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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hikari Ryodan Academy


Day 1: Dragons and Doughnuts

The early morning sun shined brightly today, its light passing through the high windows of the auditorium and bathing its occupants in a warm glow. Today marked a brand new semester, a glorious new school year for Hikari. New faces and old allies came together on this first day to celebrate the unity between the supernatural and the human World. Walking though the crowd, Headmistess Yui Momoko glanced at different directions occasionally to get a feel of this new class.

As an Esper, she could easily read each of their minds and tell exactly how they were feeling about the excitement. Most were nervous, some more so than others. Some had fiery passion in their hearts and a willingness to learn. To be taught and trained in the ways of the Dawn Slayer. And still there were some who gave her strange looks, wondering what a kid was doing here and not realizing her full status. And who could blame them? No new student could ever guess that their Headmistress looked just short of a teenager. This earned a mental smile from Yui.

This would be a very fun year.

The constant and mindless chatter gradually began to die down and quite a few heads were turned as they saw Yui walk up to the center podium and grab the microphone. One student gasped out, "So it's true! She is super young!", only to be shushed by a senior student.

Tapping the device, Yui spoke calm and clearly into the microphone. "Greetings. Welcome new and old to the beginning of another innovative year here at Hikari Ryodan Academy. I am your current and residing Headmistess, Yui Momoko." A round of applause followed that statement. "You are here today because you seek purpose in your life," Yui continued. "A purpose that will benefit the balance of our World and bring harmony to all. Your new purpose...as a Dawn Slayer."


The soft munching echoed in the microphone, vibrating across the auditorium. It took a few seconds for everyone to realize that it was coming from the podium. Yui had produced a fresh chocolate doughnut from our of nowhere and was now munching into the sweet thing. How she was able to slip such a thing past everyone's suspicions was...well, beyond anyone.

"But let us skip the formalities for now." Crunch. "Today is a free day for all the students here. A day where you can explore the campus and the like." Crunch "Please feel free to direct any and all questions you may have to either myself or your teachers."

Crunch, munch, crunch.

By now Yui was done with the doughnut as she began to sense the positive energy radiating from the crowd before her. A small smile graced her lips. This method always worked in pumping up a fresh new class for the beginning of the school year.

"Please keep in mind though that classes will begin immediately tomorrow morning at their regularly scheduled time frame. But until then, please enjoy your stay here as you embrace you new life."

The smile widened.

"With that said...welcome one and all to Hikari Ryodan Academy!"

A thunderous applause accompanied her finishing lines.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Was extremely nervous as she covered her ears trying to block out the sounds of voices every where. It irritated her. She pouted as she looked towards her Fae friend that just transfered to school here. She smiled and waved to her as she was all the way back of the crowd. She then heard a small Crackle of noise, turning her head as she focused her head towards the stage as she saw a woman. Seemingly a fairly young woman.

Didn't exactly know the purpose of the school but she joined to be one with the supernaturals. Nodding and making small, " Mhm " noises she finally heard a word..that didn't seem normal, Dawn Slayer she just stared in disbelief..and couldn't believe she was in a fighting school..or maybe not. She wanted to exit but this school was her only chance to get along and meet with her Fae friends. She sighed as she returned her focus back to the woman

Then she began hearing crunches as if the lady that was gnawing on some kind of treat in a middle of a speech. It was a doughnout she only sighed once more, 'Really' that worked echoed in her mind as she couldn't believe that a higher class would be doing something odd in the middle of the speech. She giggled and heard others giggle as well. She heard more and more crunches which seemed to make some peoples days with laughs. She skipped a few topics she expected, for example the Formalties but she really didn't care any more.

And at the last moment..she heard, exactyl eight words that made her day, " Welcome one and all to Hikari Ryodan Academy " A smile went upon her small face. Though if this was a battle school she would oddly be weak having a really petitie size and a 'weak' appearance. She sighed and she applouded as well with all the other students that clapped and laughed with joy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WrittenFaith


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Mark leaned against the wall in the back of the auditorium. His casual demeanor practically oozing out of him. Though he was craving a cigarette and would have had one in his mouth now if it weren't against the rules. He silently listened to Yui have the opening speech and munched on a doughnut. "That woman is going to get fat if she keeps eating like that." He muttered under his breath as he watched her. He shook his head but applauded when everyone else did. He hadn't been paying much attention to the words she was saying, rather the actions she was doing. Her eating made him crave a cigarette even more so the second he could slip away he did, walking outside and quickly lighting a smoke, or cancer stick as he sometimes called it, with his fingers and leaned against the outside of the building with the thing in his mouth. He didn't like to answer student's questions anyway so he figured now was a good a time as any.


