But yeah, I'd support a vote in favor of just getting things done.
Maxxorlord said
Democracy shall reign supreme.The only eyebrow raiser on Kilo's sheet are those nukes. I'm assuming nuclear missiles aren't all that overwhelming against the tech everyone else is packing?
Click This said
The standard photon torpedoes on a Federation vessel is far more powerful than a nuke, iirc.
Sep said
Oh, the couple of nukes KILO has?Not the hundreds a certain loving battlestar has?Nukes aren't that effective in space anyway. Almost everyone has shields that block out the radiation and my battlestars hull is designed to take hits (I mean during the show the Galactica takes hundreds of nuke hits when it is over 50 years old and it keeps going. Looks hellova beat up though). To be honest Nukes are only really effective against ground targets when fired within an atmosphere as the shockwave is the most devastating part. If you're worried about nukes be far more worried about that Mac Cannon.
Sep said
If you're worried about nukes be far more worried about that Mac Cannon.
WrongEndoftheRainbow said
I'll just use the excuse that the Combine doesn't give a shit about the disappearance of a single link tower, at least until I can stabilize (Or blow up) my core to get communications/a super portal going, which I'm going to avoid doing for at least 90 percent of the RP.
WrongEndoftheRainbow said
While most of my forces are spaceworthy, that says little to their ability to maneuver. While they could survive in space, I'll probably be losing a lot to Tatooine orbit, where they burn up in the atmosphere. Not to mention I'll probably get a lot of Stalkers flash frozen, meaning that'll hit my main ability to repair damage. As for the Combine inevitably invading, I'm planning to hold off any communication whatsoever until the end of the RP, that being said, it could very well extend the RP where instead of the Kith as the enemy, it's the Combine. As for the multiversal empire problem, yes, I'm perfectly willing to have a talk about how they could fit together backstory-wise.
Sep said
I know, I know. Though you point out why you don't call for help. I mean I presume that a link tower is a big resource, why wouldn't they look for it?May have a lot of them but still. That is like a F-16 going missing and the Americans just going "Meh, we've got plenty more."
Sep said
However I won't be continuing with this anyway.I'm mainly in it with Echo and to be honest, with what we've had plot wise so far and how it has fallen apart I cannot be bothered carrying it on myself. If I were to do it I'd start it again in my own way with my own twist on the Antagonist.I'll fulfill my BSG fix somehow.
WrongEndoftheRainbow said
A link tower isn't a big resource when you've got countless universes with countless galaxies full of resources to mine.