Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nooo don't worry, he is not an asshole in the likes of "I don't give a damn of others, my own goals are the most important." I'll explain for every personality trait. He is more an anti-hero, willing to do anything to bring back his empire into its full glory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Essence


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Oliver ('Live) R. Jewelson

Age: 25


  • Cavalier: prone to discounting (or acting like he's discounting) the consequences of his actions.
  • Greedy: easily distracted by the possibility of gain, usually in the form of treasure or magic.
  • Liar: often just makes crap up off the top of his head for no reason at all -- particularly when it doesn't seem important.

  • Honorable: keeps his word, as long as it was freely given.
  • Optimist: sees -- and helps other people see -- hope in dark situations.
  • Opportunist: spots opportunities where other people see only problems.
  • Easygoing: not prone to being overly tense or worried about the future.
  • Smooth: transitions easily from one activity, one emotion, one lie, etc. to another; rarely ruffled or emotionally off-balance.

Origin: Hullen: the Capital: Aria. Raised a merchant, but didn't have the wherewithal to stick with it; ran away from his traveling parents to take up permanent residence in Aria. Tried his hand at several entry-level occupations, but realized that the easiest money was taking it from the honest, hardworking people around him.

From the Interest Check thread: Oliver R. Jewelson -- 'Live -- was a starving thief, living off of the meager coin he got by fencing the goods he stole from the houses he broke into. A one-time mugger with a penchant for knocking out decent folk and taking whatever they had on them, he got lucky and took a small crystal shard from a corpulent nobleman. He noticed rapidly that when he held the shard just so, he could walk up behind just about anyone and K.O. them without drawing any attention.

He rapidly evolved from mugging to burglary, figuring sneaking in and taking the good stuff was easier than risking accidentally clubbing some tough guy and getting his face beat in. Unfortunately, 'Live tried to shoot the moon and steal directly from the Royal Family. They had defenses his talents couldn't penetrate, and he woke up to find himself without the shard and with a long stay at the dungeon.

Then, suddenly, he received an unusual pardon: a commission. Go with these couple of other locals, and help them find more of the shards. He would be given his shard back -- the assumption was that having one would make finding the others easier -- but all of his traveling companions would be acutely aware of his history and have strict instructions to take him out (and take his shard) if he got out of hand.

The theory, it seems, is that the shards tend to end up in the hands of powerful people -- so the country wanted a thief on their side to help liberate them. He's not stupid -- he knows that, at the absolute minimum, if they get their country's gem back together, the economy will improve. Even if he ends up back on the street, he'll have better targets for his skills. His dedication to the quest might not be as focused has the others', and he is easily distracted by targets of opportunity, but he is determined to see his country restored to its former glory.

Somebody Else's Problem: 'Live's signature spell. Doesn't exactly render him invisible, but rather convinces everyone around him that someone else needs to deal with him. Doesn't work on targets who believe that there isn't anyone around to back them up, but is quite effective on city streets where there's a lot of potential backup, even if none appears to be in the immediate vicinity.

Slight of Spell: If he's aware of a spell coming at him, 'Live can redirect it to another target that's within arm's reach.

Shadow Juggling: 'Live can reach into a shadow and pull out a few 'balls' of shadowstuff. These act basically like hard rubber balls except that 'Live can dissipate them at will.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, I edited. I am guessing this not the type of character you are looking for BUT I will see what you say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


-7: you control target roleplayer's next post.

Sorry, I just had to make a Sorin Markov joke. Especially considering that the two's abilities are quite similar... though Riley (calling him that now) isn't a vampire. As far as I know.

I have nothing to contribute in the way of feedback. Just felt the urge to say that. I will say that I quite like Alice, however. And Live's creative and quite unique applications of magic entertain my imagination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


Member Offline since relaunch

Why, thank you darlin' I'm quite looking forward to bringing her out to wear off the shine. If only more people would join...

I'm having an awful lot of fun reading through the character sheets but I am ready to go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


That -7 ability waaaayyyyy too OP.