Vicky sat calmly, a away from many of the other students. She was new so she didn't exactly know anyone. She silently played with her hair and the Head Mistress spoke. Her lack of attention caused her to miss almost everything that was going on though her mind was drawn back in when her ears registered a crunch in the mic. She watched the woman closely afterward though silently wondered what the donut tasted like. Having grown up on fish she wasn't to familiar with any other foods. She hopped she would get the chance to try some while she was here. After everyone had finished clapping she remained in her seat unsure of what to do and knowing if she got up she would probably end up tripping over or onto someone anyway. She still wasn't used to walking on land.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Standing erect...erm...standing up straight in the back of the auditorium with the rest of the teaching staff, Aram listened to the head mistress munch her delicious chocolate donut, also give her speech to the new students. From the sound of the tenacious chewing, she must have really been enjoying her sweet treat...it kind of made him hungry as well. Conjuring up a full plate of Spanish flan, he took hold of the included metal spoon and took off a section, bringing it to his mouth and tasting the rich flan goodness. Suppressing a happy moan, Aram did gaze over the number of students as the began cheering at their head mistress's speech, likely 'super-hyped and $#!t' about becoming Dawn Slayers.

Thinking on this, he couldn't help but be reminded of the worry over the influx of students this year, the concern that this is nature counteracting against the rising forces of evil...then, he was reminded of what an old friend of his brought up a long while back. All the greatest Dawn Slayers were ridiculously attractive, as the vanity demon's records would support. Of course, a number of baddies with also considerably attractive...so it could go both ways.

Taking another spoonful of flan into his mouth, rolling it over his tongue and tasting the delicious smooth sweetness, Aram couldn't halt his delighted moan this time...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 3 days ago

Stepping down from the podium, Yui made her way to the very back where all the other Academy staff members were residing. Casting her mind outwards, she flitted to several students to try and gauge their reactions on the presentation. For the most part it was received well by both student and teacher alike. One particular mind caught the Headmistress' attention though. A young girl by the name of...Aurora. Despite her initial emotions, Yui could sense a tinge of fear in the girl, and anxiety over her newfound duties of being a Dawn Slayer.

Looking in the girl's direction, Yui smiled gently. Reaching out her mind, the Esper spoke though telepathy. "Don't be afraid,"she assured. "There's more to being a Dawn Slayer than just fighting. Please don't feel as if you don't belong. Everyone has a place here in Hikari." Leaving it at that, Yui's mind wandered over now to her fellow staff.

At Mark's comment about her getting fat on sweets, she raised an eyebrow slightly but chose to ignore it. At least the Coach remembered to go outside for his smoking needs. Her thoughts were then suddenly interrupted by a low moaning sound. A low, male moaning sound. Sighing, she had a pretty good guess of who exactly it was.

"Pollux-san, please control yourself on the first day. We don't want students going to the counselor's so early in their year." She was about to carry on with her thoughts when something of actual relevance stopped her. Ironically, it was coming from Aram's mind, of all places.

She picked up vague traces of his worry. A worry that she had originally brought up to all the staff members just a few days ago. For some reason, this year had given them more students than the usual quota. Of course, it could just be paranoia and maybe more people just wanted to be Dawn Slayers? Still...something felt off about it all, and it was enough to make a frown appear on Yui's face, giving her the usual stoic expression.

Concentrating, she sent out a mass group message via telepathy to all the staff present. "I'll leave them all up to you then. I'll be in my office if anyone needs me."

