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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So the chances that they where stuck like all those kids where. Was the most logical conclusion to draw If you ignored the possibility of this just a very vivid dream.
Damn rabbit ignoring her question. "awesome we are persuaded to follow a talking furball in an unknown place that apparently is a dream world similar to the Alice in wonderland tale" She turned her head and looked at the unconscious people being picked up. Half of these people didn't even seem capable of surviving being lost in a city and they where all dragged into something like this. Ugh this must be a horrible nightmare it at least managed to ruin her mood completely. She thought and glared at the rabbit that seemed a bit eager to leave this place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mopsock


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nat was taken aback by the rabbit that suddenly melted into a black goop, but he quickly regained his composure and listened to the Rabbit's brief explanation of where he was. It didn't answer the question he had, but it was nice to know where he was, and he knew that it would eventually be answered when they reach the 'Bastion' as mentioned by the Rabbit. He turned towards the group trying to carry the sleeping people, he couldn't help but give a small chuckle... which was all he did. He didn't bother trying to help carry the people sleeping, mostly because he felt that there were already enough people helping and his help would be unnecessary, also partly because he preferred staying away from crowds. So he stood behind the group, mainly thinking about the questions he was going to ask once they reach the Bastion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adrian didn't know what was going on. And more so than not getting a proper answer from the rabbit immediately this frustrated him. "Alright." He deciding to follow the little runt of a furball. "I guess I'm stuck playing this little game of your's. But I expect to have all our questions answered as soon as we reach the safe haven i assume you'll bring us too in order to avoid this impending danger you speak of." He said in a rather formal manner. He figured he couldn't just act like some street punk. No. That wouldn't be right. Not around people he didn't know who didn't know him. And obviously not around a police officer. He sighed.

With his decision to follow for the moment another girl joined the fray. She was a pretty one. And her comment was pretty on point. "We must be going insane. Either that or this is one of the most amazingly well developed dreams I've ever had. Complete with people I don't know and information I've yet to gain." He said calmly to the woman. "I don't know you right?" He then asked looking the girl over. "No... I think I'd remember someone as beautiful as yourself." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair trying to think. "Oh yeah. What's your name?" He asked her before pausing for a moment. "I'm Adrian." He introduced himself. So far she was the only one he could bother to be interested in aside from the rabbit. And even then as far as he was concerned he couldn't be bother to try and remember the names of so many people. What did it matter anyway? He was sure a fair number of them would disappear at some point or another. The reasons? Unimportant. But he was sure that not all would last. None of them seemed too important anyway...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Several of the people near the creature appearing to be a rabbit, she doubted it was truly a rabbit but went with it anyway, spoke up and she listened in on what they had to say. A couple were complaining about the creature's inability to precisely explain where they were, which didn't surprise her. It did surprise her to see nobody freak out about the fur ball's sudden transformation to a black blob and back to a white rabbit. Another sign it wasn't any ordinary rabbit.

As she glanced at the group and the white animal on the ground, wondering whether or not she was losing her mind or was just hallucinating from the peppers she cut up at work, one of the people spoke to her. Apparently he had picked up on her comment and decided to start a conversation with her, a fact that somewhat calmed her nerves about this situation. She wasn't one to speak to people just like that, but in this situation, why the hell not?
She shook her head. 'You don't know me, I don't know you... None of the people here actually.' she blinked a bit at his apparent comment on her appearance and shook it off. 'I don't think my mind could create a dream like this, no matter how much or how little I've seen of the world.' she added with a slight sigh.

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes when he asked her name and pondered if she should introduce herself or not, but the situation in which they resided overcame her normally harsh demeanor. His own introduction soothed her mind enough for her to face him completely and nod somewhat. 'Mina, that's my name.' she said.
She took the time to observe the male, now that she felt comfortable enough to have some form of conversation with him. He was wearing a peculiar bright red and black outfit consisting of a red shirt, black jacket and black boots, which made him stand out from the others, who were mostly wearing more simple, plainer clothes.
He looked around her age and she wondered how his life was before he ended up here, but she didn't want to snoop around so she refrained from asking.

'So..., think we ever find out why we're here? Or better yet, get away from here..?' she asked in an attempt to keep the conversation going.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Evette's eyes snapped open, but before that her hand had already lashed out at the hand touching her, her nails cutting into the skin of the man's wrist. She didn't show any confusion in her eyes as they stared unblinkingly into the older man's. If anything, her nails only dug deeper as her grip tightened. "Why should I? If I die in this dream, I'll just wake up." Despite her words, Evette released the man's hand and stood, brushing herself off.

