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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

Timeskip sounds good to me too!

I think everyone knows fully well what kind of driver Moira will be lmao. And of course, in typical road raging fashion, she'd think she's the only person on the road who can actually drive. Syed will probably one of those drivers who sings badly to the radio until he hears a funny noise in his car then oh gods the car will explode then flip into the air and into an orphanage for small children.

Aria in anything less than a fancy convertable is sacrelidge I'm sorry. Much like Don riding anything other than a motorbike is.

Or Lucien riding anything other than a panda.

Oh crap I remember you talking about that dream that was the best dream ever. Seriously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

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I got Lucien's Dynasty Warriors counterpart both summoning pandas and riding bears. :D

It really was a kickass dream. Probably one of my favorites. (Guys don't ever let Syed near a smoothie machine. He will put rice in it.)

Trixie's car would be like the Batmobile. Except rat themed. So a Ratmobile. That'd be bloody awesome.

EDIT: Ehhh if there's anything wrong with Angel's dialogue or my post in general, please let me know hahaha. Just kinda world-built a bit in assuming Aliquam's on the richer side of towns/cities, though I can deffo change that if it conflicts with something.

EDIT: FUCK I accidentally edited an old post and hit submit instead of post a new one. (I usually copy-paste pics/locations from old posts and paste them into the box at the bottom when writing a new post. Guess I just forgot I was still editing it and it won't go back. :ccc) I am so so so so sorry!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ahahahaha |D It's a good thing I regularly save the rp then, isn't it? >8D

You're welcome. ^^

Also o.o @ Sue thinking Don would only ride motorbikes. It's probably true, but he also drives race cars really well 8D

Pfftt @ ratmobile :'D Trixie you so awesome omfg

Or maybe she could drive this ^o^

Hope everyone's having a nice weekend! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

Hahahaha yeah good point about Don. I stand corrected :P Also you reminded me I need to update my backups lol

Rex, just out of curiosity, what have your sigs and avatars been from lately? They look pretty funny, I've been wondering for a while lol

RIGHT I'd better go get ready, gonna go go-karting with work. I am very competative and a sore loser so if there's a pile-up and I end up with a broken limb then you know it's probably me who started it lmao :D

Oh also I'll leave you with the theme for my favourite boss in FFXIV:RR. Shame I could only find it with the fight attached, so don't watch if you don't want to be spoiled. Although I don't think any of you really care about that much lmao.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

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Drivers. :0

Actually, not gonna post. Family crap going down again, sorry. Just not in the mood now. This is a really crappy excuse though ; A ; I'll just catch up next time
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Poor Syed xD and Don, Trixie, and Aria can drive around town in style.

I'll call the post after Kei-chan's :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

It's not a crappy excuse, Kei, and it's totally understandable. I hope things get better asap *powerhugs*

I loved Fox's musicbox songs and Buns' FF14 battle music. So good 8D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

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D'aww D:

I'll go ahead and type up post then, if no one minds.

Edit: Posted ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Er ok considering how my laptop's died at least ten times time today I may or may not be able to post :/

Having trouble with both laptop and phone Skype too so if I go offline it's probably because it died again OTL

(And Lulu check PM k)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Time skippy post up! I didn't really go into too much detail yet with the setting up and exposition for the coming mission cus... that'd make a giant ass post and just be really awkward pacing wise? So, so far you guys can describe the characters heading to the Faculty Lounge, interact a little and describe the interior of the Academy again if you like (for potential setup of the mission later ^o^) and I'll work on advancing the setup some more tomorrow. c:

Best of luck with your internets etc, Kathi! <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago


I checked and saw that you could hit the boss with a zombie status so it meant whenever he tried to cure himself it damaged him instead huehuehue


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

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EDIT: I sat around for too long trying to come up with a decent post so I just posted what I got hahaha. Didn't really shed any light on academy design/setting at all; I'm absolutely horrible with that stuff. Anyway, hope it's all right! I'm just at a really bad block today. :[
lmfao congrats, Pacman! Honestly I was baffled to hear you were still playing that game. XD Also thanks for having my back with that post. I was really banking on you having a backup, and you totally did. XD; Song sounds really killer too, Buns (and I loved the music box music too, Fox)! I hope you had fun go-karting! Kei, I hope you feel better soon D;, and good luck with your electronics Kathi!

