Aliquam: The Academy of the Arts: ???“Ah, and who might this charming voice be?” The Masked Phantom asked with a chuckle, as he continued to silently walk through the pitch dark hallways atop his wind magic enabled clouds, Angel still trussed over his shoulder. He stalked through the hallways with the utmost confidence, his mask enabling him to see his surroundings quite clearly, the darkness being no inhibition at all. “I believe it’s far easier to talk and deal with someone whom you can give a name.”
Northern Sector: Performance HallMarcus, Dylan, Dalia, Aria, Xandra, Lucien, Tobias, Simon, Jay, (Francesca)

“And far easier to talk face to face,” Dylan’s voice responded over the communicator. “Just answer our questions. We’re not in the mood for games. We have two of your men.”
“My, my, and isn’t this voice a tough one?” The handsome blonde grinned. “Yes, I know all about how you’ve managed to incapacitate two of my men. Quite rude, if I do say so myself… but I suppose that’s fair for us indisposing three of yours.”
Marcus frowned. They had heard it over the communicator from Angel earlier, but now hearing from the Masked Phantom… his suspicions were being confirmed. Moira, Syed and Angel had…
“I have with me one of your friends. If you care about them, I would suggest you all quietly vacate the premises of this Academy at once, and return to me my two men as well.” The Masked Phantom’s tone of voice turned deathly serious. Within the Academy’s Northern Sector, in the Theatre Hall, everyone turned silent, looking to each other and Jay as well, who stood there with a self satisfied grin. It was a voice screeching over the communicator that broke the silence- a voice not belonging to its previous speaker. It was-
Western SectorEstelle, Amy, Moira, Syed
“HEY! YOU! JERK!” Estelle’s voice bellowed down the communicator. As Amy used her magical healing talents as well she could to support Moira and Syed’s unconscious bodies, hoping to stir them back to wakefulness as she had managed to do with Lucien (although the duo’s injuries were far more grievous then Lucien’s own, so it was a gamble to know how effective her healing might be), her fiery partner gripped their communicator tightly and showed as loudly as she could.
South-Western SectorTrixie, Lute, Rose, Fabian, (Miffy)
“Yeah!” Trixie’s voice followed over the communicator. “You tell him Supersis! We’ve got one of your henchmen here right now, and we’re not afraid to stick one of these fireworks up his butthole and light it!”
“What the cuss?!”
“Masked Phantom.” A cooler, calmer voice interrupted the two arguing children. A feminine voice, laced with a twinge of pain, but resolute determination. Rose. “Release my brother now, or you
will pay for this.”
“Pay? I think not.” The Masked Phantom laughed with a tut, tut, tut. As he walked with Angel, his head slowly shook from side to side. Not that any of the Guilders would be able to see it. “My dear Guilders… that is what you all are, is it not? I know how all of you operate. You may have two of my men, but you are all honorbound not to hurt them. And even those of you who are a part of Aliquam’s most lovely Academy… the teachers or students. I know that you too, won’t dare grievously hurt my companions. It’s not in your nature. Therefore, even with them in your custody, knowing this information… it leaves you not much to bargain or threaten with. Whereas I, on the other hand… I have your friend here, and I can assure you that I am fully capable of doing worse to him. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”

