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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You don't have to come you know." Eve replied with a smirk. If he was that against going to a bar, then why come in the first place? But she wasn't going to pressure him to stay home either. If he had a problem with going, and still went. Well, that was his problem. The streets were less busy now, and the street lights started to turn on everywhere. The place looked rather gloomy and dangerous like this. But Eve of course wasn't worried at all. She figured anything these streets could throw at her wouldn't be a problem.

Once they hit the market district Eve started to ask around right away. Quite a few people told her to piss off, so she ignored those. And the people that were willing to help didn't seem to know of any place that had something for androids as well, since androids usually didn't need or want such things. 3/4 to even more of all brain chips weren't advanced enough for that. But finally Eve found a relatively intelligent android whom pointed her into the right direction. "This unit goes to a bar called 'Full Metal'." It answered. "The owner doesn't just let anyone in though." It then added. After getting directions Eve led the way to where they had to go. As they had passed the alley they had to go to earlier that day. And for her it was easy to form a map in her computers. Seeing a place one time was usually enough to be able to find it again.

The bar was a little hidden away, in an alley one street away from the main one. It used the side entrance of an old warehouse-like building as main entrance, the large sliding doors having been welded to the frame so no one could pass through there. Inside the atmosphere was pretty friendly compared to the other places they had been to. That is, until the large man managing the bar came walking right towards her and Jurgen. "I don't recognize you, pipsqueak!" The older looking man bellowed, his almost 6 foot tall frame stopping just before Eve. "Who told you you could just come in here?!"

Without warning he threw a punch at Jurgen's face, not wanting to hit a woman but wanting to hit one of the two at least. However for that he had to go past the android, whom in turn grabbed his arm with her own before it could reach her owner. Normally Eve had no problem beating someone once they threw the first punch. But she really did want to find a bar, and angering the barkeep was a bad idea if this was a nice place. "Mind telling me why you're attacking my owner?" She asked, sounding annoyed. The man was quite surprised to be stopped by a weak looking woman. Especially since his own cybernetic replacements were of pretty good quality and strength. Though with that one move from Eve he already noticed that she wasn't just a normal woman, or even one with enhancements. "The hell? You're an android? How's that possible?" He growled. Eve just shrugged. "Beats me, I'm just a custom prototype."

Slowly the man's mood started to change. He was quite interested in the android, and now also in the one who could create such a machine. "You, boy." He spoke to Jurgen. "You the one who built her?"

(Hehe, I hope what just happened isn't too confusing, but still confusing enough for Jurgen. :P)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen didn't really lead the way this time. This wasn't his outing, so he mostly let Eve take charge. Since he wasn't up on the whole android-bar scene, the robot was left to do the searching on her own, asking several people directions after they arrived back in the commercial block. It took a bit, and the cyborg was beginning to think that they were going to get into some serious trouble, when another android was finally kind enough to point the pair in the right direction. The android claimed that not just anyone was allowed in. So of course there was no bouncer by the front door. Jurgen didn't see any sign of security measures, and the two of them got in no problem. Then he realized why the place didn't have security. It didn't need it. The place was packed with regulars, that much was obvious, and the man behind the bar was all they needed to keep the place orderly.

He was a hulk of a man, for certain, but it was unclear whether he was like this because of his upgrades, or because he was naturally giant. Either way, his muscles were impressive, and the punch he threw at Jurgen's head likely would have killed him. Thankfully, Eve was kind enough to deflect the blow, and also make it look effortless. And now apparently the two were not unwelcome. The cyborg raised an eyebrow. "So you were just about ready to punch my face out through my ass, but now it's all good because Eve's actually an android? The fuck is wrong with you, man? As for who built her, I don't see why it matters, since she isn't for sale, and I'm not making you one either, not after that welcome." he said just enough to make it sound like he built Eve, but didn't actually clarify who built her. Hopefully she'd be kind enough not to point out that he had admitted to finding her in his living room.

