Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 30 min ago

It has been twenty years since the formation of the Assembly, and the galaxy is in a transitional stage. Three primary factions, the Rothians, Humans, and The Sovereignty, in addition to a smaller associate race, the Dirophyds, work to shape the future of the galaxy to varying ends. Our characters are specialists from many races and backgrounds who have been assigned to a newly formed, cross-species initiative designed to handle threats to galactic peace and stability.

The first known contact between two spacefaring species was between the Rothians and Humans almost a thousand years ago. Although both had encountered simple alien life before, the discovery of an entire other civilization was somewhat of a shock to both. The two species engaged in trade and generally peaceful relations for several hundred years. The discovery of the Dirophyds about fifty years ago by the Rothians changed little, but the discovery of the Sovereignty, however, carried profound impacts across the known galaxy. The first meeting of the Humans and Sovereignty sparked a war that lasted around seven years, and eventually involved all known species. By its end, billions were dead, and several planets were irreversably devastated. Once the Rothians joined forces with the Humans, the Sovereignty was pushed back enough that both sides agreed to a treaty that, among other things, formed the Assembly of Pax, a cross-species governmental organization meant to prevent another war of its kind from occurring again.

Universe Information:

Neutrium: Neutrium is the matter form of an energy field, called the neutrium field, that is omnipresent and mostly evenly distributed through the universe. It is a solid at room temperature and is formed in high intensity, high energy locations where the neutrium field condenses, such as neutron stars, supernovae, and the accretion disks of active black holes. It may also be found in small quantities in places such as asteroid fields, as it is often a byproduct of solar system formation. Its usefulness to the galaxy is undeniable, as without it, galactic civilization could not exist. Under the right conditions, neutrium can excite the energy field in ways that seem to bend the fabric of the universe itself. With neutrium, a ship can bend space around it, creating a "bubble" that allows the vessel to reach its much faster than light could travel the same distance. Under different conditions, neutrium can have other effects, not all of which are well understood, despite considerable research on the subject.

Magic: "Magic" is a phenomena created by the brain of an individual interacting with the neutrium field to create reality-bending results.. The mechanisms behind it are much more well-understood than in ancient times, so to most people, it has no supernatural appearance, but the supersticious title of magic has been in common vernacular for centuries. Magic users can mentally manipulate the neutrium field in a large variety of ways, such as the creation of heat by exciting molecules, manipulation of electromagnetic forces to create electricity, telekinesis, and countless other forms of magic. Extended use of such abilities can be exhausting, depending on training, but are often rather potent. Not everyone can use magic, however. Only individuals born with the ability can manipulate the neutrium field in any capacity. The exact reason why individuals are or are not born with the ability to use magic is not entirely understood. It is genetic, but is not guaranteed to pass down to a child, and those with no family history of magic use can occasionally be born with the ability. A species must be exposed to neutrium at some point for magic to begin to manifest in the population, and the brains of magic users contain small amounts of neutrium, but exposure to the substance at any point during development does not influence the chance of the child becoming a magic user in any way. It is theorized that the neutrium may form in the brains of magic users via small interactions with the neutrium field.

Implants: Prosthetics and implants are relatively common throughout the galaxy, though most can only match the the natural capabilities of the body for those who have been injured or otherwise disabled. Expensive "normal" implants can sometimes impart a very slight improvement over natural function, but it is the neutrium-based implants that can provide real improvement. Using neutrium to more easily interact with the brain, these implants are capable of providing significant improvements over almost any aspect of the body. Some can heighten muscular strength and bone density to lead to much greater strength, while others can improve endurance or regeneration to unnatural levels. Some implants can provide enhanced mental function as well, such as through improved reaction times or occular implants that provide a convenient, intelligent HUD. Drawbacks to these implants include not only the expense required to recieve them, but the restrictions on who can use them. Because the implants make use of neutrium to operate, the bodies of those with the capability to use magic will reject the implants, so magic and advanced implants cannot be used simultaneously. A good deal of research has been focused onto creating powerful implants that magic-users can use, but there have been no useful results as of yet.

