Name: Kyle Lockhart
Age: 18 (Senior)

Personality: He is known to be a bit rebellious, especially when he thinks that he was given an order just so that someone in charge could exercise their power. He follows the rules when he sees the point of the rules and agrees with them, and when he knows he'll get caught.
Psychologist report:
Both of his parents were skilled contractors. In their raising of him, however, they were very strict. Disobedience was punished swiftly and severely. As a result, he grew up seeing his life as a series of rules that had to be obeyed, lest he face punishment. He is essentially ruled by his Ego, having little understanding of why you shouldn't behave in certain ways. When he joined the Academy, this view was extended to include the school. He sees the administrators and teachers more as prison wardens than as friends or instructors. I believe this has led to him viewing himself and other students as slaves to the administration.Clubs: Muay Thai Club, Debate team
Brief Backstory: Unlike many contractors, he spent his early years going through American prep schools. His parents tended to choose the strictest ones they could, believing that he needed to learn discipline more than anything else if he was to be a contractor like them. Money wasn't really an issue, as his parents had both long exploited their gifts for great profit. When he got to high school and his parents saw fit to teach him the basics of being a contractor, he did what he was supposed to do. He chose one of the more "acceptable" beings to make a contract with. He transferred to Covenant Academy, but he soon realized that despite all of his power, he was still subject to the laws of his teacher, and the school staff, whether those rules actually protected people or not, or even if they didn't work.
When the summer arrived, he used some of the money in the expense account his parents had left him to pay for school, and traveled to Italy, to a remote shrine. He took a piece of a statue to the goddess that had fallen off and, after transferring to Japan, waited for the appropriate time. When November 13th arrived, he summoned her to ask for her help freeing others from the oppression he saw them under. She agreed.
Contract(s): Sindri, Feronia
Contracted Beings:
Name: Sindri
Type: Dwarf King
Personality: Hardworking, Likes building and making things. He has a weird sense of humor, often laughing at the failings of others, especially when they do something that he thinks is easy, like Smithing. Likes to study machines, though he seems to be having trouble with computers, as they are so different than what he's used to. Likes to hang out at a blacksmith's shop in the city, one of the few places where such a place could still exist.
Powers: Preternatural understanding of machines and metallurgy, resistance to heat, increased strength (currently 3x), tougher skin
Fusion: More muscular build, beard, slightly shorter. increased powers from contract. Resistance to magic and lightening.
Summon: 4'8", Muscular, large build. Beard. Wears armor that resists magic, heat, and lightning. Carries an ax that shoots flames from it on command.
Name: Feronia
Type: Goddess
Personality: Values her freedom. As a goddess of wildlife, health, and fertility, she can be a bit flirtatious, however, she is kind, only fighting to protect others or herself. She was once prayed to by slaves, hoping for their freedom, which made her a goddess of freedom.
Powers: Healing (self and others; accelerates the body's healing rate. Currently can't heal mortal wounds.), accelerated growth/revival of plants, animal speech
Fusion: Androgenous, they glow with a light like sunlight, bringing healing to those around them. Can control plants or animals, though plants are obviously much slower.
Summon: A beautiful woman, clothed in natural materials, though the specific materials vary with her mood and the climate. She can heal people or revive the recently dead. She can even restore life to dead wood or other plant materials. She has a kind of telepathy with all wild animals, and they obey her will, should she ask it of them. Should she see a serious injustice, she will not hesitate to step in to stop it.