But more important than any of that, was how confused the cyborg was. This giant bartender had crossed the bar in half a dozen steps and tried to smash his head in without any warning, but finding out that Eve was not just some woman, but an android, suddenly made their presence okay. "So is this some members-only club, or what? I don't get it. You wanna answer some questions, bud?" Jurgen wasn't sure he wanted to stick around, and if the bartender called him "boy" again, he was just going to leave, answers be damned. If Eve wanted to stick around, that was her problem, he had better things to do on a night of relaxing. Things like, actually relaxing instead of going into strange bars and nearly dying, save for the grace of a surprise, mystery robot. That wasn't the kind of luck that Jurgen ever wanted to rely on, and home was sounding better by the second...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(The man's like 45~50 years old, so Jurgen is a boy to him. :P Also, found a pic I could use for the barkeep. He has at least one cyborg arm, though doesn't look like he enhanced his size with anything. So yea, he really is a giant of a man. :P)

The man started chuckling when Jurgen started to rattle out a series of questions. Though all of them came down to a single one. What this bar was about. "You two came here without even knowing that?! My bar only allows mechanics and their androids. Just regular owners are allowed too if the android's smart enough. And this one of yours definitely qualifies!" Eve frowned, turning to the man and tapping his arm. "Hey bud, don't talk to him like I'm not even here." The man turned to Eve, a slight look of surprise on his face. "An android with self-awareness? That's a new one... Boy - what's your name anyway? - I don't know where you got this one's brain chip, but you better keep an eye on her. A chip like this could earn you at least two million credits. And you don't look like you can afford a new one.

Eve got even more annoyed, still being talked about like she was just a thing. Well, she was...but it still annoyed her. "My codename's Eve. Keep talking about me like I'm not here, and you'll be needing a new arm." The man laughed, motioning towards the bar. "Fine fine! Eve it is. I'm Gerald. Now, how about I offer you two one free drink? And in the mean time, why not tell me why you're here? Maybe you're interested in becoming a bounty hunter?" Things now started to get confusing for Eve as well. It was like this guy couldn't stick to one topic or something, going from starting a fight, to interest in her, to offering them a free drink, and now he wanted to draft her into bounty hunting or something? It was probably best to indeed sit down and take that drink, as right now this man was way too energetic. And quite a few eyes from the bar's patrons were turned their way as well.

Once seated Eve wanted to let Jurgen do the talking. He was the owner and he had arranged for her to fight in the arena after all. Plus, he seemed better with words than her, and had making money on his mind. She didn't want a repeat of the first bar they had gone to the previous day. "Jurgen, why don't you tell them about our plans?" She asked him, pulling out her cigarettes and lighting one up. Without even waiting for Eve to tell what she wanted, the man put an amber coloured, oily looking drink in front of her. Kind of like motor oil, actually. Though he did wait for Jurgen to order something. As the drink for Eve was the only drink he had that androids could drink.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I do all kinds of things without knowing a damn thing. That's how I wound up with a robot that smokes and loves fighting people." Jurgen retorted. This guy was an interesting character, raging one minute and cheerfully curious the next. Then, of course, Eve got upset for being ignored. That shocked the barkeeper, who then complimented Eve's brain chip. "You haven't seen what she can do yet." he offered, "I doubt she'd walk away from me, and I doubt even more than anything less than an army could rip the brain chip out of her. The two million someone might make from it wouldn't pay off half of what they'd spend to get it." That might have been a bit of an overstatement, but hyping Eve was what they were all about, right?

Of course, Eve was still upset she was being ignored. She calmed down before Jurgen really had to get involved, though, and the three of them headed over to the bar, where they got free drinks as compensation for their difficulties. Gerald asked if they were looking for work as bounty hunters, and Jurgen shrugged. "It's nice to meet you, Gerald. My name's Jurgen. Eve here just wants to fight people, and I am looking to make a fair bit of money as quickly as possible. If you know about a bounty she can fight, that's worth a fair bit, lay it on us." he figured that would be a good start. If bounty hunting was all the holo-networks cracked it up to be, they could make a fair bit off of a single score. It was just a matter of getting that one score. Not a whole lot of people were worth a whole lot of money, at least not to the justice system. And most of the people that were worth a lot, were too dangerous to both with. "For now, we're getting into the pro fighting scene." He added as Eve started smoking. He shifted his chair away from the android just a little, making his displeasure with her habit obvious.