And you are right, he isn't a vampire per say... But there is a certain twist to him that will make him seem a little more.... Vampire like. :D I also like playing darker, more edgy kind of characters. I would love to see how it goes with all the characters up so far.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So what's the verdict Genk? Gonna post up a character and get us started soon?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Oblivion


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm nearly done, I'll post my CS as soon as I come back in a few hours ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


Member Offline since relaunch

Okay. I am done editing Alice. I added another spell and made better descriptions for them as well as edited a little of her personality because she was just too.... flawless.

I hope thats alright... and I am probably going to continue to edit her until the IC is up because... well... I get bored... and then I nit-pick.

Sorrehs, my dears! <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I thought she was perfectly flawed before TBH. Haven't read the edits, but just my reflection. She seemed like a perfect portrayal of a flawed girly-girl.

Side note, but I'd totally like to have Rofield come onto her regularly, only to be rejected out of her naivety, circumstances or perhaps someone else intervening, Brock/Misty (Pokemon series) style. I mean, even if she acts like a kid, it's still technically okay for him to do that, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


Member Offline since relaunch

Why, thank you. I just thought she was a little flat and it drove me insane. She is still the uber girly-girl. Just with a couple slight changes. I just have this horrible fear that I am going to end up writing a Mary Sue and it just won't be any fun for anyone.

I am totally alright with that, my dear. He may try all he like. I am sure she could use a little male attention even if she is likely to be oblivious to it. Whats the worst that could happen?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So we would have a pompous, arrogant man of the royal court, a naive and gullible woman, an easy going and greedy man and a sophisticated cruel man. This should be good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Oblivion


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Noelle Celair

Age: 25



  • Observant: One of Noelle’s primary traits is her observant nature. She’s the type to lounge back and observe people for her own gains, using that knowledge for exploitation. Her talkative nature sometimes poses a problem and, though much harder, Noelle often observes people by simply talking to them and engaging them in conversation. She’s constantly weighing the pros and cons, though it is more of a matter of her convenience than anything else.

  • Persuasive: Noelle can be pretty persuasive when she wants to be; often, through words, she’s coaxed one too many merchants to sell her goods with a steep discount price that’s probably equivalent to nothing. She often persuades others to do her work while she looks on or lounges around and when it comes down to convincing others, Noelle’s often succeeds.

  • Cheerful: A bubbly young woman since the day she was born, Noelle easily makes friends with most people willing to talk. A talkative chatterbox, Noelle has no problems rambling on and on and engaging in conversation with anybody. Her cheerful disposition draws people to her and her friendliness is sometimes over the top but most of the time, Noelle is harmlessly friendly and an overall happy person capable of remaining cheerful even in the most perilous of moments.

  • Clear-cut goals: Noelle knows what she wants, simple as that. She has a clear, straight vision for what she wants to achieve and how she wants to achieve it, no matter what the obstacles and distractions are. While she does get pretty sidetracked by her curiosity at certain times, she never forgets what she has to accomplish.

  • Curious: She always wants to learn new things, but is too lazy to often do so. When something piques her curiosity, she won't have the energy to bother going after it and simply observes instead, following in the way that expends the least energy or just shoves her curiosity down.

  • Lazy: Noelle won’t bother denying it, she’s as lazy as you can get. She’d much rather take shortcuts and get things done as fast yet efficiently as possible, though that tends to set her back at times. Dealing with long, complicated things isn’t really her thing and Noelle has zero patience for such things, preferring to sit back and let others do it instead.

  • Manipulative: It’s not always due to an ulterior motive and though Noelle surely does have some at any point, it’s mostly due to laziness. She doesn’t bother dealing with things that don’t interest her – if they do, she’d much rather manipulate someone else to do it for her instead. Her clever play with words and observant nature allow her to pinpoint people’s weaknesses and exploit them to her advantage, though it does make her feel like a rascal at times. Either way, Noelle would rather be a rascal than do everything herself.

  • Selfish: There’s not much she’d willingly do if there wasn’t something in it for her; she’d much rather gain something rather than waste energy over goodwill. If there isn’t something in it for her, Noelle would take it by force whether sneakily or not, it doesn’t bother her much.

  • Origin: Noelle hails from fairly large settlement in Hullen called Henneth Lagor. It’s a land fairly dominated by agriculture and most of the people are settled around one of the largest rivers in the northern region called Leithia. At the young age of five, Noelle’s father began leaving home for weeks on end, which turned to months and eventually years till he never came back. Her mother accepted Noelle’s decision to roam the world and look for adventure and so Noelle did, leaving behind her four brothers and mother in fate’s hands.


