Race Name: Chameleon Beast-Folk
Race Description: Just as the name suggests, chameleon beast folk are humanoids with some chameleon traits. A Chameleon beast folk can be identified by their skin color (normally green), their big eyes that can give them a 360* view, their large tail and their large tongues, usually measuring between one and a half to two times their height. Chameleon Beast-Folk are omnivorous and they do not mind the occasional insect. It's one of their favorite types of meat. There are a few characteristics about their body that make this race an amazing hunter and defender. First, their tongue, is not only long but fast. An adult Chameleon Beast-folk can project their tongues at about 14 MPH. Second, their eyes can not only give a full 360* view, but can also focus on two different objects at the same time. But the most amazing ability of the chameleon beast-folk is their ability to camouflage. By touching a material, they can replicate the color and the pattern of that material and hide in plain sight. They do have to be naked for this and the more complicated to replicate is the pattern, the more energy is used.
As for as weaknesses, Chameleon's beast folk have a really major one. They are cold-blooded and heat makes them numb and lazy. Too much cold though, can kill them straight away. It's normal to see Chameleon beast folk wearing the least amount of clothing possible during the day, but the most amount possible during the night.
Magic Name: Void Storage
Magic Description: The users of this magic are able to create a link between their world and the void in order to access an infinite storage place for various items. New users of this magic can open a portal only big enough to be able to store a retrieve a dagger or potion. Masters however, are able to store things of various different sizes, the biggest one recorded being a small airship. While novice users of this magic need to extend their hand to the rift in order to retrieve the items, Advanced users can open various rifts and around them and retrieve whatever items they need just by calling out their names. They can also call out a quantity, but if no quantity is claimed, the rift will release all items called that have the same name.
Alright. I want to try out something that I've never did, which is a completely evil character. If you're not ok with this, let me know and I'll change it right away.
Name: Derill Straull
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Chameleon Beast-kin

Profession: Alchemist during the day, Serial killer during the night
Personality: Derill has what it's known as a Chaotic Evil alignment. He enjoys causing suffering and mayhem, not caring even in the slightest about the value of a life, He's a compulsive liar and enjoys creating his lies out of thin air, but always trying to cause the maximum amount of pair or chaos with them. His preferred methods of killing are poisons, usually psychotic, or explosions. He has a bit of an arsonist on him. Still, despite all this, he tends to fill a little compassion to the people he spends more time with, usually killing them quickly and painlessly.
Equipment/Weapons: Due to his Void Storage, Derill can store an infinite amount of items. His stash is filled with various bottles filled with explosive materials or poisons, some of them in gas form. Apart from this, he has about five small daggers.
Abilities: Void Storage magic (Advanced user). This means that he can call for certain items and open various rifts around him, but the size of the rift is just big enough to move a piano.
Brief Backstory: Derill was just a normal guy until, at the age of 15 while he was alone at home, he experimented a bit with his chemistry set and accidentally caused an explosion that ended up killing his dog. Derill thought that he should feel sadness over the loss of his trusted friend, but in fact, he felt nothing but pleasure. When their parents came back home and saw what happened, Derill made up a story about there being a gas leak. Their parents bought it and Derill thought, at that age, that if he could lie his way out of a though spot, he could continue to do whatever he wanted to with no repercussions. His next victim, 2 months after the accident, was a cat that his parents brought back to replace the dog. This time, Derill felt like he wanted a bit of irony, so after getting a small mouse, he filled it with rat poison and gave it to his cat. The cat ate it whole and Derill watched with joy as it's life slowly vanished. After that, Derill's parents never brought a pet home, but Derill's killings didn't end there. He mostly used poison to kill various other animals. Birds... Dogs... Cats... Even the occasional raccoon, but for some reason Derill wasn't feeling as much pleasure as he felt before. So, he decided to move on up on the food chain. Humanoids. One night, while his parents were away, he sneaked out of his place and entered his neighbor's house, An old man that for some reason, was always being mean to him. He had managed to reproduce the mixture that had killed his dog, but also made it more controllable. It would only explode when in contact with fire. His neighbor was deaf, so he didn't hear Derill walk in to his room, place the bottle right next to his bed and extend a fuse to the window. After leaving the house, he lighted the fused and quickly ran to his own room. A few moments later, there was small explosive, not big enough to cause much damage to the room itself, but big enough to ensure that he old man would die. Derill watched everything from his window and the feeling of pleasure returned.
A few years later, Derill joined the Alchemist's Guild and focused all his time in to creating more powerful explosives or poisons, and most of his nights he would field-test those items on various persons. He always tries to be careful about not getting caught though since the lab he has on the Alchemist's Guild is really important to his research on how to make his explosives and poisons more effective.