"We've got a couple of fights scheduled, and we're hoping to make a fair bit when we win." the cyborg explained, silently picking out a rum, and a cola to mix it with. "That being said, money is money, and the rent doesn't pay itself. If you know how to make more, I'm all ears." the cyborg figured that a bounty hunting job could go pretty well. Maybe they could nab some bureaucrat for tax evasion or something, and make some fat stacks turning him in. Or, with some planning, they could just knock over a rich neighborhood and pawn whatever they wound up with. That wouldn't pay as well, but like he had said, the rent didn't pay itself, and while it was paid for a while, he still needed to eat, and there would doubtless be emergency expenses. Money would need to be spent, so the more he had, the better...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The barkeep grinned. This bar was, in fact, also a hub for bounty hunters. If he could convince a new one to sign up after the trial period, it would also mean more money for his bar. "First I'll explain how bounty hunting works. It's actually pretty simple. All you have to do is sign up for the trial period of one contract. You get a card to identify yourself as a bounty hunter. After the trial contract ends you're free to hand in the card, or join up for real." As he spoke the man worked on getting Jurgen his drink as well. "You get bounties through hubs. This bar just so happens to be one. The hub gets 10% of the bounty - their laws, not mine - and you get the rest in the form of a credit card." He put the drink in front of Jurgen and smiled. "Now, as for a bounty. How does 2500 credits sound? That's 2000 bucks for you. The contract is to kill a man that has been stealing people's implants to sell on the black market. He's caused two deaths already. I think it's the best contract I currently have for a newbie. That is, if your drio-- Eve is as good as you say."

In the mean time Eve had taken a few more sips from her drink, while listening to what Gerald had to say. She liked the sound of this bounty. You weren't just some weakling when you could subdue people with implants. The killing part was a bit gruesome in her mind, but hey it was a murderer they were after, after all. But that wasn't the only thing on her mind. This drink was...weird, in a good way. Androids weren't supposed to be able to get drunk or anything like that. But she did start to feel a bit more...relaxed? And there was this weird, pleasant tingly sensation she could feel as well. "Tingly..." She mused, looking at Gerald. "What's this drink?" The barkeep turned to her. "This is my own invention. I used to be a bounty hunter with an android, see. And I ended up with this drink in the end." That hardly explained anything... But Eve was fine with it, as if it was harmful to her she would have noticed by now. And then Gerald went back to Jurgen again. Quite the energetic guy. Or maybe a short attention span. "So, how about it? Want to do a trial contract?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen listened patiently while the barkeeper explained how bounty hunting worked. He and Eve would go out and kill a man who had been murdering people, bring back proof, and get paid. They lost ten percent to "The Man" and walked away with the rest in credit. He nodded, looking thoughtful. Eve was kind enough to distract the man while the cyborg thought, and after a moment he decided to give it a try. "You said The Man only takes ten percent. But then you said I only get two grand for this guy's head. You have trouble with numbers, or are you taking twenty percent from me?" he asked, "Because for twenty-two-fifty and a piece, my friend and I will go whack that poor bastard and come back for more."

The cyborg was almost positive that this guy got some kind of signing bonus for getting them hooked on a contract. He was also pretty damn sure he didn't want to kill anyone. While he was a tough guy, raised in an unpleasant place, straight-up murdering someone just seemed bad. Then again, two grand was a lot of money, and he could always use more money. Ideally, they'd have the money before Eve's next fight. Another two grand to put on their betting slip would mean a lot more in winnings. And since money was the goal here, Jurgen didn't know how to say no. He did understand an unfair fight, though, and even with Eve on his side, he wasn't going to walk into something without a decent leveler. If this guy was jacking implants, being a cyborg wouldn't help much. He'd definitely want a proper weapon for himself, since Eve couldn't be expected to do everything.