With that said, the being with the body of a youngling and the mind of a sage walked out of the auditorium and down the hall into her work space.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Sighed seeing as the Mistress walked off the stage. Many began to stand and converse with others. Moving chairs as they played around. She sighed sitting there for a few moments. Many bumping into her as she waited for the area to clear. Many didn't move at all, sighing she stood up as well only to stop as she heard a voice, " Don't be afraid Theres more to being a Dawn Slayer than just fighting. " The voice stated clearly, nodding as she understood most of this schools information, " Mhm " she simply Mummed as she said the three lettered word. She thought it was only her soul talking to her, sighing as she contiued to walk.

Aurora had two souls and if she were to try brainwave contact her voice would echo as she spoke. Shaking her head she said nothing staying in silent as she sighed once more. Looking around as she pushed poeple genlty as she tried to push some out of her way as she faintly whispered 'Sorry'. Though she wasn't look she oddly bumped into the exit. Every where she walked there were students hat roamed.

She felt constipated..squeezed by many that was around her. She attempted to push open the doors which she did. Finally as she entered the quiet hallways that echoed sounds from the ceremony room. She exhaled..continuing on walking alone and only her soul to comfort her.

" Evern beruaeth " (Power burst ) her seconth soul said. Aurora was midly afraid of the burst and the fear of hurting others as her powers activated. She had the scent, blood and body of a fae but had no wings to support her in the air. She sighed as she looked up finally reached the exit. Pushing open the doors she noticed a boy or man..that was smoking outside. She stared looking at him curiously staying silent as she did.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Steph opened her eyes and lifted her hat as the presentation came to a close. She removed her feet from the chair in front and stretched as she stood up.
"Well that was rather odd" She thought but shrugged "I think I am going to like it here..."
Steph looked around but didn't really know what to do, she brushed her blonde hair to the side gently as she walked towards someone but then stopped and turned around again. She noticed a teacher enjoying a flan a little to much and almost rolled her eyes, envying the man that he could eat so many delicious foods. Any "normal" food tasted like dirt to Steph, which reminded her...
Steph removed a small bottle from her bag and began to gulp at the dark red liquid. Her pupils dilated as she smiled happily at the refreshing taste.She placed the bottle away as she went back to looking for someone to talk to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 22 days ago

It wasn't that Key didn't like people, that just wasn't true. This was not the reason that she found herself leaving through the door to get a breath of fresh air. It was crowds that she didn't like. Granted, her reasons did not really apply in this case, but it was a habit formed over centuries, and it was hard to break. After all, the more people one is surrounded by... the more people that can potentially learn a secret you are trying to hide.

However, once outside, she found herself regretting it. A grimace formed on her lips, and she sent a glare toward Mark. They didn't usually talk, but every time she caught him with one of those dreadful things in his mouth, Key had to say something about it. "How many times must I tell you how awful those are for you?" She didn't bother telling him the real reason she hated cigarettes. She was not a spirit, or mage, or anything of the like, but it didn't mean she hadn't formed a bond with her element. In fact, it was possible that she felt more for fire than the previously mentioned. It was what gave her new life, and to see it used in this way was just... she suppressed a gag and looked over the school grounds.

"I'll leave them all up to you then. I'll be in my office if anyone needs me," was heard in her mind, and Key found herself shaking her head in an attempt to get the voice out. It was not the first time the Headmistress had done this, but she didn't think she could ever get used to it. When her eyes opened again, she finally noticed a small girl staring, silent. It was odd to say the least.

"Hello." Her smile was warm as she talked to the girl, afraid that she was dealing with one of those shy types. "I'm Miss Begay, the school librarian. Was there a question you had? Somewhere you'd like to go?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WrittenFaith


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Mark shook his head. "And how many times do I have to tell you I don't care how bad they are for me." He grunted. "I never asked for anybody to keep up with my health and well being." He frowned, he hated when Key interrupted him just to lecture him about smoking. He growled slightly when he heard the Head Mistress in his head. He hated when she did that and she knew it. "Well I don't plan on dealing with students just yet, if they make there way over to the gym I will deal with them there." He muttered and incinerated what was left of his cigarette, he hated leaving the butts on the ground. It was a disgusting habit humans had.

