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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny was not going to be left behind, not with Sasha in danger, and Damian had to know that. She hesitated, before writing everything down in a hurried scrawl, "Can you get this to the master?" She asked Jarvis, who nodded, "I'll do my best"

By the time she got to the train station, the Crocus train had already left, and Penny cursed. Her flames leaped over her body, and she took to the air, causing cries, but she didn't stop. She soared above the train station, and aimed towards Crocus, soon catching up with the train. She angled down, and landed ontop of it, dismissing her flames, she crouched, holding onto the train.

She found an open window, and managed to slid inside, brushing her hands through her hair, and began to look for Damian. She would have just gone straight to Sasha, but she knew if she'd come across the demon, should couldn't have dealt with it alone.

It didn't take her long to find Damian asleep in the back of the train, and she sighed, sitting beside him. She didn't know what to do, but waited, uneasy and worried. She stayed awake as the train made its way to Crocus, arriving. She didn't stop fidgeting, and as it stopped, she rose, nudging damian
Jamie hesitated. then shook his head, "If you're doing it because you're told then, then you won't stop" She said, and shifted, "You know as well as I that this will end in a fight" he said wearily, her negation magic still in effect, more then sure that no attacks would reaching him.

She stayed standing where she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mithera sighed, knowing this would not end well if it went on for any longer. She reached up and clawed at Jamie's shirt, getting his attention the best she can before motioning a paw towards Melina, then at herself. She knew that the person ratting on them would not be particularly happy about this, and she closed her eyes, expecting the worst possible reaction from Jamie. Her body tensed a little.

Melina rolled her eyes. "I think the person who's telling me to blackmail Mayt will understand." It's obvious she's still up for the fight, but she is getting the idea she shouldn't get in a fight. Either not right now or not with Master Jamie. For the sake of safety however, she drew her dagger a little, letting the grip rest calmly in her hand. She looked around at the people around, judging who would and who wouldn't try to stop her. "Besides, it's only a setback for me if I stop, no real losses besides time." She chuckles a little to herself, thinking about how her blackmail-ee would react to the news she had no reason to keep his mother alive anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I want whoever you have that's making Mayt do your bidding" Jamie said, remembering that Mayt had said one of his birth parents were being held hostage against him, and Jamie wouldn't leave without them. "I'll give you the dragon back, if you give them back" She said it matter a factly, sighing again, wondering what the dragon was trying to convey to him.

She was ready to spring at any sign of attack, watching Melina, waiting for a reply. Her eyes darted about, and she relaxed slightly, before his eyes rested again on Melina. Somehow, Master Jamie managed to give the impression of being relaxed, but also being prepared to lunge like a lion at any sign of attack.

"You could leave this be. You could walk away. I have people that would protect you and help if need be"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mithera heaved a little, pointing to Melina again, then putting a paw to her ear, then the center of her chest. Hoping Jamie gets it. She raises one of her shoulders, as if trying to shield herself with it. Mithera needed to diffuse the situation before a fight between the two started. She needed both alive for her plan to work. She lowered her head a little, looking a tad scared.

Melina chuckled lightly, watching Jamie. "Why would I need protection? Me and my associate have goals that work well together. I'm not being blackmailed, no one could dig up information that they could blackmail me with." She gives a somewhat sinister smile. "And why would I give the hostages back? You don't have much of a chance of finding them without me, so you can't kill me, unless you're willing to risk their deaths, which I'm sure your precious Mayt won't like."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie frowned at the dragon as she continued to try and create a message to him. She had no idea what the little dragon was trying to communicate, never good at charades. She followed what the dragon was doing, looking to Melina, then to the tiny dragon. "You underestimate my abilities. I tracked you here. I found you, so I'm pretty sure I can find hostages" His voice was cold, composed, "You say you'll stop blackmailing Mayt, but that won't happen unless you give me the hostages, and you won't get the dragon back until you give them to me. And lets face it, you're lost without her. My guess is, she does most of the planning and you just try not to mess it up" He said

She let her negation magic down, for a few minutes, finally figuring out that the dragon seemed to want to communicate to Melina, and maybe get the thickheaded idiot to listen or something. But Jamie was ready to bringing it back up at a moments notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian was awake before the train had stopped, about an hour before to be exact. He'd noticed that Penny had followed him despite his taking the job alone. If he had to take a gander, the Demon was an S Class job, something she technically didn't have permission to be doing. When she went to nudge him, he spoke. "Penny, there's a reason I asked you to stay behind." He opened his eyes and locked them on hers, though they weren't hard like one would have expected. They were understanding if anything. "I saw how you reacted to the shop and the scene in the alley way. I know you're not comfortable with the sight of blood or how I handled myself in both situations." He stood up and lead her off the train near the back, that way she wouldn't be caught without a ticket.

