Okay, time's up. *throws nice hat on the ground*
Oblivion, it's been three weeks since your last post. Saturday, you told me you wanted to keep on RPing with us, but since then we haven't heard a single thing on both the OOC and IC. If you really wanted to continue, it wouldn't be so hard to leave an OOC message, and I'm through with this. Leon, like Haku is now under our control.
Good luck on your RP endeavors. I don't enjoy doing this, but I'm through with anticipating his return. We're going to play the midnight game in 2-3 cycles and it's too late for him to really be able to mingle before the big finale. Thanks for traveling with us, have a nice day.
On a less serious note, I hope you're all doing well. We're getting a new banner made by Shetland 9. It still needs to be colored, but I'll show you guys the WIP. It's really adorable. <3 Andddd Scarf x Scarf B)