Mark walked to the gym and decided to out everything in order. He had yet to finish some of his plans for the year and he needed to set up for the following day. He pulled a small desk from his office and put it near the door. He put a stack of papers with his class rules on it and the. Went to get his clip board and the create of combination locks he had to put on the lockers. "I shouldn't have waited until last minute to put theses things on." He muttered to himself as he walked I to the boy's locker room first.


Vicky waited until most of the other student had left or at least vacated the area she was in to stand up and leave. When she stood her legs wobbled a little as she gained her balance. She sighed and stared walking slowly. She left the auditorium and headed outside to sit on a bench somewhere. She was to shy to talk to anybody so instead she sat at a random bench and started playing with the water from her water bottle she always had with her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

Some time later, Yui would hear a knock on her door, as Tai Yang gently rapped a hand upon the frame.

He kept his voice low. 'No need to be obnoxious, she can hear.' He thought as he spoke. "I am Tai Yang. If now is alright with you, I would enter." And then he stood, patiently by her door. His hands were clasped behind his back, and a light black sleeveless Gi top was around his chest, in addition to the normal garb of his appearance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 3 days ago

In her personal office, Yui was fast at work. Her frown only became deeper as she physically and mentally went over each and every one of the student transcripts. Of course, she kept her growing concern over the whole matter only between herself and her Vice Principle. There was no need to worry the other staff with strange theories, and she definitely didn't need any of the new students having a panic attack. Even still....the influx of students...it felt unattural. As if...

"As if something is driving them to enroll....hm?"

Hearing the light knocking on her door, Yui placed the papers she was reading on her desk. A student. More specifically Tai Yang. She read over his transcript some hundred or so papers ago. Apparently he was the only human student seen thus far.

"Yes, please come in". With her mind, Yui opened the door for him, closing it once he made his way inside her office. This being his first time seeing her upfront, there were of course two things that stood out.

The first was the office itself. It...looked more like a college counselor's room combined with a business office. Large windows lay dormant behind Yui's desk, which in itself had a wide variety of pictures and other knick knacks lying across it. On either side of her lay shelves upon shelves of different kinds of books.

Now that was one thing, but on further inspection of the Headmistress, a second observation became increasingly apparent. She looked young. As in, child young. Even her appearance remained the same in the various pictures on her desk, and who knew how old they were. Did she always look just below teenage years?

Her face retaining its stoic features, Yui looked Tai up and down, studying him. "Did you need something Yang-san?" Reaching into a drawer next to her, she drew out three lollipops; pink, orange, and blue.

Unwrapping the pink one, she popped the thing in her mouth before offering the other two to Tai.

"Orange or blueberry?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrincessWeirdo


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Alice's head lolled to the side precariously as she drifted in and out of consciousness during the welcoming speech. She would come to deeply regret this later, as formal presentations were fantastic opportunities for large amounts of mischief and public mayhem. A student to her right glanced nervously in her direction as a particularly loud snore whined it's way out of her mouth, allowing a small amount of drool to travel out her lips and down her chin. The clapping following the end of the presentation snapped her out of her slumber with a start, and she jolted forward, slightly confused and momentarily lost. Sleepily pushing the hair away from her face and mouth and pulling it into a messy, high ponytail, she came to grips with her situation.

Yes, an organized place like school was the last place that Alice wanted to be. After all, it went against her very nature. But she consoled herself with the thought that she could probably be expelled with ease and it might even be fun along the way. Pushing herself up out of her chair and moseying towards the back entrance, she spotted one of her own kind eating what looked like a flan near the back. A small, devious smile crept onto her still half-awake face. He looked like a teacher. Why not get started on her plan for ejection immediately? Lighting a small flame in the palm of her hand, she shot it as secretly as she could manage over the heads of the students and into the jelly like substance of the dessert, turning it into a soupy mess. She stifled a wild urge to laugh and began moving quicker towards the exit.
Yes, this could be fun after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Stood there she didn't say anything. The boy was talking to himself and that was oddly weird. He muttered about something that she didn't want to here. Hearing foot steps she would turn, looking at a woman. She smile and stepped back a few steps, again she muttered as well telling him 'smoking is bad for you' she only stood there and once she was finished the man would walk off. She oddly wanted to come as well and cheer him up but she couldn't be rude.