"My parents were soldiers in the Royal Army of Fiore, dad a Captain with his own regiment to take care of and mom a sergeant in another regiment in their battalion. They met while off duty, hit it off and twelve dates, a marriage and nine months later, I'm born. I guess the higher ups had offered to let them both retire with honors but with the other countries looking to capitalize on Fiore's weakness, they refused, so I grew up in the army, unofficially joining myself when I turned 14. I saw human beings do horrible things to each other, things that I won't bring up." He chuckles lightly, leading the way to the stables. "But I also saw those same human beings try to save wounded friends and wounded foes alike, offering what comfort they could. So you see, I'm accustomed to the blood shed, but I also know that human beings are more than capable of showing compassion even to their enemies."

He stops as they come to an intersection, watching the carriages go by before resuming speaking. "To get back on topic, we're going to be walking into a war zone with both the Magic Council's forces and the Royal Army doing everything they can to slow down this demon and there's going to be a lot of blood and dead. I didn't want to put you in that position again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera nodded a little when Jamie said that she did most of the planning. But she looked up as she got a mental message from Melina.

Melina threw her head back, laughing. "Yes, I let someone else run all my life. Like I'd do that. You probably tracked me by my magic, not by other means. Both of Mayt's parents are non-magic in every way save they exist, as I learned before I put them away. Both are fairly week right now, can't walk, haven't been fed in two days, and are not close to here even if you knew exactly where to go. Now, if you'd like to strike a deal, I may be willing to do that." She crosses her arms, smiling, keeping her knife in her hand. She would prefer bloodshed, but that wasn't an option against a Guild Master.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A laughed ripped it's way out of Jamie "oh, you are delusional. I tracked the letter. And then I used more mundane means to find you. I asked people. I talked to people. I'm pretty sure someone would have seen you going somewhere which would lead me to Mayts parents. It would probably only take me a few hours. But let's say in wiling to deal? What will you deal for? Not my blood. I will never give you that" she said, and figuring the little dragon had enough time to speak, muttered "wave magic: negation" and brought up the negation field again.

"I have a deal in mind. I don't kill the dragon, and I don't kill you and you give me them back, but I suspect you won't go for that" Jamie's eyes roamed again, looking for Sho once more before returning to Melina.
Penny listened to what Damian had to say, and then she ended up laughing "Damian, I don't dislike the sight of blood, it's more the needless death of the merchant and the thieves. It wasn't necessary,, but it still happened, and that's what got to me. I'll be fine" she said her voice hardening, mirth disappearing. "Sasha's in danger. I have to be fine" she said, as they left the train, she looked about, but no one seemed to have noticed her.

"I put myself here. I'm not about to lose Sasha after just finding her. I'll do what needs to be done, not just for her, but for the guild. For fiore. You don't have to worry about me" she said, looking about, "let's find a way of getting to balsham village" she said, hoping that would be the end of this discussion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mithera lowers her head, shaking a little. She was sincerely hoping Melina would have a stroke of genius. The deal Jamie was offering was at a loss. For more than one reason.

Melina taps her foot for a few moments, then leads forwards. "How about, you keep the dragon, and I keep my hostage. Since I've left just about every direction out of this town, knowing the ways I go doesn't help anyway." She thinks, and nods, deciding she likes that deal. "We keep both our hostages alive, I cease blackmail against Mayt, and maybe some other time we can discuss the exchange of the people we have later. Yeah, that sounds nice to me." She smiles. "Should we trust each other's word, or make this a definite thing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie was torn. In one way, Mayt wouldn't be blackmailed, but how could he go back, and say he hadn't freed his parents? She wondered, frustrated. But she didn't see any other way. "The shapeshifter-" she'd have to try and figure out the dragons name, "has free will. An I meant to keep her tied up? I won't so that, not to any living creature. And you need to cut any communication ties with her-otherwise you could have her listen in on any conversation me and my guild has, and receiving any information about the guild from her, and in return, I won't question her on any information she has on you, or where the hostages are"

Master Jamie felt that they were valid terms, and he snorted "like I would trust your word" if he was going to do this, then he would make sure it was binding "no harm shall befall the hostages while they are in your care, and I'll do the same for her." He nodded to the dragon. "Any harm comes towards Mayts parents and I will make sure it's returned back to you ten times"

This was a game of words, and master Jamie was confident in her abilities with this, and that she had covered all bases.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Melina nodded and smiled, she was fine with those terms. she reached back and pulled a piece of paper from her rear pocket. "Shall we find somewhere to sit while I draft the Blood Pact? That will ensure we both follow our agreements, and if you wish, I can make Mithera agree that she won't leave until you let her go, which means you don't have to worry about tying her up." Melina thinks, and nods, liking this agreement. "That sounds good, we do't have to trust each other, and I can jest keep away from Magnolia town, she can't communicate with me if we're too far away." She looks over Master Jamie, waiting for her verification that she was willing to do this before doing anything else.