Jurgen just hoped this guy wasn't the negotiating type. He'd come here to relax, not look for work, if he got hauled into a negotiation, the already-irritated cyborg was going to leave. So, just in case, he finished his drink off quickly, hoping the bartender could just bring up the contract and hand him a gun and they could go back to relaxing. If not, well, home was as good a place as any to relax...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gerald blinked, looking like he was thinking for a moment. "Hold up..." He held up his left arm and pressed a button on it. A small holographic display popped up together with a small number pad being revealed behind a panel. The man typed something in, and the number 2250 popped up on the screen. "Oh, you're right. Heh, I've always been bad at math." He mused. 'Bad' was an understatement if he couldn't even calculate something as simple as that. Though that was exactly why he had a calculator in his left arm.

He shrugged, reaching below his bar and taking out a contract and two ID cards. "Now, two more things. The reason it's this easy to become a bounty hunter is because any expenses for weapons or enhancements are your own. That, and you're not above the law. You can do as the contract says, and some amount of collateral damage is to be expected, depending on the height of the bounty. But harming too many bystanders or causing too much destruction can have repercussions. If that's all fine, fill in this trial form and you're good to go."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen sighed. He was pretty sure he wanted the gig, but apparently he was going to have to get his own piece. He frowned to himself for a while, and signaled for another drink as he thought. "Aight, let's say I want the gig, where the hell do I get a piece around here? Do you sell 'em? I've never seen a place that sells weapons in my life." that wasn't quite true, but the cyborg wasn't going out of his way. He'd rather just stick with his relatively safe gig of getting Eve fights. As much as he wanted more money, if he was going to take a dangerous job, suiting up for it had to be easy. If Gerald didn't want to make this easy, he could take his contract and shove it somewhere.

"I'm all about the money here, Gerald, and Eve likes fighting. This gig might be a perfect fit, but if you're not going to help us get into the industry, we're not going to bust our asses to get ourselves killed. If you want your commission, why not give us a hand, eh?" Jurgen figured he would spell it out for the man, since he had been kind enough to offer. "What do you think, Eve, does that sound fair?" he asked his android, figuring her support might sway the bartender, since he seemed so enthralled by advanced robotics. She might even be able to convince the guy to help pay for a gun so that Jurgen could kill the target properly instead of having to punch the poor guy to death or something...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eve had been minding her own business, just sipping from her drink and idly thinking about random things. But then suddenly she heard her name being called. "Hm? Oh, er...I dunno. It's not his job to give us everything on a silver platter." She then turned to the Barkeep, smiling a little. "Though surely you can point us into the right direction, right?" The man sighed, rubbing the back of his head for a moment. "Kids these days...so troublesome. Fine fine! I'll write some directions down on a paper for ya. It's a store that both sells weapons and does cybernetic enhancements. Though the gun selling is more of an afterthought. Either way, you can probably get a piece there for 400 credits or less. Or if you prefer a knife or sword, they sometimes also have those for a decent price."

The man sighed again and grabbed a paper from his notepad. He quickly jotted down how to get to the store and it's name. "Dr. Light & co." Sounded pretty unimaginitive, but it was always worth checking out. Eve smiled a little wider, leaning her chin on her left hand. "I like it here. Energetic, friendly, a good drink. I think I'll make this place my regular bar. Might pick up on some interesting bounties too if he-" She nodded towards Jurgen. -"decides we should go through with this." Her demeanor had definitely changed a little now. Like she was more cheerful or more relaxed. You could almost call it being tipsy, though it wasn't quite the same.

Gerald handed the note to Jurgen and grinned. "A new regular eh? I always welcome those if they're androids. Also, the store's probably closed already by now. So better to wait until tomorrow before going there." Eve sipped the last of her drink away before turning to Jurgen again. "So, I found my bar and we maybe found another way to make money. I'm ready to go home so once you're done with the contract we can go back."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen sighed when Eve said that it wasn't his job to give them everything. The man was getting paid to get them to possibly die, he could fucking help them out at least. The cyborg did his best not to flip out at that. He did manage to give them directions, though, which was nice. Jurgen scooped those up and stowed them safely in his pockets. He didn't need any enhancements, so he hoped that the place sold half-decent guns. If it didn't he was going to be rather upset, since he wasn't going to strangle this guy, and cutting him up would be ridiculously messy. He supposed he could just give up, right? Someone else would eventually complete the contract, and then he'd be out of a job, and this hack could just deal with it.