The Assembly of Pax: Formed after the end of the war with the Sovereignty, the Assembly is a united government organization headquartered on the neutral world of Pax. Humans, Rothians, and the Sovereignty all provide delegates to represent their interests in the Assembly. The Dirophyds are considered a part of the Assembly and do have some representation, but are not yet populous enough, or organized enough to recieve full representation. The Assembly establishes basic constants for use throughout the galaxy, such as a standard calendar, currency, and measurement systems, as well as regulating anything relating to how the various civilizations interact with one another. Each species is completely autonomous withing their own borders, and no Assembly law can govern matters that occur within a species' own space, with their own citizens, that does not influence another species, unless a mutually-agreed upon treaty specifies that it does. Assembly law applies in situations that involve interactons between the governments, individuals, and other entities of different civilizations.
Assembly Species:

Character Sheet:









Accepted Characters:

Rareth'Jharn - EliteCommander

Shuo Yunyu - cqbexpt

Bitheroi Notiri - Balmung1100

Ashley Munroy - Hailfire

Jayrin 'August' Augustin - Lightbox

Dante Newell - reganza

Srath'Thane - Fatal Error 1337

Natalia “Coin” Ricard - baskets

Opus - Kyelin

Ilari Evpraksiyi - Antagonist

Shkitliktuit Tasthagk - Muttonhawk

Telmeck'Rorta - Leon5431
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 30 min ago

Name: Rareth'Jharn

Species: Rothian

Height: 7' 10"

Age: 612

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rareth has dark red eyes with black scales across most of her body, with the exception of the bands of red scales that run across the back of her body from her neck to her feet, including her tail and the back of her arms

Equipment: Armor with a similar aesthetic as this, but for a Rothian

Weapons: Energy Katana (contains a small fusion cell that, when activated, powers the already sharp blade with a green energy, producing intense heat and allowing the blade to cut through most materials.), dual energy daggers, Rothian pistol

Abilities: Rareth possesses considerable training in several forms of martial arts, both armed and unarmed, and is particularly deadly with a blade. She is a practiced acrobat with reflexes reflecting her fast-paced combat style. Her skill with conventional weapons such as combat rifles is good, but not exceptional. Her magic skills are limited, but specialized. She uses talents such as invisibility, teleportation, and telekinesis to augment her own fighting abilities or otherwise undermine her foes.

Background: Rareth was abandoned by her biological parents before she was even hatched. Security footage from the outskirts of the city of Threria on Rothia show her masked parents taking her as an egg and tossing her off of a steep cliff just outside the city, a common course of action for those wishing to avoid the punishment of bearing a child illegally. By all rights, she should have died. No one is sure how her egg even managed to survive the fall, let alone keeping her alive inside of it. Even more amazing was that the act was witnessed by two bystanders who not only managed to rescue the egg, but keep it safe until it hatched a few weeks later. The bystanders were Sira'Tharis and Aeral'Wryjorn, who would become Rareth's adopted mother and father. Even though they were complete strangers beforehand, finding the egg brought them together, and they were married within a few months. They filled out all of the proper paperwork to officially adopt the child, who they named Rareth'Jharn, which means "Miracle Being."

By taking DNA samples from Rareth, the authorities were able to determine who her biological parents were, but before they were able to make any arrests, her biological parents fled Rothian space and have not since been found.

Rareth's father, Aeral, was a concept designer for a local technology company, while her mother, Sira, was an officer of the Rothia Defense Force, which acts as both the police and military of Rothia. Throughout his entire childhood, Rareth was on good terms with both of her parents. In addition to the normal education all Rothians receive, both of her parents made sure to teach her every skill they could to give her an edge in life. Her father was always sure to keep him up-to-date on technological advancements, while her mother educated her in various forms of self-defense. In particular, she taught her forms of hand-to-hand and melee combat passed down to her from her family. For Sira, teaching her these skills was a matter of tradition, something her family would expect her to do. She came from a line of seasoned warriors going back thousands of years, so passing on her skills to her child was her duty.

Rareth's childhood proceeded mostly normally for some time, but early on when she was twenty-three, it was discovered that she had the ability to use magic. Since neither of her parents had any experience with magic, they hired a private tutor to instruct her in its use. She was not an exceptional mage, but she learned at a reasonable pace. When she hit the age of fourty, she received the mandatory basic military training of all Rothian citizens, but due to the teachings of both her mother and magic tutor, she ended up becoming the top of her class.

Just like all Rothians, Rareth attained maturity around age fifty and left her parents, and though she was more than qualified to become a soldier, or to work with technology, she had higher aspirations. She put in an application to join an organization known as the Rahn'Masser, or "enlightened army." The Rahn'Masser report directly to the Rahn'Saki themselves and are the single best defense the Rothians have to protect their society. Their ranks consist of the most skilled individuals of from across their species, from soldiers, to hacking experts, to diplomats, to assassins, and their goal is to preserve their society at all costs. For one who intends to take on a combat role within the Rahn'Masser, the interview process is grueling. Rareth had to prove her abilities were among the upper echelon of combat prowess. Much to the surprise of those evaluating her, she managed to pass each of their tests on an acceptable level, despite her young age, so she was accepted into the Rahn'Masser as an operative.