Mithera hoped Melina knew what she was doing, otherwise, this would be a long while before she could continue her plan. What use was it to keep her locked up? Save for maybe being able to provide a little bit of information when she was traded back for Mayt's mother. That couldn't be the only reason Melina was doing this, so Mithera huffed. For once, she was stumped by her friend and partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Sho was observing the situation but was hardly what someone would call calm. In fact, he was barely holding himself from lunging at the woman. "Calm yourself...She hasn't given any signals yet...you can't go in now..." was all he was thinking and when the woman started emanating this bloodthirsty aura, emotions of excitement and eagerness started overflowing inside him. "That's one delicious aura you have there missy" he thought, a small grin formed on his face but quickly faded away. He still had to take care not to blow his cover. He was pretty sure they hadn't noticed that he was an ally of the man they were talking to. Shoichi shifted his position to be more comfortable and waited patiently for the signal...that one signal that will start it all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

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Kelthar nodded at Angelo, "Thanks man I appreciate it. But there is nothing you or anyone else could really do to help it. It's all just psychological and not that big of a deal." he said. He stretched out once more and laid down, he knew they would now be coming to the stop soon. "For now I say we rest because we have an entire maze to figure out when we get there." he said chuckling. "Which by the way I hope you are prepared. Because if the guide was experienced and they disappeared then I have no idea what could have happened. We might be dealing with maybe the walls crashing them around. Who knows they may just be dead and not found yet." Kelthar said.

He sat back and watched the window as they finally reached the city. "Are you ready?" he said with a grin. It was obvious Kelthar was excited his face glowed with the excitement of a new job. Most of those in the guild knew he loved doing jobs to keep the name of the guild to a higher standard. Being able to finish the job was a privilege to him. Because it allowed him to test his magic as well as show how dependable the Phoenix Wing really was. And that meant everything to him. So with the start of a new job he felt a new excitement. One that was very visible on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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I'm just great your alright" Angelo said to him then hee mentioned that Angelo needed to be ready in the maze and Angelo sighed softly "God kill me I hate mazes, I even hate playing a maze game let alone a giant one" Angelo sighed leaning his head against the window to rest and be easy for it.

Once they arrived Angelo got up leaving with him and Angelo grinned a little seeing how excited he was for the job and Angelo patted his shoulder "let's go dude, can't stand around grinning like an idiot when people are in need of saving" Angelo teased him grinning a little glad he was enthusiastic about the job but Angelo just wanted to help the people regardless of the payment or what renown they would earn from it. As long as he got paid and helped people he was happy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian sighed and paid for two of the fastest horses they had, mounting his when they were brought out of the stables and looking at Penny. "I won't be having anyone stay with me, Penny. I was going to get Lazarus and Sasha out as quick as I could, since they're both still pretty beat from the S Class trials." He didn't mention the large gash in Sasha's side, the one he'd given to her during their match. He still felt horribly guilty about it and had meant to check on it before leaving, but she and Lazarus had left in a hurry. Meant to ask them both how they were doing, they were intense matches, but they left so fast... Shaking his head, he led the way out of the city at a brisk trot.

"I don't want to risk someone getting hurt by one of my spells, especially since this job will require I go all out to stand a chance." He looked ahead as he spook, refusing to meet Penny's eyes. "My spells use a lot of crowd control, blades falling from the sky, shooting from the ground, even traps that cause blades to rise up at seemingly random points for everyone but me. You could get caught in that, or Sasha, or Lazarus, and I couldn't live with myself if you did."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny climbed into the horse awkwardly, clearly not use to riding one, but had soon settled onto it, and while not riding as well as she could have, she wasn't like to fall off, "we each have free will Damian. You can't fight this thing alone. It will be suicide. I can look after myself, and so can Sasha and Lazarus. If we choose to help you, whatever happens is on our heads, not yours. You might not have noticed, but my body actually go to flames, and you haven't seen me fight. I'll be fine. Trust me" she said

She was silent for a long time, sighing to herself she said "I'm more then certain this demon is brought from the woman. This is my fault. If I had recognized the danger, we wouldn't be here" she said "so I have to do something. I have to help" she said, looking down at her horses neck.
Mithera. That was good to know. Master Jamie sighed "just hurry up and do it" he knew that something was up. He could feel his communication lacrima, and knew that Jarvis was trying to contact him. He sighed, looking to Sho again.