"Touch me again and I will kill you, and it won't matter at all because you aren't even real." She walked away to stand outside of the group of annoying dream-characters. Why was she dreaming Alice in Wonderland of all things? Still, it was much more pleasant than her usual nightmares. She leaned her back against the root of a giant tree and watched the life-like characters pester the rabbit. Evette let out a depressed sigh and said under her breath, "Fine, I'll play along little not-rabbit. So long as I can stay here until morning."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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"Ouch!" Connor stepped back from the Lady in shock and examined his wrist, seeing red slowly appear from the wounds dug by her nails, He then looked at her, malice in his own eyes, "I'll remember to just leave you for dead in the future then woman, your wish granted." He continued to just follow the group, it seems like this world was much like the real one. No matter how much one tried to do good, there would always be those who would misunderstand, and give you crap after you try to give them a hand. Connor cringed, the pain wasn't that sharp anymore in his wrist, but it stung, one thing was certain, he felt everything that would happen to him, and wither those around him believed it or not, this was not just another simple dream.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Petulant
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It was dull, as far as dreams went. A mirror, or rather a window, to some forest. He felt himself slipping in, though not by choice, as if he was being pulled in by some force he could not otherwise sense or recognise. Just as the last of him fell through the mirror's frame, he experienced a sensation of intense vertigo and all was engulfed by darkness.

To him, no time had passed at all as he felt his consciousness returning just as he was being hoisted up by his limbs. Blinking and groaning softly at the stiffness of his muscles, his eyes gained focus and he found himself staring at a young adult. Male, Asian ethnicity, probably between 17 and 21 years age, ask for a license., his mind catalogued. Then came the confusion. This felt too real to be a dream of any sort. He could feel the crisp morning air, autumn morning, far too vividly. The smell of grass and rain. The light shining through the treetops was too bri- Holy shit, those trees were tall. Even the smallest far outsized the Shard, for God's sake! Confusion was quickly replaced by the feeling of panic, not even the slightest bit enjoyable wonder and the smallest inkling of dread. Jerking his limbs, he fell down from the two youngsters' grip onto the, thankfully soft, grass. It was then he first got a good look at the other person holding him off the ground.

Young girl, brunette, 15 to 18 years of age. He stared up at her for a while, eyes a little wide behind his tinted sunglasses. Wait. Sunglasses? He had not worn those when he went to bed. In fact, what was he wearing then? Glancing down, a small spike of irritation went through his brain. His work outfit. Great. The irritation was quickly overcome by confusion once more. Why was he in these clothes at all? It would make sense, in a dream. But no, this was not a dream. Couldn't be.

Shaking his head, he stood up and dusted off his trousers. That's a lot of people... and a rabbit? A white rabbit in early autumn?" He thought as he mentally counted heads. A colourful cast, at the very least. And young. The youngest seemed not older tham 12 or 13. And only one or two older than himself. Was that a police officer? Feeling up the breast pocket of his vest mid-thought, he was delightfully surprised for the first time since the short time he woke up. His fags and lighter were in their usual place, too. Taking out a cigarette and his lighter, he casually lit it and took a long drag as he pocketed his lighter. The nicotine took damn near instaneous effect as he felt his nerves settle a little. Turning to the young brunette and the Asian who had picked him up, he felt a little awkward at speaking at all, but decided to voice his thoughts anyway. And introduce himself, didn't want to appear rude.

"Chase River, pleased to meet you two. I'm guessing I'm not dreaming?" God, those words sounded forced. He grimaced inwardly. Smiling would likely make it even worse. He was about to continue until he heard a voice. Like someone speaking through a loudspeaker. And the voice came from everywhere at once, as if it were disembodied.

"Naughty, naughty, little rabbit. Not even a decade as a fugitive and already trying your hardest to get to the top of Her Majesty's long-list of decapitees?"

