Come little children,
I'll take you away
Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children,
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows...The date is September 2010, Months after the supposed "Fall" of the world was suppose to happen as Japanese Cultists of Nyx predicted. As expected, it didn't come to pass, though the world never knew how close it was to doing so, and what had to be sacrificed to prevent it.
However, another bizarre crisis hits the capital of the United Kingdom. As of early April, Children with ages ranges between 4 and 12, on the stroke of Midnight are falling into a deep sleep from which they don't seem to ever wake up from. In one night, 6 children fall into this coma, in another night 7, then 8. Because this only seems to effect said children, the doctors are calling it the "Pied Piper Phenomenon" or "P3 Syndrome". Physically, these children are fine with the exceptions of a few and have no real reason, mental or otherwise, to fall under this coma. While most are well enough and alive in this coma, there have been a record of a rare few children who have sadly died while in this coma. As a result, a new level of fear and worry comes over the families of these children.
However, naturally, they only see and believe what's on the physical plain. What's happening is something within the Ethereal Plain, the plain of dreams. Within the world of Dreams, a mysterious white rabbit, who seems to take the form of both a human boy and girl on occasions, have entered into their dreams and led them through a window to another land, a window known as the "Looking Glass". The land it leads to was an amazing place of fantasy, a land of wonders beyond one's dreams or comprehension. But once they enter through the looking glass to this wonderland, they could never leave it. However, the White Rabbit seems to have vanished from his role as Pied Piper of these children, leaving other creatures to take his place.
Months of this happening has made it a point to have no one really come with their children to London anymore, and those who were born in London were immediately moved out to protect them from this epidemic. Needless to say it worked...temporarily. But as the number of children claimed grow, the range from which the creatures can claim them grew with it. At this rate, no child will be safe no matter where he or she is.
As said before, the P3 Syndrome seems to only effect children of ages 4-12. As such, no teenagers or adults seem to be effected and are safe from it ultimately. London is still a place to go for people without any young children of their own. Because of this Politicians in this capital city aren't too worried about it, minus the fact of needing to address it, and are in fact covering it up from the world as best as possible to not cause any unnecessary searches from countries like America.
However, things are about to strike as unusual when an exception to the rules so far happens. For a group of teens, and maybe even some adult, on the stroke of midnight, shall be pulled from their sleep by strange invisible force, through the looking glass into the Wonderland beyond, and their ultimate destiny shall begin.
Now for the Rules: (More may come.)
1. No God-modding
2. No Flaming
3. Your spelling and Grammar must be decent.
3. Respect the decision of the GM (Myself), and the Co-GM (Petulant).
4. Post within one week of the GM's (My) post or get left behind.
5. You must start of with three weak abilities. Then you shall gain up to 17 new ones as you progress. Me and Petulant will be the judge of when and how far.
6. For now, the RP will remain open
until the IC begins. Anyone who attempts to join afterwards will be put on standby until there's a vacancy.
7. Only skills from
Persona 3 and
Persona 4 (The rare exception being
Persona 2 By rare, I mean these skills will only be given if we feel it's warranted.)
8. There is no Social Links, and no Calandar system whatsoever.
9. Because of Rule 8, there is no limit to the amount of people under one arcana to have. However, Fool, Hunger, Jester, and World are not allowed.
10. Persona 2 style fusing can happen, where everyone, not just the fool, can fuse personas together. However, They must be personas of the Arcana you hold.
11. General forum rules apply
Alice Crowley/Dorothy Gale2.
Adam Smith/King Arthur3.
Evette Rossen/Af4.
Axel Ainsley/Dullahan5.
Tryggvi Sverrir/Salamander6.
Chase Rivers/Bacchus7.
Connor Morgan/Bahamut8.
Lisanna Adams/Achelois9.
Adrian Gray/Uranus10.
Cronic Crystalis/Saturnus11.
Kouichi Kihara/Kapre12.
Mina Scrios/Hati13.
Nathaniel Weiss/Faust14.
Eve Schults/Anahita15.
Kenneth Sharp/Bres16.
Arthur Blackburn/Honos17.
Hayleigh Blackburn/Virtus18.