Of course, Eve decided the place was great. Jurgen wasn't so sure, but then he supposed that could just be because he was grumpy. Why he was grumpy, he didn't know, but he certainly felt it. The bartender really wasn't doing it for him, and he decided that he was going to go home. His android would be fine, and if she wasn't, he supposed he could try out his new career alone. But then Eve said she was ready to go? What kind of night out was this? It was barely dark out and she was calling it quits. Confused, frustrated, and grumpy, the cyborg grumbled to himself as he signed the contract and snatched up the ID tags. He stuffed those in his pocket, finished his drink, and headed for the door. He needed some alone time, he decided. Some time, all by himself, to try and sort out why he was angry in the first place. It was probably just having to deal with people, and putting up with Eve. He wasn't used to dealing with intelligent robots, it was weird, and he didn't know how to treat her. With that stressing him out, and dealing with Gerald, he supposed "relaxed" was not a state he was headed for. Some real relaxing would probably do him good right about now, he just had to get home first...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

And then without saying a word, Jurgen left. He looked kinda irritated at the moment. She sighed, wondering if she should just follow him or do something else. Finally Eve decided on staying for a bit. People that were in a bad mood were better left alone in her book. "Another drink then." Eve told Gerald before grabbing another cigarette. She stayed for another full hour before finally heading out. Though she didn't feel like going back home just yet. This city was huge, and she only knew a few places. So why not explore a little? With a few jumps and grabbing onto an escape ladder she moved on top of the bar. And from there it was easy enough to jump from building to building. Most of them were actually pretty close together anyway.

Eve explored the district for about half an hour. By now it was starting to get pretty dark outside, so she decided to go back. It had now been just over 2 hours since Jurgen had left the bar. She went to the right door and rang the bell, figuring Jurgen would at least be home. "It's me!" She called, thinking that it was probably better to announce herself first. In this neighbourhood it probably wasn't that rare that strangers bearing ill will would show up. Or heck, even Jurgen's drug abusing neighbour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen rushed home, eager to actually relax. He was feeling a bit better once he actually got home, but the stress, confusion, and excitement of the day had exhausted him. The cyborg knew he'd have to let Eve in, though, so he didn't go to bed. Instead he got himself a snack and a drink, and sat down, turning on the television. There was nothing good on, so he turned it off again, and just enjoyed his snack in silence. Once he was done, he got up and tried tidying up the place. It wasn't a disaster, but it could probably use a picking up. Then he decided that he would have time to do it tomorrow, and Jurgen laid down on the couch to relax. There was still nothing on the television, but he left it on for background noise as he relaxed, wondering what the hell was happening with his life. And what was up with the guy who had sent this android to him for testing? If nothing else, that person had delayed the inevitable, so the cyborg was grateful, but what could they want in return? If it was just a review or some bug reports or whatever that would be cool, but what if they wanted more? What if he had to pay them back for the robot? Some of her internals were worth millions. If they showed up soon, he'd be a dead man. Even if they let him take out a loan or something, creditors weren't the sort of people he wanted to deal with.

He shuddered, but before his mind could get any further down that road, Jurgen was startled from his thoughts by the doorbell. He got up, turned off the television, and grabbed his knife. He had recognized Eve's voice, but that didn't mean much. He opened the door and waved his robot in, looking tense, obviously worried someone was going to try and get in or something. He relaxed pretty quickly once the coast was clear, though. And having had some time alone with his disturbing thoughts, the man was feeling a lot better. "Welcome home, Eve." he said, putting his knife away and locking the apartment up for the night.