The voice didn't stay disembodied for long. In hindsight, Chase wished it had. The air fifteen feet or so above the white rabbit rippled and out of the ripple emerged a person. A strong scent of orchids assaulted his nose. It wasn't unpleasant, but the person accompanying it was. Or it appeared to be a person until one dared take a closer glance at it. It was more a skeleton than a person, its skin a shade of grey that was tightly draped over its ribcage, arms thin like twigs each ending up to a quintet of five, dangerously sharp-looking claws. Stitches and long scars ran across its entire body like brushstrokes on a canvas. Odd, purple tattoos ran down the length of its thin arms, almost more like birthmarks than actual ink. Its choice in attire was rather bizarre, a royal purple, sleeveless straitjacket fashioned out of leather that left the thing's midriff bare. Skintight charcoal grey trousers, badly torn and worn. Behind it swayed a bony tail, bony ridges poking out of the flesh along its length.

Worst of all was its face. It wasn't the eerie amber eyes, pupils slit like a cat's, or the manic gleam in them, though they alone would have been bad. It was the mouth. The thing's cheeks had been split up into a full-blown Glasgow smile, the cuts damn near reaching its long, long ears. And what a Glasgow smile it was, a grin full of yellowed, sharp fangs each as prickly and sharp as needles.

It hung off the air for a while, bare feet swinging back-and-fro like a demented image of a child at a swing. It then dropped down next to the rabbit with grace that seemed unreal and it crouched down next to the small animal.

"But I guess these must be the humans with the... Potential? Oh my, what a game-changer you've brought in, Peter. You've sparked a fire, Rain, wonder how close you can stand to the flame 'till you burn?

Potential? What was that? Peter? Rain? Was that the rabbit's name? Wait, was that rabbit not just a normal rab- No, of course it wasn't. And who was this Her Majesty the thing spoke mentioned. Sounded like something straight out of a Lewis Carrol tale.

His cig damn near fell out of his mouth as his mind connected the dots. Her Majesty, a white rabbit, and while this creature really stretched the definition, a mangy cat.

"Oh, balls."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Rabbit observed their reactions carefully. So far, of the ones that were still sleeping only one remains like this, and one of which the Rabbit honestly wished stayed that way, given how hostile she appeared to be. My, my, what a colorful bunch though. At least one of them both evidently hostile AND under the stern belief that this is simply a dream. Understandable emotions given where they are and how they got here, but alas, not entirely true. He saw one of the people who were already awake...clinging to the tail of his red coat like a child, somewhat annoyed, but said nothing as he looked at a girl comforting him. He then heard the others, most of them basically said the same thing in their own ways: that they'll comply and follow but that they want everything explained to them immediately afterwards.

"Typical humans, but I suppose it's understandable enough." He thought as he then looked at the one who clung to the tail of his red coat.

"I intend to, do not worry. Unfortunately I can't give you much more comfort then that reassurance, ...not like 'she' can." He said to Axel.

Alice and Adam simply watched everyone's reaction. Adam heading for Connor and Evette.

"If you think this is a dream, how about trying to make believe all us to go away? Surely we're nothing but white noise to you." Adam asked Evette, knowing fully well that if the kid who tried to carry one of these people is of indication, this is a place that, dream or not, they have no power or control over it. He then turned to Connor.

"Hey, you're a london cop right? I've seen you patrol my street practically every night." Adam told him, before extending out his hand.

"Adam Smith, I'm a junior." He said to him.

Alice on the other hand went over to where the White Rabbit was, noticing Chase waking up and asking his question to him.

"Yes and no. While you came here from the ethereal realm, with your physical bodies still in your world, this place is one that is beyond the land of dreams. It's just as real to you here as it would be in your world, and that's why treating this as if this is a dream you can awaken from will be what meets you to an untimely end." The White Rabbit told him, but it seemed he was also referring to Adrian and Evette, though it's an easy guess in his eyes that it fell on deaf ears. No matter, they'll have no choice but to learn soon enough.

Just as he thinks this, as if responding to his thoughts, a voice, disembodied and all too familiar could be heard in the ears of the rabbit, as well as everyone else's apparently. The Rabbit looked up and, sure enough saw the cat-like human, ...or should it be human-like cat, standing in the air directly above the Rabbit.

Adam and Alice looked at this new face as it began talking, and it seemed to be talking with the rabbit in specific. But...Peter? ...Rain? Are either one his name? ...Are both of those words his name? If so, why would he have two different names? More importantly, she heard him mention "Her Majesty". ...Wait, if this is like wonderland from those books, does that mean the one he's referring to is, the psychotic head-chopper of a queen from the books? If so, then wouldn't that make him...

