Name: Hei "Death" Sizuke
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Hei is 6.3 feet high, his hair is as dark as the night and his eyes are filled with emptiness.
His body is average, and yet shows signs of muscles.

Hei always wears this mask, if it is with the group or when he is on missions. He shall always wear it to keep his identity a secret.
{And yes I know, it is Ichigo's mask ^^}
Hei is a boy wich was raised in the Emperor's Army District, wich means he was raised with discipline. But Hei himself was different, he disliked the rules and rebelled against them, wich always ended up with whip-slashes onto his back.
This made Hei change, his mind changed as did his actions. Since ever then Hei started to closed up.
Since then Hei became a guy who never spoke, never went against the rules and always did what was asked.
Hei was raised within the Emperor's Army District, together with his younger sister. He was raised by quite a few strict rules aswell as allot of discipline.
But Hei was different that those who followed the emperor, he rebelled against the rules and did everything his own way, wich always ended with whip-slashes upon his back. Ever since he is reminded by the horror of that district.
But he kept on living, for his little sister ment everything to him and he would protect her at any cost! So even at the end... He joined the army to serve the emperor and create a better world for his sister.
But instead... He saw every single piece of horror the city had hidden from sight... Each and every corner of the city was corrupted... Each and every single bit had lost the light, and started to dwell in the darkness...
But the most horrific thing ever, was the order of killing of his own family... His parents ment nothing to him, but his younger sister ment everything to him!
As he disobayed the order, he got punished... But just before the guards took him, he took their lives, grabbed his sister and ran for it. He ran untill there was no place left to run but the Slumbs, and thats where he left her... With a family wich would take care of her.
As he changed his identity, he also changed his way of living... He was planning to create a group, who would safe this city and bring it back to light.
He would create... The Dark Raiders!
Weapon: Spiked Chains
Extra: Instead of the belts around his body, these will be the chains that he use!