"I dunno if you do the whole sleeping thing, or if you're just gunna be up all night watching television. But if you do wanna sleep, or just lay down, or whatever, the couch folds out. My room's at the end of the hall on the left if you need me. I think I'm going to hit it." he said. The cyborg wasn't up for any more interacting right now. If Eve wanted to talk about things, she would have to wait until the next day. Or he supposed she could talk anyway. It wasn't like he could stop her. That made Jurgen sigh. He really had zero control over that android. She was a very accomplished fighter, designed to kick ass, and probably pretty good at chewing bubblegum. She could do literally whatever she wanted, and only an incredibly advanced security-bot could stop her. Or possibly a well-equipped hacker, but those didn't seem to exist. Not down here at least. It was then that he decided it would just be easier to pretend she was a person. She was supposed to be a robot, but she didn't act like one. Aside from lacking in experience, she could probably pass for a human as long as she wasn't punching straight through people, or tossing around guys twice her size like they were scarves. So person it was. If anyone asked, she could be his roommate. And on that note, Jurgen closed the door behind him. He sighed again once it whooshed closed, wondering how many times he had sighed in the past month. It was getting to be a thing with him, and he wasn't sure he liked it...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The door was quickly opened, though the knife made her raise a brow for a moment. "If someone really wanted to get in here, I doubt a knife like that would help much." She commented, getting in a moment later. Once he was done he explained a few things. She liked the idea of some kind of bed. The hardness or softness of the surface didn't matter for her body. Though feeling something soft below you did make for a better bed. Jurgen was clearly not up for anything right now, as he was already walking to his bedroom. She had to stop him for a moment though. "One sec. I do have a sleep mode I have to use every day, but only four hours. Any chance I can get a key of the fire escape so I don't lock myself out if I want a smoke or something?" She left it at that though. Whether it was a yes or a no, it was clear that he just wanted this day to get over with. Or to at least get to bed. If she did lock herself out and didn't have a key, it wouldn't be much of a problem to just stay outside for a while.

Once the door closed behind Jurgen Eve decided to just sit on the couch and watch TV for a while. That, and a little snack. Exploring the district in the way she did used up only about 5% of her energy reserves, but it was better to keep everything working in top condition. After about an hour of trying to learn from the world she was 'living' in though, Eve gave up. TV was mostly just stupid crap. So she decided to go into sleep mode now, and see if there was anything good to watch again the next morning.
It was only just getting lighter outside when Eve woke up again. Though something weird had happened. A data file in her memory that hadn't been there before. She tried to open it, but got an error message instead. 'Owner required.' Eve sighed, having no choice but to wait until Jurgen woke up before she could find out what this data file was. For that matter, he would probably not be pleased to have even more shit happening to him just after he had woken up. "Ugh...fuckin' creator. The hell was he thinking, dropping me at some random place without me even knowing who he is." She muttered to herself, feeling a little irritated now. "I need a smoke or two." Eve went outside and sat down on the small balcony. The sun was rising, so at least she could watch something pretty as she sat there.

(If he did give her a key she'd go back inside after about an hour. I'm guessing it would be around 4 or 5 am now.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen was interrupted on his way to his room. Eve wanted the key to get out the back door. He sighed and nodded, "It's three, eight, two, five, six, three, three." he told her quietly, "And remember to lock it when you come back in." that was the main part. If you didn't lock it when you came back in, what was the point? Then he headed to bed. It didn't take him long to actually get ready, since all he wanted was to sleep. And the cyborg did just that the moment his head hit the pillow. A deep and dreamless sleep welcomed him warmly, and he slept better than he had in a long time. His worries were taken care of, at least the major ones. He had new worries, but they weren't as bad as worrying about getting kicked out of his home imminently, and then getting shanked to death over a scrap of whatever he might manage to scavenge. So he slept very well, and thanks to the fact that he had nothing to do the next day, and no need to go rushing out to try and find money, Jurgen also slept rather late. It wasn't until ten o'clock that he was actually getting out of bed. He smiled to himself as he got dressed.

