this way." Sieben knew that Darren was agitated if someone mentioned his blindness. But if they wanted to finish this mission in day time, then they better get a move on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stopping once Darren heard Seiben's voice further away than it was previously, the young man hung his head and turned around in embarrassment. "R-right... Sorry." He said as he walked over to the door the right way and headed out to kill a dark cursed ox. He wasn't sure what the specifics of the job were, but he was sure that his partner in the mission would fill him in as they walked to the one who set up the job. He had little so say, but much to think about as he walked forward, curious about how big it was, what it looked like, how strong it was, and how it would react upon seeing him and Seiben.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla rolled her eyes slightly at Ophelia's look and words. She lowered her gaze the floor seeming a tad bored now. Perhaps she would take another job soon. She certainly debated it but didn't quite seem up for it. Instead a good meal sounded much more appealing at the moment. Her stomach let out a soft growl at the thought and her cheeks heated up with embarassment. Of course, she played it off like it wasn't her and that she hadn't heard anything.


New footsteps, slow but steady ones, were heard. Eden was now up and fully away. The fly on the wall who had not yet said a word was now approaching the job listings. Her face remained emotionless as usual as her eyes read over the different listings. A small spark of interest emerged in her eyes as he graze fell on a particular offer.

She neatly torn the job off of the board and then procceeded to walk over to Ophelia and Calla. She laid the job out then stood there in silence waiting for their responses. It was her way of asking if they wanted to take part in this particular job. In her eyes, it seemed fitting enough for both of them. The offer was made by a wealthy lord who was looking for local mages to put on a performance of their magic at his son's upcoming birthday party. The pay wasn't bad but split between the three of them, it wouldn't amount to much.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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Sieben waited for his comrade to come close and together they walked out of the guild. Now out of the guild Sieben began to talk about the mission. while he was inside he didn't want anyone unwanted to join so he didn't say much. "okay.. well it says here that, the man who offered the job is the old geezer who owns the farm at the northern outskirts of the city. It reads here that the ox went mad in the middle of the day, grew larger and his eyes began to glow red, also his horns blackened and then it charged out of the enclosure." Sieben grew curious about the mission. it seemed as the ox maybe ate something, someone gave him. maybe a dark fruit or something. Seiben thought to himself. "it says that at night the ox howls like a strange animal. hm... though it doesn't say anywhere that it attacked anyone, i still bet its violent." Sieben looked through the paper again and sighted. "and that's just about everything useful it says, except that if we get it back alive and well we get fifty thousand jewels more. The problem is i have no idea how to do that. Do you?" Sieben asked and turned to his new companion. "Damn my snack just got dry." Sieben said aloud as he pulled the dead, dried up rat from his pocket and threw it in the grass.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Oooh~ Entertainers?" Ophelia raised a curious brow and stood up from her seat. "I like the sound of that, why not? At least it isn't nothing." The woman nodded her head in approval and looked over the paper. "Nice pay as well." She glanced at Calla for her answer, but she knew that the girl would most likely say yes. Most of the guild members have left with temporary teams to do other jobs, some more interesting than others, but jobs nonetheless.
"Entertaining rich folk is what I do!" She crooned. "Let's just hope they aren't crazy, like most."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla moved her head to look over at the paper. She read it in silence before shaking her head. "No thanks.... I'm beat. I don't feel like being some arrogant family's jester. Plus I don't think I would qualify very well for such a thing. At least, not magic wise." she mused sounding rather unenthused.

"For your sakes, I hope they aren't too picky." she added at the end before getting up and stretching. Calla decided it was time to find some food.

Eden quietly picked up the piece of paper as the other two spoke. She quietly stuffed it away in her thin bag that also carried two books and on the side held her quill. "Hopefully it won't take very much to impress these folks." she said turning her head to look at Ophelia. It didn't seem like her kind of job to say the least but she figured it would work out well if she had at least Ophelia there the spotlight wouldn't be on her magic, making the job much more easier on Eden. The girl barely talked to anyone so showing off alone in front of a crowd of kids wasn't too appealing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"My form of magic isn't aesthetically pleasing, maybe they'd like the strength of it, hm?" Ophelia chuckled and placed a hand confidently on her chest, "But I am beautiful and I may just woo the crowd!" The woman was rather confident in herself. She slipped her arm through the crook of Eden's and lightly tugged. "You're going to miss out Calla. I'm sure there will be free food and maybe some tips from the party guests." Her words did sound rather upsetting... Tips from rich people sounded like something beggars would do. Ophelia was never one to accept tips either, she felt as though she was too high stature for such a thing. But things were different now, and Ophelia wasn't always glitz and glamour. Surprisingly enough, she actually had a heart.

"Shall we be off then?" She cooed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla waved her hand dismissively at Ophelia's words, as if simply brushing them off. With that done she was off to fix herself a simple meal and rest for whatever was left of the day.

Eden seemed slightly uncomfortable when Ophelia intertwined their arms. She wasn't exactly comfortable with people at the guild yet and barely talked anyways. So any form of closeness that was shown towards her usually made Eden feel awkward. But she wasn't rude and just accepted it without complaints, trying to cover her social awkwardness. Eden nodded. "Yeah... Let's go.. Would want to be late.." she mused quietly. With that said, she began to walk in the direction of the front door to leave.

Her mind began reeling on what exactly to do there. Perhaps she could summon the tortoise and the hare to perform some simple tricks. Or even have them race like in their story. Maybe Robin would be a smart choice. The fairy was a prankster and acted like a kid so naturally he could easily win over the children there but he would likely make fun of the adults. The wolf was impressive in his own way as well. His sharp claws could cut through almost anything and with that big mouth of his he could beat anyone in an eating contest. Eden sighed indecisively. Then again, Prince Charming seemed like a very well off candidate as well. Of course Titania seemed out of the question due to how much magic it would take to summon her.

"Er... Ophelia..... Along side your magic... Who would be a smart choice to summon? Along side you and your power that is..." she asked figuring it would naturally be better if they worked together on entertaining to some extent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Darren shook his head as he walked onward. He didn't believe that there was any way to bring the ox back to normal. If there was, then it was far beyond him. Something like that just didn't happen, though, and maybe the transformation of the ox was caused by some sort of magic? That's what it was sounding like to him, but he wasn't entirely sure that it could be the case. "I don't think we can bring it back to normal. If we slay it, it might revert it's form, but other than that I don't have any ideas." He was curious how it was going to turn out, and for one hundred thousand jewels was a pretty fair pay, so maybe they were just starting to get better jobs, rather than being stuck with simple chores.
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