"She can't hear you Cheshire. She's asleep right now, but if it's all the same to you, I'll answer for her. ...We'll endure whatever we have to if it means dragging the royal 'majesty' from her throne. ...That said, I don't suppose you came just to observe us." The White Rabbit said.

"She? ...What on earth is he talking about?" Alice asked. Adam observed the conversation as well between the Rabbit and this...eerie newcomer. For what it's worth, at least it now gave a hint as to what the Rabbit's goal is, and possibly why it came there. But if that's true...

"Does that mean he summoned us to be soldiers against some form of Monarchy? ...But why these people in specific? The cat-guy mentioned something about our potential. But potential to do what? To fight? No, that can't be right. Why not summon actual soldiers if that was the case?" Adam thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cronic held the last remaining sleeping individual over his shoulder, as he raised an eyebrow at the Rabbit's dialogue between it and the... thing, in font of it.

"...Great... So now we're in a place where we're likely to die regardless whether or not we want to be here." Cronic said to no-one in particular, slamming the palm of his free hand against his forehead and shaking his head in annoyance.

"If I had a weapon of some description, I'd probably just off myself now and save whoever wants us dead the trouble. Unbe-freakin-lievable." Cronic said to himself, rubbing his forehead, having hit himself harder than initially intended.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eyes widened when Eve noticed the nightmarish creature appear in mid air above the rabbit.
She shuddered at those teeth and the eyes. Discretly placing her self a bit closer towards the larger individuals in the group. "this is not getting better.. So furball are we moving out soon or are we waiting for more of" she eyed that other character for a moment at loss of what to call it "other guests" She then finished. Yes she was in a bad mood but that thing looked unstable and mad as a hatter. Pissing it of for a starter might not be the best.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I say we leave. Now. That thing is freaking me out. And none of us have weapons, so we wouldn't be able to fight it anyways," Liz said. She did not want other things to show up. Just one was scary enough. Hopefully, they would all get to safety. But Liz wasn't sure that that would happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Evette rubbed the bridge of her nose between her eyes as a third figment approached her. She worried that beating one to death would shock her awake, so she just sucked it up and put up with the constant pounding of voices. Please don't talk. Please don't talk. Please go away and disappear.

"If you think this is a dream, how about trying to make believe all us to go away? Surely we're nothing but white noise to you."

He spoke to her. Dammit. She opened her eyes to look at him, attempting to channel all the murderous intent she could muster into one uncaring look. He was just a kid. She wished he would disappear. The figment said his name to another figment. He was called Adam Smith. Evette was disappointed in her own mind for coming up with such a crappy name. Seriously, Adam Smith was the best her subconscious could come up with?

"You are exactly as white noise is. I would wave my hand and kill you and each and every one of these figments, but I am no lucid dreamer. I can't control what happens inside my dream. I can choose freely when to end this dream, but this place is preferable to the usual nightly hell I find myself trapped in." Evette's eyes shifted over to where the rodent was speaking to a girlish-boyish anorexic emo. "Oh great, the figments, they're multiplying." She couldn't hear what either was saying from where she stood, but for some reason she felt she should go over and kick that bunny in the face. Ignoring the boy figment and the officer figment, Evette stopped leaning on the giant tree's root and began to walk over to the rabbit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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"Good to see that someone in this place of madness has manners, Well met Adam, I am Conner Morgan, A local police officer of London, as you have notice, though I am the youngest on the force." Clasping Adam's hand, he gave it a firm shake. He was about to open his mouth and make idle chit chat to get to know the young man better, but before he could, his ears caught something else though, something that he couldn't simple leave alone as a member of the police force. He turned to the lady whom had dug her nails into his wrist, "If you try to lay a finger on anyone else, I won't hesitate to kill you myself." His patience were wearing thin for this potentially homicidal woman, he would have to make sure to keep an eye on her at all times.