A snotty voice squawked over the line- the familiar voice belonging to Tobias, who walked through the large Performance Hall, down the plush red carpeted aisle in-between the rows of chairs to where the rest of the Guilders were, surrounding the still caged Jay. They all looked to him warily, wondering how he might respond, when he pulled out a small, finely crafted knife from his belt. He was still filled with anger and rage from everything the Masked Phantom and his cronies had done to him – first with interrupting his gala and mocking him, second by attacking him and thieving his weapon.
He twirled the knife in his hands as he walked towards Jay, his eyes locked entirely on him.
“My name is Tobias Smith. I’m sure you know who I am, thief.” The blue haired patron spoke loudly enough to be picked up over the communicator held in Aria’s hand. “I am neither Guilder, nor student, nor Priest or Priestess of the Academy. And after everything you’ve done to insult me… hurting your man… isn’t so hard for me to do at all.”
“Tobias, no!” Dylan gritted his teeth and stepped in-between him and the cage, throwing his arms out. He locked his eyes with Tobias, as best they could considering the darkness, and winced. Memories began flooding back through his mind… of everything they once were and could have been. Of how happy Tobias had once made him, and how very angry and sad he had caused him to be as well. But of course it wasn’t just that. No matter what had happened, he couldn’t let Tobias hurt or kill anyone… and especially not for something as trivial as a party interruption or a stealing of a sword. Even if it was something more serious then that… he would still resist him. Because he was a Guilder.
“Step out of the way, Dylan.” Tobias growled. “Don’t you understand? Unless we have actual leverage to threaten or intimidate this annoying clod, we’re left with absolutely nothing, and we’ll have lost already!”
“And what about Angel?!” Dalia shouted as well.
is to help Angel, you twit.”
“Enough.” Marcus raised one hand. “This isn’t solving anything.”
“Ahhh, a man of reason. Someone who actually understands the position they’re in, I believe.” The Masked Phantom chuckled. “Finally.”
“As I was saying. Return my two men to me, vacate the premises, and your friend here won’t be hurt. He’ll be returned to you safe and sound, as will all of the other Priests and Priestesses we’ve encountered during our trip through the Academy, and-”
“WHY DON’T YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND COME AND FACE ME, YOU GODDAMN ROTTEN STINKING COWARD-”“Estelle, that’s not helpi-”“FACE ME YOU SMELLY BUTTBREATH!”“…sigh... whoever that person is… control them?” The Masked Phantom pinched his brow in annoyance.
“Anyway… I’ve made my demands quite clear. I’ll give you ten minutes to decide your response. I shall meet you all in the North Sector of the Academy – within their illustrious Performance Hall. That is where you all are, correct? I shall be carrying your friend with me, ready to give back you when you make the right decision. Now… let me warn you.” The Masked Phantom stopped in his walk, to make his next point much more emphasised.
“I do not recommend any ‘funny business’. Any attempts or plans to encourage this avenue of business, will be known and unrewarded. If you simply do as I say, then everything else here can be handled with delicately. You do not have any form of advantage here, and you never did.
We have placed charges all throughout the Academy. When detonated, they will sever the Academy from its foundations, and the next phase of my plan will take off from there. To answer the lady’s question from earlier… what I am after… what we will be stealing… is
the entire Academy itself.”
A loud shocked gasp gripped the Pride completely.
“What… the…”
“You cannot stop us, and again, I would advise you all to see common sense, and not even try. I shall meet you all in ten minutes. I hope by then you’ve all reached your senses and a common decision. This is the Masked Phantom.
"Over and out.”A long silence reigned afterwards.

In the western part of the Academy, Estelle stood shaking as she stared blankly at the communicator in her hand. Behind her, Amy was crouched besides Moira and Syed, still feeding their bodies spell after healing spell. She too was trapped in disbelief at what they had heard from the Masked Phantom… and couldn’t bring herself to believe in the absurdity of it. Explosives, to rip the Academy apart from the ground? And then to steal the entire building? How on Ddaear was that even possible?!
“Estelle?” Amy asked, watching the shivering girl.
She exploded in a loud roar after her hand crushed her second communicator into pieces.
“THAT… THAT… THAT BIG FAT JERK!!!” Estelle yelled.
“Amy! Wake up Moira and Syed if you can… and get to Lute, Trixie and Rose’s group, to the south!” Estelle turned. Her eyes then flittered and changed, focusing on the direction to the north. It was the only direction the Masked Phantom could have possibly gone in. Without waiting for a reply from the cleric, she immediately began dashing off. “I’m going to make this guy pay!!”