Rareth worked as an operative for decades, performing missions such as espionage, sabotage, and, on occasion, assassination. Her skills and abilities gave her an average success rate higher than many operative that had been working for the agency for centuries, which allowed her to rise through the ranks very quickly. After only one hundred and fifty years as an operative, Rareth managed to gain a title that the vast majority never achieve: Datius, which means "guardian" in the Rothian language. It is a title set apart from the other ranks within the organization; those who attain the title are recognized as the best in Rothian special forces and are trusted to carry out missions that are too high risk for other operatives. Only Datius are allowed to carry out assassinations outside of Rothian space, as well as any other mission that could cause political incidents. They are an organization shrouded in secrecy, but at the same time are legends in popular culture.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I am as ever 100% in. Just need to find my character sheet and discuss background tweaks then I'm all set to go. Been waiting for this since guildfall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(I made The Sovereignty so if you have any questions feel free to ask.)

Name: Shuo Yunyu

Height: 7'6" (2.28 meters)

Gender: Male

Race: Masulu

Age: 67

Rank: 5th Echelon, ArmSpecWar. (There are 12 echelons so basically a second lieutenant.)

Cybernetics: Oxygen efficiency amps which allow for more continuous strainous activity, Communication uplink, Radiation dampener, Advanced Armor Interface.

Armor: Mark II "Wildcat" powered tactical armor, WildCat is designed to enhance the wearers strength and speed by a margin well over 20%.

Weapons: "Shifter" class assault rifle (Weapon can change between a marksmen rifle and a general assault rifle.), Serrated carbon nano tube knife, Standard plasma pistol.

Apperance: Gray eyes (uncommon for Masulu), Dark blue skin color, Burns cover his upper chest and crawl up his neck.

Bio: Shuo grew up in a middle income home full of former ground pounders and naval piolets. Most of his early life was rather unremarkable as he in general stayed in the average line of life. He managed to stay out of trouble through his early 30's when he was finally finished with basic schooling and able to join the soveriegn armed forces. He chose to go with the army like his mother and her family had done before her. Basic training was only minimally challenging to him and when the drills noticed him not have a hard time they began to crack down on him. They began pushing him to the point that both him and they were tiring themselves out. When basic was finished both of his commanding officers recommended him for a combat position in which he would be 2nd Echelon.

The recommendation was taken seriously and Shuo was deployed for 3 years to a outer colony world called "Salt Rock". It had been an insurrectionist hot spot for well over a decade and the sight of numerous attacks on the Sovereignty. The planet was important to the Sovereignty as the planet was used as a hub for the countless mining operations in the system actively collecting neutrium. His first week there a hijacked mining ship attempted to hurl itself into a orbital elevator. The ship was swiftly dealt with but some of the debris still hit several warehouses.

Most of his memory of these years is filled with patrols and multiple ambushes. There was one major attack on the base he was stationed at however. The total causalities were 4000, 1000 of which were non combatants but happened to be in the area. Most of the dead were rebels but among the dead were Shuo's entire squad. He held the bottom floor of the barracks by himself for 18 hours cut off from help. It was estimated he killed 12 Tempu and 5 Masalu that streamed in after the inital bombing of the building. After this he was sent to pshyc evaluation and was cleared. He was then transferred to a new squad and moved to a different base on the planet.

After his 3rd year on the planet and engaging in two counter insurgancy operations Shuo began to have thoughts of asking for a transfer off world. However his entirely batallion was called to be attached to the 7th fleet of Profound Absolution. The reason being that a race called "Humans" had been discovered, and they were hostile. The first planet he was deployed to in the Human-Sovereign war was called "King's Reef". The engagement lasted 1 month in mostly urban environments and resulted in extremely minimal sovereign losses and heavy human loses as they pulled the fleet protecting the planet before they even arrived. Ground forces were left to fend for themselves.