    Legacy of the Empress: A spell that allows a body part to temporarily dissolve into a form of mist, rendering the caster intangible for a short period of time. It can also be used on the entire body for a few minutes but the cooldown is five times as long and the caster feels tired and chilly. Movement is fast and most of the time completely unpredictable; the mist might scatter when struck and take a longer time for the caster to ‘put themselves together’. However, this spell has another, more desirable and popular property: when infused with a little bit of energy, the mist (either by dissolving one's arm into mist or producing it) heals minor cuts, bruises and fractures/fractures although it takes quite a bit of time.

    Inner Will: A simple spell that causes disorientation and confusion in the immediate vicinity of the caster, usually within around 3-5 feet. Effects wear off after a few minutes though it depends on the skill and practice of the caster.

    Free Spirit: A feeling of weightlessness surrounds Noelle and makes her much more faster on her feet than most humans. Her speed and agility greatly increase and she gains the ability to make much higher jumps and leaps often impossible for someone of normal agility. Noelle describes it as a “liberating feeling akin to flying in a clear blue sky.” It wears off after an hour and half-ish and drains her energy providing Noelle doesn’t cancel the spell.

    Wind Shear: Summons either gusts of wind that strike at random places within the vicinity of the caster or a large gust surrounding roughly around half a body. It’s not lethal in itself, merely a hindrance but the cutting power can be altered to suit the caster’s needs with enough concentration and energy. These gusts of wind can stay active for a while, the timing decreasing the more ‘condensed’ these winds are.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Clumsywordsmith


    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Looking for more? I've got a few ideas waiting to be put to paper; could probably get something hammered out after work this evening.

    Provided the electricity is back on by the time I get back...
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

    Rayn Night

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    I do believe there is still some open spots. Preferably, have someone from Syrro but not obligated.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Clumsywordsmith


    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Yeah, I can do Syrro. Volcanoes are, like, totally legit.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
    Avatar of Genkai

    Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

    Member Seen 1 mo ago

    Yesterday was a long day at the university for me and this morning I had some big dentist work done so I've been pretty out of it the entire day (read: on pain killers and in bed and only able to use half my mouth). But I'll try looking/commenting on stuff tonight but tomorrow I'm back to school again but with any luck I should have time before to hop on with a better mindset.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Clumsywordsmith


    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Fire and ash – a swirling maelstrom of colours to assault me as I walked the obsidian path; I could sense no longer which pain was greater, the fear that lurked still in my heart or the burning heat that lay just below the crater's rim. One step. Two. An agony of torment. My feet bled, burned – tore anew and bled again. I coughed and when I coughed spewed forth black soot; I spat and when I spat it was charcoal and cinders; I might have cried, but the last drops of moisture within me were all but boiling. There was nothing to do. Nothing but to walk onward.

    Three steps, four. Suffering of lifetimes compacted into a single point and sent down, down, driving down with a force I could... could not summon the strength, could do nothing but feel myself be carried along. My jaw clenched, my form tensed in expectation of a fiery plunge – and then? And then nothing. I rolled and tumbled, over and over again, wrapped it seemed into the very heart of the mountain. But it was no longer I, rather it was -me-, caught somewhere at the edge of what is real and what is unreal, what is conscious and what is unconscious: where these two forces meet, both those concepts of which we are aware and yet do not admit to, and those which we admit to and yet are not aware.

    Like sand at the water's edge, with the tide lapping ever further and further, creeping fingers trailing upward before being pulled away, withdrawn again to leave everything distinctly changed. New things deposited. Old things taken away, carried somewhere into the deep.

    Perhaps it simply was that I dreamt. And now I wake to find myself in a pleasant little glen; there is water here – a pond and willows and a lush swath of green grass running right down to the gently swaying edge. My feet ache, and I thirst... oh how I thirst! I can see a blue sky above me. I must be on my back. I roll over and begin to crawl, to crawl one painful hand over the next – if only! If just! To merely drag myself to the edge of the pond -- cutting a blackened trail of ash and blood and grime through the pristine lawn as I go – takes every ounce of strength I can summon up again within me.