But of course, another strange figure would have to approach the group, and if what the others had been saying about this all being based on the story, and how this new arrival looked, with its unmistakable smile, this would be the Cheshire cat. But wasn't it supposed to be a natural figure in the story? Unless the story was vaguely based on this world? Conner stared at the cat person, trying to work it out in his mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kouichi wasn't sure what to do right now so he just stayed on his place crossed his arms and didn't said a word then he looked at the Cheshire smiling at it

"Yo! How is it goin? Neko-chan" he greeted the Cheshire
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Mina, huh?" Adrain smiled hearing the name. "It's a nice name. Simple. Cute." He said calmly before hearing her question. "As far as finding out why we're here.. Hmmm. " He grew rather silent as he tried to think. As far as he could tell they had no reason to trust the rabbit. Of course, they had no reason not to. "If I had to guess I'd think that us finding out was all just a matter of time." In truth this frustrated him. He hated not being in control. It was nerve-racking. "As far as getting away. I'm not so sure that's what I want yet. Yes this world may be strange and nuts, but it's different. A bit of a change from the mundane world we live in don'tcha think? besides. There might be a way to gain some form of control here. That's be wonderful wouldn't it?" He spoke with a calm demeanor. And as he reach the end and asked his final question a small smirk grew across his face. "It's not a change I welcome to be honest. But I'm interested in seeing how things work out. Going from the man in charge... The king of sorts to be honest to not knowing anything." he chuckled a bit shaking his head. "I mean I hate this transition, of course. But It's only a matter of time until we get all the information we need." He finally sighed before smiling at her. "And if nothing else I've got someone to talk to." His demeanor wasn't that of someone who was used to not being in charge. It showed in his speech too. Adrian was kind of proud of that fact actually.

He looked as if he were going to speak again, but this didn't happen. Why? Well his attention was drawn elsewhere. A voice? That is what it was, but where was it? Who had it come from? Adrian figured it must have come from yet another member of the group, but it didn't seem like something anyone here in this motley crew would say. That's when he saw it. "Tsk... Another joins the fray and the plot thickens. Still no answers connect with our questions." He sighed trying to follow along what was happening. At east one answer seemed to arise. A white rabbit, The cat like gastly looking "person?" in the sky, this world. Beyond the land of dreams? Adrian sighed before looking at Mina. "Well Mina. Looks like we've managed to be pulled into Wonderland." He said this with a somewhat serious tone and a hint of humor. Still, if this were the case they were going to need more than answers.

"Yo rabbit. How long do you intend to keep us here without any sort of clue as to what we've actually been brought here to do?" Adrian spoke quickly. He thought if he didn't he might not get a word in otherwise. That and he wasn't sure who else might show up. It was frustrating falling deeper and deeper into confusion. "I'd recommend you get us to wherever we need to be." What else was he to say. The way things seemed it was like they were in danger. And they should move fast.

(I Edited.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Neko-chan?!" Hayleigh dropped her jaw at the newcomer, following Koichi's casual observation. Yet another animal-thingy, but this fellow looked eerie as fuck! This was all making her rather flustered. Being that they were all apparently in danger was making all this worse, too. These were feelings and.. well, happenings you just couldn't dream up! It was hard to accept, but Hayleigh continued on, striding behind the only one she trusted absolutely 100% at the moment - her brother, Arthur.

His eyes were flicking around the group as they spoke, but they rested the longest on the ones who'd called themselves Connor and Adam. Police, ...so they were distant allies to him. He wondered if the older one knew him, but it was unlikely. Arthur tipped the law enforcement off wherever he could, always made sure to leave the scene or observe from somewhere nice and out of the way. It was doubtful they had anything on him, so he gave up that suspicion and focused on his sister, who was following behind him.

"Relax. If somebody wanted to end us all, they would've done it by now." Arthur murmured, causing the brunette to slow in her pace and calm a little.

(This took way too long and is way too small. FORGIVE ME! *Prepares to commit seppuku*)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Petulant
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"I'm never anywhere or nowhere without purpose, White. You should know that lest you forget yourself also." The feline creature identified as Cheshire quipped, ridged tail coiling itself around the rabbit. "But yes, not merely observation this time. Wonderland has been boring for decadews, with Black keeping the front steady and holding. You've brought in the first game changer this realm has seen since the former Aces defected. It'd be such a waste for the morsels to die now, as they are..." His unnerving gaze swept over the humans. His gaze turned back to the rabbit so fast his neck should have snapped.

"You haven't gone unnoticed. Your method of tapping into the Looking Glass leading outside Elysium is unique to you and Rain. Did you think He wouldn't notice and send His men after you?" His tone was amused, almost whimsical. He was enjoying the situation.