Shadows: (Anyone making a Neo-Shadow still has to make a Persona with)
1. The Queen/???
2. The Mad Hatter/???
The Cheshire/???4. The Black Rabbit/???
The White Rabbit/Sisyphus-Shirousagi6. Dorm Mouse/???
7. March Hare/???
8. Jabberwocky/???
9. Bandersnatch/???
10. The Caterpillar/???
11. Tweedle Dum/???
12. Tweedle Dee/???
13. Ace of Spades/???
14. Ace of Clubs/???
15. Ace of Diamonds/???
16. Ace of Hearts/???
Jack of Clubs/Titan18.
Backstory: (Optional)
Theme Song: (Completely optional.)
Persona Name:
Persona Appearance:
Persona Skills:
Character Relevance: (Basically, how your Persona represents you. Possible not to be, in which case choose unknown, but I'd appreciate the effort if you could.)
Power: (If any)
Weapons: (If any)
Personality: (Self-awares' only)
Theme song: (Again, completely optional.)
Name: Alice Crowley
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Attire: Same as the Image
Arcana: Fool
Weapon: Two Kitchen knife-sized daggers, attached to her two index fingers via strings, effectively making them mid-range weaponry as well as close-range.
Personality: TBR
Backstory: Alice was born in England, raised in America, only to go back to England for study in London University. She had a more than decent school life, while having little actual friends, she did have a good mind on her head, graduating at nearly the top of the class. Her family life was relatively nice and uneventful.
...Well, until 11 years ago, where for ten years straight she suffered through seeing being aware of the Dark Hour, due to her potential of becoming a Persona-user.
At the same time, she kept having dreams, the same dream every night. She dreamed of herself dressed in the garments of royalty and presenting herself as a cruel and despicable ruler to silhouetted people.
This eventually led her to not sleeping because of that dream, being scared to sleep, but still scared to be awake as the world around her changed every night.
Eventually it got so bad, that her parents took her to a Psychologist, Dr. Aleister Grendel, to find a method against this constant dream. The strange part was that there was no trigger to this. No post-traumatic stress disorder, no records of mental illness, no experience like this before.
...However, despite this, the Doctor managed to do just what she was paid to, as ever since her visit, Alice never had that dream again, eventually the memory of this dream faded away, as did the Dark Hour one year ago.
With both of her fears gone, she focused more on her life and what to do with it. She decided to go to London University to be a Psychology major herself.
Theme Song: *Is Working on it*
Persona Name: Dorothy (As in, Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz)
Persona Appearance: A beautiful brown-haired teenaged girl with long hair, her eyes a beautiful green as she wears the blue dress and white apron. A long black wolf wrapped around her like a snake, the bottom part the wolf being more like a swirling vapor akin to a tornado. Red ruby shoes dripping with crystal drops as if it was coated in blood.
Persona Skills: Garu, Mudo, Dia
Character Relevance: As Alice before her, Dorothy represents an innocent girl entering stepping into a world that is fascinating yet terrifying, and while she is weak and wanting to go home, in time she will gain the courage and power to help this world from its troubles. For now, however, she is simply doing what it takes to get home.
Name: Adam Smith
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Attire: The same as in the picture, minus the scarf. He goes to a Private school, which is why he has a school uniform.
Arcana: Emperor
A Broadsword and
Theme Song:
Persona Name: King Arthur
Persona Appearance: A knight doning golden armor, a red cape and the top of the helmet shaped as a smooth golden crown. The face is completely masked by the helmet with only the sky-blue eyes showing out of it. Well...To call it a knight perhaps is not quite right, as there seems to be a very small and slim strip of the torso, too thin and small to fit, can be shown between the upper and lower parts of the armor. Yet despite this, it looks and can move naturally.
Persona Skills: Cleave, Zio, Hama
Character Relevance:
Name: "The White Rabbit" Later to be called Peter White or Rain White
Gender: Male/Female (Gender is more about preference than fact when it comes to Shadows. Since shadows are essentially the physical embodiment of emotion, they don't really have an actual gender to them. As such, the gender they have is the gender they prefer to be. Shadow Selves however, who are doppelgangers of their original selves that they come out of, are the sole exception to this. Since the White Rabbit was tasked with taking children through the looking glass to Wonderland, He must take a form that gives comfort to those children, usually the form of a female, but sometimes taking a male form as well. As such, White Rabbit holds no gender preference, and can change it at any point in time.)