Even with all the weirdness, things were getting better, he figured. Maybe things would be weird for a while, but they'd get better, or he'd get over it. And then it would all be good. Starting the day with a positive attitude was a good sign. Jurgen made sure he had everything he needed from his room, and then headed to the kitchen. This was a full day to just relax, he didn't want to spend it rushing back to his room to grab something he forgot. And then, as if waiting for the topic of memory to come up, his thoughts drifted to the contract he had signed. He hadn't even really read it. The cyborg grumbled as he got himself breakfast. His rest day was turning into a day to go buy a gun and see if he could ice a random serial killer. So much for starting things off on a positive note. Jurgen took his food and went to sit on the couch, wondering how Eve's night had been...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jurgen was taking really damn long with waking up. Or maybe Eve was just bored with doing nothing. So around 8 am she went outside once again for another smoke. Though this time she stayed outside. If Jurgen was going to sleep in, then she might as well go do something herself. Exercise wasn't something she needed, technically. But doing some would probably keep her occupied. Plus it could give her a better understanding of her own body with any luck. She may be an android, but some things you could only learn by experiencing them. It was probably why normal androids and robots would never become better than humans until brain chips were advanced enough for them to become independent. Or maybe they were intentionally kept sub-intelligent because of that.

Eve spent several hours running about, jumping and just generally testing out what her body could do. Then finally she returned again, using the fire escape to get inside again. "I'm back." She spoke, seeing that Jurgen was about to finish his breakfast. Good, at least he had some time to wake up in peace then. And now...time to see what that file was all about. "I got something, by the way. A file, while I was in sleep mode. But I couldn't open it without you being present. And I can only think of one person that could do such a thing; My creator. He did mention that he'd be monitoring our progress so..." She wouldn't be surprised if this person had remote access to her systems to some extend. "Want me to open the file now or...?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen wasn't too concerned when Eve wasn't around. He figured she was out for a smoke, and would get back whenever. So en enjoyed his breakfast, eating slowly, and staring at the directions that Gerald had given him. Today was going to be an interesting day. And then his android returned, just as he was finishing up his breakfast. She announced that she was back, and he smiled, "Welcome back." he said, wondering where she had been. It didn't matter much, though, he supposed. He crammed the last of his breakfast into his mouth and got up to deal with the dishes while the robot spoke.

Apparently she had some fancy mysterious file from her creator that could only be opened in his presence, that was kinda cool, but also pretty creepy at the same time. Whoever was on the other end of that line could ruin everything at the drop of a hat. The cyborg dealt with his dishes and then nodded when Eve asked if she should open the file now. "Yeah, why not? Crack it open and let's see what this is all about." he plopped down on the couch and stared at his robot while she did the thing, looking very interesting, and more than a little nervous. What the hell was going to happen? Was she going to turn into a crazy murder-bot and rip his arms off and beat him to death with them? Was she going to stop being so realistic and act a bit more like a robot for once? Did her creator just leave them a message? He had no idea, but ideally, finding out would be safe and entertaining...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Sure thing." She spoke, opening the file. Though that didn't seem to do anything, but give her some directions and a code. "Well...this is useless..." She muttered. Though the instructions told her to go to the nearest video or holographic display. So she walked to the TV. Next instruction was to take out a cable from her right arm. She didn't even know there was a cable in there. But indeed a small hatch popped up when she thought about finding the cable. "Whomever this guy is, he's definitely a weird one..." She mused, taking the cable and plugging it into the TV. The code activated itself after that. "It seems my internal systems are establishing some kind of remote video connection..." She spoke, waiting to see what would appear on screen.

Moments later a lab of some kind appeared, though it was dark, and there was no one in sight. Eve did recognize the place though. Especially the large empty tube with several device on and inside of it. Vague memories of being inside of that thing. Was that where she had been created? That is, until a few seconds later. "Finally, finally! I guess doing some experiments to keep myself busy helped pass the time~" The man kept himself in the shadows, so at only a dark figure was visible. The man was balding, wore glasses and looked to be over 50 years old, but the rest was too hard to make out. "So, test subject one - or I guess I should call you Jurgen - How's unit 001 treating you? Any questions you want to ask, you can ask them now. Not sure if I will answer them all though..." Just the way his voice sounded already made this guy sound like a loony. Cheerful, yet a bit menacing. Smart, yet sounding like that one guy that would do stupid shit just for fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen waited curiously. Eve did her thing, trying to bring up the file, but apparently it was more than just a file. She hooked up to the television, and after a moment someone appeared there. The cyborg was a bit shocked. Apparently it was a lot more than a file, it was some kind of remote access code, allowing him to video chat with whoever happened to own the other end of the line. Jurgen assumed it was the creator of the robot, but he wasn't sure. The screen was currently showing him some kind of laboratory, or something. It was dark, though so it was hard to tell. Then a voice could be heard. It sounded like an older gentleman, but he couldn't be sure.