After the end of the battle at King's Reef Shuo was asked to join Armed Special Warfare, a division of the army used for high priority targets. He saw a 6 month break in fighting as he was pulled back to be trained for ArmSpecWar. After he completed his training with them his record is mostly classified. He was brought to bear against the humans and eventually Rothians while receiving the occasional promotion. Post war he was given 8 month leave, however after a month he was redeployed in more counter insurgency operations. This is what he has been doing for the majority of the 20 years since the end of the war and he is currently on leave pending psyc evaluation results and his squad being given new orders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Damn, you've set the bar high on these backgrounds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 30 min ago

The bios need not be so extensive. We've just had a lot of time for this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ya, just saw this RP today and kind of fell in love with it. I've been dieing to a Sci-Fi RP so I'm going to start on a character sheet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Balmung1100
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Balmung1100 Of Armadyl

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character Sheet:

(I created the Dirophyds, feel free to ask me anything pertaining to them.)

Name: Captain Bitheroi Notiri (his squadmates have always called him ‘Bit’)

Species: Dirophyds

Height:He is about 5’9.

Age: 60


Appearance:Right ‘horn’ missing with a large scar from its former location to the back of his head. His eyes are a darker shade of green than most Dirophyds, instead of the standard lime green like color, his are closer to sage.

Equipment:His Armor looks like similar to this http://christianburns.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/07da_1.JPG it boasts a light thruster pack for maneevering in a zero G environment and a light energy shield. It also has quite a bit of heavily armoured storage space for multiple weapons and explosives. He also wields two Meeko machine pistols for general anti-personnel and a modified grenade launcher for just about everything else. He always has multiple explosives on hand.

Favored explosives: Along with standard anti-personnel grenades Bit also carries a few other explosive devices

Magnet bomb, a sticky explosive with a remotely activated high powered magnet within, the bonding agent is so strong that the explosive is almost impossible to remove without the proper equipment. The magnet is strong enough to pull the target into the closest metal object and helps to guide a second explosive to its intended target.

Self propelled cluster bomb, a small pulse engine propels this explosive in whichever direction it is set. A magnet bomb can be used to create what is essentially a homing grenade. After the initial explosion the bomb then splits into seven other smaller bombs that detonate upon contact.

Bomb drill, one of the simplest contraptions that the Dirophyds use for mining...Bit uses them for breaching charges. The powerful laser drill can make quick work of almost any standard alloy door, while the shaped charge contained within allows for clean disposal of anything on the other side of that door. Once activated, the drill will pull the bomb for whatever time the user sets, after that time elapses the charge will immediately explode.

Skills/Abilities: Very proficient with explosives and fairly knowledgable about advanced mechanisms. In combat he is able to keep a level head and improvise if needed. He isn’t the best shot, but his eye implant along with his automatic weapons and explosives allows him to be an asset on the battlefield. His prosthetic arm and fingers do not do much to augment his abilities aside from a minor increase in the distance he can throw grenades.

Background: Bitheroi Notiri was born to a military family and learned quickly that he had much to live up to as his father was the General of the Peacekeepers, something he resented as it was all anyone spoke of around him. The only time he truly felt at peace was when he was among strangers. A luxury that he was rarely afforded in the area. Many of the local merchants attempted to trick and manipulate him in order to get to his father.

Many believed that if they could gain the influence of the General of the Peacekeepers they could use the police force to further their ambitions. Bit quickly learned to distrust these merchants and turn down their bribes and attempts of being kind to him. This quickly changed the attempts to diplomatically manipulate the general to attempts to kidnap and use Bit for ransom. A plan that only succeeded once. When Bitheroi was about twelve years of age, one of the head merchants had him kidnapped by mercenaries, they beat him and tied him up in their armory...a true mistake when he managed to break free of his binds. The mercs thought that the child couldn’t possibly be a true threat until he managed to rig up a breaching charge and escape the small ship’s armory, after sneaking his way to an escape pod he managed to get back home. Of course he left an improvised explosive to destroy the mercenaries’ ship.

This inspired him to begin making explosives as a hobby. His parents were so proud that they immediately signed him up for a training camp for the Dirophyd military. His father truly thought that Bit would one day join the Peacekeepers and rise through the ranks. When Bitheroi became of age to join the military however, he quickly defied his father’s expectations chose the Special Forces in order to get away from his family ties and to leave the Dirophyd controlled sector for good.

His life in the Special Operations Corps was a rough one. Over the years, he has survived multiple traps, betrayals, and botched missions...and the occasional botched explosive. Unfortunately, he hasn’t gotten out unscathed..he has lost an arm, an eye, and a few fingers. Even though he has gotten prosthetic replacements with a few enhancements, he still resents the implants given to him. He has been forced through multiple teams due to deaths and not getting along with others, at this point he doesn’t really care for getting to know his teammates anymore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hello everyone, good to see this up again, this just might be the inspiration I needed to get back into Rping. I will get Telmeck's CS remade on the double.