    I plunge my head into the pleasant waters...

    But blackness! And pain, so much pain! The pool evaporates into a seething cauldron of lava. I feel the flesh disintegrate in my face, blackness covers me as my eyes melt away and I half-fancy the sound of my own bones crackling in the heat...

    Fire and ash – a swirling maelstrom of colours assaults me as I walk the obsidian path; I can no longer say how many times I have tried to find the end and failed – nor, perhaps, if I even will before there is too little left of what once was me to remember. But still I can remember my name – my name is Jezeric Nashira.

    Age: Twenty-five or thereabouts

    Appearance: Thin, lithe – features angular and lupine in nature, hair dark black – kept long and tied back – eyes a deep grey. A light olive shade of skin. His hands are somewhat slender, for a man's, and he stands only a little above average height. Stature, while unremarkable, he carries well – movements fluid, languid almost, as though he had discovered the most efficient way to carry out every motion and thus sees no reason to hurry.

    Personality: Loyal but Stubborn, Level-headed yet faintly Calloused, Open Minded but Egotistical. Generous to those in need, Ascetic in almost every aspect of his personal life.

    Origin: Jezeric is one of the Bereaved – a select group of Warrior Shamans who dwell in and around the volcanoes scattered throughout the length and breadth of Syrro. While the vast majority of the Shamanic sects are relatively peaceful in nature, the Bereaved might be considered the tip of the spear in the small yet terribly competent contingent of their military arm. With a life focused first and foremost on the mastering of one's own Psyche, the mental training and deep forays into realms of distantly altered consciousness provide a natural platform from which to develop a deadly combatant.



    Obsidian Mind:

    With such a thorough understanding of his own mind and existence, Jezeric is able to channel magic in brief, one-off attempts to foil opponent's attacks, or all else failing, warp the area around he or a nearby friend such that enemies will quickly become confused as their limbs react in opposing direction to what their minds order. While far more practiced and higher-order Shaman's might be capable of extending this into actual control of another's mind, Jezeric's abilities are still some distance from such a mark. To provide a protective shield for just a few minutes at a stretch would be enough to drive a normal man literally insane.


    Sleep of the Dead:

    Jezeric is able to seek the solace and comfort of his dreams in a way that untrained humans never could; while the body rests in a state entirely apart from the mind and soul, he can focus on channeling his own unconsciousness into a more tangible form. Still, the paths of the dreamworld are risky at best – downright deadly at others – and even should one remain near the shores of their own mind, there is the ever-present danger of anything going horribly wrong. Should he himself be of sound enough mind and body, the power might also be channeled to others he can reach in the dreaming world around him.


    Lance of the Abyss:

    In a similar yet opposite manner to Obsidian Mind, this skill allows Jezeric the ability to gain insight on his opponent's move – with training, it means that he can estimate with deadly accuracy what their next attack will be, possibly before they even know it themselves. (provided the opponents have little training in the ways of keeping their minds guarded and their thoughts concealed)

    Roar of the Volcano:

    In their final test before they might don the traditional vestments of the Beraved, acolytes must successfully walk the Obsidian Path; at its end they will find themselves entering into a pact with the denizens of the world just beyond human consciousness. The price is the loss and regathering of every memory and thought they had ever born in their life prior. The reward is twofold – firstly the ability to gain invaluable insight into their own soul (the prime focus of all Shamans), and secondly the ability to channel the power between one plane and the next. But such acts almost always lead to the insanity and eventual death of the Shaman who attempts it, and history has proven so brutal with those that have tried that it is seen as a self-sacrifice in only the greatest of need.

    Any questions, feel free to ask for clarification/changes. I would have gone more in depth, but you seemed to want briefer intros... so... I'll kept things relatively brief in the interest of brevity.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Essence


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Edited 'Live just to insert the blurb from the Interest Check.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

    Rayn Night

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Sweet, we would have 2 from each nation! And there are very particular personalities set down. This is going to be interesting.

    PS to Genkai; I am saying this, but if you do not want that type of character I made, please, do not be shy to tell me. I'm ready to change it in a heartbeat.
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