Unfortunately, whoever it was, they stayed in the shadows, so they were mostly just a silhouette. The person at the other end of the line referred to Jurgen as "Test Subject One." he frowned. He was just a test subject? This was bullshit. "Who are you? Why'd you do this? Why me?" he asked immediately, almost demanding answers. If this guy wanted to do a question and answer period with the guy whose life he was messing with, he was going to have to answer the tough questions. And if he wouldn't answer, then there was no point in talking. The man was obviously an excellent hacker, or at the very least he had built a remote channel to access Eve himself. Either way, he knew his way around software just as much as hardware. He was not to be messed with, obviously, but Jurgen wasn't worried about that, he was more worried about how the hell he was going to deal with this guy. If talking to the loon who invented Eve was going to be a regular thing, he'd either go crazy, or get crazy smart. But ideally, such a situation wouldn't arise at all...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The man grinned when Jurgen asked him a bunch of questions. They were pretty standard really. "As I thought, you're confused and curious. Well, allow me to try and change that. And if you're still confused after I explained a few things...too bad!" The man laughed before continuing. "You can call me Professor Nova. I'm a scientist and inventor, you see. As for why I did this; For science of course! The core of science is unbiased, above morality, and will always find you the truth in the end! Eve is my first prototype of a new kind of battle droid. But to get proper test results I couldn't just make her do some tests in a lab. As I said, science needs to be free to truly prosper after all! So I sent Eve off to live somewhere else, free to do as she pleased while I could monitor her systems without interfering. As for why I picked you...I just happened to pick you out at random. Be happy! I've already gathered that you plan on entering the arena's. With her by your side, depending on how she develops, you could even have a shot at getting into the top 10! But as I said, that depends on how she develops. You could just as well have her become a house wife. Though that would be boring of course. As for any money you earn, keep it! I have no use for it."

Eve interrupted the man's ramblings with a question of her own. "I have a question. Just how advanced and independent am I?" The man laughed again, apparently finding the question quite amusing. "Good! So you're self-aware as I planned. As for your question. Let's just say...that the technology used to create you can't normally be found on the surface." He grinned maniacally. "As for independence, you have free will apart from the basic 2 laws I programmed into you. And I don't even want to control you even if I could. So be free, and give me some nice data to advance my research, okay?" Eve sighed with annoyance. This guy was more confusing than she had imagined. And he was a loon to boot. At least she was free to do whatever, for the most part.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen listened carefully as Professor Nova spoke. The guy seemed like a crazy motherfucker. Apparently this was all just science to him. And he clearly lacked all the right morals too. He was the perfect scientist. Just crazy enough to try anything, and unethical enough to enjoy watching the results. Apparently Eve was a battle droid, so the plan to get her into the arena was playing right into his science-y hands. The professor claimed that the android could be turned into a housewife, but Jurgen wouldn't believe that even if he managed it. The robot was too independent, and too blood-thirsty to be a capable housewife.

Then Eve chimed in with a question of her own. This guy was not only crazy, but had access to either unlimited money, or unlimited resources, and likely both, considering his answer. And that only raised more questions for Jurgen. "What two basic laws are those?" he asked quickly, wanting to know what was governing Eve's actions. Maybe then he could get inside her head and trick her into doing things. Or maybe the trick was just to order her to do things. The cyborg didn't know how to feel about all that. He was still trying to get over all the weird crap that had just happened. He could cope with it, sure, but he was going to need some time to realize that this wasn't all some elaborate hoax to mess with his head. "And can you be more specific about the tech you used?" he added as an afterthought. The more he could get out of this guy, the better, he figured. Knowledge was power, and in the land of the illiterate, Jurgen was hoping to jump up a few rungs...
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