Thank you for the heads up Commander, I as well have been looking forward to this since guildfall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will you be running Luna again Leon or is she going to be history? Elite and I were discussing perhaps having a tweaked version of the incidents of the last game having happened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I will definitely have Luna, though I want to do some tweaking to her. Same for Telmeck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The funny part is I still remember everything about Telmeck's back story, Luna though I have some blanks spots, though I want to try and change her back story a bit, delve more into it, give more to work with and bring more life to her past.

The base of it shall be the same, though and her personality shall be for the most part the same old Luna. Just with more color to her so to speak.

I am free tomorrow and the day after, I was going to work on fixing my ESO then maybe leveling up a bit before tackling their CSs but now I am all excited and ideas are swirling through my head, it is going to be hard to stop myself from working on their CSs. XD God it's good to be back, I completely forget why I left.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leon5431 said
The funny part is I still remember everything about Telmeck's back story, Luna though I have some blanks spots, though I want to try and change her back story a bit, delve more into it, give more to work with and bring more life to her past.The base of it shall be the same, though and her personality shall be for the most part the same old Luna. Just with more color to her so to speak.I am free tomorrow and the day after, I was going to work on fixing my ESO then maybe leveling up a bit before tackling their CSs but now I am all excited and ideas are swirling through my head, it is going to be hard to stop myself from working on their CSs. XD God it's good to be back, I completely forget why I left.

Good! Hopfully you have a little more to write with this time (considering the whole war thing.).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ahh, so the Sovereignty was at war with all of the humans as apposed to just the Mother bear?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leon5431 said
Ahh, so the Sovereignty was at war with all of the humans as apposed to just the Mother bear?

Best war.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Brutal war.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Full Name: Ashley (Ash for short) Munroy
Gender: Female.
Age: 23
Occupation: Pilot/driver/hacker for hire.

Physical Description:
Height: 5' 7"
Skin colour and tone: White, slightly tanned.
Hair colour: Naturally bleached blonde
Hair Style: Ashley sports a rough and short tomboyish haircut.
Eye colour: Ice blue.
Tattoos: A pair of angelic wings tattooed on her back.
Clothes: Ashley's military clothing is generally worn as casually as possible and bears a number of personalisation's such as little flaming skull and cross bone patches stitched on just beneath the her rank slides (2nd lieutenant. The rank she was at when she left the forces.). Her casual wear generally consists of baggy combat pants, a white tank top and a brown leather aviators jacket anyway although she can sometimes opt for something more girly. Ashley almost always wears her fingerless sparring gloves which have a grippy rubber palm and ever so slightly padded knuckles (more for her protection than her opponents.) and it would take physical force to make her stop wearing her dog tags somewhere on her person.
Makeup: Normally wears eyeliner and mascara.

Ashley was space born and consequentially is somewhat lacking in physical strength although her fitness is the envy of many humans. She has only actually visited Earth twice and her lifetime of space travel has been attributed as contributing to her affinity with technology. Aged 17 Ashley joined the UN Peacekeeping task force as a pilot and quickly gained a reputation as a capable and somewhat maverick pilot. When her superiors discovered the trick to her ability they began to deploy her in other capacities such as hacking and even sent her with boarding parties to access "Standalone" computer systems. Eventually however Ashley became sick of the strict hierarchy that a professional military employs and resigned despite fierce resistance from her superiors.

Ashley has since set up as a "private military contractor" otherwise known as a mercenary. The pay is better and she has her own ship, equipment and command structure. Her command structure primarily consists of "what I say, goes." which is fine most of the time because she operates alone. She will however sometimes operate as a member of a team if the job deems it necessary and her attitude to this varies greatly depending on her teammates. In her previous encounter with Telmeck, Rareth and Luna Ashley was in the pay of a mining corporation who needed illegal mining operations investigated. When the corporation turned out to be corrupt Ashley managed to do the right thing whilst still completing the terms of her contract and then assisted in the investigation of a distress beacon encountered as the team returned to the base of operations. The Rothian government amply compensated Ashley for these additional services and this is something she has borne in mind since although she still prefers to take payment upfront or 50-50 before an after.