Aurora's head looked towards the woman. She looked like a teacher a very kawaii teacher at that! She smiled as she began asking her questions, " Hi Mrs.Begay! " She knew Mrs.Begay was going to be her favorite teacher in the world atleast..for know. She didn't exactly know what she was teaching but she didn't care at all. Her thoughts were going wild and, again she began asking three more questions, " Uhhh..I am just standing around " Her voice was sweet, soothing and calming. It almost sounded as if it was a child. It mixed in with her petite size to and her weak little self.

Her stomach grumbled a bit..she frowned wanting a bit of chocolate.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

"Uh.. I..." Tai Yang seemed rather off-guard against the question of "Orange or Blueberry".

'Well... I assume the colors match the names.. But.. Who would name a flavor after a color? One has berry in it.. I'll go for that one.'

He hesitantly reached for the blue one. As he took it, he brought it closer to his chest, examining it as if he was a little unsure of how to eat this. He touched the lollipop with his other hand, feeling its hardness. 'Some sort of rock candy then?' His eyes flitted back up to Yui and how she did not seem to be chewing. 'Then.. It is left to dissolve rather than be chewed? I shall investigate further later. This.. Blueberry?'

Dismissing the matter from his mind and simply holding the lollipop, he spoke his mind. He seemed completely at ease with Yui's youth, as he couldn't remember any times he had met an old looking supernatural rather than a forever young looking one, other than the dragon he had only met once.

"I believe my presence was requested because I contain a certain quality many students lack. I believe "battle-trained" was the term used in the memo. I received the impression that you wished to investigate the possibility of using my services as an adjutant, to teach this trait to others." Tai Yang set his hands behind his back once more, keeping the lollipop from touch his Gi.

"There are two ways to achieve this. The first way to learn is quick and efficient, but in my mind stunts the growth of all but the luckiest students. That is to throw them in combat until it becomes ease. The second is to teach them how to control their minds through meditation. It takes time, but I believe the art of meditation granted me my greatest strength in battle. It also has the secondary effect of teaching them how to control their emotions in non-combat. I have seen hardened warriors fall apart at the table of diplomacy, because they were only trained not to fear combat instead of to combat fear."

He brought forth his free hand palm upwards. "If you would like, I could demonstrate my first lesson on meditation."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With her hand on the wall to guide her path, Deja blindly walked the hall, following where the Mistress Yui had walked. She came to a door, one sizeable enough for one person to fit through at a time, and from the feeling her palms sent to her minds eye, it was nothing grand. With her sensitive ears, she could hear two persons talking within, one, the familiar voice which had crunched a treat into its mouth during the opening ceremony, female, and presumeably Yuis, and another a deep voice expressing concern over matters she did not care to listen to for fear of eavesdropping. With her parasol folded under her arm and Kimono hugging her tightly, she rapped her fist lightly against the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As soon as the introduction to the school came to a close, Nori made her way to the exit, awkwardly shuffling and pushing past the many other students. As soon as she got out, the first thing she did was sigh and lean against a wall in the hallway. The ammount of others there suprised her very much and the pressure was horrid fo her. She would surely have to work on getting used to that feeling. But first, she would need to explore the school. Seeing as the number of students was large, the area was sure to be too. So, she started wandering the hallways at a brisk pace, making a map of the area in her head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 22 days ago

Key was not much for giggling, she was usually too busy yelling at someone for that, but when this young girl's stomach started to growl, well she just couldn't help it. "If you're hungry, I think I know just the place for you!" With that, she grabbed the girl's hand and led her back towards the auditorium. Now... she was sure that she'd seen Aram somewhere around here... While she continued you to look, Key stared down at the girl and almost sighed out of nostalgia.

There had been a time when she too was that young. Unlike many supernaturals, Key did age, and therefore it was easier to hide among humans. This, however, didn't change the fact that she had not been a child for a very very long time, and sometimes, she wondered if this life was worth it. Sometimes, she wished that instead, she had just died that very first time as she should have.

"Aram!" She said, finally finding him against the wall with some kind of soup in his hands. Aram and Key had never talked much either. Usually, all she heard from him were moans of delight as he ate something he'd conjured up in some corner of the room. He certainly was a strange one. "Are you busy? I think that..." And then she realized she didn't know this girl's name. "I think she's hungry and I know how you love to hide food."

