But... it's the South. All three orders would only put its literacy rate at 2%.
I say that as a Southerner!
I say that as a Southerner!
So Boerd said
Pasta, how did you land 40000 troops in Sicily when you only have 30 transports and some of those are ferrying Mexicans?
Outcast said
Part of the British force, an army of 40,000 conscripts, moved to attack the enemy. Using transport vessels from many different members of the Allied Powers, the army landed on the southern coast of Sicily.
Pepperm1nts said
I went back to read the update and it says all the allies contributed transport vessels.
So Boerd said
Ah, I see.
Outcast said
To land in enemy or neutral territory, you are limited to the number of transport ships you have. You can send more if you land them on friendly soil. This is unless you are sending them short distances. You cannot use other ships as transport ships except in special circumstances.
Pasta Sentient said
Ooh the Outcast is online. What will we get first I wonder? ACW or The European Conflict.
Outcast said
ACW, but not for a few hours yet.
Byrd Man said
Yes. My sacrifice to the Dice Gods was not in vain. Although I do admit I'll miss my son. Poor Byrd Boy.
Chairman Stein said
Okay, still no word from Keld. However I will get the 1900 thread up tonight. So y'all can start preparing for putting up what nations you want. However, do not get your hopes up for a start this week; very busy with my social life this weekend and I am going to keep trying to get someone to do the stats since I can't do it.