-Light Armour Under-layer. Basically an advanced jumpsuit Ashley wears this under her normal clothes at almost all times and will always wear in a combat situation, removing the sleeves and legs where necessary if it looks awkward or gives itself away. This layer serves as protection against light injuries incurred from shrapnel or stab wounds. It is also partially effective at dissipating the damage from energy weapons.
-Seburo C-X (Compact-Xploder) pistol. Fires .45 calibre rounds at semi automatic only. Its unusual magazine design allows the pistol to hold 16 rounds (including one in the chamber) despite the large calibre. The Compact-Xploder is something of a status weapon and isn't cheap or easy to come by. Wielders are usually treated with respect until someone decides they deserve the gun more. Ashley carries this pistol at all times and, if possible, will have its holster concealed. Add-ons: Holster, 2 spare magazines. Picture.
-Seburo MN EP-1 Carbine Rifle. Fires 5.56mm rounds at up to 800rpm. Very accurate. Has single, burst (3 rounds) and full auto modes. 45 round magazine (including round in chamber). Usually reserved for police work this gun Ashley managed to gain on the black-market at a throwaway price. Ashley carries this when she thinks extra firepower is necessary. Add-ons: integrated laser sight, single point sling, 2 spare magazines. Picture.
- The Hummingbird. The Hummingbird is one of only two of it's class. The two ships were built as a collaborative project between UN forces and the Rothian military to fill a need for a deep infiltration dropship. The project was arguably a resounding success. Whilst the technology on board is primarily Rothian due to it's more advanced nature the humans were able to see applications for the technology that the Rothians could not and vice versa for the human technology. The result was a highly advanced, stealth capable dropship with capacity for thirty personnel or a volume of cargo in the hold. It's speed and manoeuvrability far exceeds most ships of its size and it can fly mid-range journeys without the aid of a carrier. Beyond the first two however the project was deemed too expensive to continue production. Ashley bought the Hummingbird from the UN after she resigned their force. Had they had a pilot trained to fly it she likely would not have been able to afford it. The Hummingbird has countermeasures against attack but no weapons of its own. Picture.
-Trinity-X Wrist Computer. This is a small, streamlined device mounted along Ashley's left forearm. It utilises a 3-dimensional holographic display as a monitor and touchable interface. It can be used to perform all the functions of modern computers including access an advanced version of the internet as well as take photos and record footage. Ashley has programmed a highly secure link between this computer and the Hummingbird allowing her to lock and unlock it using the device and control the ship remotely.
-UN Assault Marine Armour. Standard issue to most UN Peacekeepers this armour is comprised of loosely connected polymer plates. These plates are both rigid and heavy, providing reasonable protection at the expense of flexibility and manoeuvrability. It's cheap price and "one size fits all" nature makes it highly accessible for civilian contractors and military forces alike but it is generally considered sub-par when compared to the advanced armours of other races. Picture.

Ashley is capable of possessing technology she is in physical contact with and travelling the networks connected to that technology. When she does this her consciousness is almost entirely transferred into the technology leaving her body unable to move aside from those movements necessary to manipulate the technology she is possessing and to enable speech, her bodies physical senses also remain accessible to her. This ability enables her to be a far superior pilot to most and makes her an almost unsurpassable hacker but leaves her highly vulnerable whilst in use. Should the technology she is possessing be destroyed, turned off or the network she is travelling be disconnected between her consciousness and her body her consciousness will return immediately to her body but the process is an immense shock to the system and as such Ashley can be left comatose for as much as several days depending on the severity of the incident. Ashley also feels damage done to the technology she is possessing as physical pain.

-Cosmetic Skin and Hair. Low level fashion implants for which the entirety of the subjects skin and hair is chemically dissolved and then replaced with synthetic substitutes. These cybernetics allow her to change her skin and hair colour (and hair style) at will within a couple of minutes. The range of colours is absolute and can even be changed outside of the visible spectrum. The downside of these is that if they for whatever reason were to power down they would turn near transparent and they feel a little plasticky and synthetic to the touch (although the hair actually feels more like nylon).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I know I for one support the idea of having modified versions of past events already having happened. It would be nice to be able to continue from relatively the same point we left off at before guildfall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 30 min ago

The difference here would be that none of the previous events would involve a joint team working for the Assembly. There would be different motivations for what they did, and who did it, but the characters could get to know each other all the same. We just need to figure out which characters were involved. Something tells me Shuo will not have been.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well Telmeck will have been involved in that first mission considering he was apart of the scout team.
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