Everything Master Jamie had said only applied to her. If Sho wished to attack, then he could, although Master Jamie didn't know what that would serve. She dropped the arm that Mithera wasn't on to her side, sliding her hand into her pocket. He knew that he had to be careful her. Melina was a blood Mage. He would have to make sure she wasn't in reach when he signed, and that his blood dried quickly.

Jamie quickly muttered "property change" and hot dry wind picked up slightly. That should help dry the blood at least. "Just hurry. I have places to be and people to see"
Sasha and Lazarus were just starting their photo shoot, when the screams started. Sasha looked to Lazarus, and by unspoken consent, they both started out of the FOREVER building, ignoring the protests of the photographer.

Sasha didn't even stop and think that she was in a very expensive wedding gown. Although someone did yell out to her, and she didn't stop, pulling the dress off, revealing the white silk clinging to her body, in the form if a thin dress like clothing. Sasha didn't care what it was, it covered her at least. And then she was running down the street, towards the screams with Lazarus.

And stopped when she saw the monstrous demon. "You think this is why they couldn't keep people for the photo shoot?" She asked Lazarus with mild amusement, "well, let's try and stop this thing"

Her shield would be useless here. But maybe her dragon would be good. Her side flashed through her mind, but it didn't stop her, as she began her hand formations "ice make: dragon slide!" She shouted, and as the dragon formed, she climbed on top of it, following up quickly with "ice make: bird bombers!" The birds formed, and plummeted towards the demon, as Lazarus began to work his angel magic.

Sasha knew they wouldn't be able to do much just the two of them, but they could hold it off long enough for the town to evacuated. "Ice make: hawk arrow! I've make, tiger impact!" Her bombardment of attacks hit the demon, pushing it back, but she couldn't see if there was any damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

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Kelthar smiled as Angelo encouraged him, it was nice to know his guild mates had his back. He nodded, "Right! Let's Go!" he said as he hopped off the train. They started walking down the town as people tried to beckon him over to sell him things, "No thanks." he would say to them with a grin always trying to be friendly. As they walked he could hear it in the background though, the whispers that they were wizards. "It's the Phoenix guild, I wonder why they are here?" one man said, "Well good we could use some help with some of the things going on." Another had said. All types of things were being said including comparing them to other guilds in Fiore. Kelthar smiled, he felt like a super star as they walked through the town. Kelthar decided to pull out his ukulele and start playing a soft melody, it seemed to calm the nerves of people as they passed by. As they got close to the edge he pulled out a map. "Okay... so, this way." he said pointing to his left as he turned.

As they reached the entrance of the labyrinth his smile soon started to fade. And his face got a more serious look, "I have a bad gut feeling." he said. He looked at Angelo and his face was dead serious, "My gut is never wrong... ever.. something gives me a bad feeling about this place though." he said. "We need to proceed with caution, do you have a pen and paper to map where we go?" Kelthar asked as he started to slowly walk into Web Valley.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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not a damn bit but I got coins galore in case we need to pay someone off. plus Im not sure if you would call it a map but I can make my coins stand on end and move around the way I want them to. not exactly a map but something" Angelo shrugged as he followed him inside web valley and although he wasn't very big on superstition it didn't matter to Angelo cause he could just pay or beat off someone that tries to stop them from reaching their goal, Angelo wasn't going to let one of his partners get hurt because Angelo wasn't able to do anything. Angelo wasn't going to go in with a battle cry but Angelo wasn't going to be silent either, Angelo would simply walk and see what will happen. As long as they find who they are looking for and get paid in the process then that's all Angelo needed knowing that his partner wanted to be a star or something considering how he almost glowed with all the talk those villagers said about phoenix wing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Melina nodded, and sat down on the ground, pulling out something to write with and making the pact quickly. It's just a bunch of simple statements that says what they had agreed upon, with the added rules Mithera may not leave custody of Guild Master Jamie until such time as the agreement listed above is filled, and Mithera will not intentionally harm Master Jamie. Once adding the signature lines, she cuts her finger with her knife, and dips her pen in the blood before signing her name. She wipes the blood off on her shirt and offers the knife and pen to Jamie. "Mithera and you need to sign, feel free to look it over."

Mithera rolls her eyes. This is going to feel like forever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie took the deal, and stepped back away from Melina, reading it over, double checking every word, before pricking his finger with his dagger, and signing her name. She sucked on her finger, watching as his blood dried quickly on the paper, before nodded. Jamie was satisfied with the agreement, and pleased with her ability to word things. As his finger finished bleeding, he shoved his hand in his pocket. "I hear any word that you have harmed Mayts family, and I will hunt you down, and gut you like a fish" with that, she turned to walk away, negation magic still in effect. He took out the communication lacrima, eyes drifting about, spying Sho. She wondered if Sho would follow Melina or not.
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