Sig/avvie are from a game called Disgaea 4. C: My favorite jrpg, although I don't play much jrpgs to begin with so idk how much that says about the game haha! It's basically a coup d'état in the Netherworld, and everyone in your main party is a different species (e.g. human, vampire, grim reaper). It's turn-by-turn, similar to Fire Emblem/Advanced Wars. Opening animation's here, if anyone's interested haha! I'll stop myself from rambling here ^^; hahaha. Lemme just leave a song and be on my way~

(Oh Pacman, listen to this song too, from Disgaea 3. So so so catchy ^^)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm feeling better now, thanks guys. <3333 Writing my post... and posted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ooh, disgaea >w<)/ I only played a bit and am not even sure about which game it was, but Laharl was pretty funny <3 and the Prinnies are so adorableee.

If no one minds, I'll call the post after Kei-chan's :)!

Edit: Posted :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Then I'mma go after Michi ^o ^

Also finally got Taiwan settled for tomorrow, but hopefully hotel has wifi! /o/ (If not then I'll steal Mandu's internet the day after *loud muahuhauhaing*)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah, Disgaea. Yes, that Disgaea game. The game about Disgaea. Disgaea the game. *shot* I've tried playing the one with Laharl, then the one with Rosalind... and the one with the accursed prinnies being the hero. e n e I couldn't progress further from like, the first ten levels.

Look it so cute
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I couldn't get far either ;A;

HAVE FUN WITH MANDU :D! Be careful //shot
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Omg adorable raccoons >w<!

And yup, Disgaea's an awesome series, even though I've never gotten that far and... !

I just realised that I think I actually own all the mainline games... like, 1 and 2 for the PS2, 3 and 4 for the PS3, 1 and 2 for the PSP and 3 for Vita and I have 4 for Vita preordered too...

...but I've never played more then about an hour each >_>;

That's how charming the games are ^^; But also so daunting. The possibility of getting to level 9999, even if that's optional... the games just look so huge and complicated and time consuming for me ;A; Even though I bet they aren't that bad. Rex, did you do most of the optional stuff or only the story mode? That D3 music link is sexy. I love the 'la's' and the whole ambience of Disgaea's music so much. So unique 8D

I still need to (and Rex too, and everyone here >:D) play Zettai Hero Project: Ranger vs DarkDeath Evilman! Which is by the same makers as Disgaea. The game premise is hilarious, about the world's leading superhero dying before he fights the final boss by being run over by a truck, and then transferring his powers to the world's most boring superhero, who has to get stronger (by dying a lot) in order to win! I think Fox would actually love this game tbh. It was for the PSP 8D

Best trailer ever:

Have fun travelling to Taiwan and meeting Mandu, Kathi! ^o^ Don't plan about killing me behind my back too much, ok? c':
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Post is up! I hope everyone enjoys reading it, and I hope everyone is okay with their groups! I've assigned the groups this way because I think the interaction elements here can be interesting, mixing up some characters who haven't had that much time together for some... interesting results >:D I also sort of arranged things the way I did so that every group has a "tracker" of sorts (Dalia, Marcus, Syed, Trixie, Lucien if he's using a summon) and along with the Aliquam staff, I thought that made for sensible groups. Also, 5 groups for the 5 thieves, which means we can have the thieves impact on those groups when they pop up later. For the sake of interaction, it might also be better to have players with a thief effect a group they've not got a character in for player interaction sakes? I don't know, we'll think about that more when it becomes time for them to make a move.

Next round, I'm going to timeskip things on a little bit to the night, and where the mission properly begins, unless anyone wants us to devote a bit more time to the current scene. For the next round, I think it's valid for people to react/discuss the mission and their team members, as well as ask any questions they might be interested in, to which Dalia and Tobias will be able to answer. I'd also like to ask nobody to post with their thief character yet, my segment with the Masked Phantom was for foreshadowing and buildup >:D

I hope everyone has a great day! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Pacman, *I'm* a Disgaea fan and I don't have multiple copies of the same games lmfao. Good on you for not owning D2 (the direct sequel to 1) either.... e_____e. If I earned a nickel for every minute I could spend ranting about that game... I'd have like $20 USD. By optional you mean DLC, I do them sometimes. The highest I've ever gotten level-wise is probably like... around 300?? (Seeing how far you can get in Item World nonstop/without saves or dying before having to call the quits because you're on your last guy is the funnest thing in these games.) I have a friend who got a trophy for being level 9999, if not something slightly lower like 9000 or whatever... ridic. I can play this game for a long time but not that long!

Prinnies are the greatest <3

lmfao @ your description for ZHP. Good it's a psp game, I need more games for that handheld hahaha. I'll be sure to check it out sometime. Probably after my current reruns and Trails :P

Love the red panda gif, omgggg. And have fun in Taiwan, Kathi! I've always wanted to visit Taiwan... ;w;

Calling next post if no one minds :) Re: next round, I don't mind if we skip or stay. Whatever feels more natural I guess haha!
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