Key turned to the girl again, smiling as if to urge her to speak. "This is Mr. Pollux. He'll be teaching your cooking class. Would you tell us your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Was going to say something but the woman randomly grabbed her and took her somewhere she didn't know existed! She smile as they reached the cooking area. She liderly freaked out and jumped around, " I am Aurora!" she says with excitement.

She was to hungry to listen to the people around her as she was freaking the hell out she wanted to cook something big and huge almost tall as a the sky! Aurora loved fantasies and that was her big one. She returned focus as she was seemingly was asked the same question, " Uhhh..Aurora " she says with a very odd look on her face but she really didn't mind, "Can I cook!" she says as she runs over to Mr.Pollux and gives him a hug! Aurora turned towards Mrs.Begay ands smiled.

This is going to be a fun year!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Pollux-san, please control yourself on the first day. We don't want students going to the counselor's so early in their year."

Listening to the voice in his head that always just told him to doubt himself, Aram toned it down as much as he could, even more than he already was. But, it seems that fate was not going to be kind to him. A small ball of flame came and shot into his flan, causing it to deflate and melt into an sweet eggy soup like thing....the culprit tried to run off, but with the voice of his murdered dessert whispering in his left ear, Aram did lock eyes with the suspect for a fraction of a second before they ran off. The thick substance of what used to be a delicious and beautiful flan dripped off the plate and onto his fingers like blood, just as two people made their approach to him. In a moment, the demon used the reversal of his magic, and made all of the flan (plate and spoon included) disappear. Even the liquidy, molten flan that had gotten onto his fingers.

"I think she's hungry and I know how you love to hide food."

Smiling easily, the demon peered over at the school librarian, before bringing his eyes down at the face of this student petite student, "Miss Aurora, is it? A beautiful name for one of the loveliest girl's I've made the acquaintance of this year, introduced to me by Miss Begay...I guess it's true, beauty attracts more beauty." Pausing for a moment to stroke his chin thoughtfully, "Hungry, are you? Well...what would you prefer? Devil's food, red velvet, pink velvet, birthday cake style, lemon poppy seed with vanilla bean icing, strawberry yogurt cupcake, or..." And so, the teacher with a devilishly good looking smile on his face, went on to list 50+ possible cupcakes styles and combinations without pausing or batting and eyelash. Some would even say that he didn't spare a moment to even take a breath, in between.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrincessWeirdo


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Quickly spinning around the corner into the hallway, Alice began busting her gut with laughter over her latest victory. The target had spotted her momentarily, but he hadn't actually caught her in the act so she could still maintain a supposed innocence. Tucking a strand of hair between her fingers and fiddling with it for a moment, she wondered what exactly she was supposed to do now. She stretched out her wings lazily and floated above the ground, trying to see if she could remember any part of the introduction. No, she must have been asleep the whole time. The only solution was to head to the office then. As much as she liked to play the delinquent, being tardy on the first day would surely reach her father, and the man was not to be trifled with lately. Shuddering at the thought, she headed off in the direction she'd noticed a few other students heading, hoping to end up at the right destination.

Eventually she came upon a door with a plaque labeling it as the main office, and without knocking, she tucked her wings back into herself and sauntered in confidently. There appeared to be a couple of students already there, along with a small child-like creature who was dressed like a lady in charge. "Yo!" she greeted the room with a two finger salute. "What the hell kind of thing am I supposed to be doing?"


Peeling through the hallways in a pair of sensible high heels was Rachel, late on the most important day of school. She charged down the hall to the office like a bull at a matador, nearly knocking into one or two students. "All right, this is the home stretch!" Barreling down towards the door with brow furrowed and breath heavy, she narrowed in on her target and spun around at the perfect moment, latching on to the just-closed door and flinging herself inside. "GOAL!" She screamed, throwing her hands up at the exact moment she plowed into Alice Borealis, knocking the demon girl into the desk with a thud and and falling herself on top of her. "Darn it, almost perfect." Picking herself up and turning a reproachful gaze at Alice, she tutted and shook her finger. "It's very rude to be in the way of your elders, you know."
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