Appearance: True Form:

Male Human Form:

Female Human Form

Note: In all three cases, his eyes are red.
Arcana: The Star
Power: Besides the power to enter into the dreams of people and allow them access into Wonderland, as well as the ability to change into a human like appearance, (A power that all "neo-shadows" like him possess.) The White Rabbit has the ability of Manifestation. A shadow's body is made up of organic emotion, and as such is normally a thing of goop. The White Rabbit possesses the ability to take a part of himself, and shape them into what he wishes. Upon completing this, the part becomes the real thing, in the same manner of the Shadows taking physical form. With this, he can create weapons that he or anyone else can use. Given he knows about it, he can also shape it into items of any kind. It is through this ability that the persona users gained the Pocket-Watches necessary to awaken their personae. The bigger the item, the more time it takes to make them, the more of his body he has to use. Small items are nothing he needs to be returned to him, as he can heal himself and replace the part missing. However, bigger stuff he'll need to have returned to his body, or else he'll be incredibly weaker. Whether it was because of this power that's able to switch his gender, or because he could switch gender so loosely that he learned this power is unknown.
Additionally, because of said Gender-Swap, He has two personae instead of one.
Weapons: True form: A set of large knives between the knuckles as claws, and his trusty Flintlock Pistol (Will be .45 Magnum as the story progresses.)
Male Form: A staff with a hidden sword blade within it.
Female Form: Small throwing daggers, and her over-sized pocket watch.
Personality: Because of his ability of gender-swapping, he developed a split-personality disorder between his male and female selves.
The Male version is an aristocratic snob of a gentleman. He is calm, calculative, sometimes suave, and very well-mannered, but also cold and cynical with a hint of sarcasm. He never truly raises his voice even when angered, and often he is as he can have something of a short-temper. He sees these humans as a means to an end, and not much more, determined to fight the queen and then send them home, but eventually will open up to them as time goes on. Speaking of which, he is very picky when it comes to time. Always wanting things to go on schedule, and annoyed greatly when something delays it. It's also worth mentioning that he absolutely hates carrots, not much for the vegetable himself, but for the stereotype it represents in the human world. As such, he is greatly irritated if someone offers him a carrot. He is often a rabbit of danger, and is willing to put himself on the line for the sake of helping others out, as annoying as it may be for him. While he seems like a jerk ultimately, he is heart seems to always be at the right place, and the right time, and seems to have a beneficial goal.
The Female version, meanwhile, is a hyperactive, energetic, nutcase of a teenager. She is always active and always on the move, and always seems to be happy when she's not either panicking or crying her eyes out. The former of which being something she has a bad habit of. Like the male version she takes great care of wanting to be on time for something, and rather than sitting back and planning things out like the male, she goes into a panic about it. She is most happy around friends and is glad that she met the humans she did, one of her great fears seems to be being alone in the end. She is friendly, kind and filled with joy, which is why she is the one used to take the children to Wonderland.
Theme song: *Is working on it*
Persona Name: Sisyphus/Shirousagi (Evolved from Nix/Siren)
Persona Appearance: The male Persona, Sisyphus, looks like an old thin man wearing a royal robe with a boulder strapped to his back, the straps torn and wore out as he holds on to them. While Shirousagi looks like a small rabbit with stitched up patches of fur of many different colors all over his body, and standing on what appears to be the back of a moving shark.
Persona Skills: Agi, Bash, Power Charge/Bufu, Media, Patra
Character Relevance: While Nix and Siren represented the White Rabbit at his original job, luring in the children with a sense of False-hope and a false sense of security, (Effectively making him a Reverse-Star or a Moon) Sisyphus represents the White Rabbit's knowingly futile hope, as well as his defiance against a much higher power than his own. While Shirousagi represents their usage of the humans as tools to achieve that end, also representing Rain's embrace of the stereotypes of being a rabbit. The multiple colored patches not only show how colorful she is, but...just how scarred the white rabbit truly is.
Enjoy. :D