The Cheshire then turned his attention to Kouchi. "Well met, human. How do you do?" His grin seemed to somehow widen even further, despite his lack of cheeks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Black?" Alice asked in confusion, as the White Rabbit ignored the cat's tail coiled around him. She listened to the Feline-man's short exposition, and from it, it was confirmed that this was indeed Wonderland, the chaotic lands from that Lewis Carroll book. In particular it seemed to have a little bit of history given that he mentioned that it's been boring for Decades, and apparently holds a few things that are recognized in humanity like Defection. But wait, if this is suppose to be Wonderland...

"Oh good lord, is THAT why I'm here? Some kind of sick joke with my name?" She thought. While she does realize there has to be another reason for it then just her name, otherwise they could have chosen anyone in the world or at least London named Alice, it's a coincidence she just had to take note of.

Adam, in the meantime looked at the frankly delusional woman who still thinks this is just a dream when the White Rabbit clearly stated that this was far from it. Still, it seems that despite her threatening words, she's harmless. He said nothing to her, and looked instead back at Connor.

"Sounds like quite a feat." He said to him. He then looked at the Cheshire Cat talking with the White Rabbit. Once again, both Alice and Adam noted the man-feline mentioned this Rain person once again, confirming as well that they're both two different people, and yet he first called him Rain. ...So in this world, there's two White Rabbits? For that matter, who's this 'black' he mentioned, and what's Elysium? So many questions, but one thing was clear. The last statement by the cat was the one that seem to get the White Rabbit's attention as his eyes started to close a little to give off a stern look.

"...I knew he would notice eventually, but I was hoping the range and location would at least buy us some time. ...Still, Thank you for that information." The White Rabbit said. He then took one of his arms, and jabbed it into his own chest like a sword.

"Wha-...What're you doing!?" Alice asked. The area around where he stabbed his own hand turned back into a black blob-like texture as he immediately removes the arm, and with it a glob of black goop from his chest. He just tore off a part of himself by the looks of it. He then proceeded to do this 14 more times, and all of which shaped into what appears to be 15 golden pocket watches, one for every human, each one bearing a resemblance the white rabbit's own pocket watch. The wound he made for himself closed up almost immediately, but he was now short of breath as he looked at the humans.

"I don't have the time, or material to give you weapons right now...But if you want a clue as to why we brought you here...these watches, these 'evokers', are that clue." The white rabbit said.

"...Evokers? ...Evoking what exactly?" Alice asked as she picked one up. Adam walked over and grabbed one for himself and one for Connor and Evette, tossing them to cop and psycho-lady.

"Weapons alone are useless here. Useless against what's heading our way anyways. These are the key to your survival here and will be what makes a weapon useful. ...Whatever you do, do not lose them. As the girl advises, we must leave here. They're coming for us as we speak. Follow me." The White Rabbit said, just about answering Liz, Adrian, and Eve's concerns. He then looked up at the Cheshire Cat.

"Thanks again for the information." He said. He then proceed to run off.

"Hey, wait a sec!" Alice said as she ran after the rabbit, hoping to tell him not to run too fast so that no one gets left behind. Adam, in turn, looked to everyone, and to Cronic who apparently his annoyance of the situation to himself.

"...If you want to think about not wanting to be here, perhaps you should save it for when we're out of the woods." He said. He then looked to the others and ran off after Alice.

It was only a few seconds afterwards that Alice realized she was chasing a White Rabbit in Wonderland.

"Oh good god, this really is a joke on my name, isn't it?" She thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'm ok" he responded to the cat "Cheshire" and the rabbit started to took of his arm and stabbed it to his chest.

"Ooohh that's gonna hurt" he commented closing his eyes

The rabbit did it 14 times and it turns out to be a golden watch but he called this little babies "evoker".Kouichi picked one of those golden watch or what he call as "evokers".He looked at his evoker carefully but still had no idea why is this a weapon? Does it magically turn into a weapon? Or go back in time because it is a watch.

"This is our weapons? What does it do?" He asked the rabbit still looking at the golden watch but he ended up pocketing it afterwards
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This sure was a set of odd characters gathered here. How they would acomplish anything was well beyond her.
"hm well he's got a point about the woods i guess" The girl muttered and hurried after the rest. She could study the watch as they moved. And she did. Turning it around eyeing it didn't seem very special except being made from that things body. Which was kind of gross.
Though her focus changed to the fact that they where running in a forest with giant trees. Hard to not get stuck observing that odd view that was.
But that also meant the ground had a lot more things to tripp over to. Which she noticed stumbling a few times and cursing over her breath.
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